Hunter Biden

not sure how I lied by posting news storys and asking questions about them,,,

The vast majority of news stories you’ve posted are without commentary or question. Just throwing the spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.

I’m reasonably sure you’re lying when you claim you’ve posted certain articles. I’ve been through the thread and nothing matching your description appears.

your shortcomings are no my problem,,,

What about you’re shortcomings? Like you’re inability to provide a source or remember any details of sources you claim exist?

Sending people on wild goose chases isn’t exactly a sign of intellectual honesty.

if you didnt want a goose chase might I suggest next time you keep yourself up to date on the subject youre discussing,,,

Im quite up to date. If an interview confirming Shokin’s allegations existed, it would be an important component of the Trump and Giuliani counter-narrative. I would have surely come across it by now.

The fact that you can’t remember any details about it and can’t produce the source of such an important interview is why I’m quite sure you’re lying about it.

if you dont know something as simple as the timeline between latvias announcement and shokins firing then you clearly are not up to date,,,
Chris Matthews was fired for this issue, suggesting that Low IQ Joe clearly used Hunter to peddle influence and enrich clan Biden.

Only seriously deranged left wing partisans won't admit that truth...
If you are an undecided voter reading in here, then please, take the time to do three (3) things here.

1) Reflect on those 15 seconds of video (below) where you hear Joe Biden pull a quid pro quo on Ukraine and you hear him pull a corrupt illegality on a Prosecutor who wanted to expose corruption ---as according to USA's Ukraine foreign policy.

2) Scan this thread, taking note of anti-Trump posters, and the satanic levels they did stoop to in pretending Biden did not do what he clearly brags about doing.



And please do 3)remember all of the conniving liars you do read in this thread uplifting Biden, then keep in mind, that they will be your evil teammates if you cast your vote for corrupt Joe.

And if you can stand a few vivid examples of how you're going to feel if you vote for Biden, like these demons? ...just think of how those multitudes of hardworking honest negro citizens had to feel and, live, regarding voting for or supporting Barack Obama ---therefore being involuntary teammates with shiftless, ghetto, gangbanging, thugs who also supported Obama.

Or think about us kind loving White people.
Yes, us who love negros gays HISP and everyone else, but we are burdened by the fact that we are teammates with skinheads neo-Nazi and White Supremacists when they also voted for President Trump.
It is an unbearable burden to have to deal with that, daily, in experiencing idiots who think all Trump supporters are White Supremacists skinheads and neo-Nazi

Unlike a pussy like you who's afraid of the truth, undecided voters will keep watching past the 1:30 mark in your video...

Jonah Fisher: "so what's President Trump saying about it? Well he wants Ukraine to investigate if there's a link between the sacking of Mr. Shokin and Hunter Biden's company."

Impeached Trump: "But what he said is that he wouldn’t give, I think, it was billions of dollars to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor who was looking at his son and his son’s company, the company that his son worked with, and that’s a very dishonest thing."

Jonah Fisher: "So, is there any evidence to support what President Trump is saying? If there is, well we haven't seen it yet."

Daria Kaleniuk: "But it's not true that Prosecutor Shokin was tough prosecutor who was willing to investigate Burisma. Absolutely, to the contrary. Prosecutor Shokin was dumping this investigation and I have evidence of that. And following this investigations since 2014, Shokin, his predecessor, and the next prosecutor after Shokin, Yuriy Lutsenko, they all were contributing to killing this case."

Jonah Fisher: "So there's no evidence that suggests that Vice President Biden acted differently because his son was on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma?"

Daria Kaleniuk: "I haven't seen this evidence. I've seen the actions which show absolutely the contrary, what happened."

Jonah Fisher: "So, then why did Joe Biden want the Prosecutor General sacked? Well at the time there was wide-spread consensus among international donors like the IMF, the EU, and also locally here among activists that Mr. Shokin was an obstacle to the fight against corruption and that he had to go."

[emphasis added to highlight Ethos Logos Pathos' self induced bitch-slapping]

Starting @ 1:31...

The fact that Ethos Logos Pathos
used this BBC video to highlight Biden and not one of the several concise clips that are available out there but this one that literally explains why Trumps claim is full of shit... can only mean one of two things. Ethos is either a completely fucking moron OR he is a troll who did it on purpose with the intent of provoking and frustrating those who actually waste their time listening to his crap... either way he can not be taken seriously

Go ahead and can call me whatever names you want here, you colostomy bag, because at the end of the day you have nothing but lies in your reservoir each time you explain what Biden was bragging about.

I don't care what any other human says in the vid, only Biden's words matter here, and Your lies cannot change the facts/cannot make Biden's words disappear here where he pulled a quid pro quo on Ukraine and you hear him pull a corrupt illegality on a Prosecutor who wanted to expose corruption ---as according to USA's Ukraine foreign policy:


Last edited:
The vast majority of news stories you’ve posted are without commentary or question. Just throwing the spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.

I’m reasonably sure you’re lying when you claim you’ve posted certain articles. I’ve been through the thread and nothing matching your description appears.

your shortcomings are no my problem,,,

What about you’re shortcomings? Like you’re inability to provide a source or remember any details of sources you claim exist?

Sending people on wild goose chases isn’t exactly a sign of intellectual honesty.

if you didnt want a goose chase might I suggest next time you keep yourself up to date on the subject youre discussing,,,

Im quite up to date. If an interview confirming Shokin’s allegations existed, it would be an important component of the Trump and Giuliani counter-narrative. I would have surely come across it by now.

The fact that you can’t remember any details about it and can’t produce the source of such an important interview is why I’m quite sure you’re lying about it.

if you dont know something as simple as the timeline between latvias announcement and shokins firing then you clearly are not up to date,,,

Ah yes. Latvia. Let’s not forget any details, which would not be intellectually honest.

Apparently there was a suspicious activity report generated in Latvia. Now, an important detail is that these reports are automatically generated when computer systems detect red flags. The vast majority are false positives (upwards of 95-99%).

Latvian authorities said they received no incriminating information from Ukraine and the investigation was closed.

Tell me, if Latvia received no incriminating information, what was the basis for Shokin’s supposed desire to investigate the matter? How could an investigation that went no where (as almost all of them do) be the impetus for a different investigation that never took place. And it Shokin did want to investigate, why wasn’t he working with Latvia and why was their investigation closed?

Oh, and none of this was “announced”. It was confidential communications between Latvian authorities and the prosecutors in Ukraine which was “leaked” for some reason.

None of this makes any sense, so it’s already pretty questionable.

So the claim is that Shokin wanted to investigate money laundering, and you claim that his associates corroborate this.

So far that claim is completely unsubstantiated.

That’s an extremely dubious story you’re pitching there.
your shortcomings are no my problem,,,

What about you’re shortcomings? Like you’re inability to provide a source or remember any details of sources you claim exist?

Sending people on wild goose chases isn’t exactly a sign of intellectual honesty.

if you didnt want a goose chase might I suggest next time you keep yourself up to date on the subject youre discussing,,,

Im quite up to date. If an interview confirming Shokin’s allegations existed, it would be an important component of the Trump and Giuliani counter-narrative. I would have surely come across it by now.

The fact that you can’t remember any details about it and can’t produce the source of such an important interview is why I’m quite sure you’re lying about it.

if you dont know something as simple as the timeline between latvias announcement and shokins firing then you clearly are not up to date,,,

Ah yes. Latvia. Let’s not forget any details, which would not be intellectually honest.

Apparently there was a suspicious activity report generated in Latvia. Now, an important detail is that these reports are automatically generated when computer systems detect red flags. The vast majority are false positives (upwards of 95-99%).

Latvian authorities said they received no incriminating information from Ukraine and the investigation was closed.

Tell me, if Latvia received no incriminating information, what was the basis for Shokin’s supposed desire to investigate the matter? How could an investigation that went no where (as almost all of them do) be the impetus for a different investigation that never took place. And it Shokin did want to investigate, why wasn’t he working with Latvia and why was their investigation closed?

Oh, and none of this was “announced”. It was confidential communications between Latvian authorities and the prosecutors in Ukraine which was “leaked” for some reason.

None of this makes any sense, so it’s already pretty questionable.

So the claim is that Shokin wanted to investigate money laundering, and you claim that his associates corroborate this.

So far that claim is completely unsubstantiated.

That’s an extremely dubious story you’re pitching there.

its not my story,,,
Shokin was investigating where the US foreign aid to Ukraine actually ended up, and that got Low IQ Joe and many other kleptocratic traitors from both parties very very nervous....

WE, the AMERICAN PEOPLE, have the RIGHT to KNOW if Low IQ Joe arranged a KICKBACK of US foreign aid to his drug addicted kid. The Left doesn't see it that way. They Left believes the Left has the right to steal US taxdollars, and that anyone investigating it should be punished....
What about you’re shortcomings? Like you’re inability to provide a source or remember any details of sources you claim exist?

Sending people on wild goose chases isn’t exactly a sign of intellectual honesty.

if you didnt want a goose chase might I suggest next time you keep yourself up to date on the subject youre discussing,,,

Im quite up to date. If an interview confirming Shokin’s allegations existed, it would be an important component of the Trump and Giuliani counter-narrative. I would have surely come across it by now.

The fact that you can’t remember any details about it and can’t produce the source of such an important interview is why I’m quite sure you’re lying about it.

if you dont know something as simple as the timeline between latvias announcement and shokins firing then you clearly are not up to date,,,

Ah yes. Latvia. Let’s not forget any details, which would not be intellectually honest.

Apparently there was a suspicious activity report generated in Latvia. Now, an important detail is that these reports are automatically generated when computer systems detect red flags. The vast majority are false positives (upwards of 95-99%).

Latvian authorities said they received no incriminating information from Ukraine and the investigation was closed.

Tell me, if Latvia received no incriminating information, what was the basis for Shokin’s supposed desire to investigate the matter? How could an investigation that went no where (as almost all of them do) be the impetus for a different investigation that never took place. And it Shokin did want to investigate, why wasn’t he working with Latvia and why was their investigation closed?

Oh, and none of this was “announced”. It was confidential communications between Latvian authorities and the prosecutors in Ukraine which was “leaked” for some reason.

None of this makes any sense, so it’s already pretty questionable.

So the claim is that Shokin wanted to investigate money laundering, and you claim that his associates corroborate this.

So far that claim is completely unsubstantiated.

That’s an extremely dubious story you’re pitching there.

its not my story,,,

Of course it is. You’re the one propagating it here. Are you not trying to skirt responsibility for that, are you?
Shokin was investigating where the US foreign aid to Ukraine actually ended up, and that got Low IQ Joe and many other kleptocratic traitors from both parties very very nervous....

WE, the AMERICAN PEOPLE, have the RIGHT to KNOW if Low IQ Joe arranged a KICKBACK of US foreign aid to his drug addicted kid. The Left doesn't see it that way. They Left believes the Left has the right to steal US taxdollars, and that anyone investigating it should be punished....
Go get a warrant. Show probable cause. Have a judge sign off.
Stop whining.
if you didnt want a goose chase might I suggest next time you keep yourself up to date on the subject youre discussing,,,

Im quite up to date. If an interview confirming Shokin’s allegations existed, it would be an important component of the Trump and Giuliani counter-narrative. I would have surely come across it by now.

The fact that you can’t remember any details about it and can’t produce the source of such an important interview is why I’m quite sure you’re lying about it.

if you dont know something as simple as the timeline between latvias announcement and shokins firing then you clearly are not up to date,,,

Ah yes. Latvia. Let’s not forget any details, which would not be intellectually honest.

Apparently there was a suspicious activity report generated in Latvia. Now, an important detail is that these reports are automatically generated when computer systems detect red flags. The vast majority are false positives (upwards of 95-99%).

Latvian authorities said they received no incriminating information from Ukraine and the investigation was closed.

Tell me, if Latvia received no incriminating information, what was the basis for Shokin’s supposed desire to investigate the matter? How could an investigation that went no where (as almost all of them do) be the impetus for a different investigation that never took place. And it Shokin did want to investigate, why wasn’t he working with Latvia and why was their investigation closed?

Oh, and none of this was “announced”. It was confidential communications between Latvian authorities and the prosecutors in Ukraine which was “leaked” for some reason.

None of this makes any sense, so it’s already pretty questionable.

So the claim is that Shokin wanted to investigate money laundering, and you claim that his associates corroborate this.

So far that claim is completely unsubstantiated.

That’s an extremely dubious story you’re pitching there.

its not my story,,,

Of course it is. You’re the one propagating it here. Are you not trying to skirt responsibility for that, are you?

I noticed you didnt give a source for your claim,,,
Im quite up to date. If an interview confirming Shokin’s allegations existed, it would be an important component of the Trump and Giuliani counter-narrative. I would have surely come across it by now.

The fact that you can’t remember any details about it and can’t produce the source of such an important interview is why I’m quite sure you’re lying about it.

if you dont know something as simple as the timeline between latvias announcement and shokins firing then you clearly are not up to date,,,

Ah yes. Latvia. Let’s not forget any details, which would not be intellectually honest.

Apparently there was a suspicious activity report generated in Latvia. Now, an important detail is that these reports are automatically generated when computer systems detect red flags. The vast majority are false positives (upwards of 95-99%).

Latvian authorities said they received no incriminating information from Ukraine and the investigation was closed.

Tell me, if Latvia received no incriminating information, what was the basis for Shokin’s supposed desire to investigate the matter? How could an investigation that went no where (as almost all of them do) be the impetus for a different investigation that never took place. And it Shokin did want to investigate, why wasn’t he working with Latvia and why was their investigation closed?

Oh, and none of this was “announced”. It was confidential communications between Latvian authorities and the prosecutors in Ukraine which was “leaked” for some reason.

None of this makes any sense, so it’s already pretty questionable.

So the claim is that Shokin wanted to investigate money laundering, and you claim that his associates corroborate this.

So far that claim is completely unsubstantiated.

That’s an extremely dubious story you’re pitching there.

its not my story,,,

Of course it is. You’re the one propagating it here. Are you not trying to skirt responsibility for that, are you?

I noticed you didnt give a source for your claim,,,
Here you go.

Latvian government says it flagged ‘suspicious’ Hunter Biden payments in 2016 | John Solomon Reports

Now where’s your source.
if you dont know something as simple as the timeline between latvias announcement and shokins firing then you clearly are not up to date,,,

Ah yes. Latvia. Let’s not forget any details, which would not be intellectually honest.

Apparently there was a suspicious activity report generated in Latvia. Now, an important detail is that these reports are automatically generated when computer systems detect red flags. The vast majority are false positives (upwards of 95-99%).

Latvian authorities said they received no incriminating information from Ukraine and the investigation was closed.

Tell me, if Latvia received no incriminating information, what was the basis for Shokin’s supposed desire to investigate the matter? How could an investigation that went no where (as almost all of them do) be the impetus for a different investigation that never took place. And it Shokin did want to investigate, why wasn’t he working with Latvia and why was their investigation closed?

Oh, and none of this was “announced”. It was confidential communications between Latvian authorities and the prosecutors in Ukraine which was “leaked” for some reason.

None of this makes any sense, so it’s already pretty questionable.

So the claim is that Shokin wanted to investigate money laundering, and you claim that his associates corroborate this.

So far that claim is completely unsubstantiated.

That’s an extremely dubious story you’re pitching there.

its not my story,,,

Of course it is. You’re the one propagating it here. Are you not trying to skirt responsibility for that, are you?

I noticed you didnt give a source for your claim,,,
Here you go.

Latvian government says it flagged ‘suspicious’ Hunter Biden payments in 2016 | John Solomon Reports

Now where’s your source.

Shokin was overseeing a wide-ranging Ukrainian investigation of Burisma and has said he was making plans to interview Hunter Biden when he was fired by Ukraine’s president and parliament in March 2016 under pressure from Joe Biden.
Show probable cause

Probably cause is well established. Drug addict Hunter Biden was paid millions for

1. never showing up to "work"
2. having no experience or expertise
3. providing absolutely no value in return
4. motive to shut off any investigation into what obviously was a kickback of US foreign aid from the LEFT is off the scale, from Low IQ Joe bragging about getting the prosecutor fired to the entire impeachment charade, complete with still NO EXPLANATION for WHY that money was paid to Hunter Biden


Psychotic and delusional they are for denying it....
Ah yes. Latvia. Let’s not forget any details, which would not be intellectually honest.

Apparently there was a suspicious activity report generated in Latvia. Now, an important detail is that these reports are automatically generated when computer systems detect red flags. The vast majority are false positives (upwards of 95-99%).

Latvian authorities said they received no incriminating information from Ukraine and the investigation was closed.

Tell me, if Latvia received no incriminating information, what was the basis for Shokin’s supposed desire to investigate the matter? How could an investigation that went no where (as almost all of them do) be the impetus for a different investigation that never took place. And it Shokin did want to investigate, why wasn’t he working with Latvia and why was their investigation closed?

Oh, and none of this was “announced”. It was confidential communications between Latvian authorities and the prosecutors in Ukraine which was “leaked” for some reason.

None of this makes any sense, so it’s already pretty questionable.

So the claim is that Shokin wanted to investigate money laundering, and you claim that his associates corroborate this.

So far that claim is completely unsubstantiated.

That’s an extremely dubious story you’re pitching there.

its not my story,,,

Of course it is. You’re the one propagating it here. Are you not trying to skirt responsibility for that, are you?

I noticed you didnt give a source for your claim,,,
Here you go.

Latvian government says it flagged ‘suspicious’ Hunter Biden payments in 2016 | John Solomon Reports

Now where’s your source.

Shokin was overseeing a wide-ranging Ukrainian investigation of Burisma and has said he was making plans to interview Hunter Biden when he was fired by Ukraine’s president and parliament in March 2016 under pressure from Joe Biden.
Yep. That’s Shokin’s claim. So far, completely uncorroborated.

You’d be quite foolish to take his word for it.
Show probable cause

Probably cause is well established. Drug addict Hunter Biden was paid millions for

1. never showing up to "work"
2. having no experience or expertise
3. providing absolutely no value in return
4. motive to shut off any investigation into what obviously was a kickback of US foreign aid from the LEFT is off the scale, from Low IQ Joe bragging about getting the prosecutor fired to the entire impeachment charade, complete with still NO EXPLANATION for WHY that money was paid to Hunter Biden


Psychotic and delusional they are for denying it....
Not for me to decide. Not for you to decide.

It’s for a judge to decide.
its not my story,,,

Of course it is. You’re the one propagating it here. Are you not trying to skirt responsibility for that, are you?

I noticed you didnt give a source for your claim,,,
Here you go.

Latvian government says it flagged ‘suspicious’ Hunter Biden payments in 2016 | John Solomon Reports

Now where’s your source.

Shokin was overseeing a wide-ranging Ukrainian investigation of Burisma and has said he was making plans to interview Hunter Biden when he was fired by Ukraine’s president and parliament in March 2016 under pressure from Joe Biden.
Yep. That’s Shokin’s claim. So far, completely uncorroborated.

You’d be quite foolish to take his word for it.

so youre OK with one part of an article but not another because it debunks your narrative,,,

based on other info I have no reason not to trust him and leave my mind OPEN for a final outcome
The Trumpsteetes continue to trot this out because it is part and parcel of Trump's schtick of always accuse the other guy of what you did because that somehow inoculates him from criticism … sort of like making sure there aren't coronavirus tests so people can't say 'whoa a lotta people have this shit!" LOL

That isn't to say Hunter isn't a slime for trading off Dad's name, as does Joe's little bro too, btw. But Trump thought that he could deflect investigation of his kids. That is not going to prove the case. There's actually a superpac of dems devoted to just that to prevent Trump form getting away with this shit.

Joe helped get the corrupt Ukraine investigator, Shokin, fired … because Obama wanted that to happen and so did the EU. Unfortunately damn near everyone in Ukraine appears to be corrupt …. including Hunter. So if dem corruption bothers you, and it doesn't bother you Trump put soldiers in Saudi Arabia after the Saudi and UAE bought Jared's unsellable building that was bankrupting poor-Ivanka, or that Don Jr's renting out rooms in Trump Hotel to anyone who wants to meet with Trump either in DC or Fla …. then vote for Trump and not Biden.

And shove the trumpstette's lies up their gigantic prolapsed rectums.
Of course it is. You’re the one propagating it here. Are you not trying to skirt responsibility for that, are you?

I noticed you didnt give a source for your claim,,,
Here you go.

Latvian government says it flagged ‘suspicious’ Hunter Biden payments in 2016 | John Solomon Reports

Now where’s your source.

Shokin was overseeing a wide-ranging Ukrainian investigation of Burisma and has said he was making plans to interview Hunter Biden when he was fired by Ukraine’s president and parliament in March 2016 under pressure from Joe Biden.
Yep. That’s Shokin’s claim. So far, completely uncorroborated.

You’d be quite foolish to take his word for it.

so youre OK with one part of an article but not another because it debunks your narrative,,,

based on other info I have no reason not to trust him and leave my mind OPEN for a final outcome
Because credibility is important.

I have no reason to doubt the statements of current Latvian authorities acting in their official capacity.

I have a lot of reason to doubt the statements of Victor Shokin.

It would be better for Shokin if he could provide corroboration of his story. So far he has not done so.

You have no reason not to trust Shokin? The man clearly has a bone to pick with Biden. His motivations alone make his statements suspect.

Shokin was overseeing a wide-ranging Ukrainian investigation of Burisma and has said he was making plans to interview Hunter Biden when he was fired by Ukraine’s president and parliament in March 2016 under pressure from Joe Biden.
Yep. That’s Shokin’s claim. So far, completely uncorroborated.

You’d be quite foolish to take his word for it.

so youre OK with one part of an article but not another because it debunks your narrative,,,

based on other info I have no reason not to trust him and leave my mind OPEN for a final outcome
Because credibility is important.

I have no reason to doubt the statements of current Latvian authorities acting in their official capacity.

I have a lot of reason to doubt the statements of Victor Shokin.

It would be better for Shokin if he could provide corroboration of his story. So far he has not done so.

You have no reason not to trust Shokin? The man clearly has a bone to pick with Biden. His motivations alone make his statements suspect.

that you have seen,,,

him getting fired which stopped any chance of investigation might be a good indicator,,,

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