Hunter Biden to be indicted in California !

So, Joe Biden has no super problems like your orange douche bag? And yet, you posted nonsense? Sounds about right.

See, what I mean about laughing at you, retards?
I have a splendid idea for you. Call the comic people and ask them for a job making stories up.
it appears Hunter Biden has been indicted on tax charges in California !

1. is this a sign that Weiss is actually following the rule of law and holding Hunter to account ?

2. or is it simply a stalling tactic giving Hunter the excuse to take the fifth when he is asked questions in a Congressional closed door hearing by stating since he is currently under investigation he will take the fifth and not answer questions .

3. or is it a ploy by the DOJ to get Biden who's steadily dropping in the polls to pardon his son as his last act before announcing he isnt running again in 2024 .

I wish I wasn't so jaded but I can't shake the feeling this is just another slap on the wrist and forget about it thing to divert the attention from Joe. That certainly was what the gun charge was all about and absolutely nothing came of that. So they come up with something else that will be portrayed as no big deal, move on, nothing to see here but it takes the focus off the President.
I wish I wasn't so jaded but I can't shake the feeling this is just another slap on the wrist and forget about it thing to divert the attention from Joe. That certainly was what the gun charge was all about and absolutely nothing came of that. So they come up with something else that will be portrayed as no big deal, move on, nothing to see here but it takes the focus off the President.
You mean like you guys have been doing with Trump for years now? Tell me which one of these is a big deal to you?

-Misappropriation of Trump's foundation leading to fines, and his children being barred from running any charity in NY for 10 years.

-Trump university. A fraud settled out of court for tens of millions.

-The E Jean Carroll case, leading for Trump to be found liable for sexual assault.

-The NY fraud case. Leading to Trump being found to have committed fraud on summary judgement.

These are the ones, and they aren't the only ones that have found that Trump committed some act, and has found by a court to be culpable.

Then there's 91 pending felony counts.

Now please tell me which one of these are a big deal to you? Since you are afraid Hunter will skate by because of minimizing of criminal acts?
They won't be going after little people. Billionaire tax cheats. Robbing us of trillions.
So, a No on Tweets? Ok, how about Biden going on MSM to scream insults at Weiss? Do you think he will do that? Yes or No?
Poor old President Biden doesn't have the stamina to scream. Perhaps Joe will whisper at him?
it appears Hunter Biden has been indicted on tax charges in California !

1. is this a sign that Weiss is actually following the rule of law and holding Hunter to account ?

2. or is it simply a stalling tactic giving Hunter the excuse to take the fifth when he is asked questions in a Congressional closed door hearing by stating since he is currently under investigation he will take the fifth and not answer questions .

3. or is it a ploy by the DOJ to get Biden who's steadily dropping in the polls to pardon his son as his last act before announcing he isnt running again in 2024 .

Will he be arrested before 2024 elections?
it appears Hunter Biden has been indicted on tax charges in California !

1. is this a sign that Weiss is actually following the rule of law and holding Hunter to account ?

2. or is it simply a stalling tactic giving Hunter the excuse to take the fifth when he is asked questions in a Congressional closed door hearing by stating since he is currently under investigation he will take the fifth and not answer questions .

3. or is it a ploy by the DOJ to get Biden who's steadily dropping in the polls to pardon his son as his last act before announcing he isnt running again in 2024 .

In the link -

Hunter Biden has insisted he would only testify to the House if it's in public because information from closed-door testimonies is selectively leaked and used to "manipulate, even history, the facts and misinform the American public."

He's obviously referencing to the Jan 6 committee.
it appears Hunter Biden has been indicted on tax charges in California !

1. is this a sign that Weiss is actually following the rule of law and holding Hunter to account ?

2. or is it simply a stalling tactic giving Hunter the excuse to take the fifth when he is asked questions in a Congressional closed door hearing by stating since he is currently under investigation he will take the fifth and not answer questions .

3. or is it a ploy by the DOJ to get Biden who's steadily dropping in the polls to pardon his son as his last act before announcing he isnt running again in 2024 .

Hunter Biden hit with 9 count felony indictment
Tax Charges Filed in California - Finally.
Hunter Biden executed this scheme by a number of means, including:
subverting the payroll and tax withholding process of his own company, Owasco, PC by withdrawing millions outside of the payroll and tax withholding process;
<> spending millions on an extravagant lifestyle;
<> in 2018, failing to pay his outstanding and overdue taxes for the tax year 2015;
<> willfully failing to pay his 2016-2019 taxes on time, despite having millions in funds;
<> willfully failing to file his 2017-2018 tax returns; and
<> using false business deductions in order to evade assessment of taxes and substantially reduce his tax liabilities.
The indictment is exacting and detailed, discussing Hunter’s various business entities, the millions he received from foreign nationals and/or foreign business entities (such as those in China, Romania, and Ukraine), as well as the income and support Hunter has received from his entertainment lawyer, who happens to have paid “over $1.2 million to third parties for [Hunter’s] benefit” in 2020.
Ironically, Hunter’s own words from his memoir, for which he was paid a handsome sum, are coming back to haunt him. As his tax-avoidance scheme went on, he surrounded himself with, and paid for the company of:
"thieves, junkies, petty dealers, over-the-hill strippers, con artists, and assorted hangers-on, who then invited their friends and associates and most recent hookups. They latched on to me and didn’t let go, all with my approval. I never slept. There was no clock. Day bled into night and night into day".
The indictment also details the “office expenses” or other deductions he used to lessen his tax burden, which included a $1,500 Venmo payment to an exotic dancer; $11,500 paid to an escort for two nights; and a $30,000 payment for his daughter’s law school tuition; $1,248 to fly an exotic dancer from Los Angeles to New York.
it appears Hunter Biden has been indicted on tax charges in California !

1. is this a sign that Weiss is actually following the rule of law and holding Hunter to account ?

2. or is it simply a stalling tactic giving Hunter the excuse to take the fifth when he is asked questions in a Congressional closed door hearing by stating since he is currently under investigation he will take the fifth and not answer questions .

3. or is it a ploy by the DOJ to get Biden who's steadily dropping in the polls to pardon his son as his last act before announcing he isnt running again in 2024 .

/---/ Yes to all three.

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