Zone1 I asked a protestant to tell me when his church began, why it doesn't go back to the Beginning

The Pope signed the concordance with a man named Hitler, voted him into power, then killed their own supposed brothers in Christ on the allied side for his war effort. I believe payback for that was to rid the world of the servants of YHWH(Jehovah)--The Jewish, and JW,s both in the concentration camps being murdered. Does one actually think a religion that has Jesus does that?Or lets their young men kill their own religion members for a mass murderer like that? both answers are never. They threw Jesus away to accomplish it-Why? Because both the Jewish leaders and JW,s were exposing their false trinity god.
The bloodguilt through the centuries has amassed to the heavens.

Jehovah's Witnesses are really opposed to education.
Catholic priests are spiritual fathers--none are founders of the faith. I am certain all can understand this distinction. Knowledge of the current events of Jesus time and of etymology is a wondrous branch of education.
according to protestant "logic" it was wrong for the Word of God to refer to Abraham as Father Abraham.. That *^%$#@ Bible!

that's protestant "logic" 4 ya
And of course, he couldn't deny that the JWs only go back to something like the 19th century.

Now some here are going to say the JWs are a cult or whatever and I tend to agree.. but they are a protestant group.. one of the 60,000 we have since the heretic Luther busted up Christ's Church

because he couldn't adhere to the Commandments of Christ

true story.

Luther is a legend, but only among protestants who don't want to study Catholicism. If they only knew all the vile things I know about Luther.. he would not be a hero to them anymore.. except for the liberal ones among them, who are not Christian at all of course.
Can you counter, from the Bible, any of Luther's theses?
Can you counter, from the Bible, any of Luther's theses?
yes, I can but I won't. i don't feel any Protestant listens to me. Maybe they will listen to some other Catholic in their life but not me.. and I don't like wasting time
Yes, lying has been very present throughout the Roman Church's history of attempted domination of Jesus' message. This is apparent even to those of us not part of any particular denomination.
This is my point. Access to Yeshua must NOT be constrained by a denomination. He made Chrstianity very simple so ANYONE could understand it and come to faith without manmade rituals or interference. It's very simple, confess and believe, that's pretty much it.

Thus, Christ's followers are simply, "Christians" and can be found in every denomination, every nation. In addition, every denomination has within it fakes and fakers who do not follow Him. Denominations taking pot shots at each other only divides us and strengthens the enemy. Literally, if all the denominations set aside their differences, proclaimed allegiance only to God and followed Christ, this world would not know what hit it.
yes, I can but I won't. i don't feel any Protestant listens to me. Maybe they will listen to some other Catholic in their life but not me.. and I don't like wasting time
If you will not back up your statements, you will not be believed. If you think backing up what you say is a waste of time, why did you take the time to say it in the first place?
Oh good grief. Prove it. Hitler was a crazy sociopath who used Jews as a scapegoat to blame them for the high inflation and great poverty. Jews don't go around trying to prove the trinity wrong. They really don't care what anyone else believes. JW's are also heavily infiltrated by crazy sociopaths who deny the Christ and the Holy Ghost which is the unpardonable sin.

The Jewish leaders have told the false christian leaders that God is not a trinity, never was or never will be for centuries.
The Jewish leaders have told the false christian leaders that God is not a trinity, never was or never will be for centuries.

So what. Judaism doesn't believe God had children. Believe what you like.
according to protestant "logic" it was wrong for the Word of God to refer to Abraham as Father Abraham.. That *^%$#@ Bible!

that's protestant "logic" 4 ya
I's actually a lead in to understand the importance of anthropology of the time period and today for Judaism.

This also answers such questions as to what Jesus meant by "Lord of the Sabbath" and why Sabbath Keeping was a necessity and breaking it was a capital well why Protestants attend church on Sunday.
I's actually a lead in to understand the importance of anthropology of the time period and today for Judaism.

This also answers such questions as to what Jesus meant by "Lord of the Sabbath" and why Sabbath Keeping was a necessity and breaking it was a capital well why Protestants attend church on Sunday.

Protestant celebrate the resurrection with Sunday fellowship. That's not so terrible.
I believe that no one can be saved outside the Church Christ founded, which is the Catholic Church. If a person is just ignorant, however, not "born into" said Church and never met a good Catholic to influence him to join it.. he can be saved if he never seriously defies the fundamental teachings of said Original Church, doesn't defy things like: "Life is sacred, created by God and no one but God has the right to take it (except in war or capital punishment, self-defense.. ), that one should not marry and re-marry .. but stay married for life.. things like that, he can be saved. Of course God is the one who knows where a person is at.. and even if said ignorant person is saved, he is still saved through the auspices of the Catholic Church because ALL salvation comes from Jesus Christ and through HIS Church.

"No one can come to the Father except through Me" He said.. and considering all other things Jesus said about His Church (or whatever else).. I would say that no one comes to Jesus without going through His Church, as has been taught by popes and saints throughout history.

Frankly, I myself think that if a person constantly puts down the Catholic faith, knowing that it teaches what looks to be Christ's true Principles and Commandments.. yeh, he is going to Hell. There is only ONE Church. What disturbs me is that a lot of non Catholics don't even want to look into the claims of the CC, just take some twisted ideas about it, learned from some pastor or whomever who hates the CC and.. refuse to even consider they could be wrong. I have NEVER met a protestant, even one of good will, who understood the Catholic faith.. But when someone doesn't have a desire to learn about it, but puts it down and thwarts it any way he can.. How is that a person seeking God?

i could say more but whatever..

"No one can come to the Father except through Me"

Him being Jesus only, He say "Church", that's your addition.

refuse to even consider they could be wrong

You mean like you're doing now?
How did you jump to this conclusion? Never mind. Too silly to even bother with.
Jesus gave a commandment to do ALL things in his name. For Catholics, they heard, "Do all things in my name unless it's inconvenient to you."
The Jewish leaders have told the false christian leaders that God is not a trinity, never was or never will be for centuries.
Jewish leaders do not go around attacking Christian leaders. JW's go around attacking Christian leaders and anyone else in their way. Jews need Christians for protection here in American and in Israel.
And of course, he couldn't deny that the JWs only go back to something like the 19th century.

Now some here are going to say the JWs are a cult or whatever and I tend to agree.. but they are a protestant group.. one of the 60,000 we have since the heretic Luther busted up Christ's Church

because he couldn't adhere to the Commandments of Christ

true story.

Luther is a legend, but only among protestants who don't want to study Catholicism. If they only knew all the vile things I know about Luther.. he would not be a hero to them anymore.. except for the liberal ones among them, who are not Christian at all of course.
protestant is a denomination not a religion,,
If you will not back up your statements, you will not be believed. If you think backing up what you say is a waste of time, why did you take the time to say it in the first place?
i say what I feel will be listened to and a lot of the time my posts/threads are directed at Catholics or peole not opposed virulently to Catholicism

In any case, I don't mind taking one issue at a time. I will not try to address all Protestants' arguements against the CC at once. But again, Idon't expect to be listened to no matter how I deal with their issues..

Luther had 95 Theses. We could attack ONE at this time. You likely won't listen, will bring up some other of his 95 Ts -thereby changing the subject bc you don't like my answers.. etc... and... the beat goes on
there are 60,000 different denoms in Protestantism

that's a lot of denoms for one denom LOL
whats that got to do with what I said???

christianity is the religion and everything else came after that and why theirs didnt go back to the beginning,, in the beginning none of them existed and as cultures grew they made up their own versions of it,,

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