Zone1 I asked a protestant to tell me when his church began, why it doesn't go back to the Beginning

There are well over a billion Catholics in the world today. Add the number of yesteryear and those of you who search to disapprove of something a Catholic did at some time are going to have rich pickings. Kind of like if you were to do investigate the wrongs of your own church.

Two prisoners look out through the sees mud, the other sees stars. You choose to see mud. The stars you are missing is not what one Catholic official happened to do during the 1940s, but the faith and belief in Christ and his teachings everyday Catholics strive to practice--and the richness of their lives due to being a disciple of Jesus.
you cannot get this point across to anti-Catholics.

They are bent on going to Hell (is what I think)
What is most "amusing" about the R.C.C. is when it explains how Jesus did not mean what he said; for example, "Call no man on earth "father".
Because that's how days have been counted from Creation. The SABBATH is sunset to sunset.

Every Sunday you show your loyalty to the Catholic Church. You bow to the Catholic Church.

"Oh that there were such a heart in them, that they would LOVE ME AND KEEP MY COMMANDENTS" -- GOD
I'm not Catholic butt head or bevis.
Catholic means universal.
Does Jesus mean universal? No. But, once again, you try to move the goal posts. Jesus said to do all things in His name, Jesus Christ. If the Catholic Church was the true and only church, then it should be called The Church of Jesus Christ. It isn't. Plane and simple.
Does Jesus mean universal? No. But, once again, you try to move the goal posts. Jesus said to do all things in His name, Jesus Christ. If the Catholic Church was the true and only church, then it should be called The Church of Jesus Christ. It isn't. Plane and simple.

Don't be absurd... Latter day saints is very recent and they have written their own Bible and claim modern day prophets... If you believe in the Mormons, you have no reason to demonize Catholics or any other Christians. Tells me that you can't believe unless you make everyone else wrong.
What is most "amusing" about the R.C.C. is when it explains how Jesus did not mean what he said; for example, "Call no man on earth "father".
What is sad is how some non-Catholics have no understanding what Jesus meant. Even today there are over twenty definition for the word 'father', one still being the founder. For example, we hear that George Washington was the founder of our country and is therefore known as the Father of our country. Abraham is the founder of Judaism and as such was known as Father Abraham. In Jesus day, there were founders of different sects of Judaism and as founders, they were called the Father of those sects.

Therefore Jesus told his disciples that since his authority was from God, they were to call no man Father, as they had one Father and Founder, God. Jesus said absolutely zilch about using 'father' for all the other purposes. In fact, he called his own apostles and disciples, 'children' and his Apostles did the same.

Catholic priests are spiritual fathers--none are founders of the faith. I am certain all can understand this distinction. Knowledge of the current events of Jesus time and of etymology is a wondrous branch of education.
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Don't be absurd... Latter day saints is very recent and they have written their own Bible and claim modern day prophets... If you believe in the Mormons, you have no reason to demonize Catholics or any other Christians. Tells me that you can't believe unless you make everyone else wrong.
The concept of wrong is interesting. Who said that other churches don't preach at least some truth? I didn't. All churches teach truths. It's just all but one teaches secularist ideas of what is wrong and what is right. Let me straighten you out on some things that you wrote that are wrong:
1. The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Commandments, Pearl of Great Price are not the Bible. They are written down prophecies and revelations given to prophets in the Americas anciently and in todays world. The Book of Mormon is "another" testament of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior and Redeemer of Israel.
2. We don't claim modern day prophets. We simple can testify by the gift of the Holy Ghost that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and those who succeeded him are also Prophets including our present day prophet, Russel M. Nelson.
3. I haven't demonized anyone. I have said that if the Catholic Church or any other Church is the true Church, the name of those churches should be The Church of Jesus Christ because Jesus himself said to do all things in His Name.
Does Jesus mean universal? No. But, once again, you try to move the goal posts. Jesus said to do all things in His name, Jesus Christ. If the Catholic Church was the true and only church, then it should be called The Church of Jesus Christ. It isn't. Plane and simple.
Catholic means Open and Welcome to All. It was an affiliation applied to the early Church. Everyone--of all or no faith--was welcome. You might say it is so obvious that the Catholic faith is centered on Jesus Christ, there is no need to remind the world of this by including it in its name. You might ask yourself why your church feels the need to advertise who they are. What you might also find odd is that although the full name is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" they just reference themselves--LDS or Latter Day Saints. Isn't that odd? They leave Jesus off and focus on themselves.
I'm not Catholic butt head or bevis.
Did I say you were?
You ridiculed the beginning and end of the day. I told you that's how the days have been counted forever. It was the Roman Empire who gave us the calendar the "world" currently uses.
Know this. If the world observes a thing, it's probably a corruption. God COMMANDS His people, " OME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE."
What is most "amusing" about the R.C.C. is when it explains how Jesus did not mean what he said; for example, "Call no man on earth "father".
Yes, and He also said, "NO MAN HAS AS ENDED INTO HEAVEN EXCEPT the Son of Man who came down from heaven." Yet 90 of the "christian" world believes heaven is the reward of the saved

Most Christians follow Christ in name only
I am curious. Do you observe the new day at sunset? Does your Monday become Tuesday at sunset? Does your "Sabbath" begin Friday at sunset?
Friday sunset to Saturday sunset is the Sabbath. It's been that for 6000 years
BTW, I will say, while we differ on doctrinal matters in many things, I've always appreciated your "spirit"/maturity when discussing these things. You don't take it personally. We just disagree on THESE things (but agree on so much more).
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Friday sunset to Saturday sunset is the Sabbath. It's been that for 6000 years
BTW, I will say, while we differ on doctrinal matters in many things, I've always appreciated your "spirit"/maturity when discussing these things. You don't take it personally. We just disagree on THESE things (but agree on so much more).
I thank you, and I feel the same towards you. I was just wondering if you viewed--as do the Jews--that every new day begins at sunset?

Another difference between non-Catholic Christians and Catholic Christians is that Catholics retain all the scriptural Jewish books at the time of Christ. If I recall correctly, it was the late second century where Jews officially named the books they considered Canon. The Church at that time elected to keep all the books named when Jesus lived. Later, non-Catholic Christians elected to drop the books the Jews had already dropped from their official Canon.
I thank you, and I feel the same towards you. I was just wondering if you viewed--as do the Jews--that every new day begins at sunset?

Another difference between non-Catholic Christians and Catholic Christians is that Catholics retain all the scriptural Jewish books at the time of Christ. If I recall correctly, it was the late second century where Jews officially named the books they considered Canon. The Church at that time elected to keep all the books named when Jesus lived. Later, non-Catholic Christians elected to drop the books the Jews had already dropped from their official Canon.
Yes. The Days all begin and end at sunset. Yom Rishon is the Hebrew name for the first day of the week. Basically Sunday. But it begins at sunset after the Sabbath ends.

I don't really know what other books the Catholics accept. I find the couple I read interesting but I traditionally debate from the (probably Protestant) Bible, but I do know Paul quoted at least a couple times from "other" books.
There are well over a billion Catholics in the world today. Add the number of yesteryear and those of you who search to disapprove of something a Catholic did at some time are going to have rich pickings. Kind of like if you were to do investigate the wrongs of your own church.

Two prisoners look out through the sees mud, the other sees stars. You choose to see mud. The stars you are missing is not what one Catholic official happened to do during the 1940s, but the faith and belief in Christ and his teachings everyday Catholics strive to practice--and the richness of their lives due to being a disciple of Jesus.

The Pope signed the concordance with a man named Hitler, voted him into power, then killed their own supposed brothers in Christ on the allied side for his war effort. I believe payback for that was to rid the world of the servants of YHWH(Jehovah)--The Jewish, and JW,s both in the concentration camps being murdered. Does one actually think a religion that has Jesus does that?Or lets their young men kill their own religion members for a mass murderer like that? both answers are never. They threw Jesus away to accomplish it-Why? Because both the Jewish leaders and JW,s were exposing their false trinity god.
The bloodguilt through the centuries has amassed to the heavens.
Catholic means Open and Welcome to All. It was an affiliation applied to the early Church. Everyone--of all or no faith--was welcome. You might say it is so obvious that the Catholic faith is centered on Jesus Christ, there is no need to remind the world of this by including it in its name. You might ask yourself why your church feels the need to advertise who they are. What you might also find odd is that although the full name is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" they just reference themselves--LDS or Latter Day Saints. Isn't that odd? They leave Jesus off and focus on themselves.
Then, you admit that keeping the commandments is not required in the Catholic Church. It's funny that Catholics and Protestants claim the Bible to be the word of God and that it can't be changed nor can there be any more prophets and apostles to add or subtract from the Bible Gospel. Yet, none of you can keep the most simple commandment to do all things Jesus Christ's name.
So, let's clear up a few things. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the official name of the Church. People in other churches knowing that we did exactly what Jesus said to do will leave out Jesus Christ when they refer to the Church. They will say The Church of the Latter-day Saints or The LDS Church or the Mormon Church. None of the three are the official name of the Lord's Church. Do members use it sometimes? Yes. But, that is why our current Prophet and President has asked members to say the entire name when referring to the church.
Now, how do we refer to each other? The best is Latter Day Saints and LDS. Some will still say "Mormons." But, that is not stating the name of the Church and especially the official name of the Church. I refer those who belong to the Roman Catholic Church as Catholics. I believe you do too? We prefer to be called LDS or Latter-day Saints. "Mormons" is something anti-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints used and still use as a derogatory word. So, in other words, your attempt is again futile.
The concept of wrong is interesting. Who said that other churches don't preach at least some truth? I didn't. All churches teach truths. It's just all but one teaches secularist ideas of what is wrong and what is right. Let me straighten you out on some things that you wrote that are wrong:
1. The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Commandments, Pearl of Great Price are not the Bible. They are written down prophecies and revelations given to prophets in the Americas anciently and in todays world. The Book of Mormon is "another" testament of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior and Redeemer of Israel.
2. We don't claim modern day prophets. We simple can testify by the gift of the Holy Ghost that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and those who succeeded him are also Prophets including our present day prophet, Russel M. Nelson.
3. I haven't demonized anyone. I have said that if the Catholic Church or any other Church is the true Church, the name of those churches should be The Church of Jesus Christ because Jesus himself said to do all things in His Name.

Smith had 14 wives. Doesn't impress me.
Then, you admit that keeping the commandments is not required in the Catholic Church. It's funny that Catholics and Protestants claim the Bible to be the word of God and that it can't be changed nor can there be any more prophets and apostles to add or subtract from the Bible Gospel. Yet, none of you can keep the most simple commandment to do all things Jesus Christ's name.
So, let's clear up a few things. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the official name of the Church. People in other churches knowing that we did exactly what Jesus said to do will leave out Jesus Christ when they refer to the Church. They will say The Church of the Latter-day Saints or The LDS Church or the Mormon Church. None of the three are the official name of the Lord's Church. Do members use it sometimes? Yes. But, that is why our current Prophet and President has asked members to say the entire name when referring to the church.
Now, how do we refer to each other? The best is Latter Day Saints and LDS. Some will still say "Mormons." But, that is not stating the name of the Church and especially the official name of the Church. I refer those who belong to the Roman Catholic Church as Catholics. I believe you do too? We prefer to be called LDS or Latter-day Saints. "Mormons" is something anti-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints used and still use as a derogatory word. So, in other words, your attempt is again futile.

Like Mormon Tabernacle Choir?
The Pope signed the concordance with a man named Hitler, voted him into power, then killed their own supposed brothers in Christ on the allied side for his war effort. I believe payback for that was to rid the world of the servants of YHWH(Jehovah)--The Jewish, and JW,s both in the concentration camps being murdered. Does one actually think a religion that has Jesus does that?Or lets their young men kill their own religion members for a mass murderer like that? both answers are never. They threw Jesus away to accomplish it-Why? Because both the Jewish leaders and JW,s were exposing their false trinity god.
The bloodguilt through the centuries has amassed to the heavens.
Oh good grief. Prove it. Hitler was a crazy sociopath who used Jews as a scapegoat to blame them for the high inflation and great poverty. Jews don't go around trying to prove the trinity wrong. They really don't care what anyone else believes. JW's are also heavily infiltrated by crazy sociopaths who deny the Christ and the Holy Ghost which is the unpardonable sin.

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