Hussein set to release statement on trump’s bold and brave move today

President Obama says Trump is a fucking moron

The rest of the world stands up and agrees
Many have tried and many have died. John Bolton was asked that question yesterday. Also, specifically what US interest did it serve?
As long as the US agreed to stay in the Un-Constitutional Treaty its hands were tied, strapped to a seat on a runaway locomotive headed for a collapsed bridge, unable to do anything about it.

The handcuffs are off, the train is still speeding down the tracks, and Barry gave them access to billions of dollars and no restrictions on trade with the rest of the with the Russians, from whom they have now bought hundreds of millions of Surface-to-air weapons systems with which to protect their nuclear sites.

It doesn't matter if Bolton or anyone else gave you the answer - you either wouldn't understand it or accept it, much like the 2016 Presidential election results.

It was not a Treaty.

"Hundreds of millions of surface to air weapons."

A lie that is a bit over the top even for you. Care to revise your bullshit statement?

More likely billions and billions
The Liar in Chief trump is making two new nuke powers. Both Iran and N. Korea will be nuclear powers before the end of trump's romp as the worst President in American history.

This is a laughable assertion as it was your hero the obummer who inked a deal with iran that GRANTED them a nuke in 10 years. Pull your head out of your ass someday.

Cool - we'll just grant him a nuke now and be done with it.

BRILLIANT! :rolleyes:

Only they can't do it. Duh. More to the point if they do it today it is illegal, obummer made it LEGAL for them to have one. Try reading for comprehension.
Some people think America is the world villian.
Again, it shows just how clueless and ungrateful they are and don't deserve to live here.
I wish he, and others like him, would go live in Iran for a few years as an average Iranian, or Venezuela or Cuba or Syria...etc. etc.
He would literally kiss the ground of our soil when he got back.
Some in the world, like Putin and other world leaders, paint the US as the 'bad guy' who injects themselves into the business of other nations, of being the rogue aggressor who 'invades' other nations.

In some ways our leaders have created / perpetuated that image.

After 9/11/01 I was all for going after the terrorists who caused 9/11, of striking and going to war in Afghanistan.

IMO we did not need to go to war in Iraq. Iraq was keeping Russia occupied / at bay, and IMO Hussein was declaring to the world he had WMD as a veiled threat to keep his enemies at his borders at was a bluff....a bluff he carried way to the US cause to invade. Is Iraq better off without Hussein around? It depends on who you ask. If you ask the citizens of Iraq who were being gassed, tortured, oppressed...the answer is 'Yes'. Did we need to go in? Again, it depends on who you ask? JFK said we would pay any price, bear any burden to stand with those fighting for freedom. (Am I saying JFK would have gone in? Absolutely not. I do not speak for JFK and anyone trying to do so is only speculating.)

The FACT is, however, we had ZERO business being dragged into an Un-Constitutional war in either Libya or Syria to help terrorists try to take over their own nations. Al Qaeda in Libya, for God's sake, is the same Al Qaeda that slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, and Barry took the country to war to help them acquire control of their own country. Syria was engaged in a massive civil war involving numerous different sides - we were never asked to come in, but Barry dragged the US to war in Syria in an attempt to oust the nation's leader ... to leave the country in CHAOS as there was no side in strong position to benefit / take over...and the side he chose to arm / train / support was ISIS.

Iraq, Libya, Syria - all places we did not belong, had no REAL reason to be in, but incidents where the US went in anyway. Again, I am not talking about after the decisions were made, if anything good came out of them, etc...just the decision to go in to begin with. An argument can be made that the US has acted aggressively, sticking its nose into other nations' business...when many of those situations were the U.N.'s responsibility to deal with....

...but let's be real - the U.N. is a useless organization, a collection of world nation reps who do nest to nothing these days, that is rife with corruption, and that is under fire for the partially-proven habit of raping and pillaging areas in which they send troops....

Barry's illegal wars in Libya and Syria did not help the US argument that we are not 'aggressors' but act in only self-defense/preservation. Bush, at least, had Congressional approval to use force as he saw fit / as necessary. Barry sought his own and international authority to go into Libya and Syria, not authority from Congress as per the Constitution.
President Obama says Trump is a fucking moron

The rest of the world stands up and agrees

30 states.....2,623 counties....REMEMBER?
Everybody but illegals, barely legals and the general filth in Mexifornia and Loon York....says Trump is a fucking genius.
Trump screwed the pooch for no reason other than spite

He deserves whatever criticism he receives

Nothing to do with spite. The Iran deal was an abomination. Trump has restored American foreign policy dominance throughout the world. I held my nose and voted for him, the next time I’ll proudly vote for him. And I don’t care if the European globalist don’t like him like they adored obozo. They don’t want a strong America, and that is exactly what Trump is giving us.
It was not a Treaty.
Barry negotiated on behalf of the entire United States, finalized a 'deal' on behalf of the United States that the United States was bound to adhere to, and ran to the U.N. to have it ratified - bypassing Congress and not allowing them to see it before the world ratified it.

If it is not a 'Treaty' then it was a PERSONAL deal between BARAK OBAMA and the nation of Iran...and as such the United States was not obligated to release any of Iran's frozen money or lift any US sanctions.

Thank you for clearing this all up. :p

"Hundreds of millions of surface to air weapons."A lie that is a bit over the top even for you. Care to revise your bullshit statement?
Post the actual quote. Obama freed up hundreds of millions of dollars Iran has used to beef up its defense systems to protect its nuclear sites. If interested, research military news on this for Iran, use 'Jane's' as a source for military systems for various nations.

Also, a 'Surface-to-Air' missile system is NOT just a single rocket / missile launcher. If you research what one such weapon is comprised of you will learn there is the launcher itself - that fired the missiles, there are search radars, target acquisition radars, support vehicles and unites, re-supply areas (additional missiles), etc.....It is not 'stand-alone' and each piece costs a significant amount or money.
A litany of lies is still all you have. President Obama is an American and has just as much a right to utilize his free speech rights as anyone else.
I 100% agree with you. Barry has every right to stand up in front of a microphone and


What he NEVER had the authority to do was negotiate on behalf of the United States a BINDING 'agreement' with Iran, negotiating the release of billions of Iran's money, negotiating the lifting of U.S. - not 'Barry' - sanctions.

The United States Constitution, as even the 'Constitutional Scholar' knows / knew, did not give him the authority to negotiate this on behalf of the United States. There is a reason he DELIBERATELY by-passed Congress to make this deal and get it ratified by the entire world ON HIS OWN. It was the same reason that he, after publicly admitting he did not have the authority to do it - by-passed Congress and issued his edict to push his socialist agenda-driven 'Dream Act' into existence. That reason is because HE WANTED IT / WANTED TO DO IT.
The Liar in Chief trump is making two new nuke powers. Both Iran and N. Korea will be nuclear powers before the end of trump's romp as the worst President in American history.

This is a laughable assertion as it was your hero the obummer who inked a deal with iran that GRANTED them a nuke in 10 years. Pull your head out of your ass someday.

Cool - we'll just grant him a nuke now and be done with it.

BRILLIANT! :rolleyes:

Only they can't do it. Duh. More to the point if they do it today it is illegal, obummer made it LEGAL for them to have one. Try reading for comprehension.

What do you mean they can't do it? They can fire up those centrifuges any time they damn please unless our allies, Russia and China continue to vigorously enforce inspections. Obama made it legal :confused-84: Obama did nothing of the sort. It is illegal per current international law but they don't give a crap that and neither does NoKo.

The agreement said nothing about them continuing to be bad actors in the region. It was about continued nuke development only. They were complying per the IAEA and our own intelligence.

Perhaps you could answer the question that nobody else can: Specifically what US interest was advanced by pulling out of the agreement?
The Liar in Chief trump is making two new nuke powers. Both Iran and N. Korea will be nuclear powers before the end of trump's romp as the worst President in American history.

This is a laughable assertion as it was your hero the obummer who inked a deal with iran that GRANTED them a nuke in 10 years. Pull your head out of your ass someday.

Cool - we'll just grant him a nuke now and be done with it.

BRILLIANT! :rolleyes:

Only they can't do it. Duh. More to the point if they do it today it is illegal, obummer made it LEGAL for them to have one. Try reading for comprehension.

What do you mean they can't do it? They can fire up those centrifuges any time they damn please unless our allies, Russia and China continue to vigorously enforce inspections. Obama made it legal :confused-84: Obama did nothing of the sort. It is illegal per current international law but they don't give a crap that and neither does NoKo.

The agreement said nothing about them continuing to be bad actors in the region. It was about continued nuke development only. They were complying per the IAEA and our own intelligence.

Perhaps you could answer the question that nobody else can: Specifically what US interest was advanced by pulling out of the agreement?

They had ZERO chance of developing a nuke under the sanctions that were in place. Furthermore their economy was on the verge of collapse, then kerry and obummer came in and rescued them. By giving them all of that cash they then had the ability, with the removal of the sanctions, yet again thanks to obummer, to not only complete their nuke program, but also develop their ballistic missile systems, once again thanks to your hero obummer, to the point that when they get their nuke, they will then have a way of delivering it to distant targets.

With us reinstating the sanctions, they can't develop their nukes, their economy will suffer, and hopefully the oppressed people will finally get hungry enough to get rid of the scumbags. Yours is the philosophy of neville chamberlain. We KNOW how his ideas came out.
3:50 p.m.

Former President Barack Obama is calling President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran deal a “serious mistake” that will erode America’s global credibility.

Obama’s administration brokered the deal. He says Tuesday that Trump’s decision to withdraw is “misguided,” especially because Iran has been complying.

Obama also warned: “The consistent flouting of agreements that our country is a party to risks eroding America’s credibility, and puts us at odds with the world’s major powers.”

Obama says that without the deal, the U.S. “could eventually be left with a losing choice between a nuclear-armed Iran or another war in the Middle East.”

He says the deal remains a model for what diplomacy can accomplish, including when it comes to North Korea.


1. Barry called the President's decision to pull out of the Iran deal a 'serious mistake'
-- But the decision to engage in illegal negotiations with Iran on behalf of the United States and agreeing to conditions that bound the United States to agreements he personally made (all of which is called a 'TREATY') was NOT a 'serious mistake'? (Actually it wasn't. It was actually a violation of the US Constitution, as Barry by-passed Congress to negotiate a binding TREATY with Iran.

2. Former President Barack Obama is calling President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran deal a “serious mistake” that will erode America’s global credibility.
- Does he mean like drawing a 'Line in the Sand', cowering and backing down when challenged, and then trying to blame the whole world for his ill-advised 'red Line'?

- Des that mean like when he protected ISIS Black Market oil Ops that funded 50% of their terrorist attacks - like Paris, and instead of joining in on the French and Russian air strikes against the ISIS Black market oil facilities after the Paris attack Obama instead dropped leaflets down to ISIS warning them the attack was coming?!

3. Obama’s administration brokered the deal. He says Tuesday that Trump’s decision to withdraw is “misguided,” especially because Iran has been complying.

- Not only is Iran violating the deal now, evidence showed they were violating the TEMP Rules established while Obama's deal was being negotiated. Same ol' LYING Barry.

Iran is violating the deal

4. 'Obama says that without the deal, the U.S. “could eventually be left with a losing choice between a nuclear-armed Iran or another war in the Middle East.”

- Liberals told us the US ran the risk of facing a nuclear armed North Korea if we did not appease them, give them nuclear reactors, etc....and we are faced with a nuclear armed North Korea who has acquired the missile technology required to strike the US - just as Iran is pursuing NOW! (WHY do you need the delivery mechanism if you ain't got the weapon? Are snowflakes this dense?)


5. "He says the deal remains a model for what diplomacy can accomplish, including when it comes to North Korea."


Barry's Un-Constitutional Treaty and APPESEMENT of Iran has not resulted in ANYTHING.
- Barry's 'deal' was un-Constitutional
- Barry negotiated his 'deal' from a position of WEAKNESS
- Barry protected terrorist-supporting Hezbollah drug ops to get Iran to agree to the deal
- Barry's 'deal' did not get US hostages released - Iran forced him to pay millions in ransom to get Americans back.

I see the 'Dear Leader' has re-joined his old buddies in the 'CHUMBA GANG', because it is the Trump Administration's and the President's negotiations - through STRENGTH - that have resulted in North Korea freely releasing US hostages and agreeing to de-nuclearize.

The Latest: Australia and Japan still support Iran deal

The Liar in Chief trump is making two new nuke powers. Both Iran and N. Korea will be nuclear powers before the end of trump's romp as the worst President in American history.

This is a laughable assertion as it was your hero the obummer who inked a deal with iran that GRANTED them a nuke in 10 years. Pull your head out of your ass someday.

Cool - we'll just grant him a nuke now and be done with it.

BRILLIANT! :rolleyes:

Only they can't do it. Duh. More to the point if they do it today it is illegal, obummer made it LEGAL for them to have one. Try reading for comprehension.

What do you mean they can't do it? They can fire up those centrifuges any time they damn please unless our allies, Russia and China continue to vigorously enforce inspections. Obama made it legal :confused-84: Obama did nothing of the sort. It is illegal per current international law but they don't give a crap that and neither does NoKo.

The agreement said nothing about them continuing to be bad actors in the region. It was about continued nuke development only. They were complying per the IAEA and our own intelligence.

Perhaps you could answer the question that nobody else can: Specifically what US interest was advanced by pulling out of the agreement?

They had ZERO chance of developing a nuke under the sanctions that were in place. Furthermore their economy was on the verge of collapse, then kerry and obummer came in and rescued them. By giving them all of that cash they then had the ability, with the removal of the sanctions, yet again thanks to obummer, to not only complete their nuke program, but also develop their ballistic missile systems, once again thanks to your hero obummer, to the point that when they get their nuke, they will then have a way of delivering it to distant targets.

With us reinstating the sanctions, they can't develop their nukes, their economy will suffer, and hopefully the oppressed people will finally get hungry enough to get rid of the scumbags. Yours is the philosophy of neville chamberlain. We KNOW how his ideas came out.
"They had ZERO chance of developing a nuke under the sanctions that were in place."

^^^ Idiocy on display. Bibi just unveiled a presentation of how Israel has evidence that Iran was working towards building a nuclear weapon during the period you moronically claim they had "ZERO chance of developing" one.
This is a laughable assertion as it was your hero the obummer who inked a deal with iran that GRANTED them a nuke in 10 years. Pull your head out of your ass someday.

Cool - we'll just grant him a nuke now and be done with it.

BRILLIANT! :rolleyes:

Only they can't do it. Duh. More to the point if they do it today it is illegal, obummer made it LEGAL for them to have one. Try reading for comprehension.

What do you mean they can't do it? They can fire up those centrifuges any time they damn please unless our allies, Russia and China continue to vigorously enforce inspections. Obama made it legal :confused-84: Obama did nothing of the sort. It is illegal per current international law but they don't give a crap that and neither does NoKo.

The agreement said nothing about them continuing to be bad actors in the region. It was about continued nuke development only. They were complying per the IAEA and our own intelligence.

Perhaps you could answer the question that nobody else can: Specifically what US interest was advanced by pulling out of the agreement?

They had ZERO chance of developing a nuke under the sanctions that were in place. Furthermore their economy was on the verge of collapse, then kerry and obummer came in and rescued them. By giving them all of that cash they then had the ability, with the removal of the sanctions, yet again thanks to obummer, to not only complete their nuke program, but also develop their ballistic missile systems, once again thanks to your hero obummer, to the point that when they get their nuke, they will then have a way of delivering it to distant targets.

With us reinstating the sanctions, they can't develop their nukes, their economy will suffer, and hopefully the oppressed people will finally get hungry enough to get rid of the scumbags. Yours is the philosophy of neville chamberlain. We KNOW how his ideas came out.
"They had ZERO chance of developing a nuke under the sanctions that were in place."

^^^ Idiocy on display. Bibi just unveiled a presentation of how Israel has evidence that Iran was working towards building a nuclear weapon during the period you moronically claim they had "ZERO chance of developing" one.

Who could forget? Methinks Westy is confused ...

Who is Hussein?
Barack Hussein Obama.
Who is Hussein?
Barack Hussein Obama.

The original poster then made a huge mistake. Who refers to people by their middle names? Is this some custom from the mid-west?
lol Perhaps the original poster is a poet. He managed to convey his perspective on the Obama presidency and the clash of cultures between east and west with one word, Hussein.
This is a laughable assertion as it was your hero the obummer who inked a deal with iran that GRANTED them a nuke in 10 years. Pull your head out of your ass someday.

Cool - we'll just grant him a nuke now and be done with it.

BRILLIANT! :rolleyes:

Only they can't do it. Duh. More to the point if they do it today it is illegal, obummer made it LEGAL for them to have one. Try reading for comprehension.

What do you mean they can't do it? They can fire up those centrifuges any time they damn please unless our allies, Russia and China continue to vigorously enforce inspections. Obama made it legal :confused-84: Obama did nothing of the sort. It is illegal per current international law but they don't give a crap that and neither does NoKo.

The agreement said nothing about them continuing to be bad actors in the region. It was about continued nuke development only. They were complying per the IAEA and our own intelligence.

Perhaps you could answer the question that nobody else can: Specifically what US interest was advanced by pulling out of the agreement?

They had ZERO chance of developing a nuke under the sanctions that were in place. Furthermore their economy was on the verge of collapse, then kerry and obummer came in and rescued them. By giving them all of that cash they then had the ability, with the removal of the sanctions, yet again thanks to obummer, to not only complete their nuke program, but also develop their ballistic missile systems, once again thanks to your hero obummer, to the point that when they get their nuke, they will then have a way of delivering it to distant targets.

With us reinstating the sanctions, they can't develop their nukes, their economy will suffer, and hopefully the oppressed people will finally get hungry enough to get rid of the scumbags. Yours is the philosophy of neville chamberlain. We KNOW how his ideas came out.
"They had ZERO chance of developing a nuke under the sanctions that were in place."

^^^ Idiocy on display. Bibi just unveiled a presentation of how Israel has evidence that Iran was working towards building a nuclear weapon during the period you moronically claim they had "ZERO chance of developing" one.

Yes, they had ZERO chance of developing it. Until your hero the obummer gave them tens of billions of dollars to prop up their government. The only idiocy on display is you obummerbots trying to defend a deal that is the most moronic deal ever done.
Who is Hussein?
Barack Hussein Obama.

Then we can presume the OP calls his successor "John", can we not?

Member President Walker? Right after Jefferson.

Pretty damn sad when an OP not only can't supply an OP at all but can't even figure out the name of who his subject would be if he had a subject.

I put up a thread about a real current event, with a real link and a real POV, in 'Current Events", and it gets moved to the FZ where it can be trolled to death ---

Rockhead puts up one that consists of:


--- and it's still here, despite the posting guidelines.

Somebody tell me about how this site isn't biased.

put up a thread about a real current event, with a real link and a real POV, in 'Current Events", and it gets moved to the FZ where it can be trolled to death ---

You should have given it a real title, instead of: "Gun nuttery meltdown"
Who is Hussein?
Barack Hussein Obama.

Then we can presume the OP calls his successor "John", can we not?

Member President Walker? Right after Jefferson.

Pretty damn sad when an OP not only can't supply an OP at all but can't even figure out the name of who his subject would be if he had a subject.

I put up a thread about a real current event, with a real link and a real POV, in 'Current Events", and it gets moved to the FZ where it can be trolled to death ---

Rockhead puts up one that consists of:


--- and it's still here, despite the posting guidelines.

Somebody tell me about how this site isn't biased.

put up a thread about a real current event, with a real link and a real POV, in 'Current Events", and it gets moved to the FZ where it can be trolled to death ---

You should have given it a real title, instead of: "Gun nuttery meltdown"

That IS a real title. Describes the topic, keeps it short so it won't be truncated on the "Active Topics" list, and invites curiosity. And its OP completely described its topic, linked to outside sources for it, and as per site rules offered an opinion.

This thread's OP on the other hand, consists of the word "Incoming". That's it. No link, no graphic, no quote, no site-required opinion, not even so much as a punctuation mark. Moreover the title here refers to some "Hussein" which it never identifies. Izzat a "real title"? Yet this one stays and mine gets trashed. Be proud.
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