I am Totally Disgusted With The GOP; I am Voting for Sanders

Bernie Sanders has taken the high road in his campaign in several respects; by not accepting corporate contributions and by not attacking Clinton on her email server issues, and just leaving that to the FBI.

And despite his playing fair and with dignity, Clinton has gone after him using the influence she has in the DNC to repeatedly cheat Sanders. But he doesnt make this a main focus on his campaign, instead he keeps his focus on the issues of breaking up Wall Street banks, free tuition for college students and revising our free trade treaties to the advantage of American workers and not corporations.

I like Sanders position on these issues, and while I do not like his position on abortion and Black Lies Matter, these issues are already pegged to the far left, so him being elected wont change anything for the worse in these matters.

Sanders has the character that NOBODY ELSE IN EITHER PARTY HAS SHOWN. And h e has the intelligence and determination to be a decent President domestically. Yes, our foreign policy will suffer, but our allies have been sucking the American teet so much and wont get off that I really could not care less what happens to Europe, the Middle East Japan, Korea or anywhere else.

I am sick to death of watching Americans languish under the current corporate crony network and I am now feeling like Trump will not have a fighting chance to beat the Establishment in the GOP. Sanders is OK on gun issues, so I can support him without damaging gun rights.

Everything else aside from the economy and gun rights are of secondary importance to me.

Will Sanders suck on stopping terrorism? Yes, but not effectively more so than a GOP political whore like Cruz would do. Cruz cant even defend his own people if they become controversial as he promised he would simply fire anyone ever accused of being rough with a reporter no matter the circumstances. Cruz has gone so far into Political Correctness regarding any of Trumps fake controversies that I dont even recognize him any more, and his cheating with delegates, WTF? I dont want a man like that in the White House, I dont care what he says he will do or stand for. The man has zero integrity.

So My first preference is now Sanders and Trump is number two, and number three is a protest third party vote. I prefer Trump on the issues, but he is not very deep on them as his abortion comment revealed, and his political ground game is so weak that Cruz is ripping him off in AZ and ND, so I find myself questioning his judgement in terms of preparation and political tactics. That undermines my confidence in him in other areas as well.

Sanders has been batting 100% since he started his race. He has been solid, polite, courteous, standing up for his beliefs and taking a laser focus on the issues. He is honest, hard working and commands the factoids involved in all these issues. Though on social issues I am opposed to him across the board. The hitch is this; the GOP has done nothing of substance for social issues either. So it is a wash. Had the GOP ever actually delivered on a single one of its social issue promises, it would be a factor to consider, but since they have not, fuck them for being liars and posers. They have made one of their biggest voting draws completely irrelevant due to their apathy and inaction.

So since the issues where Sanders deltas with his GOP opponents positives are far stronger than his deltas with his weaknesses, I have to say, to be honest, I am now supporting Sanders as my primary choice, and Trump is my number two. Sanders may have a sympathetic Senate, but it doesnt matter since Republicans are trained to sit up and beg or roll over on command from the Democrats in the White House anyway. All Congressional GOP can do well is to hammer their intra-party upstarts and rebels, but they cant stand up to Democrats any more, not ever.

Ted Cruz can suck my left nut. Kasich is delusional and Clinton belongs in prison already.

Yeah, I have probably lost some friends today, and I am sorry, but we have to break the back of the Corporate Crony Network or our nation dies and Sanders is the only one left who I think can actually do it.

If the corporations still control this countries political system by 2025, I think the America I grew up in and love with all my heart, that America will be dead and gone for ever.


He advocates the Nordic economic system. It sounds pretty good if one takes the time to read about it.

I am fairly familiar with Swedens economic system, but they went through a losening of standards also back in the 90s IIRC.

Economy of Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sweden is a competitive mixed economy featuring a generous universal welfare state financed through relatively high income taxes that ensures that income is distributed across the entire society, a model sometimes called the Nordic model.[14] Approximately 90% of all resources and companies are privately owned, with a minority of 5% owned by the state and another 5% operating as either consumer or producer cooperatives.[15]...
The National Institute of Economic research predicts GDP growth of 1.8%, 3.1% and 3.4% in 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively.[17] A comparison of upcoming economic growth rates of EU countries revealed that the Baltic states, Poland, and Slovakia are the only countries that are expected to keep comparable or higher growth rates.[18]...

A real estate boom ended in a bust. The government took over nearly a quarter of banking assets at a cost of about 4% of the nation's GDP. This was known colloquially as the "Stockholm Solution". In 2007, the United States Federal Reserve noted, "In the early 1970s, Sweden had one of the highest income levels in Europe; today, its lead has all but disappeared...So, even well-managed financial crises don't really have a happy ending".[26]

The welfare system that had been growing rapidly since the 1970s could not be sustained with a falling GDP, lower employment and larger welfare payments. In 1994 the government budget deficit exceeded 15% of GDP. The response of the government was to cut spending and institute a multitude of reforms to improve Sweden's competitiveness. When the international economic outlook improved combined with a rapid growth in the IT sector, which Sweden was well positioned to capitalize on, the country was able to emerge from the crisis.[27]

The crisis of the 1990s was by some viewed as the end of the much buzzed welfare model called "Svenska modellen", literally "The Swedish Model", as it proved that governmental spending at the levels previously experienced in Sweden was not long term sustainable in a global open economy.[28] Much of the Swedish Model's acclaimed advantages actually had to be viewed as a result of the post WWII special situation, which left Sweden untouched when competitors' economies were comparatively weak.[29]

However, the reforms enacted during the 1990s seem to have created a model in which extensive welfare benefits can be maintained in a global economy.[22]....

Sweden is an export-oriented mixed economy featuring a modern distribution system, excellent internal and external communications, and a skilled labor force. Timber, hydropower and iron ore constitute the resource base of an economy heavily oriented toward foreign trade. Sweden's engineering sector accounts for 50% of output and exports. Telecommunications, the automotive industry and the pharmaceutical industries are also of great importance. Agriculture accounts for 2 percent of GDP and employment.

The 20 largest Sweden-registered companies by turnover in 2013 were Volvo, Ericsson, Vattenfall, Skanska, Hennes & Mauritz, Electrolux,Volvo Personvagnar, Preem, TeliaSonera, Sandvik, ICA, Atlas Copco, Nordea, Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget, Scania, Securitas,Nordstjernan, SKF, ABB Norden Holding and Sony Mobile Communications AB, .[30] Sweden's industry is overwhelmingly in private control; unlike some other industrialized Western countries, such as Austria, Italy or Finland, state owned enterprises were always of minor importance. One important exception to this rule is LKAB, which is a state-owned mining company, mostly active in the northern part of the country.

Some 4.5 million residents are working, out of which around a third with tertiary education. GDP per hour worked is the world's 9th highest at 31 USD in 2006, compared to 22 USD in Spain and 35 USD in United States.[31] According to OECD, deregulation, globalization, and technology sector growth have been key productivity drivers.[31] GDP per hour worked is growing 21⁄2 per cent a year for the economy as a whole and trade-terms-balanced productivity growth 2%.[31] Sweden is a world leader in privatized pensions and pension funding problems are small compared to many other Western European countries.[32] Swedish labor market has become more flexible, but it still has some widely acknowledged problems.[31] The typical worker receives only 40% of his income after the tax wedge. The slowly declining overall taxation, 51.1% of GDP in 2007, is still nearly double of that in the United States or Ireland. Civil servants amount to a third of Swedish workforce, multiple times the proportion in many other countries. Overall, GDP growth has been fast since reforms in the early 1990s, especially in manufacturing.[33]

World Economic Forum 2012–2013 competitiveness index ranks Sweden 4th most competitive.[34] The Index of Economic Freedom 2012 ranks Sweden the 21st most free out of 179 countries, or 10th out of 43 European countries.[35] Sweden ranked 9th in the IMD Competitiveness Yearbook 2008, scoring high in private sector efficiency.

Lots of upward mobility.

Denmark’s success has been noted before: The Economist recently hailed the Nordic model as an expansive and thick social safety net beside vibrant capitalism as the next “supermodel.” The evidence is strong: the four Nordic countries rank at the top for entrepreneurship, education, happiness, health indicators, equality and social mobility.

Denmark is Better At Realizing the American Dream Than America


Denmark Personal Income Tax Rate | 1995-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Good luck with that.
Sanders isn't going to be the nominee.
If that is true, then a vote for Sanders serves to make The Hag sweat for each and every vote she gets.

It serves to knock some of the arrogant, smug, elitist look off of her face.

It serves to make her talk about issues she would not have talked much about otherwise.

It serves to make her promise things that she would not have promised otherwise.

It serves to put The Establishment Hag on notice that vast numbers of Plebs want something done about focal areas that she otherwise would have left largely untouched.

A vote for Sanders serves an important, high and lofty purpose, whether HildaBeast gets the nomination or not.

Go, Bernie! :clap:
If you knew a damned thing about what Sanders is proposing you wouldn't be asking such dumbass questions.

The fact is Kaz does. It's you who don't understand who you're supporting. You're only supporting him because you're displeased with the GOP. All of your posts, including the OP are nothing but an attempt at self assurance.

Kaz is wrong on the facts about what Sanders is promoting and misidentifies it as communism because he is too lazy to bother with the differences. What Sanders is promoting is not even far enough left to qualify as Fabian Socialism, much less communism.
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The only one that won't let in a million refugees is Trump. The rest will open wide the gates just like Merkel did. That includes Sanders.

The difference is that Trump is not going to get the nomination if the current Establishment shenanigans continue, and I think they will.

The normal restraining factor to a party establishment interfering in its own nomination process is that it alienates voters as being too contrived and corrupt. But the GOP Establishment has decided that it is better for them to let Hillary have 8 years in power rather than to put up someone like Trump, and Trump apparently does not have the moxie to beat the Establishment at their own game after all.

The refugee problem wont be fixed just because Trump gets elected POTUS, as Republicans in Congress always manage to find their nerve when it comes to thumbing down conservatives in their own party. So immigration and the other Trump positives are really a wash, including immigration. The POTUS getting Congress to do anything is like pushing a string.

Sanders I think can have far more success, especially if the Dems regain the Senate, and the House GOP reverts to playing the lapdog once again..

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