I am starting to think that Trump did it on purpose.

It's hurtful.

They live for being hurtful. They are hurting creatures and believe that hurting someone else will help them love themselves.

There's something about that little jolt of social validation mixed with dopamine that gives their lives meaning.

So what are your thoughts on the video where biden flat out admits he threatened to withhold billions in aide to the Ukraine if they didnt fire the prosecutor who was looking into the corruption Burisma and hunter were engaged in?

The groomed leftist sheep have been lying to themselves about this reality for years now.
This is what I've been saying all along.

He knows damn well what he is doing and he knows damn well that his base will stick by him. You know, shoot someone on 5th avenue! He has gone out of his way to be visible about it as in, He took the secret docs, clearly left a trail of evidence, admitted on auto tape that he knows that he is wrong, the docs are secret and that he is clearly showing people when he wasn't president. It is clear as day that he is guilty as hell, but I believe his goal is to attempt a coup.
One where he sends the public into pure rage and destroys the credibility of the government and he is counting on this rage to win the 2024 election. Once he wins if he does he then can pardon himselfs...Hell, even if he doesn't, a republican will likely pardon him anyways as his base would likely destroy anyone's political future for anyone that wouldn't.
He knows damn well that our political institutions, justice system and a huge percentage of the voting population will have his back...They simply don't give a damn. This is why this man is so dangerous as he may have the political power to be the greatest threat to our checks and balances in our nations history as any wrong doings on his part will just be used to rocket him forward. Hitler, Napoleon, and many other dictators throughout history have done something similar. Very ugly but true.
He is counting on his base being so enraged that they simply don't give a damn about right or wrong. They then will do something very stupid.

Meanwhile wetbacks invade by the millions and fuck up all of our institutions and you TDS’ing whackos can’t give two-fucks….but but but…we should take you seriously?
He knows damn well what he is doing and he knows damn well that his base will stick by him. You know, shoot someone on 5th avenue! He has gone out of his way to be visible about it as in, He took the secret docs, clearly left a trail of evidence, admitted on auto tape that he knows that he is wrong, the docs are secret and that he is clearly showing people when he wasn't president. It is clear as day that he is guilty as hell, but I believe his goal is to attempt a coup.
One where he sends the public into pure rage and destroys the credibility of the government and he is counting on this rage to win the 2024 election. Once he wins if he does he then can pardon himselfs...Hell, even if he doesn't, a republican will likely pardon him anyways as his base would likely destroy anyone's political future for anyone that wouldn't.
He knows damn well that our political institutions, justice system and a huge percentage of the voting population will have his back...They simply don't give a damn. This is why this man is so dangerous as he may have the political power to be the greatest threat to our checks and balances in our nations history as any wrong doings on his part will just be used to rocket him forward. Hitler, Napoleon, and many other dictators throughout history have done something similar. Very ugly but true.
He is counting on his base being so enraged that they simply don't give a damn about right or wrong. They then will do something very stupid.
Trump is a narcissist and most are unaware of what they are. He may not know why he’s doing what he’s doing, because it’s instinctive and not planned. He has a drive to control everything and everyone around him. You’re either painted white, like his political allies and people when he first hires them, or black, political enemies and people who he has decided to fire. Aware people see grey, but the narcissist does not. He feels he is owed attention and respect for simply being Donald Trump, as the narcissist is invariably a legend in their own mind. I could go on, but then this would become an unreadable wall of text. If you’re really interested, check out HG Tudor on YouTube. It’s where I picked most of the info above.

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