Zone1 I asked a protestant to tell me when his church began, why it doesn't go back to the Beginning

I can see why over 1 million members of your away from your kingdom, its your false doctrine that denies the deity of God's only begotten Son........who made the worlds.

Gave it to HIM.......surrendered/granted ALL AUTHORITY TO CHRIST JESUS, in both heaven and in earth. If you are worshiping Jehovah today, you are worshiping the wrong authority.......because God.......i.e., Jehovah gave that authority to Christ Jesus. You are attempting to live under terms of the Law of Moses (the old covenant). Pretending that God still speaks directly to man by prophets in sundry and various ways while "All Scripture is inspired by God....." Declares, "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in times past unto the fathers (ancestors) by the prophets, has in these last days (beginning in A.D. 33 on the day of pentecost after the ascension of our Lord Christ Jesus -- Acts 2:16-18) has spoken unto us by His Son, WHOM HE HAS APPOINTED HIER TO ALL THINGS AND BY WHOM HE ALSO MADE THE WORLDS...." -- Hebrews 1:1-2

Indeed, and Jesus as of A.D 33 is sitting on the Throne of David in the Kingdom of God in heaven and will continue to sit thereon as both "Lord" and "Christ" of both heaven and earth until the kingdom....i.e, the church of Christ, not the church of Jehovah as Jesus is the LORD and CHRIST(Matthew 28:18, Acts 2:36) of that kingdom.... that authority is given back to the Father (GOD), after all the enemies of Christ (such as you) are placed under His feet. -- 1 Cor. 15:20-28 When Jesus comes back (appears again) it will be to judge the quick and the dead, not establish another kingdom to replace His neverending kingdom established in the 1st century.

"I charge thee before God......and the Lord Jesus Christ; who shall judge the quick and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom."

Read from "All scripture is inspired by God......." "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE........NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER BUT BY ME (Christ Jesus)." -- John 14:6
The Catholic Church concurs

(yes, I think I can speak for the TRUE Catholic [SSPX] Church here)
There are some sects of Christianity that do not claim to derive from the Protestant Reformation. It is interesting theory but I have a hard time thinking any American Form of Christianity was produced through the Protestant Reformation.
the JWs were

the Mormons

Do some research. It was YOUR church that changed Passover to Easter. Sabbath to Sunday. And a thousand similar doctrinal changes.

This was inspired by Simon the Sorcerer

I'll have to look into Simon the Sorcerer, that's interesting.

But yes, definitely true that the Catholic church changed so many things from biblical to pagan or traditions of man.

I know this is a very touchy and controversial subject, but I've said for years that the Catholic church from the start has been an unholy mixture of Christianity and paganism. But the worst part of all, iyam, is that they mislead people on salvation, which is the most important thing that no one can afford to get wrong.
Do some research. It was YOUR church that changed Passover to Easter. Sabbath to Sunday. And a thousand similar doctrinal changes.

This was inspired by Simon the Sorcerer
geez.. unbelievable the lies.. Again, nothing is more lied about in this whole world than the CC

But people just keep on believing the lies. Even the NO Church doesn't teach the garbage I have heard from anti-Catholics..

The SSPX would be a good place to attend RCIA classes (free). There you know you will get the TRUTH about the CC

Yes, SSPX Churches are few and far between. But Jesus is worth the trouble..
I'll have to look into Simon the Sorcerer, that's interesting.

But yes, definitely true that the Catholic church changed so many things from biblical to pagan or traditions of man.
says you

and you know more than --and can be trusted to know truth from error more than --the Church Christ founded..

arrogance.. pride
says you

and you know more than --and can be trusted to know truth from error more than --the Church Christ founded..

arrogance.. pride

You are majorly projecting. What is arrogant and prideful is to claim that the Catholic church is "the only true church" and only Catholics have been in God's tangible presence. (which you claimed earlier on this thread.)

That is about as far from the truth as one can get, in addition to being incredibly arrogant. Spiritually misguided and almost cult-like, in fact.
I can see why over 1 million members of your away from your kingdom, its your false doctrine that denies the deity of God's only begotten Son........who made the worlds.

Gave it to HIM.......surrendered/granted ALL AUTHORITY TO CHRIST JESUS, in both heaven and in earth. If you are worshiping Jehovah today, you are worshiping the wrong authority.......because God.......i.e., Jehovah gave that authority to Christ Jesus. You are attempting to live under terms of the Law of Moses (the old covenant). Pretending that God still speaks directly to man by prophets in sundry and various ways while "All Scripture is inspired by God....." Declares, "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in times past unto the fathers (ancestors) by the prophets, has in these last days (beginning in A.D. 33 on the day of pentecost after the ascension of our Lord Christ Jesus -- Acts 2:16-18) has spoken unto us by His Son, WHOM HE HAS APPOINTED HIER TO ALL THINGS AND BY WHOM HE ALSO MADE THE WORLDS...." -- Hebrews 1:1-2

Indeed, and Jesus as of A.D 33 is sitting on the Throne of David in the Kingdom of God in heaven and will continue to sit thereon as both "Lord" and "Christ" of both heaven and earth until the kingdom....i.e, the church of Christ, not the church of Jehovah as Jesus is the LORD and CHRIST(Matthew 28:18, Acts 2:36) of that kingdom.... that authority is given back to the Father (GOD), after all the enemies of Christ (such as you) are placed under His feet. -- 1 Cor. 15:20-28 When Jesus comes back (appears again) it will be to judge the quick and the dead, not establish another kingdom to replace His neverending kingdom established in the 1st century.

"I charge thee before God......and the Lord Jesus Christ; who shall judge the quick and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom."

Read from "All scripture is inspired by God......." "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE........NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER BUT BY ME (Christ Jesus)." -- John 14:6

Gods master worker assures all, it was God who created it all. Prov 8
Yes the way= learning his teachings and obeying him. It is Gods truth he shared John 5:30)-- And without obeying all of Gods utterances in truth, that one will not get life.
says you

and you know more than --and can be trusted to know truth from error more than --the Church Christ founded..

arrogance.. pride

No Israelite male had long hair, 1Cor 11:14) except the Nazarites, Jesus was a Nazarene, not a Nazarite, so such a lack of not knowing him has lead some to picture Jesus bringing dishonor to his Fathers name, picturing him with long hair. Run from them. Why continue in that error your religion refuses to correct because they do not know him?
I'll have to look into Simon the Sorcerer, that's interesting.

But yes, definitely true that the Catholic church changed so many things from biblical to pagan or traditions of man.

I know this is a very touchy and controversial subject, but I've said for years that the Catholic church from the start has been an unholy mixture of Christianity and paganism. But the worst part of all, iyam, is that they mislead people on salvation, which is the most important thing that no one can afford to get wrong.
Some may think so because I'm critical of the Catholic Church, but I don't "hate" the people. They are simply wrong on so many things. As people, I know many fine Catholic people, and I agree with them in terms of morality, but strongly disagree on doctrine.

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Some may think so because I'm critical of the Catholic Church, but I don't "hate" the people. They are simply wrong on so many things. ]
says who?

How do you know they are wrong?

How do you know that you are not the one wrong?

And also, have you been to a RCIA class given at a SSPX Church?

So again..

How do you know they are wrong?

How do you know that you are not the one who is wrong?

(the little pope who lives inside your head, guaranteeing you never go wrong in your thoughts and actions?)

Where did that little pope come from?

I tend to trust Christ's Church myself..

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