Zone1 I asked a protestant to tell me when his church began, why it doesn't go back to the Beginning

well, that was informative.. not fun but informative

I'm not even sure I u/stand it all. But one thing I know is that at some point, those who truly love Jesus will be disillusioned w/ ANY Church or place of worship because of course there is something in all of them that

jus aint right... jis aint right.. namely, humans
Look, I've been in church my whole life...since I was 2 weeks old. It's a scary place in all reality. Because it's people whom you consider as friends doing so much of this junk. There is lots of mental health issues everywhere from narcissist to serial cheaters and of course those with issues discerning reality from fantasy...and that's the leadership of these groups. Add in a healthy amount of political campaigning and it gets to be a disaster...especially when politics and medicine become indistinguishable from each other.

It's one of the few places that Christians can still meet and greet each other...those who really prize their relationship with God and are of sound mind. It's wheat strands in a tare field these days...unfortunately.

I don't know how much longer God is going to put up with it...
Neither do you or The Church of Joseph Smith

You clearly don't understand what it means to "do all things in Jesus' name."

It certainly didn't mean name your church after Him.

The ONLY name God's Church has ever been, is "the Church of God"

Jesus ALWAYS pointed people to the Father, including in prayer

Yes, Jesus points all his real followers to his Father. After all didnt he teach--No one comes to the Father but through me= The Father is the destination. And Jesus sends his true followers to do this-John 4:22-24-- Worship the Father in spirit and truth. All real followers hearts instruct their minds 24/7-365 to do just that to the best of their abilities.
Look, I've been in church my whole life...since I was 2 weeks old. It's a scary place in all reality. Because it's people whom you consider as friends doing so much of this junk. There is lots of mental health issues everywhere from narcissist to serial cheaters and of course those with issues discerning reality from fantasy...and that's the leadership of these groups. Add in a healthy amount of political campaigning and it gets to be a disaster...especially when politics and medicine become indistinguishable from each other.

It's one of the few places that Christians can still meet and greet each other...those who really prize their relationship with God and are of sound mind. It's wheat strands in a tare field these days...unfortunately.

I don't know how much longer God is going to put up with it...

Jesus is with a single religion-1Cor 1:10--the other 99% claiming to be christian are not his.
And of course, he couldn't deny that the JWs only go back to something like the 19th century.

Now some here are going to say the JWs are a cult or whatever and I tend to agree.. but they are a protestant group.. one of the 60,000 we have since the heretic Luther busted up Christ's Church

because he couldn't adhere to the Commandments of Christ

true story.

Luther is a legend, but only among protestants who don't want to study Catholicism. If they only knew all the vile things I know about Luther.. he would not be a hero to them anymore.. except for the liberal ones among them, who are not Christian at all of course.
The New Testament Church was established around A.D. 33 . There is nothing stopping that church from existing today by simply following the doctrine presented by the Apostles of Christ as being the FOUNDATION of the One True Church.

The foundation that was constructed by the inspiration of the Apostles of Christ was constructed but once. No building can have more than one orginal foundation.

The church is built the same today. God's word does not change.........what was true 2000 years ago is just as true today, truth does not evolve depending upon the acceptance of any church or society.

There is only ONE access to the Father, Both Jew and Gentile are reconciled through that very foundation presented to the saints of the 1st century, "And that He might reconcile both unto God (Jew and Gentile), IN ONE BODY BY THE CROSS, having slain the entimy (wall of difference) thereby. And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and unto them that were neigh. For through Him (Christ) we both (Jew and Gentile) have access by ONE SPIRIT unto the Father. Now therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners; but fellow citizens (of the Kingdom of God...i.e, that one church that Christ buit) with the saints and of the household of God. AND ARE BULIT UPON THE FOUNDATION OF THE APOSTLES AND PROPHETS, JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF BEING THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE." -- Eph. 2:16-20

Who are members of that kingdom today? The one's that follow the doctrine of "God said......" found in the Holy Scriptures. Anyone that strays from what God actually said, and begins serving man made tradition are not members of that ONE CHURCH. Its the word of God that calibrates the truth of God. "Sanctify them through thy truth........YOUR WORD IS TRUTH."

It can't be more unabiguous.......Test all things and all onto the truth......that which is good. 1 Thess 5:21

The scriptures remain unbroken for a reason..........the scriptures cut directly to the TRUTH. When doctrine does not compare with that presented by the inspired words of God, "All scritpure is given by inspiration of God...." 2 Tim 3:16"......that is a false doctrine being preached.
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The message of Jesus is personal relationship and revelation. If one does not believe in that and its power, pretty much the whole thing is lost. If Jesus is who he said, Jesus is all that is necessary. I Jesus alone is not enough, then he is not whom he said he was.
The message of Jesus is personal relationship and revelation. If one does not believe in that and its power, pretty much the whole thing is lost. If Jesus is who he said, Jesus is all that is necessary. I Jesus alone is not enough, then he is not whom he said he was.
"jesus said" ? when and where? He "said" --not only to people who never met him----but even to people who did not speak his language
Are you suggesting the US government can charge the Vatican? Or, are you referencing a suit filed against the Diocese of Buffalo, NY which I believe was settled a week ago? In either case, I am not seeing news about a "growing call". Also wonder if listing actions might find the US government bureaucracies guiltier of violating the RICO act than any Church action.
They can charge American priests and other non clergy workers of the Catholic Church for their part in the relocating of known pedophiles And the covering up of their crimes including the payments of hush money to families that haven't made in the path. Any offices or other institutions of the Catholic Church that are located in the United States are subject to US law.
^^^^ that was written by a "JOHN" who never met

No. John knew Jesus intimately and was the only disciple to live to an old age as Jesus foretold, old enough to gain understanding about what Jesus was saying and doing. And in stark contrast to the other gospels there is no mention of a virgin birth and the only person at the last supper given bread dipped in wine was Judas as a way for Jesus to identify his betrayer to the others.

" As soon as Judas received the bread, Satan entered him." John 13:27. This is no small point.
Look, I've been in church my whole life...since I was 2 weeks old. It's a scary place in all reality. Because it's people whom you consider as friends doing so much of this junk. There is lots of mental health issues everywhere from narcissist to serial cheaters and of course those with issues discerning reality from fantasy...and that's the leadership of these groups. Add in a healthy amount of political campaigning and it gets to be a disaster...especially when politics and medicine become indistinguishable from each other.

It's one of the few places that Christians can still meet and greet each other...those who really prize their relationship with God and are of sound mind. It's wheat strands in a tare field these days...unfortunately.

I don't know how much longer God is going to put up with it...
I feel I could have written this.. have often had that last thought.. God putting up with it..

I think He gives chance after chance after chance IN THIS LIFE

God help the unrepentant in the next life, though!

They can charge American priests and other non clergy workers of the Catholic Church for their part in the relocating of known pedophiles And the covering up of their crimes including the payments of hush money to families that haven't made in the path. Any offices or other institutions of the Catholic Church that are located in the United States are subject to US law.
you have to keep in mind that a lot of clergy are NOT Catholics but instead are those who infiltrate the Church so as to destroy it.

What better way to destroy it than to attack children, molest them.. so they have a bad attitude about the Church for life? and often leave it.

The devil is quite cunning.. smarter than we humans by a long shot. Yet, humans do not have to listen to him.. as was done at Vatican II where all restraint was thrown off.. heresies abounded.. and we wonder why we have these sick results (sick priests)? People who were against Christianity of any "brand" (P or C) were at Vatican II making decisions for the Church.. !

those of us who know what exactly happened at Vatican II are NOT surprised by all the rotten fruits we've had for something like 60 years since V2
They can charge American priests and other non clergy workers of the Catholic Church for their part in the relocating of known pedophiles And the covering up of their crimes including the payments of hush money to families that haven't made in the path. Any offices or other institutions of the Catholic Church that are located in the United States are subject to US law.
Can they do that with government school teachers?
John 14:6
The gospel of John was written by John the Apostle.
Nobody seriously believes or states anything different than that.
It is not entirely the case that serious questions have not been posed regarding the cited author. At the same time, this can ultimately be the question posed regarding absolutely everything not personally viewed. If "John" is fiction, it is almost as amazing as if it were divinely inspired. It certainly derives from a solid core of affinity for and familiarity with Jesus.
Even if entirely everything around the life of Jesus is fiction, it still makes superb metaphorical sense, if observed objectively and poetically.
The New Testament Church was established around A.D. 33 . There is nothing stopping that church from existing today by simply following the doctrine presented by the Apostles of Christ as being the FOUNDATION of the One True Church.

The foundation that was constructed by the inspiration of the Apostles of Christ was constructed but once. No building can have more than one orginal foundation.

The church is built the same today. God's word does not change.........what was true 2000 years ago is just as true today, truth does not evolve depending upon the acceptance of any church or society.

There is only ONE access to the Father, Both Jew and Gentile are reconciled through that very foundation presented to the saints of the 1st century, "And that He might reconcile both unto God (Jew and Gentile), IN ONE BODY BY THE CROSS, having slain the entimy (wall of difference) thereby. And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and unto them that were neigh. For through Him (Christ) we both (Jew and Gentile) have access by ONE SPIRIT unto the Father. Now therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners; but fellow citizens (of the Kingdom of God...i.e, that one church that Christ buit) with the saints and of the household of God. AND ARE BULIT UPON THE FOUNDATION OF THE APOSTLES AND PROPHETS, JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF BEING THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE." -- Eph. 2:16-20

Who are members of that kingdom today? The one's that follow the doctrine of "God said......" found in the Holy Scriptures. Anyone that strays from what God actually said, and begins serving man made tradition are not members of that ONE CHURCH. Its the word of God that calibrates the truth of God. "Sanctify them through thy truth........YOUR WORD IS TRUTH."

It can't be more unabiguous.......Test all things and all onto the truth......that which is good. 1 Thess 5:21

The scriptures remain unbroken for a reason..........the scriptures cut directly to the TRUTH. When doctrine does not compare with that presented by the inspired words of God, "All scritpure is given by inspiration of God...." 2 Tim 3:16"......that is a false doctrine being preached.

Yes test all things like this super important truth From Jesus--Matt 6:33-Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his ( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)-- Every true followers heart does exactly that already.
They killed the members of their own religion for Hitler= 100% darkness.
"They?" Who are "they?" There are bad apples in all organizations. The truth is not dependent upon keeping 100% of them out of any organization. All are human and all fall short the Glory of God. Like I said, many Catholics were involved with the underground movement to get Jews out of Germany and other countries controlled by the Nazis. The problem with your attack is anytime now days if you bring up Hitler you have immediately lost the argument/debate. And, if no JW's were helped in the underground then maybe you shouldn't poke the bear. :poke:
Neither do you or The Church of Joseph Smith

You clearly don't understand what it means to "do all things in Jesus' name."

It certainly didn't mean name your church after Him.

The ONLY name God's Church has ever been, is "the Church of God"

Jesus ALWAYS pointed people to the Father, including in prayer
This is so funny!!! You claim doing all things in the name of Jesus Christ doesn't include naming His own Church after him is hilarious!!! :laughing0301:
Then, you name His church the Church of God? Funny. Yes, we always worship the Father in the name of the Son. So what? Do all things in his name. "Things" includes all things such as naming His Church after him if it's really His church.
There is no "Church of Joseph Smith." The Church that Joseph Smith helped the Lord re-establish is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To recognize today's members (Saints) as to those when Jesus Christ lived.
"They?" Who are "they?" There are bad apples in all organizations. The truth is not dependent upon keeping 100% of them out of any organization. All are human and all fall short the Glory of God. Like I said, many Catholics were involved with the underground movement to get Jews out of Germany and other countries controlled by the Nazis. The problem with your attack is anytime now days if you bring up Hitler you have immediately lost the argument/debate. And, if no JW's were helped in the underground then maybe you shouldn't poke the bear. :poke:
Catholicism and other trinity religions. in many wars.
Yes test all things like this super important truth From Jesus--Matt 6:33-Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his ( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)-- Every true followers heart does exactly that already.
There is truth that is super or "superior" to other truths in the holy scriptures...............Darn it, thanks for enlightening me, I was under the asumption that "All Scriture is inspired of God......". When you read a single cherry picked passage and take it away from its contexutal integrity that ends with this one passage contradicting other passages of ALL SCRIPTURE the partial truth becomes a whole lie, such as the scripture that declares, ".........Jesus did not think it robbery to be equal with God...." -- Phil. 2:6

Your passages states to seek the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.......things you need, not things you desire. FYI: The Kingdom of God is the church that Christ established over 2000 years as the chief cornerstone (Matt.16)

To seek out the kingdom of God........simply use the Keys to the Kingdom revealed by Peter with his words that binds in heaven what is bound on earth (Matthew 16:19). Peter informed everyone what must be done to convey oneself into the Kingdom of God "Repent and be batized in the name of Jesus Christ.......for the remission of sin" -- Acts 2:38

We are translated/conveyed into the kingdom of Christ (Matt.16)...i.e, His church, the kingdom of God after your sins have been remitted by the act of dying to your old person and arising as a newborn without sin (water Baptism) Col.1:13-27 explains that Jesus pre-existed the creation of the world......and Jesus is the head of the church/kingdom, not Jehovah (a false translation for God). Why? Because the Father Gave "all authority" to Christ Jesus as Lord and Christ (Acts 2, Matthew 28:18)

Strange that you picked a single passage from Matthew.......the same gospel that declares, "Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me......" Matthew 28:18, And repeated again in Acts 2, God the Father gave all authority to Christ Jesus to be both "LORD and CHRIST" of the kingdom (Acts 2:36)

What? Your cheery picked passage makes scriptures that demonstrate your cult to be based upon a false doctrine is contradicted because you personally translated (which is forbidden 2 Peter 1:19-20) it to fit into your cults doctrine? :dunno: :no_text11:

Again......."God said..........Jesus Christ is the head of the church/kingdom because He (God gave all authority in heaven and earth to Jesus". It's calibrated by the truth found in scriptures. "Sanctify them in your truth.........YOUR WORD is truth" -- John 17:17 There is no SUPER TRUTH that comes from one passage of scripture.......all scripture must agree in order to have a "righteous" doctrine.
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