I Am American, and I Respect Islam

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
by Abigail Disney
I love my country. I love it a lot. I love the world too. I love them both for the same reasons. They are exciting and interesting and full of all kinds of people and ideas. I know that when I open myself up to new people and experiences there is really no end to things I can learn and discover—no limit to the ways in which I can be made to feel humble in the face of people's greatness, or proud of people's accomplishments

Over the past few weeks, it has become clear that some people in my country have created an insulting vision of Islam, a degrading video on YouTube. I deplore their actions. Their values are foreign to me and I do not understand their hearts.

Those people do not represent their country, they do not represent my America. They inhabit the edges of society. The Americans I know do not insult the faith of others. The Americans I know have built a strong, vibrant, multi-faith society of Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists and many others by embracing an ethic of respect and understanding. The Americans I know look into their own hearts, seeking to become more kind, more good, more decent. They know we must replace loathsome expressions of darkness with our own sincere gestures of loving kindness.

To build a culture of peace, we must repudiate hatred. This sign is a demonstration of our love. We stand for peace and we choose to drown out darkness with light.

Good people will always disagree with each other. But disagreement is much different from hatred. Even those who disagree with you about politics or religion are, on the whole, good and decent people who simply see the world in a different way.

We respect Islam. We love Islam. We love you. We know there is beauty in your faith and traditions. We hope to know it better, through peace and dialogue, bridging our cultures with calm and understanding

I Am American, and I Respect Islam | BlogHer
Islam is not a religion. Like zionism it is a political movement that calls itself a religion to deflect criticism.
I am a n Amerrican and I respect your right to religion, but i don't respect your call to kill those that practice free speech that you do not agree with. You have committed an act of terroristic threatening and you can and will be reported.
If we can't respect the rights of others to kill in the name of their religion, is there really any hope for us?
I don't respect Islam, or for that matter, any other religious belief or practice. In particular, I think Islam is an archaic, tribal, misogynist and illogical set of beliefs created by a middle eastern lunatic. I have nothing good to say about your faith, and have no plan to do so at any point on this board.

In spite of that, I absolutely support the right of people to believe according to the dictates of their conscience, and practice those beliefs--as long as their practice of their faith does not infring on other people--regardless of how stupid I might consider them.

You probably don't want to get me started on Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism, Scientology, or Jehovah's Witlesses.
I respect the religion, but not those who commit terrorist acts or those that refuse to condemn them.

Show me where CAIR speaks out against beheading journalists, burning embassies and killing Americans.


Looks like CAIR is starting to speak out some:

CAIR, a Washington-based Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, made that statement at a noon news conference today on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., at which representatives of CAIR and other Muslim organizations* condemned both the killings of the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other diplomats in that nation and the attack on the American embassy in Egypt.

This kind of thing needs Media coverage.
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History is full of stories of religion using violence as a means to an end. Islam is not unique it is just the current one being used to perpetrate violence.

Screw religion

It's just a way of exercising wider societal control to meet the goals of a particular set of elitists.
I respect the peaceful muslims and the faith they practice.

I dont respect people who think they need to murder and oppress people because of religion.
History is full of stories of religion using violence as a means to an end. Islam is not unique it is just the current one being used to perpetrate violence.

Screw religion

It's just a way of exercising wider societal control to meet the goals of a particular set of elitists.

No, that's what liberals and the anti-Christian freedom squashers do.

She/he is right tiny.

Why do you think that the threat of burning in hell is so prominent? It's their way of getting your submission. Fear tactics.
Islam is a belief system for savages. No rational intelligent human could believe such despicable tripe.

by Abigail Disney
I love my country. I love it a lot. I love the world too. I love them both for the same reasons. They are exciting and interesting and full of all kinds of people and ideas. I know that when I open myself up to new people and experiences there is really no end to things I can learn and discover—no limit to the ways in which I can be made to feel humble in the face of people's greatness, or proud of people's accomplishments

Over the past few weeks, it has become clear that some people in my country have created an insulting vision of Islam, a degrading video on YouTube. I deplore their actions. Their values are foreign to me and I do not understand their hearts.

Those people do not represent their country, they do not represent my America. They inhabit the edges of society. The Americans I know do not insult the faith of others. The Americans I know have built a strong, vibrant, multi-faith society of Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists and many others by embracing an ethic of respect and understanding. The Americans I know look into their own hearts, seeking to become more kind, more good, more decent. They know we must replace loathsome expressions of darkness with our own sincere gestures of loving kindness.

To build a culture of peace, we must repudiate hatred. This sign is a demonstration of our love. We stand for peace and we choose to drown out darkness with light.

Good people will always disagree with each other. But disagreement is much different from hatred. Even those who disagree with you about politics or religion are, on the whole, good and decent people who simply see the world in a different way.

We respect Islam. We love Islam. We love you. We know there is beauty in your faith and traditions. We hope to know it better, through peace and dialogue, bridging our cultures with calm and understanding

I Am American, and I Respect Islam | BlogHer
by Abigail Disney
I love my country. I love it a lot. I love the world too. I love them both for the same reasons. They are exciting and interesting and full of all kinds of people and ideas. I know that when I open myself up to new people and experiences there is really no end to things I can learn and discover—no limit to the ways in which I can be made to feel humble in the face of people's greatness, or proud of people's accomplishments

Over the past few weeks, it has become clear that some people in my country have created an insulting vision of Islam, a degrading video on YouTube. I deplore their actions. Their values are foreign to me and I do not understand their hearts.

Those people do not represent their country, they do not represent my America. They inhabit the edges of society. The Americans I know do not insult the faith of others. The Americans I know have built a strong, vibrant, multi-faith society of Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists and many others by embracing an ethic of respect and understanding. The Americans I know look into their own hearts, seeking to become more kind, more good, more decent. They know we must replace loathsome expressions of darkness with our own sincere gestures of loving kindness.

To build a culture of peace, we must repudiate hatred. This sign is a demonstration of our love. We stand for peace and we choose to drown out darkness with light.

Good people will always disagree with each other. But disagreement is much different from hatred. Even those who disagree with you about politics or religion are, on the whole, good and decent people who simply see the world in a different way.

We respect Islam. We love Islam. We love you. We know there is beauty in your faith and traditions. We hope to know it better, through peace and dialogue, bridging our cultures with calm and understanding

I Am American, and I Respect Islam | BlogHer

Good for pighumping you.
It's just a way of exercising wider societal control to meet the goals of a particular set of elitists.

No, that's what liberals and the anti-Christian freedom squashers do.

She/he is right tiny.

Why do you think that the threat of burning in hell is so prominent? It's their way of getting your submission. Fear tactics.
Meh... Burn in hell, Fry in the electric chair or pay a fine if you don't have health coverage. Government uses the same tactics. The positive thing about religion is that you get what you earn. God doesn't send you to hell for someone else's sloth.
I'm a tenth generation American, former U.S. Marine, and I say fuck Islam, and all the savages that believe in the dispicable Koran - the most unholy worthless peice of shit ever written!

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