i can see this turning ugly

Allie, admit it. You hate homosexuals and are delighted this woman is trying to cause harm.

There is no proof you'd accept as adequate because you yearn for a specific result...one in which the school is made to bend its circuluum and ethics to embrace a student with an anti-gay agenda.

Madeline, admit you are a lying, hypocritical piece of shit and you love it when anyone does something just to cause problems with ANY Christian group, but if a Christian gets out of line and tries to stand for their principals, WHAM you're on that shit.
I would assume that there are counselors out there that disagree with a lot of what their clients do. That does not mean they do not counsel the correctly.
How can she be a counselor and a religious zealot at the same time?
She cannot so out she needs to go! just imho

Keeton's views "depart from what 'the psychological research about GLBTQ (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning) populations asserts' that that 'sexual orientation is not a lifestyle or choice, but a state of being,'" faculty members said.

The Remediation Plan required that Keeton attend workshops on diversity sensitivity training toward working with GLBTQ populations, work to increase exposure and interaction with gay populations by attending such events as the Gay Pride Parade in Augusta, and read more on the topic to improve counseling effectiveness with GLBTQ populations.

Failure to complete all elements of the remediation plan will result in dismissal from the Counselor Education Program, according to the plan.

Sounds very fair to me for someone going into her line of work should be sensitive and knowledgeable in such matters.

Keeton told faculty members, "I can’t alter my biblical beliefs, and I will not affirm the morality of those behaviors in a counseling situation."

Perhaps she needs to go into a religious program and become a nun instead, or at least someone in her church of hypocrisy and ignorance?

Where would science be today, if every scientist had to agree with all scientist in order to be allowed to put forth their theories? Answer: We would still think the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth. Not to mention so many other archaic ideas. And we definitely would not have the conveniences we have today.

I have to disagree with you USAMomma. It is not up to the school to decide whether or not she is qualified for her profession.


It's not religious beliefs. It's not even thinking homosexuality is wrong.

It's when you APPLY IT TO YOUR JOB is when it becomes debatable.

Don't you think the decision as to whether or not she can do her job is up to those from whom she seeks employment and not an institution of higher learning?

this happens a lot....a geology student who thinks the world is only 4 thousand years old? its real simple for the grade and all....said student must reflect the science...simple as that....same with this girl if her religious beliefs prevent her from doing her job as the job is defined by some organization then she needs to rethink what she is doing. i dont think is so much about denying your religion as accepting professional standards in your profession.
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I think I'll wait until the school is allowed to rebut this...it is possible this is being presented incorrectly.
If you're trying to get a job as a counselor, you need to fit the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics, which prohibits discrimination against LGBT people. If you choose the bible over the ACA's Code of Ethics, you can't be a counselor.

I don't think that she should be prevented from getting a degree, but it's pretty clear she wouldn't be able to work as a counselor.

So you are saying th at the ACCA Code of Ethics is will prevent people from working as a counselor because of their religious beliefs?

And you think that's alright?

When the religious beliefs in question interfere and contradict with the Code of Ethics, then not only do I think it's alright, I think it's necessary.

She's not being punished for being Christian, she's being punished for being loud and outspoken about it, in a job where she can't be.

The school is punishing her for being religious. That is the problem here.

Also, she is not performing the job yet. She is in an institute of higher learning, well actually this institution appears to dissuade higher learning by squelching independent thought. It is not up to this institution to decide how well she will perform the duties of her chosen profession. It is up to them the gauge whether or not she understands the material presented to her and it seems to me that if she passes the tests then she fulfills that part of the requirements.

Their argument is that she needs more "awareness" not that she has to change her beliefs. Fairly compelling I think.

Exactly. And it is not about her religion it is how she will be able to treat potential patients/clients.

She could be as religious as she wants, but without awareness through working with those who have a lifestyle she may not agree with so as to learn about them, and get some true knowledge and compassion. without this she really could be a detriment to their mental health instead of a professional who is supposed to be helpful and supportive of their clients regardless of their sexual orientation, lifestyle, choice, etc.

She is free to be whatever religion she wants; and again this is not about her religious beliefs it is about how her getting true wisdom by working with those who are "sexually different" than what she believes people should be.

It seems to me that she has demonstrated her abilities by proving that she has not denigrated others for their beliefs in school. There have been no such accusations against her, although I suspect if this goes very far they will start claiming otherwise.

This is about her faith and her unwillingness to kowtow to their views.

One would think that an institution of higher learning would encourage such thought not inhibit it and definitely not try to brainwash it out of her.

So you are saying th at the ACCA Code of Ethics is will prevent people from working as a counselor because of their religious beliefs?

And you think that's alright?

When the religious beliefs in question interfere and contradict with the Code of Ethics, then not only do I think it's alright, I think it's necessary.

She's not being punished for being Christian, she's being punished for being loud and outspoken about it, in a job where she can't be.

The school is punishing her for being religious. That is the problem here.

Also, she is not performing the job yet. She is in an institute of higher learning, well actually this institution appears to dissuade higher learning by squelching independent thought. It is not up to this institution to decide how well she will perform the duties of her chosen profession. It is up to them the gauge whether or not she understands the material presented to her and it seems to me that if she passes the tests then she fulfills that part of the requirements.

I'd say they are punishing her for her views on gays...not her religion. If she were an atheist with those views they would probably make the same decision.
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i dont think this is about religion as much as professional standards.
Me, too. I would hope if one of their students expressed the belief that children should be beaten severely for disobedience the school would also rethink allowing the student to finish their program.

In a way this woman is using Jesus as a tool..
Well, looking at this situation from both sides, I do feel if she has done well in her coursework and classes and passed her exams she should graduate with her class but should seriously consider if she will be able to do a good job working with others whose lifestyle is something she does not agree with or has real-world, true knowledge of.

Working in the church could be ideal for her.

Whatever, I do wish her the best.

I agree with that.

She insinuates that she understands the need to keep her private beliefs out of the office and she can work with all kinds of cases. She's young and has not been part of the real world yet. Heck, by the time she graduates and starts looking for employment she may change her mind completely.

I do not think the institution has the right to deny her graduation and I am extremely opposed to their "re-education" camp. Heck, when you think about it, this "re-education" of Jennifer is exactly what they are afraid she will do to her clients. Kind of hypocritical if you ask me.

BTW: USAMomma... welcome to USMB.

Should a medical school give a degree and license to someone who only believes in faith healing?

Since faith healing is not medicine no, and that is not what this case is about.

She has nearly completed her Master's Degree and now, since they don't like her political point of view, they want to re-educate her. That is wrong.

I don't agree with her point of view, but neither do I believe that some self-aggrandized liberal nuts have the right to forcibly coerce people over to their point of view especially after having sucked boo-coo bucks out of her bank account and then tell her, "we're sorry, but, we don't like what you think so we are not going to let you graduate until you succumb to our way of thinking."


Faith healing replaces medicine for some....or is it only SOME religious beliefs that are acceptable to those supporting religion?
"Julea Ward had reached the end of the Master's program at Eastern Michigan University, which calls for students to take actual counseling cases. She was confronted with the task of counseling a homosexual concerning a same-gender relationship. Ward asked to opt out of the case, based on her religious beliefs, and then found herself before a panel of educators.

"The school said, 'Well, you have to.' And Julea said, 'Well, that would violate my fundamental religious beliefs to do that' -- and they said, 'Sorry, you're dismissed from our program,'" accounts Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorney Jeremy Tedesco. "And so the real fundamental question here is, can Christians maintain adherence to their core beliefs and still get a degree from a public school?"

Grad student takes stand for faith, denied degree (OneNewsNow.com)

Now we see a case where the school is probably right. this is arguably a requirement of graduation, and she refused to comply with that requirement by refusing to counsel someone assigned to her. After she gets into private practice she will have the luxury of picking and choosing patients, but during schooling and training she takes what pops up.

I would agree but hedge that with this: what if she was a med student and asked to opt out of doing a required abortion?


So there's no place for an Indian Shaman at a Progressive medical school

I'm not surprised, Progressives always find a way to let their inner Fascist pop out from time to time and more frequently than ever
Should a medical school give a degree and license to someone who only believes in faith healing?

Since faith healing is not medicine no, and that is not what this case is about.

She has nearly completed her Master's Degree and now, since they don't like her political point of view, they want to re-educate her. That is wrong.

I don't agree with her point of view, but neither do I believe that some self-aggrandized liberal nuts have the right to forcibly coerce people over to their point of view especially after having sucked boo-coo bucks out of her bank account and then tell her, "we're sorry, but, we don't like what you think so we are not going to let you graduate until you succumb to our way of thinking."


Faith healing replaces medicine for some....or is it only SOME religious beliefs that are acceptable to those supporting religion?

If she were into "faith healing" she would be a TV Evangelist not a Psychologist.

Edit: Gotta run for the day. I have enjoyed this discussion from both sides. Thanks to all who participated. I'll try to catch up tonight or tomorrow. Have a great Saturday everyone.

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