I can't believe people still take Trump seriously

------------------------------ aw well , wipe away those tears as you say , President Donald Trump the most powerful man in the world John Shaw [aw haw] :afro:.
Powerful?? lol Un of NK and Iran laugh in his face

Is that the same Un that snickered behind the backs of Obama, Hillary, Kerry, and Biden?
No! Not even close to how he told Trump ,,in other words,,to STICK it

Keep dreaming.

If he had his nukes under Obama, he wouldn't have had to snicker behind his back, he'd have laughed in his face the same as you claim he's doing to Trump.
MAYBE you're right I'm saying he didn't and he did shove Trumps threats up his butt

You're hilarious
How could anyone not take him seriously? lol

This man has accomplished more in life than any president we’ve ever had!
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Powerful?? lol Un of NK and Iran laugh in his face

Is that the same Un that snickered behind the backs of Obama, Hillary, Kerry, and Biden?
No! Not even close to how he told Trump ,,in other words,,to STICK it

Keep dreaming.

If he had his nukes under Obama, he wouldn't have had to snicker behind his back, he'd have laughed in his face the same as you claim he's doing to Trump.
MAYBE you're right I'm saying he didn't and he did shove Trumps threats up his butt

You're hilarious
For a guy who says he couldn't vote for either of the candidates you sure seem one sided now
Is that the same Un that snickered behind the backs of Obama, Hillary, Kerry, and Biden?
No! Not even close to how he told Trump ,,in other words,,to STICK it

Keep dreaming.

If he had his nukes under Obama, he wouldn't have had to snicker behind his back, he'd have laughed in his face the same as you claim he's doing to Trump.
MAYBE you're right I'm saying he didn't and he did shove Trumps threats up his butt

You're hilarious
For a guy who says he couldn't vote for either of the candidates you sure seem one sided now

To you, and people like you, I've always seemed one sided.

that's because where you stand, there is no middle.

all or nothing with your ilk
Seems to me that if you think someone in power is crazy you should take what they say more seriously not less

I don't think he's crazy. I think he's ignorant, arrogant, and childish. And not particularly intelligent, either.
He’s going to be President till at least January of 2021 rather his critics take him seriously or not. I would also suggest part of the reason Trump is President is because so many on both the right and left didn’t take him seriously.

That is pretty damned disturbing. I don't take Pee Wee Herman seriously, either. Consequently, the GOP may elect him....
From his tweets, he comes off as a parody of himself. I don't take a word he says seriously, and I don't see how anyone does. That stupid book doesn't change my opinion on Trump at all; he was a joke before, and he's a joke now. The only difference it made was, now he can legitimately point and say "Fake news".
I can't believe you sissies are still crying like little girls.
From his tweets, he comes off as a parody of himself. I don't take a word he says seriously, and I don't see how anyone does. That stupid book doesn't change my opinion on Trump at all; he was a joke before, and he's a joke now. The only difference it made was, now he can legitimately point and say "Fake news".
I can't believe you sissies are still crying like little girls.

There's that famous right wing sexism shining through.
Seems to me that if you think someone in power is crazy you should take what they say more seriously not less

I don't think he's crazy. I think he's ignorant, arrogant, and childish. And not particularly intelligent, either.
-------------------------------------- [WHO CARES EH ] doesn't matter what you think , just don't support your President and thats acceptable in the USA John Shaw .
Seems to me that if you think someone in power is crazy you should take what they say more seriously not less

I don't think he's crazy. I think he's ignorant, arrogant, and childish. And not particularly intelligent, either.
-------------------------------------- [WHO CARES EH ] doesn't matter what you think , just don't support your President and thats acceptable in the USA John Shaw .

Okay ...
After all of your hard work to undermine, ridicule and demonize him from the day he took office, It must be very frustrating that he is doing so well. :crybaby:Those of us who like to see the President doing positive things for America are very happy.
-------------------------------------------------------------- IMPEACHMENT OF Trump 45 is just right around the corner !!

The corner of “in your dreams “ & “never going to happen”
Avatar for once I must agree with you No impeachment because republicans are sniveling corrupt ass kissers of the worst pos to come down the pike since G Washington

There won’t be impeachment because he hasn’t committed a crime
After all of your hard work to undermine, ridicule and demonize him from the day he took office, It must be very frustrating that he is doing so well. :crybaby:Those of us who like to see the President doing positive things for America are very happy.

Um he's not. It took him a whole year to get one piece of legislation passed. He has also made the US the laughing stock of the world.
After all of your hard work to undermine, ridicule and demonize him from the day he took office, It must be very frustrating that he is doing so well. :crybaby:Those of us who like to see the President doing positive things for America are very happy.
-------------------------------------------------------------- IMPEACHMENT OF Trump 45 is just right around the corner !!

The corner of “in your dreams “ & “never going to happen”
Avatar for once I must agree with you No impeachment because republicans are sniveling corrupt ass kissers of the worst pos to come down the pike since G Washington

There won’t be impeachment because he hasn’t committed a crime
----------------------------------------------- the impeachment comment is a joke of mine , it was sought after for a year after the TRUMP was elected and now its mental health . I ask the 'boneheads' , when are you guys getting your impeachment going . ------------- ' impeach 45 ' is the war cry of the boneheads leader 'maxine waters' Avatar .
After all of your hard work to undermine, ridicule and demonize him from the day he took office, It must be very frustrating that he is doing so well. :crybaby:Those of us who like to see the President doing positive things for America are very happy.

Um he's not. It took him a whole year to get one piece of legislation passed. He has also made the US the laughing stock of the world.
He’s done more than you realize. It’s why the markets have broken over 60 records since he was elected.:)
After all of your hard work to undermine, ridicule and demonize him from the day he took office, It must be very frustrating that he is doing so well. :crybaby:Those of us who like to see the President doing positive things for America are very happy.

Um he's not. It took him a whole year to get one piece of legislation passed. He has also made the US the laughing stock of the world.
--------------------------------------------- world is fulla foreigners , who cares what they think DrGRUMP ??
No! Not even close to how he told Trump ,,in other words,,to STICK it

Keep dreaming.

If he had his nukes under Obama, he wouldn't have had to snicker behind his back, he'd have laughed in his face the same as you claim he's doing to Trump.
MAYBE you're right I'm saying he didn't and he did shove Trumps threats up his butt

You're hilarious
For a guy who says he couldn't vote for either of the candidates you sure seem one sided now

To you, and people like you, I've always seemed one sided.

that's because where you stand, there is no middle.

all or nothing with your ilk
I'm not a middle of the road guy will, I believe in something or I don't And believing doesn't have to be 100%

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