I can't blame the Trumpsters

Hey Mac..some questions. Part 1:

Looking at US economic performance between 2009 and 2016, would you be inclined to say that it has improved or worsened during that span of time?

Has economic opportunity for middle class Americans improved or declined during that period?
Conditions have clearly improved on a macro level. I can't quote figures on the middle class, but I'd guess it's somewhat better.

No further "parts" are required. I believe nothing you say, and your opinion is of no value to me. As you know.

There are plenty of right wingers here with whom you can play.

So you're clueless....huh....

Color me shocked....Hillary voter....

See what I meant by pinning labels on people?
Clueless being a trait and not a label....seems it's a trait you share with him....
And all those times you pressed the agree/thank you/winner button on my other posts, was I being clueless then?
I can not help you with your choice of the red or blue pill you take in the morning....I can only react.....
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.
Arguably the biggest thing to come out of this election, is the decline of the D Party. As you say, it is now a regional party (East and West coasts), but it is also a party of elites, statists, and the 1%. It has been exposed as unconcerned about the middle and working classes.

On the other hand, Trump is not a conservative...never was. So for cons to think he is some kind of savior, is foolish. I suspect over time they will be very disappointed in him.

Funny Thing...many thought Trump might destroy the R party, but he just might destroy the D party. Either way the American people win.
Yeah, there's no way to predict the way things go here.

I'm hopeful that Trump can be a productive, positive deal-maker and prove me wrong.

We're sure as hell gonna find out.
Prove the Hillary voter wrong.....priceless....:lol:
Go away, the adults are talking.
Yeah, there's no way to predict the way things go here.

I'm hopeful that Trump can be a productive, positive deal-maker and prove me wrong.

We're sure as hell gonna find out.

Same here Mac, I hope he can outperform expectations as well (mine are very low so it shouldn't be that hard for him), last couple of days were positive:
* The deal at Carrier, while it's far from perfect it's very encouraging that 1,000 families aren't going to be facing imminent joblessness this Christmas, Trump deserves an at-a-boy for that one.

* Mattis as SecDef, GREAT choice, having a true "G.I. General" in charge at the Pentagon is something we've needed for a long time.

* Good speech yesterday in Ohio, hit some very positive notes.
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.

There be some lessons in serious need of learning in your comment. Unfortunately there are other lessons to be learned you forgot to mention.

Such as running a candidate with an extraordinarily high unfavorability rating while employing the same old message. To even include dismissing rural Americans just like al gore did with his flyover country remark. And as you'll recall he lost the election while winning the popular vote. Ring a bell. Democrats had a candidate that could have won, but chose to go with Hillary instead.
Yeah, there's no way to predict the way things go here.

I'm hopeful that Trump can be a productive, positive deal-maker and prove me wrong.

We're sure as hell gonna find out.

Same here Mac, I hope he can outperform expectations as well (mine are very low so it shouldn't be that hard for him), last couple of days were positive:
* The deal at Carrier, while it's far from perfect it's very encouraging that 1,000 families aren't going to be facing imminent joblessness this Christmas, Trump deserves an at-a-boy for that one.

* Mattis as SecDef, GREAT choice, having a true "G.I. General" in charge at the Pentagon is something we've needed for a long time.

* Good speech yesterday in Ohio, hit some very positive notes.

I do think the forces aligned against Trump are capable of just about anything...you know? The ends justify the means crowd. They are not going to allow him to be successful, if they can help it. They will commit all kinds of nasty tricks and out right illegalities to make Trump and his supporters look bad. They have the media, the Oligarchy, academia, D and much of the R party, and millions of D voters...in their pocket. If they can succeed, Trump will be just another failed president and Leftism/Statism will continue it's march.

I do not wish to put a damper on the party. It is one man's opinion...based on the study the Left and Statists.
Yeah, there's no way to predict the way things go here.

I'm hopeful that Trump can be a productive, positive deal-maker and prove me wrong.

We're sure as hell gonna find out.

Same here Mac, I hope he can outperform expectations as well (mine are very low so it shouldn't be that hard for him), last couple of days were positive:
* The deal at Carrier, while it's far from perfect it's very encouraging that 1,000 families aren't going to be facing imminent joblessness this Christmas, Trump deserves an at-a-boy for that one.

* Mattis as SecDef, GREAT choice, having a true "G.I. General" in charge at the Pentagon is something we've needed for a long time.

* Good speech yesterday in Ohio, hit some very positive notes.

I do think the forces aligned against Trump are capable of just about anything...you know? The ends justify the means crowd. They are not going to allow him to be successful, if they can help it. They will commit all kinds of nasty tricks and out right illegalities to make Trump and his supporters look bad. They have the media, the Oligarchy, academia, D and much of the R party, and millions of D voters...in their pocket. If they can succeed, Trump will be just another failed president and Leftism/Statism will continue it's march.

I do not wish to put a damper on the party. It is one man's opinion...based on the study the Left and Statists.
There are also the "establishment" Republicans to consider.

Ryan's tortured, after-he-won love for Trump wasn't exactly inspiring, and what do he and the others say to their own constituents when they pass a Trump initiative that isn't considered "conservative" enough?

That dynamic will be worth watching, too.
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.

There be some lessons in serious need of learning in your comment. Unfortunately there are other lessons to be learned you forgot to mention.

Such as running a candidate with an extraordinarily high unfavorability rating while employing the same old message. To even include dismissing rural Americans just like al gore did with his flyover country remark. And as you'll recall he lost the election while winning the popular vote. Ring a bell. Democrats had a candidate that could have won, but chose to go with Hillary instead.
Good point.

Had Bernie been the D nominee, he probably would have won. Yet the D party colluded to make sure he did not win...shouldn't there be consequences for these heinous actions?
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.

There be some lessons in serious need of learning in your comment. Unfortunately there are other lessons to be learned you forgot to mention.

Such as running a candidate with an extraordinarily high unfavorability rating while employing the same old message. To even include dismissing rural Americans just like al gore did with his flyover country remark. And as you'll recall he lost the election while winning the popular vote. Ring a bell. Democrats had a candidate that could have won, but chose to go with Hillary instead.
Good point.

Had Bernie been the D nominee, he probably would have won. Yet the D party colluded to make sure he did not win...shouldn't there be consequences for these heinous actions?

There's no law against shooting yourself in the foot.
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.

There be some lessons in serious need of learning in your comment. Unfortunately there are other lessons to be learned you forgot to mention.

Such as running a candidate with an extraordinarily high unfavorability rating while employing the same old message. To even include dismissing rural Americans just like al gore did with his flyover country remark. And as you'll recall he lost the election while winning the popular vote. Ring a bell. Democrats had a candidate that could have won, but chose to go with Hillary instead.
Good point.

Had Bernie been the D nominee, he probably would have won. Yet the D party colluded to make sure he did not win...shouldn't there be consequences for these heinous actions?

There's no law against shooting yourself in the foot.
True, but those in the DNC who actively and covertly worked to undermine Bernie, should be thrown out of the party, but I suspect I am dreaming with that.
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.

There be some lessons in serious need of learning in your comment. Unfortunately there are other lessons to be learned you forgot to mention.

Such as running a candidate with an extraordinarily high unfavorability rating while employing the same old message. To even include dismissing rural Americans just like al gore did with his flyover country remark. And as you'll recall he lost the election while winning the popular vote. Ring a bell. Democrats had a candidate that could have won, but chose to go with Hillary instead.
Good point.

Had Bernie been the D nominee, he probably would have won. Yet the D party colluded to make sure he did not win...shouldn't there be consequences for these heinous actions?

There's no law against shooting yourself in the foot.
True, but those in the DNC who actively and covertly worked to undermine Bernie, should be thrown out of the party, but I suspect I am dreaming with that.
It would have been pretty freaking interesting to see what would have happened had the DNC played it straight.

I wonder if any of them are kicking themselves in the butt right now.
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.

We’ll see who is divided by the walls, the deportation squads, who profits under Trump and who does not I suppose. Again, can you tell me one person you’ve been divided from by the Democratic party during the last 8 years? No? Neither can anyone else who discusses “divisiveness”.

I've been divided from the vast number of minorities and liberals who have been told over and over again that I am a bad person who is out to "get them", instead of just someone who disagrees on the best way to make America a better place.
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.

There be some lessons in serious need of learning in your comment. Unfortunately there are other lessons to be learned you forgot to mention.

Such as running a candidate with an extraordinarily high unfavorability rating while employing the same old message. To even include dismissing rural Americans just like al gore did with his flyover country remark. And as you'll recall he lost the election while winning the popular vote. Ring a bell. Democrats had a candidate that could have won, but chose to go with Hillary instead.
Good point.

Had Bernie been the D nominee, he probably would have won. Yet the D party colluded to make sure he did not win...shouldn't there be consequences for these heinous actions?

There's no law against shooting yourself in the foot.
True, but those in the DNC who actively and covertly worked to undermine Bernie, should be thrown out of the party, but I suspect I am dreaming with that.
It would have been pretty freaking interesting to see what would have happened had the DNC played it straight.

I wonder if any of them are kicking themselves in the butt right now.
Watching Morning Joke right now...it is too funny.

Some of the guests are claiming media coverage of Hillary was way too negative and not negative enough on Trump....LMAO.
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.

There be some lessons in serious need of learning in your comment. Unfortunately there are other lessons to be learned you forgot to mention.

Such as running a candidate with an extraordinarily high unfavorability rating while employing the same old message. To even include dismissing rural Americans just like al gore did with his flyover country remark. And as you'll recall he lost the election while winning the popular vote. Ring a bell. Democrats had a candidate that could have won, but chose to go with Hillary instead.
Good point.

Had Bernie been the D nominee, he probably would have won. Yet the D party colluded to make sure he did not win...shouldn't there be consequences for these heinous actions?

There's no law against shooting yourself in the foot.
True, but those in the DNC who actively and covertly worked to undermine Bernie, should be thrown out of the party, but I suspect I am dreaming with that.

The chief in charge of that nonsense has since moved on. Her final act so to speak.
There be some lessons in serious need of learning in your comment. Unfortunately there are other lessons to be learned you forgot to mention.

Such as running a candidate with an extraordinarily high unfavorability rating while employing the same old message. To even include dismissing rural Americans just like al gore did with his flyover country remark. And as you'll recall he lost the election while winning the popular vote. Ring a bell. Democrats had a candidate that could have won, but chose to go with Hillary instead.
Good point.

Had Bernie been the D nominee, he probably would have won. Yet the D party colluded to make sure he did not win...shouldn't there be consequences for these heinous actions?

There's no law against shooting yourself in the foot.
True, but those in the DNC who actively and covertly worked to undermine Bernie, should be thrown out of the party, but I suspect I am dreaming with that.
It would have been pretty freaking interesting to see what would have happened had the DNC played it straight.

I wonder if any of them are kicking themselves in the butt right now.
Watching Morning Joke right now...it is too funny.

Some of the guests are claiming media coverage of Hillary was way too negative and not negative enough on Trump....LMAO.
I have to agree. I don't think they've learned a thing. If anything they are doubling down on the name calling

I believe the counter ridicule they've been faced with since electing the moonbat messiah has taken its toll.

Ridiculing people with truth is far more effective than squealing "racist" and fleeing towards "safe spaces". The left has become a caricature of itself. A sniveling, whiny, servile chihuahua shivering on the lap of the nanny state barking it's damn fool head off.

It's too fuckin funny not to laugh at.


Last edited:
Good point.

Had Bernie been the D nominee, he probably would have won. Yet the D party colluded to make sure he did not win...shouldn't there be consequences for these heinous actions?

There's no law against shooting yourself in the foot.
True, but those in the DNC who actively and covertly worked to undermine Bernie, should be thrown out of the party, but I suspect I am dreaming with that.
It would have been pretty freaking interesting to see what would have happened had the DNC played it straight.

I wonder if any of them are kicking themselves in the butt right now.
Watching Morning Joke right now...it is too funny.

Some of the guests are claiming media coverage of Hillary was way too negative and not negative enough on Trump....LMAO.
To Scarborough's credit, he lambasted those guests.
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.

There be some lessons in serious need of learning in your comment. Unfortunately there are other lessons to be learned you forgot to mention.

Such as running a candidate with an extraordinarily high unfavorability rating while employing the same old message. To even include dismissing rural Americans just like al gore did with his flyover country remark. And as you'll recall he lost the election while winning the popular vote. Ring a bell. Democrats had a candidate that could have won, but chose to go with Hillary instead.
Good point.

Had Bernie been the D nominee, he probably would have won. Yet the D party colluded to make sure he did not win...shouldn't there be consequences for these heinous actions?

There's no law against shooting yourself in the foot.
True, but those in the DNC who actively and covertly worked to undermine Bernie, should be thrown out of the party, but I suspect I am dreaming with that.
It would have been pretty freaking interesting to see what would have happened had the DNC played it straight.

I wonder if any of them are kicking themselves in the butt right now.

Hilary's high unfavorability rating came about as a result of the classic "kernel of truth" upon which a mountain of bullshit was liberally applied by the propaganda arm of the Republican Party. Fox News.
There be some lessons in serious need of learning in your comment. Unfortunately there are other lessons to be learned you forgot to mention.

Such as running a candidate with an extraordinarily high unfavorability rating while employing the same old message. To even include dismissing rural Americans just like al gore did with his flyover country remark. And as you'll recall he lost the election while winning the popular vote. Ring a bell. Democrats had a candidate that could have won, but chose to go with Hillary instead.
Good point.

Had Bernie been the D nominee, he probably would have won. Yet the D party colluded to make sure he did not win...shouldn't there be consequences for these heinous actions?

Was Fox News responsible for Trump's win?
Yeah, there's no way to predict the way things go here.

I'm hopeful that Trump can be a productive, positive deal-maker and prove me wrong.

We're sure as hell gonna find out.

Same here Mac, I hope he can outperform expectations as well (mine are very low so it shouldn't be that hard for him), last couple of days were positive:
* The deal at Carrier, while it's far from perfect it's very encouraging that 1,000 families aren't going to be facing imminent joblessness this Christmas, Trump deserves an at-a-boy for that one.

* Mattis as SecDef, GREAT choice, having a true "G.I. General" in charge at the Pentagon is something we've needed for a long time.

* Good speech yesterday in Ohio, hit some very positive notes.

Well, let me say this about that:

Obama tweets.
I get e-mails from he, Michelle, Ms. Brazille, and VP Biden all of the time. I probably have 700 from the Clintons.

Not one was about jobs that they are actively trying to save (except their own)…

It’s refreshing to see the President Elect be this visible on something like this. I’m pretty sure he could give 2 shits either way and likely didn’t know what Carrier was before he got into politics. But hey, I’ll give him an “at-a-boy” for this also.

Say what you want to say about Trump and all but he deserves credit for this; it’s great to see the soon-to-be highest elected office holder get out in front on this. Obama could have done it with some visibility too. But he didn’t.

Props to Trump.
Good point.

Had Bernie been the D nominee, he probably would have won. Yet the D party colluded to make sure he did not win...shouldn't there be consequences for these heinous actions?

Was Fox News responsible for Trump's win?

Fox News had 20 something years to demonize Hillary, and to great effect as the most recent election cycle revealed. So your question is valid.

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