Hussein set to release statement on trump’s bold and brave move today

1) Iran has cheated on the deal
2) The deal, in Obama's own words, could lead to Iran having nukes 9 years from now
3) The fact that the United Nations was for it, virtually guarantees it was a bad deal for America
4) The fact Russia and China were unanimously for it, does guarantee it was a bad deal for America
5) The deal came with a $1.7 billion CASH signing bonus for Iran. Literally, Obama flew in a PALLET of money they day they signed.

It was indeed the worst deal America has made in U.S. history.
It was to stop Iran from getting nukes, but actually provided them a path to having nukes 9 years from now.
So now there's NO agreement to stop them from building nukes tomorrow. Genius move.

The deal that Obama made provided a clear path to them having Nukes by 2025 - this is not my words - this is Obama's own statements.
As predicted, Iran has also cheated on the deal.
Wherever they ACTUALLY are concerning obtaining nukes, something no one really knows other than them, Russia and China... is how far they have came WITH THE DEAL IN PLACE.
The deal, AGAIN in Obama;s own words - did not stop them from getting nukes. In fact it helped them because financial contsraints that impeded them before were lifted in the deal.

It was a lousy, almost unbelievably bad deal to begin with.
Okay, I know a lot of people didn't like the deal when it was first put in place--not giving us enough for what we gave them. I hear that.
However, please tell me what we've got NOW to prevent them from getting back on the Nuke Train tomorrow.
Please just answer that.

Many have tried and many have died. John Bolton was asked that question yesterday: Specifically what US interest did it serve?

He couldn't answer other than "It was a campaign promise".

Sorry Assclowns - That's just not good enough.
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Read it, asshole. I know you haven't.



Records show Obama spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, wielding political influence for, aiding, abetting, and even dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional wars to help TERRORISTS world-wide. Evidence shows he protected terrorist-supported Hezbollah drug operations just to appease Iran to get his Un-Constitutional 'Legacy' 'Treaty' signed with Iran...(much like how Barry new about Russian Ops in the US as early as 2015 but refused to do / say anything about it because he wanted Putin's blessing to Un-Constitutionally go to war in and invade Syria).

Barry defended terrorists / Extremists, sent out his US AG to threaten to take judicial action against Americans if they exercised their Constitutional Rights by condemning the extremist who Obama let into the US who went on to kill 7 Americans in California.

During the negotiations on his illegal treaty, the Iranian military conducted bombing training flights against mock US aircraft carriers, the leader of Iran led chants of 'Death To America', and Iran violated Temporary agreements while the 'permanent' ones were being negotiated. Barry gutlessly negotiated from a position of WEAKNESS despite the US holding all the cards - refusing to even ASK (instead of demand) Iran release US hostages as part of the deal. Instead, he later filled up an unmarked plan with millions of US Tax dollars and delivered it as a ransom to Iran in the middle of the night. (I'm actually surprised the Liberal Lap Dog media even mentioned it at all.)

(That was not the 1st time Obama caved to terrorists and paid ransoms for American hostages. He also paid the Akani network for the release of Bo Bergdahl, and he used that situation as an excuse to release the Taliban 5, an act of 'treason' during war in order to try to keep his campaign promise of closing Gitmo."

Barry's criminal Legacy' is getting erased piece by peace....and in the midst of his / his administration's treasonous 'Secret Society' Conspiracy against the President unraveling right now he decides to pop his head up and condemn the act of walking away from his Un-Constitutional Treaty! Hillary, now Barry won't STFU and go away....
Many have tried and many have died. John Bolton was asked that question yesterday. Also, specifically what US interest did it serve?
As long as the US agreed to stay in the Un-Constitutional Treaty its hands were tied, strapped to a seat on a runaway locomotive headed for a collapsed bridge, unable to do anything about it.

The handcuffs are off, the train is still speeding down the tracks, and Barry gave them access to billions of dollars and no restrictions on trade with the rest of the with the Russians, from whom they have now bought hundreds of millions of Surface-to-air weapons systems with which to protect their nuclear sites.

It doesn't matter if Bolton or anyone else gave you the answer - you either wouldn't understand it or accept it, much like the 2016 Presidential election results.
Who is Hussein?
Barack Hussein Obama.
Who is Hussein?
Barack Hussein Obama.

The original poster then made a huge mistake. Who refers to people by their middle names? Is this some custom from the mid-west?
That could be a custom there, still. In the 1700's and 1800's, when a lot of people were still using naming conventions like naming their first born son after their grandfather or whatever, that meant a lot of cousins walking around with the same in the same town. So a lot of people went by their middle names to keep things straight. I suppose the mid-west might still be stuck in the past. They still make jello salads.

OMG! Jello! Jello never really caught on where I grew up. Actually. I did some research on the Irish side of my family, because it is in English and my mother's roots must be researched in another language. It turns out that the Irish have a very organized system for naming their children after relatives. I ended up with a whole slew of Mary's and Elizabeth's. It's like going somewhere in Mexico and yelling for Jesus or somewhere in the Middle East and calling for Muhammad!
5) The deal came with a $1.7 billion CASH signing bonus for Iran. Literally, Obama flew in a PALLET of money they day they signed.

Would you please cut it with that myth. It was THEIR money frozen for over 40 years.

We'd have had to release it soon as it was being held illegally.

1.7 billion signing bonus? - Oh for Jeesee :rolleyes-41:

This has been rehashed 1000 times.
You relaly should look at news sources other than CNN and NYT if you want to know the full story.
I posted not once, but 4 times fully explaining where the money came from. You can look back and read that also.
The account dating back to the 1970's was twice authorized by Congress to pay outstanding debts and lawsuits against Iran. The account had less than $100 million in 2002.
Obama gave them $1.7 BILLION.
5) The deal came with a $1.7 billion CASH signing bonus for Iran. Literally, Obama flew in a PALLET of money they day they signed.
Would you please cut it with that myth. It was THEIR money frozen for over 40 years.

That was money FROZEN , that they could not touch, could not spend....could not use to buy new weapons systems to protect their nuclear sites.

While this money was frozen there were a lot of victims of Iranian terrorism fighting to sue and get money from Iran. Part of that money rightfully belonged to American victims...Barry did not only give Iran THAT money, but he took millions more from Americans and gave it to Iran in exchange for US hostages he had to pay for because he didn't have the guts to demand the release of those Americans be part of the deal.
Many have tried and many have died. John Bolton was asked that question yesterday. Also, specifically what US interest did it serve?
As long as the US agreed to stay in the Un-Constitutional Treaty its hands were tied, strapped to a seat on a runaway locomotive headed for a collapsed bridge, unable to do anything about it.

The handcuffs are off, the train is still speeding down the tracks, and Barry gave them access to billions of dollars and no restrictions on trade with the rest of the with the Russians, from whom they have now bought hundreds of millions of Surface-to-air weapons systems with which to protect their nuclear sites.

It doesn't matter if Bolton or anyone else gave you the answer - you either wouldn't understand it or accept it, much like the 2016 Presidential election results.

Oh - So we gave them back their 40 year old frozen funds that were being held illegally?
They were complying with the agreement per IAEA who were inspecting sites regularly.
Trump's on people admitted that they were complying with the agreement.
Now we got nothing other than spitting yet again in the eye of our allies and allowing Iran to proceed virtually untethered.
As for the question - Clearly you can't answer it either ...
Not because I wouldn't understand (you ain't that bright kid) but because their IS no good answer.
5) The deal came with a $1.7 billion CASH signing bonus for Iran. Literally, Obama flew in a PALLET of money they day they signed.
Would you please cut it with that myth. It was THEIR money frozen for over 40 years.

That was money FROZEN , that they could not touch, could not spend....could not use to buy new weapons systems to protect their nuclear sites.

While this money was frozen there were a lot of victims of Iranian terrorism fighting to sue and get money from Iran. Part of that money rightfully belonged to American victims...Barry did not only give Iran THAT money, but he took millions more from Americans and gave it to Iran in exchange for US hostages he had to pay for because he didn't have the guts to demand the release of those Americans be part of the deal.

And don't forget that Congress also paid out over $400 million of the account for outstanding debts owed to U.S. firms.
By Obama giving them 100% of the old account PLUS $700,000,000 in interest, Obama agreed with the Iranians that they did not owe anyone anything to the Americans held in the 1979 hostage situation, and FORGAVE the $400 million in debts owed to U.S. firms.
This is a monumental example of just how bad the overall deal was.
This has been rehashed 1000 times.
You relaly should look at news sources other than CNN and NYT if you want to know the full story.
I posted not once, but 4 times fully explaining where the money came from. You can look back and read that also.
The account dating back to the 1970's was twice authorized by Congress to pay outstanding debts and lawsuits against Iran. The account had less than $100 million in 2002.
Obama gave them $1.7 BILLION.

Try 1.9 BILLION (plus real estate)

Iranian frozen assets in international accounts are calculated to be worth between $100 billion[1][2] and $120 billion.[3][4] Almost $1.973 billion of Iran's assets are frozen in the United States.[5] According to the Congressional Research Service, in addition to the money locked up in foreign bank accounts, Iran's frozen assets include real estate and other property. The estimated value of Iran's real estate in the U.S. and their accumulated rent is $50 million.[1] Besides the assets frozen in the U.S., some parts of Iran's assets are frozen around the world by the United Nations.[1]

Do you know what the interest would have been on that after 40 years?
Idiot :rolleyes-41:
Then we can presume the OP calls his successor "John", can we not?

Member President Walker? Right after Jefferson.

Pretty damn sad when an OP not only can't supply an OP at all but can't even figure out the name of who his subject would be if he had a subject.
Did the "Hussain" comment hurt your feelings?

LOL, every time a pseudo-con uses the term Hussain for the Great President Obama, not only does it not hurt my feelings but is also tickles the shit out of my funny-bone. Thanks, and keep up the good work, goobers.
5) The deal came with a $1.7 billion CASH signing bonus for Iran. Literally, Obama flew in a PALLET of money they day they signed.

Would you please cut it with that myth. It was THEIR money frozen for over 40 years.

We'd have had to release it soon as it was being held illegally.

1.7 billion signing bonus? - Oh for Jeesee :rolleyes-41:

This has been rehashed 1000 times.
You relaly should look at news sources other than CNN and NYT if you want to know the full story.
I posted not once, but 4 times fully explaining where the money came from. You can look back and read that also.
The account dating back to the 1970's was twice authorized by Congress to pay outstanding debts and lawsuits against Iran. The account had less than $100 million in 2002.
Obama gave them $1.7 BILLION.


Iranian frozen assets in international accounts are calculated to be worth between $100 billion[1][2] and $120 billion.[3][4] Almost $1.973 billion of Iran's assets are frozen in the United States.[5] According to the Congressional Research Service, in addition to the money locked up in foreign bank accounts, Iran's frozen assets include real estate and other property. The estimated value of Iran's real estate in the U.S. and their accumulated rent is $50 million.[1] Besides the assets frozen in the U.S., some parts of Iran's assets are frozen around the world by the United Nations.[1]

Do you know what the interest would have been on that after 40 years?
Idiot :rolleyes-41:

Yes I do... $0.00
This is what they get for taking hostages in 1979. This is also what they get for state sponsoring terrorism for over 40 years.
No one owes them anything. Congress voted not once, but twice that the funds could be used to pay off debts Iran refused to pay and as litigation settlements for the hostage taking.
Now - YOU may not care what Iran does. YOU may agree with everything they do and want to make America the bad guys (as always).
But I don't. And neither did the rest of the civilized world at the time.
The fact that the kangaroo court of UN in Prague says the world owes them $100's Billions shows you just how fucked up the United Nations is.
Oh - So we gave them back their 40 year old frozen funds that were being held illegally?
They were not being held illegally. That money was frozen because Iran refused to pay money owed to Americans who demanded reparations for terrorist attacks. just like the IRS can freeze your bank accounts for non payment, the US govt can freeze foreign bank accounts for various reasons - to include money laundering for terrorists.

So it sounds like you were all for freeing up billions Iran used for enhancing defenses for their pact-violating nuclear program....

keep going. I want to hear more of your defense of Barry's Un-Constitutional personal 'treaty' with Iran. This is entertaining...and enlightening.
And don't forget that Congress also paid out over $400 million of the account for outstanding debts owed to U.S. firms.
By Obama giving them 100% of the old account PLUS $700,000,000 in interest, Obama agreed with the Iranians that they did not owe anyone anything to the Americans held in the 1979 hostage situation, and FORGAVE the $400 million in debts owed to U.S. firms.
This is a monumental example of just how bad the overall deal was.
Obama siding with terrorists and enemies of the United $h!t?! Who'd a thunk it?! bwuhahahaha........
Oh - So we gave them back their 40 year old frozen funds that were being held illegally?
They were not being held illegally. That money was frozen because Iran refused to pay money owed to Americans who demanded reparations for terrorist attacks. just like the IRS can freeze your bank accounts for non payment, the US govt can freeze foreign bank accounts for various reasons - to include money laundering for terrorists.

So it sounds like you were all for freeing up billions Iran used for enhancing defenses for their pact-violating nuclear program....

keep going. I want to hear more of your defense of Barry's Un-Constitutional personal 'treaty' with Iran. This is entertaining...and enlightening.

Some people think America is the world villian.
Again, it shows just how clueless and ungrateful they are and don't deserve to live here.
I wish he, and others like him, would go live in Iran for a few years as an average Iranian, or Venezuela or Cuba or Syria...etc. etc.
He would literally kiss the ground of our soil when he got back.
Yes I do... $0.00
This is what they get for taking hostages in 1979. This is also what they get for state sponsoring terrorism for over 40 years.
No one owes them anything. Congress voted not once, but twice that the funds could be used to pay off debts Iran refused to pay and as litigation settlements for the hostage taking.
Now - YOU may not care what Iran does. YOU may agree with everything they do and want to make America the bad guys (as always).
But I don't. And neither did the rest of the civilized world at the time.
The fact that the kangaroo court of UN in Prague says the world owes them $100's Billions shows you just how fucked up the United Nations is.

Educate yourself Gomer

5 Things You Need to Know About the $400 Million America Sent to Iran

We likely saved hundreds of millions in this deal.
Additionally, we TOOK tens of millions more to give to 911 victims even though the hijackers were not Iranians.
Yes I do... $0.00
This is what they get for taking hostages in 1979. This is also what they get for state sponsoring terrorism for over 40 years.
No one owes them anything. Congress voted not once, but twice that the funds could be used to pay off debts Iran refused to pay and as litigation settlements for the hostage taking.
Now - YOU may not care what Iran does. YOU may agree with everything they do and want to make America the bad guys (as always).
But I don't. And neither did the rest of the civilized world at the time.
The fact that the kangaroo court of UN in Prague says the world owes them $100's Billions shows you just how fucked up the United Nations is.

Educate yourself Gomer

5 Things You Need to Know About the $400 Million America Sent to Iran

We likely saved hundreds of millions in this deal.
Additionally, we TOOK tens of millions more to give to 911 victims even though the hijackers were not Iranians.

Keep digging.
That is about the most one sided article I have seen yet on the topic.
Read it, asshole. I know you haven't.



Records show Obama spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, wielding political influence for, aiding, abetting, and even dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional wars to help TERRORISTS world-wide. Evidence shows he protected terrorist-supported Hezbollah drug operations just to appease Iran to get his Un-Constitutional 'Legacy' 'Treaty' signed with Iran...(much like how Barry new about Russian Ops in the US as early as 2015 but refused to do / say anything about it because he wanted Putin's blessing to Un-Constitutionally go to war in and invade Syria).

Barry defended terrorists / Extremists, sent out his US AG to threaten to take judicial action against Americans if they exercised their Constitutional Rights by condemning the extremist who Obama let into the US who went on to kill 7 Americans in California.

During the negotiations on his illegal treaty, the Iranian military conducted bombing training flights against mock US aircraft carriers, the leader of Iran led chants of 'Death To America', and Iran violated Temporary agreements while the 'permanent' ones were being negotiated. Barry gutlessly negotiated from a position of WEAKNESS despite the US holding all the cards - refusing to even ASK (instead of demand) Iran release US hostages as part of the deal. Instead, he later filled up an unmarked plan with millions of US Tax dollars and delivered it as a ransom to Iran in the middle of the night. (I'm actually surprised the Liberal Lap Dog media even mentioned it at all.)

(That was not the 1st time Obama caved to terrorists and paid ransoms for American hostages. He also paid the Akani network for the release of Bo Bergdahl, and he used that situation as an excuse to release the Taliban 5, an act of 'treason' during war in order to try to keep his campaign promise of closing Gitmo."

Barry's criminal Legacy' is getting erased piece by peace....and in the midst of his / his administration's treasonous 'Secret Society' Conspiracy against the President unraveling right now he decides to pop his head up and condemn the act of walking away from his Un-Constitutional Treaty! Hillary, now Barry won't STFU and go away....

A litany of lies is still all you have.

President Obama is an American and has just as much a right to utilize his free speech rights as anyone else. If he chooses to criticize President "Comrade" Trumph for everything he does, it is his right to do so. Recall all of the comment from citizen "Comrade" Trumph during President Obama's terms.
Many have tried and many have died. John Bolton was asked that question yesterday. Also, specifically what US interest did it serve?
As long as the US agreed to stay in the Un-Constitutional Treaty its hands were tied, strapped to a seat on a runaway locomotive headed for a collapsed bridge, unable to do anything about it.

The handcuffs are off, the train is still speeding down the tracks, and Barry gave them access to billions of dollars and no restrictions on trade with the rest of the with the Russians, from whom they have now bought hundreds of millions of Surface-to-air weapons systems with which to protect their nuclear sites.

It doesn't matter if Bolton or anyone else gave you the answer - you either wouldn't understand it or accept it, much like the 2016 Presidential election results.

It was not a Treaty.

"Hundreds of millions of surface to air weapons."

A lie that is a bit over the top even for you. Care to revise your bullshit statement?

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