Hussein set to release statement on trump’s bold and brave move today

Who is Hussein?
Barack Hussein Obama.
Who is Hussein?
Barack Hussein Obama.

The original poster then made a huge mistake. Who refers to people by their middle names? Is this some custom from the mid-west?
lol Perhaps the original poster is a poet. He managed to convey his perspective on the Obama presidency and the clash of cultures between east and west with one word, Hussein.

He just displayed his ignorance, that's all. As for any "clash of cultures," is there actually any? I know there are the jackasses out there who want to cook up religious wars because they want to get ruptured or some stupid thing. But most of us are normal.
He should let it go.

Jina may be the new superpower in Asia, and the EU, Russia and China may become the defenders of borders. Brave new world. but we've mucked up the one left from the cold war.
Many have tried and many have died. John Bolton was asked that question yesterday. Also, specifically what US interest did it serve?
As long as the US agreed to stay in the Un-Constitutional Treaty its hands were tied, strapped to a seat on a runaway locomotive headed for a collapsed bridge, unable to do anything about it.

The handcuffs are off, the train is still speeding down the tracks, and Barry gave them access to billions of dollars and no restrictions on trade with the rest of the with the Russians, from whom they have now bought hundreds of millions of Surface-to-air weapons systems with which to protect their nuclear sites.

It doesn't matter if Bolton or anyone else gave you the answer - you either wouldn't understand it or accept it, much like the 2016 Presidential election results.

It was not a Treaty.

"Hundreds of millions of surface to air weapons."

A lie that is a bit over the top even for you. Care to revise your bullshit statement?

More likely billions and billions


Trump screwed the pooch for no reason other than spite

He deserves whatever criticism he receives

Nothing to do with spite. The Iran deal was an abomination. Trump has restored American foreign policy dominance throughout the world. I held my nose and voted for him, the next time I’ll proudly vote for him. And I don’t care if the European globalist don’t like him like they adored obozo. They don’t want a strong America, and that is exactly what Trump is giving us.
What has Trump provided that is better?

He has opened the door for their nuclear program
Trump screwed the pooch for no reason other than spite

He deserves whatever criticism he receives

Nothing to do with spite. The Iran deal was an abomination. Trump has restored American foreign policy dominance throughout the world. I held my nose and voted for him, the next time I’ll proudly vote for him. And I don’t care if the European globalist don’t like him like they adored obozo. They don’t want a strong America, and that is exactly what Trump is giving us.
What has Trump provided that is better?

He has opened the door for their nuclear program

That’s a joke. Obozo’s deal assured iran getting nukes. Now all options are on the table. Hopefully Iran blinks and cuts the shit without a shot being fired. Who knows? No one had to die in the Cold War. But what trump has done is he let it be known that Iran getting nukes is unacceptable. Hussein’s plan was to kick the can down the road and contain Iran after they finally get nukes. Why do you think the Arabs and Jews were freaking out? You think the Iran deal made them feel safe?
Who is Hussein?
Barack Hussein Obama.
Who is Hussein?
Barack Hussein Obama.

The original poster then made a huge mistake. Who refers to people by their middle names? Is this some custom from the mid-west?
lol Perhaps the original poster is a poet. He managed to convey his perspective on the Obama presidency and the clash of cultures between east and west with one word, Hussein.

He just displayed his ignorance, that's all. As for any "clash of cultures," is there actually any? I know there are the jackasses out there who want to cook up religious wars because they want to get ruptured or some stupid thing. But most of us are normal.
Clearly he conveyed a whole world of meaning to you with just one word, so it is fair to suggest he is a poet.
Cool - we'll just grant him a nuke now and be done with it.

BRILLIANT! :rolleyes:

Only they can't do it. Duh. More to the point if they do it today it is illegal, obummer made it LEGAL for them to have one. Try reading for comprehension.

What do you mean they can't do it? They can fire up those centrifuges any time they damn please unless our allies, Russia and China continue to vigorously enforce inspections. Obama made it legal :confused-84: Obama did nothing of the sort. It is illegal per current international law but they don't give a crap that and neither does NoKo.

The agreement said nothing about them continuing to be bad actors in the region. It was about continued nuke development only. They were complying per the IAEA and our own intelligence.

Perhaps you could answer the question that nobody else can: Specifically what US interest was advanced by pulling out of the agreement?

They had ZERO chance of developing a nuke under the sanctions that were in place. Furthermore their economy was on the verge of collapse, then kerry and obummer came in and rescued them. By giving them all of that cash they then had the ability, with the removal of the sanctions, yet again thanks to obummer, to not only complete their nuke program, but also develop their ballistic missile systems, once again thanks to your hero obummer, to the point that when they get their nuke, they will then have a way of delivering it to distant targets.

With us reinstating the sanctions, they can't develop their nukes, their economy will suffer, and hopefully the oppressed people will finally get hungry enough to get rid of the scumbags. Yours is the philosophy of neville chamberlain. We KNOW how his ideas came out.
"They had ZERO chance of developing a nuke under the sanctions that were in place."

^^^ Idiocy on display. Bibi just unveiled a presentation of how Israel has evidence that Iran was working towards building a nuclear weapon during the period you moronically claim they had "ZERO chance of developing" one.

Yes, they had ZERO chance of developing it. Until your hero the obummer gave them tens of billions of dollars to prop up their government. The only idiocy on display is you obummerbots trying to defend a deal that is the most moronic deal ever done.


Not according to Israel, who just unleashed a presentation to the world how Iran was working on nuclear weapons prior to the deal.

And not according to many world leading nations who partnered in the deal; including France, Britain, China, Russia and Germany.
Only they can't do it. Duh. More to the point if they do it today it is illegal, obummer made it LEGAL for them to have one. Try reading for comprehension.

What do you mean they can't do it? They can fire up those centrifuges any time they damn please unless our allies, Russia and China continue to vigorously enforce inspections. Obama made it legal :confused-84: Obama did nothing of the sort. It is illegal per current international law but they don't give a crap that and neither does NoKo.

The agreement said nothing about them continuing to be bad actors in the region. It was about continued nuke development only. They were complying per the IAEA and our own intelligence.

Perhaps you could answer the question that nobody else can: Specifically what US interest was advanced by pulling out of the agreement?

They had ZERO chance of developing a nuke under the sanctions that were in place. Furthermore their economy was on the verge of collapse, then kerry and obummer came in and rescued them. By giving them all of that cash they then had the ability, with the removal of the sanctions, yet again thanks to obummer, to not only complete their nuke program, but also develop their ballistic missile systems, once again thanks to your hero obummer, to the point that when they get their nuke, they will then have a way of delivering it to distant targets.

With us reinstating the sanctions, they can't develop their nukes, their economy will suffer, and hopefully the oppressed people will finally get hungry enough to get rid of the scumbags. Yours is the philosophy of neville chamberlain. We KNOW how his ideas came out.
"They had ZERO chance of developing a nuke under the sanctions that were in place."

^^^ Idiocy on display. Bibi just unveiled a presentation of how Israel has evidence that Iran was working towards building a nuclear weapon during the period you moronically claim they had "ZERO chance of developing" one.

Yes, they had ZERO chance of developing it. Until your hero the obummer gave them tens of billions of dollars to prop up their government. The only idiocy on display is you obummerbots trying to defend a deal that is the most moronic deal ever done.


Not according to Israel, who just unleashed a presentation to the world how Iran was working on nuclear weapons prior to the deal.

And not according to many world leading nations who partnered in the deal; including France, Britain, China, Russia and Germany.

Soooooo, if your claim is true....why are the Israelis happy as heel that we have pulled out of the deal, and why are most of the other Arab nations likewise happy? Hmmmm? The only people who are pissed are the progressive elite, and the multinational corporations who won't be able to sell high tech stuff to iran anymore.
The Liar in Chief trump is making two new nuke powers. Both Iran and N. Korea will be nuclear powers before the end of trump's romp as the worst President in American history.

This is a laughable assertion as it was your hero the obummer who inked a deal with iran that GRANTED them a nuke in 10 years. Pull your head out of your ass someday.

Cool - we'll just grant him a nuke now and be done with it.

BRILLIANT! :rolleyes:

Only they can't do it. Duh. More to the point if they do it today it is illegal, obummer made it LEGAL for them to have one. Try reading for comprehension.

What do you mean they can't do it? They can fire up those centrifuges any time they damn please unless our allies, Russia and China continue to vigorously enforce inspections. Obama made it legal :confused-84: Obama did nothing of the sort. It is illegal per current international law but they don't give a crap that and neither does NoKo.

The agreement said nothing about them continuing to be bad actors in the region. It was about continued nuke development only. They were complying per the IAEA and our own intelligence.

Perhaps you could answer the question that nobody else can: Specifically what US interest was advanced by pulling out of the agreement?
Reinstating the sanctions that were hindering Iran's nuke program. The entire middle east was in danger because of Obama's illegal deal. He gave them the cash they needed to buy missiles and prop up their nuke program and as we speak Iran is raining missiles down on Israel bought with cash that should be in the US Treasury.
Reinstating the sanctions that were hindering Iran's nuke program. The entire middle east was in danger because of Obama's illegal deal. He gave them the cash they needed to buy missiles and prop up their nuke program and as we speak Iran is raining missiles down on Israel bought with cash that should be in the US Treasury.

1. We gave them back THEIR OWN MONEY (not sure how many times we gotta say it)
2. Sanctions have rarely done much good against despotic regimes - On Russia they would work but Trump is still bending over like a pussy for Daddy Poot
3. Anyone who would rather see sanctions than inspections is auditioning for Trump's Clown Show - What position do you seek Muddy? :redface:
Reinstating the sanctions that were hindering Iran's nuke program. The entire middle east was in danger because of Obama's illegal deal. He gave them the cash they needed to buy missiles and prop up their nuke program and as we speak Iran is raining missiles down on Israel bought with cash that should be in the US Treasury.

1. We gave them back THEIR OWN MONEY (not sure how many times we gotta say it)
2. Sanctions have rarely done much good against despotic regimes - On Russia they would work but Trump is still bending over like a pussy for Daddy Poot
3. Anyone who would rather see sanctions than inspections is auditioning for Trump's Clown Show - What position do you seek Muddy? :redface:
The clown show is this friggen deal that clearly states that inspections would not be conducted on military facilities.
The fact that the money was paid up front removing any incentives by the Iranians to adhere to the deal, not to mention the Sunset clause.
And that money was forfit when they made our diplomats prisoners back in 1979.
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Trump screwed the pooch for no reason other than spite

He deserves whatever criticism he receives
There are more reasons than spite. Wait till youi see what happens to gas and oil prices here. The refineries are going to make more money. Of course we will be paying significantly more at the pump! Mean while no other country is joining us in econmic sanctions so the other countries will take all benefits of the deal while we screw our selves. Economic sanctions will do nothing when we are the only ones imposing them. So much for draining the swamp, the oil people, and the military industrial complex stand to gain big whiole the rest of us get screwed
Look ate all the filthy scum defending the country that chants "Death to America".

Donald has never done anything bold or brave.

nice try though.
LOL! You folks need to settle back down to Earth. Telling Iran to pound sound and pulling out of the terrible bath house barry deal, was not only bold but brave as well.
It is the latest signal that the USA, Trump in particular, has given up the roll and status as the dominant world leader. The four other nations that are part of the agreement have ignored Trump and the US and decided to keep the agreement working without US participation. They will ignore any efforts of the US imposing sanctions.

Donald has never done anything bold or brave.

nice try though.
LOL! You folks need to settle back down to Earth. Telling Iran to pound sound and pulling out of the terrible bath house barry deal, was not only bold but brave as well.
It is the latest signal that the USA, Trump in particular, has given up the roll and status as the dominant world leader. The four other nations that are part of the agreement have ignored Trump and the US and decided to keep the agreement working without US participation. They will ignore any efforts of the US imposing sanctions.
False. Bending over for Iran like your other four heroes have done only shows that they are gutless ass kissing cowards, just like BHB.

Donald has never done anything bold or brave.

nice try though.
LOL! You folks need to settle back down to Earth. Telling Iran to pound sound and pulling out of the terrible bath house barry deal, was not only bold but brave as well.
It is the latest signal that the USA, Trump in particular, has given up the roll and status as the dominant world leader. The four other nations that are part of the agreement have ignored Trump and the US and decided to keep the agreement working without US participation. They will ignore any efforts of the US imposing sanctions.
False. Bending over for Iran like your other four heroes have done only shows that they are gutless ass kissing cowards, just like BHB.
Iran has been made stronger, as have Russia and China, both signatories of the agreement and both choosing to ignore Trump and the US.

Do people really believe the massive oil producing Iran has difficulty obtaining cash?
The fact that Trump is defying Iran, a RUSSIAN ALLY is all you need to know about the Russia, Russia, Russia!!! allegations. You have a better shot with Stormy Daniels, although that was WELL BEFORE Trump was in office, even IF it did happen.

But, you still have Bill Clinton.

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