Zone1 I asked a protestant to tell me when his church began, why it doesn't go back to the Beginning

That is what was said. You "take it" quite incorrectly. The Roman Church has constantly needed correction. Unfortunately, it has remained incorrect.

Humanity has constantly needed correction. Unfortunately, it has remained incorrect

In other words, u say NOTHING (again)
That's all you have to go by. How else do we communicate? What does "do all" mean? It means do everything in the name of Jesus Christ. Can't even name a Church by His Name.
protestants can be so petty.. and one thing they never ever seem to do is actually STUDY Catholicism.. you know: from a CATHOLIC so that they know what the hell they're talking about.

Talk about intellectual laziness..
A question…

Do you think all Protestants are doomed to go to Hell?

I am not Catholic but I don‘t believe that all Catholics are headed to Hell.
I believe that no one can be saved outside the Church Christ founded, which is the Catholic Church. If a person is just ignorant, however, not "born into" said Church and never met a good Catholic to influence him to join it.. he can be saved if he never seriously defies the fundamental teachings of said Original Church, doesn't defy things like: "Life is sacred, created by God and no one but God has the right to take it (except in war or capital punishment, self-defense.. ), that one should not marry and re-marry .. but stay married for life.. things like that, he can be saved. Of course God is the one who knows where a person is at.. and even if said ignorant person is saved, he is still saved through the auspices of the Catholic Church because ALL salvation comes from Jesus Christ and through HIS Church.

"No one can come to the Father except through Me" He said.. and considering all other things Jesus said about His Church (or whatever else).. I would say that no one comes to Jesus without going through His Church, as has been taught by popes and saints throughout history.

Frankly, I myself think that if a person constantly puts down the Catholic faith, knowing that it teaches what looks to be Christ's true Principles and Commandments.. yeh, he is going to Hell. There is only ONE Church. What disturbs me is that a lot of non Catholics don't even want to look into the claims of the CC, just take some twisted ideas about it, learned from some pastor or whomever who hates the CC and.. refuse to even consider they could be wrong. I have NEVER met a protestant, even one of good will, who understood the Catholic faith.. But when someone doesn't have a desire to learn about it, but puts it down and thwarts it any way he can.. How is that a person seeking God?

i could say more but whatever..
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Yes, lying has been very present throughout the Roman Church's history of attempted domination of Jesus' message. This is apparent even to those of us not part of any particular denomination.
To use your own words (in red)

Yes, lying has been very present throughout human history.. regardless of which "church" we refer to. This is apparent
I believe that no one can be saved outside the Church Christ founded, which is the Catholic Church. If a person is just ignorant, however, not "born into" said Church and never met a good Catholic to influence him to join it.. he can be saved if he never seriously defies the fundamental teachings of said Original Church, doesn't defy things like: "Life is sacred, created by God and no one but God has the right to take it (except in war or capital punishment, self-defense.. ), that one should not marry and re-marry .. but stay married for life.. things like that, he can be saved. Of course God is the one who knows where a person is at.. and even if said ignorant person is saved, he is still saved through the auspices of the Catholic Church because ALL salvation comes from Jesus Christ and through HIS Church.

"No one can come to the Father except through Me" He said.. and considering all other things Jesus said about His Church (or whatever else).. I would say that no one comes to Jesus without going through His Church, as has been taught by popes and saints throughout history.

Frankly, I myself think that if a person constantly puts down the Catholic faith, knowing that it teaches what looks to be Christ's true Principles and Commandments.. yeh, he is going to Hell. There is only ONE Church. What disturbs me is that a lot of non Catholics don't even want to look into the claims of the CC, just take some twisted ideas about it, learned from some pastor or whomever who hates the CC and.. refuse to even consider they could be wrong. I have NEVER met a protestant, even one of good will, who understood the Catholic faith.. But when someone doesn't have a desire to learn about it, but puts it down and thwarts it any way he can.. How is that a person seeking God?

i could say more but whatever..
I will continue to believe that both Protestants and Catholics can go to heaven. I don’t have any desire to convert Catholics. Perhaps one day we will meet in a really glorious place.

However I do often worder what happens to good peopole who are Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist.
And of course, he couldn't deny that the JWs only go back to something like the 19th century.

Now some here are going to say the JWs are a cult or whatever and I tend to agree.. but they are a protestant group.. one of the 60,000 we have since the heretic Luther busted up Christ's Church

because he couldn't adhere to the Commandments of Christ

true story.

Luther is a legend, but only among protestants who don't want to study Catholicism. If they only knew all the vile things I know about Luther.. he would not be a hero to them anymore.. except for the liberal ones among them, who are not Christian at all of course.

The Church began with the first conversion to Christ.
I will continue to believe that both Protestants and Catholics can go to heaven. I don’t have any desire to convert Catholics. Perhaps one day we will meet in a really glorious place.

However I do often worder what happens to good peopole who are Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist.
well, if they (Muslims) don't believe in blowing people up, people they have never met.. they may have a chance
And of course, he couldn't deny that the JWs only go back to something like the 19th century.

Now some here are going to say the JWs are a cult or whatever and I tend to agree.. but they are a protestant group.. one of the 60,000 we have since the heretic Luther busted up Christ's Church

because he couldn't adhere to the Commandments of Christ

true story.

Luther is a legend, but only among protestants who don't want to study Catholicism. If they only knew all the vile things I know about Luther.. he would not be a hero to them anymore.. except for the liberal ones among them, who are not Christian at all of course.

Jesus was NEVER with Catholicism, their own translating expose them as false religion. In every translation on earth the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers as does true God worship history. Would you like to see the vile things of Catholicism? Their bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens.

What is the Catholic catechism?​

Catholic catechism


A catechism is a summary of instructions through a series of questions and answers, prepared in book form, containing instruction on religious doctrine. The intent of these instructions is that they be used in a class environment or other means of formal instruction. The Westminster Confession, every part of which contains scriptural backing, is one such set of instructions. The Catholic catechism is another famous catechism.

The catechism of the Catholic Church is different in that it is not written in a question-and-answer format. Instead, the Catholic catechism is a summary of the official teachings of Roman Catholic beliefs including creeds, sacraments, commandments, and prayers. The Catholic catechism is divided into four parts:

• Profession of Faith (the Apostles Creed)
• Celebration of the Christian Mystery (the Sacred Liturgy, especially the sacraments)
• Life in Christ (including The Ten Commandments in Roman Catholic theology)
• Christian Prayer (including The Lord’s Prayer)

Also, the Catholic catechism is replete with footnotes referencing not only Scripture but also the Church fathers, the ecumenical councils, and other authoritative statements, especially those delivered by the Popes. And therein lies the greatest difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. Whereas Protestant churches cite the Bible as their sole source of authority for church doctrine, the Roman Catholic Church equates Catholic traditions with the Bible as authoritative for their beliefs and teachings. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that “the Church, to whom the transmission and interpretation of Revelation is entrusted, does not derive her certainty about all revealed truths from the Holy Scriptures alone. Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honored with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence” (paragraph 82).

According to the Catholic catechism, the Catholic Church relies on the authority of church tradition for their doctrines not found in the Bible. These doctrines include such controversial practices and teachings as these:

• the Mass
• penance
• veneration of Mary
• purgatory
• indulgences
• the priesthood (with enforced celibacy)
• the confessional
• the rosary
• venial and mortal sins

Protestants, who reject the Catholic catechism, assert that the Bible alone is intended by God to be the sole source of doctrinal truth (2 Timothy 3:16; Revelation 22:18–19). But Roman Catholics say, “Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture make up a single sacred deposit of the Word of God” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 97).

The Catholic’s reasoning, as found in the Catholic catechism, is as follows:

• “The apostles left bishops as their successors. They gave them ‘their own position of teaching authority’” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 77).

• “This living transmission, accomplished through the Holy Spirit, is called tradition” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 78).

• “Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honored with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 82).

An example of the results of this kind of thinking is the number of doctrines concerning Mary, the mother of Jesus. Throughout the centuries, Catholics have “revealed” new doctrines concerning Mary. These new teachings, which are part of the Catholic catechism, are found nowhere in the Holy Scriptures:

• Mary is the Mother of God — AD 431
• Prayers are offered to Mary — AD 600
• The Immaculate Conception (establishing her sinlessness) — AD 1854
• The Assumption of Mary — AD 1950
• Mary is the Mother of the Church — AD 1965

Another example is the doctrine of purgatory:

“All who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation, but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 1030). Nowhere is this teaching of a believer being punished for sin after death found in the Bible.

Although the Pope is revered as the head of the church on earth by nearly 60 million Roman Catholics, the Bible teaches us that Jesus Christ has all authority in heaven and on earth; Jesus is the exclusive Head of the church (Matthew 28:18; Colossians 1:18).

From the above examples, we can only conclude that the Catholic catechism is not biblical and, in fact, contradicts Scripture in many respects. Once the teachings of man are elevated to the same level as the Word of God, error naturally follows. No man, whether priest or Pope, is divine. Only the Holy Scriptures, inspired by the Holy Spirit, are divinely authoritative (1 Corinthians 2:12–13; 2 Peter 1:21). No man-made teaching, including the Catholic catechism, is on the same level with the Bible.

No protestant religion corrected much
1) no trinity exists, it never did
2) There is no literal eternal suffering
3) the holy spirit is not a living being.
protestants can be so petty.. and one thing they never ever seem to do is actually STUDY Catholicism.. you know: from a CATHOLIC so that they know what the hell they're talking about.

Talk about intellectual laziness..
I would say Catholics and Protestants both are deceivers. They make believe they have authority to preach and perform ordinances of God, Yet, cannot even do what Christ asks of them, do all things in His name. The Church of Rome. The Church of John, The Church of Mary and so on. But, never The Church of Jesus Christ.
Almost funny. Jesus commanded that we do all things in His name. His name is not Roman. It's not Catholic. It's not Church. Nothing is muddled up. You said that protestants don't follow the commandments of Jesus Christ. Well, starting with the name of your church, you certainly don't. And, that's the beginning. What I care about is what Jesus Christ and his apostles and prophets have had to say. Like, do all things in Jesus Christ's name. What anyone knows about Catholicism has nothing to do with this breaking of a commandment of Jesus Christ. How embarrassing for you.
And neither of you (Catholic & Protestant) follow the Father's Commandment to "keep the SABBATH holy."

But at least the Catholics ADMIT they CHANGED THE DAY by their OWN authority, thus fulfilling Daniel's prophecy that the ANTICHRIST would seek to "change times and laws" (the Father's Commandments)
I believe that no one can be saved outside the Church Christ founded, which is the Catholic Church.
I know Christ founded the Catholic Church and therefore I believe the Holy Spirit is present for all. It has been my experience, and has become my belief, that the Holy Spirit reaches seekers and people of faith where they are and leads them from there.
And neither of you (Catholic & Protestant) follow the Father's Commandment to "keep the SABBATH holy."
How are you defining "Sabbath"? Do you believe it means the seventh day of the week?

The root meaning of Sabbath is not "seventh" but to "rest from labor". Sunday is the day many rest from labor and many, in fact, keep that day holy.
How are you defining "Sabbath"? Do you believe it means the seventh day of the week?

The root meaning of Sabbath is not "seventh" but to "rest from labor". Sunday is the day many rest from labor and many, in fact, keep that day holy.
You can't "keep a day holy" that God has not made holy. The SEVENTH DAY is the Sabbath.
Catholic Church changed the Sabbath "by its own authority:

In the Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, we read:
Q. Which is the Sabbath day?
A. Saturday is the Sabbath day.

Q. Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
A. We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of Laodicea, (AD 336) transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday....

Q. Why did the Catholic Church substitute Sunday for Saturday?
A. The Church substituted Sunday for Saturday, because Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday, and the Holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles on a Sunday.

Q. By what authority did the Church substitute Sunday for Saturday?
A. The Church substituted Sunday for Saturday by the plenitude of that divine power which Jesus Christ bestowed upon her!
- Rev. Peter Geiermann, C.SS.R., (1946), p. 50.
I know Christ founded the Catholic Church and therefore I believe the Holy Spirit is present for all. It has been my experience, and has become my belief, that the Holy Spirit reaches seekers and people of faith where they are and leads them from there.

Catholicism clergy, blessed the troops who killed for Adolf Hitler, killed Catholics who were standing on the other side, while their side of the clergy blessed the killing of the German Catholics, both clergys told both sides God was with them, Both clergys prayed to the same God for the quick destruction of their own supposed brothers in Christ= 100% satan. Thats just1 war--the rev war, the civil war, ww1-millions upon millions slaughtered. The bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens.

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