I am rapture ready are you?

I hope there is a Rapture although I will be one "left behind"

I have always said, America needs to be bitch-slapped by the hand of God!
I am rapture ready are you? Jesus gave us the signs to look for just before his return all those signs are here today. Get ready to meet Jesus today.

There is no real Biblical basis for the rapture--quite the opposite. Jesus comes back--he doesn't suck us up in his Dyson vacuum. It is something created off the interpretation of the colorful language in the Bible.
God invented lying, he lied about the 6 days thingy, the flood, creration... So why not about the rapture?
Jesus says we will not know the hour or day of His return but we believers are commanded to know when He is at the door ready to return and that time is today.

I believe we should be ready every single day of our life for it could be the last day we have here. How does any person know when their last day shall be? Do we know if we will wake up when we go to sleep at night? No. We do not know any such thing. It reminds me of the story of the man who went to bed - down in Florida - and he and his entire bed were swallowed up during the night by a sinkhole. I wondered about this happening. It occurred to me that perhaps the man had been given many warnings to get right with God and would not. It occurred to me that even with locks on the doors and windows - even bars on the windows - even the most elaborate security system to prevent a burglar or one who would break in with the intention of taking your life - even with all of those preventative measures it will avail a person nothing if God is not watching over the individual to keep him. There is a scripture that speaks of this in stating that the Watchman labors in vain if the LORD is not watching over the city.

With this in mind how good the LORD is to give people an opportunity to repent, to come to Him and say, Lord? I know I am not living as I should be living. I know that I am doing things that are forbidden in your Word. I know that if I died tonight I would not be ready to meet you and yet I feel no compulsion to repent, to come to you, I find myself even doubting your very existence! Help me in my unbelief, Lord. I can look about me and see the signs of your prophets being fulfilled just as you told them it would be. I can see that terrible days are ahead. Help me to come to my senses here so that I do not perish with the wicked.

You know, God would not despise a prayer like that. God would take pity on a person who could at least admit they are not where they should be with Him. The truth is the Rapture is not what you should be ready for but rather you should be ready every single moment of your life for you might just leave this earth long before Jesus Christ returns. And then what? Then what will become of you, beloved?

You see, there will be no fornicator in heaven. There will be no adulterer in heaven. There will be no drunkard in heaven. There will be no drug addict in heaven. There will be no sorcerer in heaven. There will be no coward in heaven. There will be no liars in heaven...........you say but wait! How can this be? Everyone has told a lie before. Yes, some have lied in ignorance - facts change - truth doesn't - some have lied to deceive others into believing their lies - some have lied to slander the name or reputation of another individual because every thought in their heart is wicked and they cannot sleep without plotting out some evil on their bed at night. Some have become addicted to drink by believing the lie that one can drink in moderation and not eventually fall into indulgence in drinking. Some drink to forget their misery, their sorrow, many lust after the flesh but in the end it brings for death - at an unexpected moment - they perish in a car accident - or a home invasion - or some other sudden happening - because Satan comes "suddenly" to bring death and destruction. He lulls you into the complacency - this belief that you can set your house in order tomorrow - next week - next year - but today you can eat - drink - and be merry - because all is well today.

But all is not well today, Beloved. Because you have yet to make it right with Jesus and agree with His Word that declares in Revelation 21: 7, 8 the following:

He that overcometh shall inherit all things: and I shall be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

God desires that none would perish and that all would turn from their wicked ways. It is not enough to compare ourselves with the world and say, Compared to my neighbor - I am doing well. I obey the law, I go to church once a week, the rest of my time is my own but I do the best I can do. But that is not what the bible has told you to do. Are you going to do what God has told you to do or you going to obey God according to your own standards as Cain did? Because if you are going to do what Cain did ( rather than Abel who gave God what he asked for ) then you can expect Cain's results.

That is the bottom line here.
Ya, be ready at all times!!! One of the signs of the coming rapture is: Babylon Will Re-Emerge As A Prominent City In World Affairs... Rev 18:2-3.

And I hear fucking reggae music all over the place!!!
I am rapture ready are you? Jesus gave us the signs to look for just before his return all those signs are here today. Get ready to meet Jesus today.

What about your pets? They won't be coming with you. If you haven't thought about kitty or bowzer, you aren't ready yet.

For a small fee, I will ensure that your pets will be well taken of when you're in heaven.

PM me for a fee schedule.
"Caught up" is the rapture.====
And now, dear brothers, I want you to know what happens to a Christian when he dies so that when it happens, you will not be full of sorrow, as those are who have no hope. 14 For since we believe that Jesus died and then came back to life again, we can also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with him all the Christians who have died.

15 I can tell you this directly from the Lord: that we who are still living when the Lord returns will not rise to meet him ahead of those who are in their graves. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a mighty shout and with the soul-stirring cry of the archangel and the great trumpet-call of God. And the believers who are dead will be the first to rise to meet the Lord. 17 Then we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with him forever. 18 So comfort and encourage each other with this news. 1 thessalioans 4:13-18
Thanks for the welcome,name calling,personal attack,how sweet of you.Is it a result of fear?shame?guilt?

One of the methods people have used from times of old - to prevent the gospel from being heard was to mock it. They were called hecklers. There is a famous story about one heckler who became a born again Christian because he was not able to stop a certain famous preacher from preaching the gospel. I'm believing for that to happen on this board too. Most definitely!
Leadership, tradition, and Biblical exegesis all rebuke the heresy of rapturism.

Jesus and the Biblical saints never discussed it, and only about 175 years ago did British evangelical preachers come up with the doctrine.
I believe we should be ready every single day of our life for it could be the last day we have here. How does any person know when their last day shall be? Do we know if we will wake up when we go to sleep at night? No. We do not know any such thing. It reminds me of the story of the man who went to bed - down in Florida - and he and his entire bed were swallowed up during the night by a sinkhole. I wondered about this happening. It occurred to me that perhaps the man had been given many warnings to get right with God and would not. It occurred to me that even with locks on the doors and windows - even bars on the windows - even the most elaborate security system to prevent a burglar or one who would break in with the intention of taking your life - even with all of those preventative measures it will avail a person nothing if God is not watching over the individual to keep him. There is a scripture that speaks of this in stating that the Watchman labors in vain if the LORD is not watching over the city.

With this in mind how good the LORD is to give people an opportunity to repent, to come to Him and say, Lord? I know I am not living as I should be living. I know that I am doing things that are forbidden in your Word. I know that if I died tonight I would not be ready to meet you and yet I feel no compulsion to repent, to come to you, I find myself even doubting your very existence! Help me in my unbelief, Lord. I can look about me and see the signs of your prophets being fulfilled just as you told them it would be. I can see that terrible days are ahead. Help me to come to my senses here so that I do not perish with the wicked.

You know, God would not despise a prayer like that. God would take pity on a person who could at least admit they are not where they should be with Him. The truth is the Rapture is not what you should be ready for but rather you should be ready every single moment of your life for you might just leave this earth long before Jesus Christ returns. And then what? Then what will become of you, beloved?

You see, there will be no fornicator in heaven. There will be no adulterer in heaven. There will be no drunkard in heaven. There will be no drug addict in heaven. There will be no sorcerer in heaven. There will be no coward in heaven. There will be no liars in heaven...........you say but wait! How can this be? Everyone has told a lie before. Yes, some have lied in ignorance - facts change - truth doesn't - some have lied to deceive others into believing their lies - some have lied to slander the name or reputation of another individual because every thought in their heart is wicked and they cannot sleep without plotting out some evil on their bed at night. Some have become addicted to drink by believing the lie that one can drink in moderation and not eventually fall into indulgence in drinking. Some drink to forget their misery, their sorrow, many lust after the flesh but in the end it brings for death - at an unexpected moment - they perish in a car accident - or a home invasion - or some other sudden happening - because Satan comes "suddenly" to bring death and destruction. He lulls you into the complacency - this belief that you can set your house in order tomorrow - next week - next year - but today you can eat - drink - and be merry - because all is well today.

But all is not well today, Beloved. Because you have yet to make it right with Jesus and agree with His Word that declares in Revelation 21: 7, 8 the following:

He that overcometh shall inherit all things: and I shall be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

God desires that none would perish and that all would turn from their wicked ways. It is not enough to compare ourselves with the world and say, Compared to my neighbor - I am doing well. I obey the law, I go to church once a week, the rest of my time is my own but I do the best I can do. But that is not what the bible has told you to do. Are you going to do what God has told you to do or you going to obey God according to your own standards as Cain did? Because if you are going to do what Cain did ( rather than Abel who gave God what he asked for ) then you can expect Cain's results.

That is the bottom line here.

Let me repeat myself here. We need to be ready at any moment. Today could be our last day. Be prepared and stop worrying about your friends will think when you no longer join them in their sin. Be concerned about what God thinks. He is the Only One you shall answer to in that day.
Jeri, every one should live each day ready to meet their maker.

If they do, they will be find.
That is what I believe Starkey. We should live according to what God says in His Word which does not change rather than the words of men which change with the wind. Now more than ever men should be examining themselves and asking, Am I ready to meet the LORD? Is there anything in my life that is not lining up with the Word of God? I fear the LORD and I do not want to be out line with His Word one iota! Not one iota!
That is what I believe Starkey. We should live according to what God says in His Word which does not change rather than the words of men which change with the wind. Now more than ever men should be examining themselves and asking, Am I ready to meet the LORD? Is there anything in my life that is not lining up with the Word of God? I fear the LORD and I do not want to be out line with His Word one iota! Not one iota!

I like what you write, but I am also aware the Biblical literalism can distort man's relationship with God.
Jerimiah, do you believe a real christian would lie and deceive on this forum?
You asking because a huge deja vu has occurred here!
Bible reading taken literally is the only way to take it, Starkey. If I write you a personal letter I am not writing you an allegory not to be taken literally. But I write to you what I mean. I'm not out to confuse you. Especially if the matter is as important and urgent a matter as salvation. Another example - If I write you a historical account of a battle and how it unfolded I do not turn it into an allegory. If I am saved from the lions den I tell it exactly as it happened I do not say - well, you know, that wasn't really a lions den. It was an allegory. No, Starkey. The bible is to be taken literally but the interpretations of the bible have been very misconstrued - such as for one - the rapture - which I did do a thread called The Great Tribulation and used scripture to confirm that when Jesus said, Immediately AFTER the tribulation............ and then shall the Son of Man appear in the clouds.. but yet? Even with providing scripture it was not received and what can I say of that? Except that I still would not accuse my brethren of not believing in Jesus if we are not in agreement of the "timing of His return" of when He shall come. No, I believe my brethren in Christ are my brethren in Christ even if they believe He shall appear before all He said would unfold in Matthew 24 - but if my brethren in Christ say, Jesus has appeared in Europe and I have gone to bow down and worship him I would say that brother has departed from the faith and is following after another god. I do not write my own stuff - I believe everything I get is out of my relationship with the LORD, Starkey. So whatever you like is only due to Him because I am not capable of any good thing apart from Him. I do not think any of us are capable of any good thing apart from him.
Jerimiah, do you believe a real christian would lie and deceive on this forum?
You asking because a huge deja vu has occurred here!

Did you not claim before there was no such thing as a real christian? But now you wish to pretend there is such a thing and for what purpose? To accuse Starkey or is it the Raptureready writer? Because you must have an agenda in this but before you answer know this, HP. Know that Satan is the accuser of the brethren and he uses the mouths of those who are willing to be his mouthpiece to get his dirty work done. Know that. Then ask your question in a straightforward manner.

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