I cannot stand idly by any longer

1. You know he has. He condemned them during the debate. You have the Googles, get your head out of your butt.
I've already acknowledged Biden's pro forma bloodless condemnation of violence (couldn't even bring himself to mention the left's pet pitbulls, Antifa).
I think it would have been so much more effective if the left hadn't been such enablers of the riots
that broke out post George Floyd (for example Kamala Harris organized a bail fund for arsonists, looters, etc.).

2. Psst! I'm going to let you in on a secret: Biden isn't officially President yet. That will be rectified in a couple of months. Turns out, he needs to actually be sworn in before he can start Presidenting. Who knew?
Why are you telling me? I've pointed this out a hundred times.
I will stand up for what I believe in.

Which you've the freedom in this country to do, until you make threats


Where am I making threats?

Care to venture a guess?
I did not say you did

I said 'until'.....


Ah, I have been fighting multiple fronts on this thread. No worries.

Multiple fronts eh? You know who that makes you just like?


Has Joe Biden ever made a comment condemning the Brown Shirt tactics of Antifa, who consistently have
attacked patriots?
I haven't heard of any. And if he has, where has he backed those words up in any way at all?

Yes, he has.

He hasn't said there are "very fine people" among them, that's for sure...

I know you've never once taken the opportunity to learn the truth, b/c the truth is useless if it can't be used against those you oppose, but Trump's full quote can be seen below. You're welcome for ME literally BRINGING the truth to you. If you cared about the truth, at all, the 'very fine people' meme would disappear.

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

Reporter: "George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same."

Trump: "George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down -- excuse me, are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him?"

Reporter: "I do love Thomas Jefferson."

Trump: "Okay, good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now, are we going to take down his statue?

"So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.

"Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets, and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group."

Yes, and? Thanks for posting the whole horrid thing. Doesn't change anything I said. The OP has his panties in a bunch because there was some violence yesterday but didn't give two shits and a handshake about violence from a bunch of White Supremacists that Trump gives tacit approval to. Trump has done nothing but encourage and foment violence from his supporters but the OP "cannot stand idly by" because Biden hasn't ridden into town and bashed their heads in or some such nonsense.
Has Joe Biden ever made a comment condemning the Brown Shirt tactics of Antifa, who consistently have
attacked patriots?
I haven't heard of any. And if he has, where has he backed those words up in any way at all?

Yes, he has.

He hasn't said there are "very fine people" among them, that's for sure...

That kind of snide, backhanded answer shows you are giving this kind of behavior a pass.
No...she is all for it. She is quite happy to have Trump supporters murdered.
If I wanted to see Trump psychopants dead, I'd simply encourage them to go to Trump rallies...

I will stand up for what I believe in.

Which you've the freedom in this country to do, until you make threats


Where am I making threats?

Care to venture a guess?
I did not say you did

I said 'until'.....


Ah, I have been fighting multiple fronts on this thread. No worries.

Multiple fronts eh? You know who that makes you just like?



Oh my goodness gracious, great AHEM balls of fire
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

Yep, only took your Dear Leader getting rejected at the ballot box to sent you tailspinning back into your extremist hate mode.

You are using a a handful of shitheads on the left that police will deal with just fine with to contort yourself into supporting Trump's deplorable refusal to conceed election that he clearly lost. These are not actions of a patriot, these are actions of a self-absorbed despot wannabe.


You're funny. And if you aren't willing to dig deep to preserve the integrity of our election system, then you are nothing but ignorant and hypocritical.
Preserve it from what?

BINGO, and that unwillingness to do any meaningful investigation is why I know you are not concerned with the integrity of our election system. Hey, if my guy wins, who cares? Right? RIIIIIGHT?
Meaningful investigation into what? There have been nothing but baseless claims made by a loser. This is you:

"Aliens beamed down from space and voted for Biden.

Now prove me wrong."
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

Yep, only took your Dear Leader getting rejected at the ballot box to sent you tailspinning back into your extremist hate mode.

You are using a a handful of shitheads on the left that police will deal with just fine with to contort yourself into supporting Trump's deplorable refusal to conceed election that he clearly lost. These are not actions of a patriot, these are actions of a self-absorbed despot wannabe.


You're funny. And if you aren't willing to dig deep to preserve the integrity of our election system, then you are nothing but ignorant and hypocritical.
Preserve it from what?

BINGO, and that unwillingness to do any meaningful investigation is why I know you are not concerned with the integrity of our election system. Hey, if my guy wins, who cares? Right? RIIIIIGHT?
Meaningful investigation into what? There have been nothing but baseless claims made by a loser. This is you:

"Aliens beamed down from space and voted for Biden.

Now prove me wrong."

Wow. You truly are dense.

You have to gather evidence, vet the evidence, verify the consistency of the evidence. Your impatience is a sign you are eager to ignore whatever evidence is presented.

You are a fool to have such unwavering faith in our election system.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

Yep, only took your Dear Leader getting rejected at the ballot box to sent you tailspinning back into your extremist hate mode.

You are using a a handful of shitheads on the left that police will deal with just fine with to contort yourself into supporting Trump's deplorable refusal to conceed election that he clearly lost. These are not actions of a patriot, these are actions of a self-absorbed despot wannabe.


You're funny. And if you aren't willing to dig deep to preserve the integrity of our election system, then you are nothing but ignorant and hypocritical.
Preserve it from what?

BINGO, and that unwillingness to do any meaningful investigation is why I know you are not concerned with the integrity of our election system. Hey, if my guy wins, who cares? Right? RIIIIIGHT?
Meaningful investigation into what? There have been nothing but baseless claims made by a loser. This is you:

"Aliens beamed down from space and voted for Biden.

Now prove me wrong."

Wow. You truly are dense.

You have to gather evidence, vet the evidence, verify the consistency of the evidence. Your impatience is a sign you are eager to ignore whatever evidence is presented.

You are a fool to have such unwavering faith in our election system.

Wow, two weeks and still no evidence. Making shit up and demanding an investigation isn't evidence.

What impatience? The election will be certified in December just like it always is. We're certifying December 3rd. Biden will be sworn in January 20th. That's it. Simple really.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

Yep, only took your Dear Leader getting rejected at the ballot box to sent you tailspinning back into your extremist hate mode.

You are using a a handful of shitheads on the left that police will deal with just fine with to contort yourself into supporting Trump's deplorable refusal to conceed election that he clearly lost. These are not actions of a patriot, these are actions of a self-absorbed despot wannabe.


You're funny. And if you aren't willing to dig deep to preserve the integrity of our election system, then you are nothing but ignorant and hypocritical.
Preserve it from what?

BINGO, and that unwillingness to do any meaningful investigation is why I know you are not concerned with the integrity of our election system. Hey, if my guy wins, who cares? Right? RIIIIIGHT?
Meaningful investigation into what? There have been nothing but baseless claims made by a loser. This is you:

"Aliens beamed down from space and voted for Biden.

Now prove me wrong."

Wow. You truly are dense.

You have to gather evidence, vet the evidence, verify the consistency of the evidence. Your impatience is a sign you are eager to ignore whatever evidence is presented.

You are a fool to have such unwavering faith in our election system.

Wow, two weeks and still no evidence. Making shit up and demanding an investigation isn't evidence.

What impatience? The election will be certified in December just like it always is. We're certifying December 3rd. Biden will be sworn in January 20th. That's it. Simple really.

Unlike you, we don't specialize in pulling bullshit out of thin air, like you do. Russia, Ukraine...

Get bent, foo'
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

Yep, only took your Dear Leader getting rejected at the ballot box to sent you tailspinning back into your extremist hate mode.

You are using a a handful of shitheads on the left that police will deal with just fine with to contort yourself into supporting Trump's deplorable refusal to conceed election that he clearly lost. These are not actions of a patriot, these are actions of a self-absorbed despot wannabe.


You're funny. And if you aren't willing to dig deep to preserve the integrity of our election system, then you are nothing but ignorant and hypocritical.
Preserve it from what?

BINGO, and that unwillingness to do any meaningful investigation is why I know you are not concerned with the integrity of our election system. Hey, if my guy wins, who cares? Right? RIIIIIGHT?
Meaningful investigation into what? There have been nothing but baseless claims made by a loser. This is you:

"Aliens beamed down from space and voted for Biden.

Now prove me wrong."

Wow. You truly are dense.

You have to gather evidence, vet the evidence, verify the consistency of the evidence. Your impatience is a sign you are eager to ignore whatever evidence is presented.

You are a fool to have such unwavering faith in our election system.

Wow, two weeks and still no evidence. Making shit up and demanding an investigation isn't evidence.

What impatience? The election will be certified in December just like it always is. We're certifying December 3rd. Biden will be sworn in January 20th. That's it. Simple really.

Unlike you, we don't specialize in pulling bullshit out of thin air, like you do. Russia, Ukraine...

Get bent, foo'

You say that, but Trump's many lawsuits being rejected as baseless prove otherwise.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

Yep, only took your Dear Leader getting rejected at the ballot box to sent you tailspinning back into your extremist hate mode.

You are using a a handful of shitheads on the left that police will deal with just fine with to contort yourself into supporting Trump's deplorable refusal to conceed election that he clearly lost. These are not actions of a patriot, these are actions of a self-absorbed despot wannabe.


You're funny. And if you aren't willing to dig deep to preserve the integrity of our election system, then you are nothing but ignorant and hypocritical.
Preserve it from what?

BINGO, and that unwillingness to do any meaningful investigation is why I know you are not concerned with the integrity of our election system. Hey, if my guy wins, who cares? Right? RIIIIIGHT?
Meaningful investigation into what? There have been nothing but baseless claims made by a loser. This is you:

"Aliens beamed down from space and voted for Biden.

Now prove me wrong."

Wow. You truly are dense.

You have to gather evidence, vet the evidence, verify the consistency of the evidence. Your impatience is a sign you are eager to ignore whatever evidence is presented.

You are a fool to have such unwavering faith in our election system.

Wow, two weeks and still no evidence. Making shit up and demanding an investigation isn't evidence.

What impatience? The election will be certified in December just like it always is. We're certifying December 3rd. Biden will be sworn in January 20th. That's it. Simple really.

Unlike you, we don't specialize in pulling bullshit out of thin air, like you do. Russia, Ukraine...

Get bent, foo'
Russia actually interfered in our elections to help Donnie Covidseed. Donnie Covidseed actually sought help from Ukraine in his reelection campaign. These are things that happened and there is proof of them. So far there has been zero proof of widespread voter fraud.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
The idiot libtards laugh until they run into a Kyle Ritterhouse, lol.
And yes TemplarKormac, I do have faith in our elections system. I work with the people every single day that make elections happen and I know how dedicated they are to making sure elections are fair, accurate, secure and transparent.

That's not very reassuring.

If all you do is take and give orders, how will you know if you're doing something wrong? How do you know if the election is "fair" or "accurate"?

I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

Yep, only took your Dear Leader getting rejected at the ballot box to sent you tailspinning back into your extremist hate mode.

You are using a a handful of shitheads on the left that police will deal with just fine with to contort yourself into supporting Trump's deplorable refusal to conceed election that he clearly lost. These are not actions of a patriot, these are actions of a self-absorbed despot wannabe.


You're funny. And if you aren't willing to dig deep to preserve the integrity of our election system, then you are nothing but ignorant and hypocritical.
Preserve it from what?

BINGO, and that unwillingness to do any meaningful investigation is why I know you are not concerned with the integrity of our election system. Hey, if my guy wins, who cares? Right? RIIIIIGHT?
Meaningful investigation into what? There have been nothing but baseless claims made by a loser. This is you:

"Aliens beamed down from space and voted for Biden.

Now prove me wrong."

Wow. You truly are dense.

You have to gather evidence, vet the evidence, verify the consistency of the evidence. Your impatience is a sign you are eager to ignore whatever evidence is presented.

You are a fool to have such unwavering faith in our election system.

Wow, two weeks and still no evidence. Making shit up and demanding an investigation isn't evidence.

What impatience? The election will be certified in December just like it always is. We're certifying December 3rd. Biden will be sworn in January 20th. That's it. Simple really.

Unlike you, we don't specialize in pulling bullshit out of thin air, like you do. Russia, Ukraine...

Get bent, foo'
Russia actually interfered in our elections to help Donnie Covidseed. Donnie Covidseed actually sought help from Ukraine in his reelection campaign. These are things that happened and there is proof of them. So far there has been zero proof of widespread voter fraud.

If you're so convinced that I am wrong, why aren't you trying to disprove me?

This conversation is going nowhere. Your fault, entirely.
And yes TemplarKormac, I do have faith in our elections system. I work with the people every single day that make elections happen and I know how dedicated they are to making sure elections are fair, accurate, secure and transparent.

That's not very reassuring.

If all you do is take and give orders, how will you know if you're doing something wrong.


Did that make a lick of sense in your head? It makes no sense when posted to a message board.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

Yep, only took your Dear Leader getting rejected at the ballot box to sent you tailspinning back into your extremist hate mode.

You are using a a handful of shitheads on the left that police will deal with just fine with to contort yourself into supporting Trump's deplorable refusal to conceed election that he clearly lost. These are not actions of a patriot, these are actions of a self-absorbed despot wannabe.


You're funny. And if you aren't willing to dig deep to preserve the integrity of our election system, then you are nothing but ignorant and hypocritical.
Preserve it from what?

BINGO, and that unwillingness to do any meaningful investigation is why I know you are not concerned with the integrity of our election system. Hey, if my guy wins, who cares? Right? RIIIIIGHT?
Meaningful investigation into what? There have been nothing but baseless claims made by a loser. This is you:

"Aliens beamed down from space and voted for Biden.

Now prove me wrong."

Wow. You truly are dense.

You have to gather evidence, vet the evidence, verify the consistency of the evidence. Your impatience is a sign you are eager to ignore whatever evidence is presented.

You are a fool to have such unwavering faith in our election system.

Wow, two weeks and still no evidence. Making shit up and demanding an investigation isn't evidence.

What impatience? The election will be certified in December just like it always is. We're certifying December 3rd. Biden will be sworn in January 20th. That's it. Simple really.

Unlike you, we don't specialize in pulling bullshit out of thin air, like you do. Russia, Ukraine...

Get bent, foo'
Russia actually interfered in our elections to help Donnie Covidseed. Donnie Covidseed actually sought help from Ukraine in his reelection campaign. These are things that happened and there is proof of them. So far there has been zero proof of widespread voter fraud.

If you're so convinced that I am wrong, why aren't you trying to disprove me?

This conversation is going nowhere. Your fault, entirely.

There you go again. "Aliens from space voted for Biden. Prove me wrong" .
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

Yep, only took your Dear Leader getting rejected at the ballot box to sent you tailspinning back into your extremist hate mode.

You are using a a handful of shitheads on the left that police will deal with just fine with to contort yourself into supporting Trump's deplorable refusal to conceed election that he clearly lost. These are not actions of a patriot, these are actions of a self-absorbed despot wannabe.


You're funny. And if you aren't willing to dig deep to preserve the integrity of our election system, then you are nothing but ignorant and hypocritical.
Preserve it from what?

BINGO, and that unwillingness to do any meaningful investigation is why I know you are not concerned with the integrity of our election system. Hey, if my guy wins, who cares? Right? RIIIIIGHT?
Meaningful investigation into what? There have been nothing but baseless claims made by a loser. This is you:

"Aliens beamed down from space and voted for Biden.

Now prove me wrong."

Wow. You truly are dense.

You have to gather evidence, vet the evidence, verify the consistency of the evidence. Your impatience is a sign you are eager to ignore whatever evidence is presented.

You are a fool to have such unwavering faith in our election system.

Wow, two weeks and still no evidence. Making shit up and demanding an investigation isn't evidence.

What impatience? The election will be certified in December just like it always is. We're certifying December 3rd. Biden will be sworn in January 20th. That's it. Simple really.

Unlike you, we don't specialize in pulling bullshit out of thin air, like you do. Russia, Ukraine...

Get bent, foo'

You say that, but Trump's many lawsuits being rejected as baseless prove otherwise.

Yeah, those lawsuits aren't being filed by Trump's campaign.

Geesh, do you even pay attention?
And yes TemplarKormac, I do have faith in our elections system. I work with the people every single day that make elections happen and I know how dedicated they are to making sure elections are fair, accurate, secure and transparent.

That's not very reassuring.

If all you do is take and give orders, how will you know if you're doing something wrong.


Did that make a lick of sense in your head? It makes no sense when posted to a message board.

Sigh, read the post again.

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