i can see this turning ugly

1) She has never expressed that point of view.

yes she did.

Student sues ASU over anti-homosexual beliefs | NBC Augusta 26 | news, weather, sports, community, entertainment, shopping for Augusta, Georgia | Local News

From the Link said:
Keeton says she believes homosexuality is a choice rather than a "state of being."

"I'm not willing to and I know I can't change my biblical views," Keeton said.

The affidavit also says a fellow student said Keeton "relayed her interest in conversion therapy" for the gay, lesbian and transgender communities and tried to convince classmates to agree with her religious beliefs.

2) The ACA does not have a stance on the cause of homosexuality.

you might have me here. I don't feel like googling about this anymore.

3) Where did you get the idea that the school follows the guidelines of a professional organization that has nothing to do with education? They are, however, required to follow the guidelines of their accrediting agency and the state and federal governments, which they are not doing.
4) Where does it state that?

School Lawsuit Claims Religious Discrimination

From the Link said:
An ASU spokesperson says that grad students are held to the same code of ethics as professional counselors. The code condemns discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

5) ACA ethics require that counselors do not attempt to cure homosexuals, where has she stated that she is trying to do this?

same link and quote as #1
okay sorry blu. I just get so mad when people say they are people of God or are Christian then act un-Christian towards or speak negatively about those who are of a sexual orientation than the "so-called normal" male/female relations

Which no one has done, except the people who claim this girl will do this.
No Young-Earther will ever be allowed to graduate from an accredited Evolutionary Biology program, as it should be.

Getting a degree requires a political and religious litmus test now? I thought all it required was someone meeting the academic requirements imposed by the school. If that young earhter manages to pass all the academic requirements and meet the other requirements of the degree program than they should get the degree.


indeed. the actual equivalent here is if a young-earther gets a bio degree, becomes a teacher, and then starts substituting in the religious material instead of science. that would be wrong of course and the person fired.

And the school could fire that teacher. But until that happens they are innocent, and cannot be denied a degree, or accreditation.
How can any straight person identify with the gay community? And where has she shown the inability to do so, other than in stating that she believes that it is a choice, and not a state of being, something which some gay activists believe also? Would they also be prohibited from getting a degree, even though they are gay? Somehow I doubt that, and I bet you do also. Which would force you to acknowledge this is about her beliefs as a Christian, and not just her beliefs.

she also wants to convert them back to being straight and other foolishness which could permanently, mentally harm the children she is dealing with. also, its not christian only its only about people who share the same views on homosexuals as she does.
Getting a degree requires a political and religious litmus test now? I thought all it required was someone meeting the academic requirements imposed by the school. If that young earhter manages to pass all the academic requirements and meet the other requirements of the degree program than they should get the degree.


indeed. the actual equivalent here is if a young-earther gets a bio degree, becomes a teacher, and then starts substituting in the religious material instead of science. that would be wrong of course and the person fired.

And the school could fire that teacher. But until that happens they are innocent, and cannot be denied a degree, or accreditation.

deny degree? -> no, that is wrong
deny accreditation -> depends, if she states she will treat homosexuals against the guidelines then why accredit her in the first place, if she states she will then innocent until proven guilty
And what of the GLBT students this woman may someday encounter? Where's our compassion for them? If she is unable to deal with people with dignity, respect and knowledge, she cannot be a public school counselor.

I don't see the problem.

They don't like her, they can go to another counselor. What happened to freedom of religion?

Againshelia, a counselor can do severe damage to a kid before the therapy ends. And kids in school cannot order up new counselors as they wish; they are assigned. I don't happen to see this as a freedom of religion issue because, unless it is a private school, that is not a place she should be injecting her beliefs.

She is only stating her beliefs in private and during class, not during counseling. you are therefore advocating thought control, not protecting the children, whatever you might actually think.
indeed. the actual equivalent here is if a young-earther gets a bio degree, becomes a teacher, and then starts substituting in the religious material instead of science. that would be wrong of course and the person fired.

And the school could fire that teacher. But until that happens they are innocent, and cannot be denied a degree, or accreditation.

deny degree? -> no, that is wrong
deny accreditation -> depends, if she states she will treat homosexuals against the guidelines then why accredit her in the first place, if she states she will then innocent until proven guilty

Guilty of having her own opinion?

Guilty of being Christian?

What utter hogwash.
And the school could fire that teacher. But until that happens they are innocent, and cannot be denied a degree, or accreditation.

deny degree? -> no, that is wrong
deny accreditation -> depends, if she states she will treat homosexuals against the guidelines then why accredit her in the first place, if she states she will then innocent until proven guilty

Guilty of having her own opinion?

Guilty of being Christian?

What utter hogwash.

you really need to stop with the christian victim card. do you see christian anywhere in my post? are her beliefs about homosexuality pure christian doctrine? do other groups, aethists, and other religions also share her same views about homosexuals?

you are no better than people who play the race card
You can pass that course and argue against evolution, as long as you meet the requirements of that course.
A requirement of the course is acceptance of modern evolution.

No it is not.

Science is not a political standard, something you fail to grasp here. It is perfectly acceptable for scientists to challenge theories, as long as those challenges follow scientific protocols.
Undergraduates are in no position, both academically and professionally, to challenge an established physical law.

What physical law? Evolution is not a physical law, it is a theory, and if it is ever successfully challenged it will be done by an undergraduate working on his thesis.

Though I'll tell you something our administrative person told me when I was first hired...she said that if anyone is ever called in and asked if they have a drinking problem, they should say yes and say they were going to get treatment.

Because you can't be fired if you're in treatment. They have to give you a chance.

That's something we got from the unions, bless their drunken hearts!

Just thought I'd share, I always thought that was interesting.

That explains why they never ask anymore.
Thank you.

Seems no different from a company/agency forcing an employee to undergo "Anger Management" or "Diversity" or "Alcoholic's Anonymous" programs.

If I worked for a company that tried to make me attend AA I would sue them in a heartbeat.

you obviously never worked in a place where heavy machinery is used and showing up to work drunk can get you fired

Actually, I never get drunk, which is why I like jobs where I could get fired for showing up drunk.
Well, looking at this situation from both sides, I do feel if she has done well in her coursework and classes and passed her exams she should graduate with her class but should seriously consider if she will be able to do a good job working with others whose lifestyle is something she does not agree with or has real-world, true knowledge of.

Working in the church could be ideal for her.

Whatever, I do wish her the best.

But they may run in and say "I was beat up because I kissed Billy."

And they they commit suicide.

How do you know this? Are you simply basing your belief in this on your prejudice against honest Christians?
I have worked with gay teens who have mental issues, and hence know this situation is so common as to be trite.

Pfizer should be thanking Fundamentalist Christian parents for all the business they generate.

Until you can point me to evidence that this individual has advocated this, or done it, she is completely qualified to be a counselor.
You can pass that course and argue against evolution, as long as you meet the requirements of that course.
A requirement of the course is acceptance of modern evolution.

No it is not.

Science is not a political standard, something you fail to grasp here. It is perfectly acceptable for scientists to challenge theories, as long as those challenges follow scientific protocols.
Undergraduates are in no position, both academically and professionally, to challenge an established physical law.

What physical law? Evolution is not a physical law, it is a theory, and if it is ever successfully challenged it will be done by an undergraduate working on his thesis.

I have asked repeatedly for evidence that acceptance of modern evolution/hardwired gayness or any of the other idiot things that have been presented as "fact" in this thread and have yet to get any.
The genetic theory was disproved, the hard wire fallback is not a theory because it is not based in science.

Wait, I've got one:

Homosexuality Linked to Genetics in Mice - TIME NewsFeed

If you insist.

Male Homosexuality: Absence of Linkage to Microsatellite Markers at Xq28 -- Rice et al. 284 (5414): 665 -- Science

Use this one for the links to the studies at the end. If homosexuality was genetic then identical twins would always be both homosexual, or both straight. That alone disproves that it is genetic.

The Importance of Twin Studies

Even Wikipedia knows it is not genetic.

Biology and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have dozens, how many do you want?
I have asked repeatedly for evidence that acceptance of modern evolution/hardwired gayness or any of the other idiot things that have been presented as "fact" in this thread and have yet to get any.
I just posted a thread, actually:


If you want to dispute the peer-reviewed article, do so there.

Pukeama posts are peer-reviewed articles?????

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