Zone1 I asked a protestant to tell me when his church began, why it doesn't go back to the Beginning

You can't "keep a day holy" that God has not made holy. The SEVENTH DAY is the Sabbath.
God made the day of rest holy. Yes, the Bible says God rested on the seventh day, and Jews follow that tradition. But the precise definition for 'sabbath' is the day of rest, which happens to fall on the seventh day (Saturday) for Jews, but is celebrated on Christ's resurrection day for Christians. By the way, Catholics do celebrate Mass on Saturday...and every other day of the week.
God made the day of rest holy. Yes, the Bible says God rested on the seventh day, and Jews follow that tradition. But the precise definition for 'sabbath' is the day of rest, which happens to fall on the seventh day (Saturday) for Jews, but is celebrated on Christ's resurrection day for Christians. By the way, Catholics do celebrate Mass on Saturday...and every other day of the week.
"Six days shall you labor and do all your work.
But the SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD YOUR GOD in it you shall not do any work."

Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men
so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven
Catholicism clergy, blessed the troops who killed for Adolf Hitler, killed Catholics who were standing on the other side, while their side of the clergy blessed the killing of the German Catholics, both clergys told both sides God was with them, Both clergys prayed to the same God for the quick destruction of their own supposed brothers in Christ= 100% satan.
Yes, and Germany elected the man to office and willingly went to war under his direction. It was Hitler and Germany marching to war, and it doesn't surprise me that ALL clergy blessed the troops. Of course you are aware of how the Vatican was among the first to help Jews out of Germany. The Catholic Church rescued hundreds of thousands of Jews while trying to stay out of the ongoing world politics. Certainly various clergy voiced their own views without speaking for the Catholic Church.

Why the interest in what the Catholic Church did eighty years ago?
And neither of you (Catholic & Protestant) follow the Father's Commandment to "keep the SABBATH holy."

But at least the Catholics ADMIT they CHANGED THE DAY by their OWN authority, thus fulfilling Daniel's prophecy that the ANTICHRIST would seek to "change times and laws" (the Father's Commandments)
I would agree many do not keep the Sabbath Day holy. But, that doesn't mean the "churches" aren't true. They aren't true because they can't even start by doing all things in Jesus Christ's name like the names of their churches. As far as the day of the week, there is no commandment when that day should be. Just one in 7 days. Even Jews today keep it only on Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown or on Saturdays.
To use your own words (in red)

Yes, lying has been very present throughout human history.. regardless of which "church" we refer to. This is apparent
So, it is consistently admitted that the Roman Church has no high ground to claim, it is merely as human as any other institution and not superior.
Even Jews today keep it only on Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown or on Saturdays.
Because that's how days have been counted from Creation. The SABBATH is sunset to sunset.

Every Sunday you show your loyalty to the Catholic Church. You bow to the Catholic Church.

"Oh that there were such a heart in them, that they would LOVE ME AND KEEP MY COMMANDENTS" -- GOD
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John 14:6
This verse is a small slice of a teaching of Jesus.

There is a huge rub between the JW, the Catholic Church, and the Protestants in this one.

The JW deny the divinity of Jesus and the Catholics add a requirement of Apostic Succession. Both of these things are "going beyond what is written " as condemned by Paul.

Luther was Germany. Switzerland, as a neighbor, was home to that little troubling, isolated city known as Geneva which became a home to a group of Calvinists....

The English reformation began with King Henry 8th. And it took "Heretics" like Erasmus and Tyndale to translate the Bible into English. In fact when Tyndale had been dead for 40 years the Catholics dug up his bones and burned them while declaring he was a witch. (They were really pissed off at him)

However, the really big turn of English speaking people to the Protestants was the introduction of the Geneva Bible. Those little Calvinists in Switzerland made Bibles so inexpensive that the common man (by subsidizing their production) could actually use these to learn to read and write and learn about their religion.

The Book of Prayers and Songs were still used primarily in every church service. Even after the Catholic Bloody Mary died horribly of Cancer and the rightful queen Elizabeth (known as the virgin queen) took the throne...and did nothing to endorse either Catholics or Protestants...nor hinder them. And as many Geneva Bibles were being pumped into England, Scotland and Ireland while the Catholics were still interested in limiting education to the elite rich and nobility and centralized leadership in Rome.
I know the history of the Catholic Church better than most people do which ofcourse I have to admit may not be saying much.. A lot of people know ZIP

Well, to paraphrase the great John Kennedy, Senator from the great state of Louisiana

Catholics aren't perfect but the other side is crazy! (He said that not about Catholicism but about the Republicans and "the other side" = Dims)

OK, I am not saying all protestants are crazy but frankly, it seems they are when confronted with Catholicism.. they have been taught and tenacioiusly hold onto .. a lot of bs RE the Catholic Church.

And again, I am not a bergoglio Catholic. I am a St Pius X Catholic, the Society thereof being the true Catholic Church.. The bergoglio church is .. train wreck
Catholics and the church was not established first or at the beginning.
Catholics and the church was not established first or at the beginning.
Catholic is a Latin term for "general"....meaning that it was a convention of all the churches and not a hierarchy.
Because that's how days have been counted from Creation. The SABBATH is sunset to sunset.

Every Sunday you show your loyalty to the Catholic Church. You bow to the Catholic Church.

"Oh that there were such a heart in them, that they would LOVE ME AND KEEP MY COMMANDENTS" -- GOD
The CC designates Saturday as the Sabbath.
Catholic is a Latin term for "general"....meaning that it was a convention of all the churches and not a hierarchy.
And what about the Gnostic church that was destroyed by the Catholics?
The CC designates Saturday as the Sabbath.
And what about the Gnostic church that was destroyed by the Catholics?
The Gnostic Church was pointedly condemned by the Apostle John in his was a focus of his Gospel account and his letters to various churches. His book of "Revelations" contains letters to various churches which also condemned the theologies of Gnosticism.
Communications being what they were in the Early Church, the churches weren't as controlled as they became under Roman Catholic Church. The Church Leadership was in Constantinople but eventually drifted to Rome. I'm forgetting which "Pope" it was that felt the need to provide more centralized Leadership and especially Control over the leadership of the local churches because Gnosticism kept coming up over and over again. (It's still practiced in most churches to this day including Catholic churches...syncreticism is difficult to stamp out....even the Muslims have issues. The difference between Sunni and Shiite is a carryover of syncreticism from Mazdaism of the Persian Empire)

But at any rate the Early Church "Christians" made up only about 5% of the population until Constantine...the rapid expansion of the religion of course became impossible to control with Church leadership's inept manner of teaching the thousands of adherents joining daily in order to appease the new Emporer.
Almost funny. Jesus commanded that we do all things in His name. His name is not Roman. It's not Catholic. It's not Church. Nothing is muddled up. You said that protestants don't follow the commandments of Jesus Christ. Well, starting with the name of your church, you certainly don't. And, that's the beginning. What I care about is what Jesus Christ and his apostles and prophets have had to say. Like, do all things in Jesus Christ's name. What anyone knows about Catholicism has nothing to do with this breaking of a commandment of Jesus Christ. How embarrassing for you.

Catholic means universal.
God is clear which day is the Sabbath. He authorized no other. You're looking for excuses to follow the traditions of MEN over God. That's YOUR choice.
No. Perhaps you are one who takes every word in the Bible as literal, that God created in six 24-hour days. The Hebrew indicates six divisions or time periods of time. When God was through, He rested for that seventh time period. It was man who defined day, and divided the week into seven days. The Jews worked six of these days and then rested on the seventh day, called 'Sabbath' meaning "Rest from labor." If you wish to call this week, defined by the Jewish tribe of man, as the only true calculation, have at it. But leave off calling the rest of us as unobservant. We work six days and keep our Day of Rest (defined by the day Christ rose from the dead) holy.

Criticizing another for their calculations is very much like picking out the gnat and swallowing the camel. Keep Saturday holy like many. That is great. Keep Sunday holy like many. Also great. We are all keeping our day of rest holy and because of this there is no need to condemn.
Yes, and Germany elected the man to office and willingly went to war under his direction. It was Hitler and Germany marching to war, and it doesn't surprise me that ALL clergy blessed the troops. Of course you are aware of how the Vatican was among the first to help Jews out of Germany. The Catholic Church rescued hundreds of thousands of Jews while trying to stay out of the ongoing world politics. Certainly various clergy voiced their own views without speaking for the Catholic Church.

Why the interest in what the Catholic Church did eighty years ago?
All the meanwhile, blowing the heads off of their own supposed brothers in Christ, only accomplished by throwing Jesus away.
Showing the world that Jesus was never with Catholicism. Their own translating proves that, as well as the bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens. the real Jesus taught--Love, peace and unity--not kill because a mortal govt says its ok.
All the meanwhile, blowing the heads off of their own supposed brothers in Christ, only accomplished by throwing Jesus away.
Showing the world that Jesus was never with Catholicism. Their own translating proves that, as well as the bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens. the real Jesus taught--Love, peace and unity--not kill because a mortal govt says its ok.
It appears you believe Jesus taught the world politics and governance. Catholics hold no such belief. We believe Jesus taught us individual interactions with other individuals.
It appears you believe Jesus taught the world politics and governance. Catholics hold no such belief. We believe Jesus taught us individual interactions with other individuals.

NEVER to stand on both sides of war killing each other. He condemned Peter for cutting off the ear of his mortal enemy-Roman soldier. The New covenant=Love--the same love given to family and friends to be given to ones enemy as well. Not kill them. Vengeance is mine said the Lord, pride makes one take vengeance for self.
NEVER to stand on both sides of war killing each other. He condemned Peter for cutting off the ear of his mortal enemy-Roman soldier. The New covenant=Love--the same love given to family and friends to be given to ones enemy as well. Not kill them. Vengeance is mine said the Lord, pride makes one take vengeance for self.
There are well over a billion Catholics in the world today. Add the number of yesteryear and those of you who search to disapprove of something a Catholic did at some time are going to have rich pickings. Kind of like if you were to do investigate the wrongs of your own church.

Two prisoners look out through the sees mud, the other sees stars. You choose to see mud. The stars you are missing is not what one Catholic official happened to do during the 1940s, but the faith and belief in Christ and his teachings everyday Catholics strive to practice--and the richness of their lives due to being a disciple of Jesus.
So, it is consistently admitted that the Roman Church has no high ground to claim, it is merely as human as any other institution and not superior.
you'd like to believe that

Unfortunately, vis a vis the TRUE (non-bergoglio) Catholic Church

you are dead wrong

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