I can't believe people still take Trump seriously

After all of your hard work to undermine, ridicule and demonize him from the day he took office, It must be very frustrating that he is doing so well. :crybaby:Those of us who like to see the President doing positive things for America are very happy.
-------------------------------------------------------------- IMPEACHMENT OF Trump 45 is just right around the corner !!

The corner of “in your dreams “ & “never going to happen”
Avatar for once I must agree with you No impeachment because republicans are sniveling corrupt ass kissers of the worst pos to come down the pike since G Washington
like the democrats will impeach a democratic president....right eddie?........
After all of your hard work to undermine, ridicule and demonize him from the day he took office, It must be very frustrating that he is doing so well. :crybaby:Those of us who like to see the President doing positive things for America are very happy.
-------------------------------------------------------------- IMPEACHMENT OF Trump 45 is just right around the corner !!

The corner of “in your dreams “ & “never going to happen”
Avatar for once I must agree with you No impeachment because republicans are sniveling corrupt ass kissers of the worst pos to come down the pike since G Washington
like the democrats will impeach a democratic president....right eddie?........

if it were legit and not a hack job like the Starr "investigation". and if it were a nutcase like Donald.
How could anyone not take him seriously? lol

This man has accomplished more in life than any president we’ve ever had!

accomplishment is growing up in a trailer park and becoming president.

accomplishment is being raised by single mother and your grandparents and being bi-racial and getting to be president.

what did trump accomplish that his daddy didn't set him up with?

and even if we assume he was capable at one time, he sounds like a nutcase now and has bellied-up, what, eight corporations?
After all of your hard work to undermine, ridicule and demonize him from the day he took office, It must be very frustrating that he is doing so well. :crybaby:Those of us who like to see the President doing positive things for America are very happy.
-------------------------------------------------------------- IMPEACHMENT OF Trump 45 is just right around the corner !!

The corner of “in your dreams “ & “never going to happen”
Avatar for once I must agree with you No impeachment because republicans are sniveling corrupt ass kissers of the worst pos to come down the pike since G Washington
like the democrats will impeach a democratic president....right eddie?........
Depends Just how mentally stable one is
He’s done more than you realize. It’s why the markets have broken over 60 records since he was elected.:)

I think you'll find that is in spite of him, not because of him. You Yanks put way too much emphasis on how the president affects monetary markets. Sure, if he talks tax breaks etc, that would affect the market, but not much else. Most economies these days are rocking along. Not doing great, but not doing bad either.

where's Toro when you need him. He'd have more of an insight that you or I...
After all of your hard work to undermine, ridicule and demonize him from the day he took office, It must be very frustrating that he is doing so well. :crybaby:Those of us who like to see the President doing positive things for America are very happy.
-------------------------------------------------------------- IMPEACHMENT OF Trump 45 is just right around the corner !!

The corner of “in your dreams “ & “never going to happen”
Avatar for once I must agree with you No impeachment because republicans are sniveling corrupt ass kissers of the worst pos to come down the pike since G Washington
like the democrats will impeach a democratic president....right eddie?........

if it were legit and not a hack job like the Starr "investigation". and if it were a nutcase like Donald.
i think they would fight impeachment to the end just like the other side will jill..
Keep dreaming.

If he had his nukes under Obama, he wouldn't have had to snicker behind his back, he'd have laughed in his face the same as you claim he's doing to Trump.
MAYBE you're right I'm saying he didn't and he did shove Trumps threats up his butt

You're hilarious
For a guy who says he couldn't vote for either of the candidates you sure seem one sided now

To you, and people like you, I've always seemed one sided.

that's because where you stand, there is no middle.

all or nothing with your ilk
I'm not a middle of the road guy will, I believe in something or I don't And believing doesn't have to be 100%
And believing doesn't have to be 100%
I've known you for 17 years, ed, and you've always been 100%

First to the Right, now to the Left.
--------------------------------------------- world is fulla foreigners , who cares what they think DrGRUMP ??

By the way he tweets every five minutes? Trump...

And I know you Yanks just love thinking you don't give a shit about anybody. Correction, neo con righties don't. But that is why their states are some of the poorest in the Union.
He’s done more than you realize. It’s why the markets have broken over 60 records since he was elected.:)

I think you'll find that is in spite of him, not because of him. You Yanks put way too much emphasis on how the president affects monetary markets. Sure, if he talks tax breaks etc, that would affect the market, but not much else. Most economies these days are rocking along. Not doing great, but not doing bad either.

where's Toro when you need him. He'd have more of an insight that you or I...
Economies all over the world are great AND WITHOUT TAX CUTS
-------------------------------------------------------------- IMPEACHMENT OF Trump 45 is just right around the corner !!

The corner of “in your dreams “ & “never going to happen”
Avatar for once I must agree with you No impeachment because republicans are sniveling corrupt ass kissers of the worst pos to come down the pike since G Washington
like the democrats will impeach a democratic president....right eddie?........

if it were legit and not a hack job like the Starr "investigation". and if it were a nutcase like Donald.
i think they would fight impeachment to the end just like the other side will jill..
I can't argue You could be right
How could anyone not take him seriously? lol

This man has accomplished more in life than any president we’ve ever had!

accomplishment is growing up in a trailer park and becoming president.

accomplishment is being raised by single mother and your grandparents and being bi-racial and getting to be president.

what did trump accomplish that his daddy didn't set him up with?

and even if we assume he was capable at one time, he sounds like a nutcase now and has bellied-up, what, eight corporations?
Is this where we compare obamas accomplishments to Trumps? :)
MAYBE you're right I'm saying he didn't and he did shove Trumps threats up his butt

You're hilarious
For a guy who says he couldn't vote for either of the candidates you sure seem one sided now

To you, and people like you, I've always seemed one sided.

that's because where you stand, there is no middle.

all or nothing with your ilk
I'm not a middle of the road guy will, I believe in something or I don't And believing doesn't have to be 100%
And believing doesn't have to be 100%
I've known you for 17 years, ed, and you've always been 100%

First to the Right, now to the Left.
In 2000 I changed lanes GWB was too much And as you might recall I voted for him
After all of your hard work to undermine, ridicule and demonize him from the day he took office, It must be very frustrating that he is doing so well. :crybaby:Those of us who like to see the President doing positive things for America are very happy.
-------------------------------------------------------------- IMPEACHMENT OF Trump 45 is just right around the corner !!

The corner of “in your dreams “ & “never going to happen”
Avatar for once I must agree with you No impeachment because republicans are sniveling corrupt ass kissers of the worst pos to come down the pike since G Washington
like the democrats will impeach a democratic president....right eddie?........
Depends Just how mentally stable one is
trump doesnt act like your typical politician because he isnt one.....i thought obama came off as an arrogant person ....but i accepted that he won 2 elections.....i thought bush came off like a dumbass...but i accepted that he won 2 elections......trump won this election and i will let the guy sink or swim....i wont get sucked into the "i hate trump" syndrome...
He’s going to be President till at least January of 2021 rather his critics take him seriously or not. I would also suggest part of the reason Trump is President is because so many on both the right and left didn’t take him seriously.

That is pretty damned disturbing. I don't take Pee Wee Herman seriously, either. Consequently, the GOP may elect him....
No the left took Hillary Clinton seriously that worked out real well for you maybe instead of bitching about Trump 24/7 the Democrats should focus on their own failures that helped him get elected.
The corner of “in your dreams “ & “never going to happen”
Avatar for once I must agree with you No impeachment because republicans are sniveling corrupt ass kissers of the worst pos to come down the pike since G Washington
like the democrats will impeach a democratic president....right eddie?........

if it were legit and not a hack job like the Starr "investigation". and if it were a nutcase like Donald.
i think they would fight impeachment to the end just like the other side will jill..
I can't argue You could be right
they are politicians ed.....they have lots of experience covering up for each other....they will always tell us that they have our best interest at heart....yea as long as they get something out of it....
He’s going to be President till at least January of 2021 rather his critics take him seriously or not. I would also suggest part of the reason Trump is President is because so many on both the right and left didn’t take him seriously.

That is pretty damned disturbing. I don't take Pee Wee Herman seriously, either. Consequently, the GOP may elect him....
No the left took Hillary Clinton seriously that worked out real well for you maybe instead of bitching about Trump 24/7 the Democrats should focus on their own failures that helped him get elected.

I guess you showed us. You put a clearly incompetent, immature, narcissistic, poorly educated, pathological lying, racist, and sexist in the White House, whose ego is so fragile that he engages in playground level taunts with a madman over who has the biggest nuclear button, and is unable to work with even his own party in Congress. When he destroys the nation, we will REALLY be sorry, and you will have won....!
He’s going to be President till at least January of 2021 rather his critics take him seriously or not. I would also suggest part of the reason Trump is President is because so many on both the right and left didn’t take him seriously.

That is pretty damned disturbing. I don't take Pee Wee Herman seriously, either. Consequently, the GOP may elect him....
No the left took Hillary Clinton seriously that worked out real well for you maybe instead of bitching about Trump 24/7 the Democrats should focus on their own failures that helped him get elected.

I guess you showed us. You put a clearly incompetent, immature, narcissistic, poorly educated, pathological lying, racist, and sexist in the White House, whose ego is so fragile that he engages in playground level taunts with a madman over who has the biggest nuclear button, and is unable to work with even his own party in Congress. When he destroys the nation, we will REALLY be sorry, and you will have won....!

Donald Trump is not poorly educated, though he sounds like he is.

If you are going to criticize the man, at least get your facts straight.

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