I can't blame the Trumpsters

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree.

There's name calling and insults on both sides. "Libtards", "DemocRats", "Snowflakes".

Your criticism seems less like a neutral observation than a polemic against liberals, but I might be wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Well, it's a polemic against the people who have taken over the Democratic party. I wouldn't characterize them as traditional liberals.

My nightmare scenario - one party having all the power - came to fruition, and some of the responsibility is with them.

Hey Mac..some questions. Part 1:

Looking at US economic performance between 2009 and 2016, would you be inclined to say that it has improved or worsened during that span of time?

Has economic opportunity for middle class Americans improved or declined during that period?
Conditions have clearly improved on a macro level. I can't quote figures on the middle class, but I'd guess it's somewhat better.

No further "parts" are required. I believe nothing you say, and your opinion is of no value to me. As you know.

There are plenty of right wingers here with whom you can play.

So you're clueless....huh....

Color me shocked....Hillary voter....
But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree.

There's name calling and insults on both sides. "Libtards", "DemocRats", "Snowflakes".

Your criticism seems less like a neutral observation than a polemic against liberals, but I might be wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Well, it's a polemic against the people who have taken over the Democratic party. I wouldn't characterize them as traditional liberals.

My nightmare scenario - one party having all the power - came to fruition, and some of the responsibility is with them.

Hey Mac..some questions. Part 1:

Looking at US economic performance between 2009 and 2016, would you be inclined to say that it has improved or worsened during that span of time?

Has economic opportunity for middle class Americans improved or declined during that period?
Conditions have clearly improved on a macro level. I can't quote figures on the middle class, but I'd guess it's somewhat better.

No further "parts" are required. I believe nothing you say, and your opinion is of no value to me. As you know.

There are plenty of right wingers here with whom you can play.


I am pleased to see your honest answer.

Part 2:

Have many, many American voters been led to believe that the economy is worse....way worse now than it was in 2009? Did Trump campaign on this very claim?
But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree.

There's name calling and insults on both sides. "Libtards", "DemocRats", "Snowflakes".

Your criticism seems less like a neutral observation than a polemic against liberals, but I might be wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Well, it's a polemic against the people who have taken over the Democratic party. I wouldn't characterize them as traditional liberals.

My nightmare scenario - one party having all the power - came to fruition, and some of the responsibility is with them.

Hey Mac..some questions. Part 1:

Looking at US economic performance between 2009 and 2016, would you be inclined to say that it has improved or worsened during that span of time?

Has economic opportunity for middle class Americans improved or declined during that period?
Conditions have clearly improved on a macro level. I can't quote figures on the middle class, but I'd guess it's somewhat better.

No further "parts" are required. I believe nothing you say, and your opinion is of no value to me. As you know.

There are plenty of right wingers here with whom you can play.


I am pleased to see your honest answer.

Part 2:

Have many, many American voters been led to believe that the economy is worse....way worse now than it was in 2009? Did Trump campaign on this very claim?
He gave no answer....

And you agreed....priceless....
But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree.

There's name calling and insults on both sides. "Libtards", "DemocRats", "Snowflakes".

Your criticism seems less like a neutral observation than a polemic against liberals, but I might be wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Well, it's a polemic against the people who have taken over the Democratic party. I wouldn't characterize them as traditional liberals.

My nightmare scenario - one party having all the power - came to fruition, and some of the responsibility is with them.

Hey Mac..some questions. Part 1:

Looking at US economic performance between 2009 and 2016, would you be inclined to say that it has improved or worsened during that span of time?

Has economic opportunity for middle class Americans improved or declined during that period?
Conditions have clearly improved on a macro level. I can't quote figures on the middle class, but I'd guess it's somewhat better.

No further "parts" are required. I believe nothing you say, and your opinion is of no value to me. As you know.

There are plenty of right wingers here with whom you can play.


I am pleased to see your honest answer.

Part 2:

Have many, many American voters been led to believe that the economy is worse....way worse now than it was in 2009? Did Trump campaign on this very claim?
But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree.

There's name calling and insults on both sides. "Libtards", "DemocRats", "Snowflakes".

Your criticism seems less like a neutral observation than a polemic against liberals, but I might be wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Well, it's a polemic against the people who have taken over the Democratic party. I wouldn't characterize them as traditional liberals.

My nightmare scenario - one party having all the power - came to fruition, and some of the responsibility is with them.

Hey Mac..some questions. Part 1:

Looking at US economic performance between 2009 and 2016, would you be inclined to say that it has improved or worsened during that span of time?

Has economic opportunity for middle class Americans improved or declined during that period?
Conditions have clearly improved on a macro level. I can't quote figures on the middle class, but I'd guess it's somewhat better.

No further "parts" are required. I believe nothing you say, and your opinion is of no value to me. As you know.

There are plenty of right wingers here with whom you can play.

So you're clueless....huh....

Color me shocked....Hillary voter....

Here you go.

You kids play with each other.

And thanks again for your contributions to my sig.

If the Dems were to behave like republicans in congress...and oppose every initiative regardless of merit...and filibuster every nominee....
Stay this out of touch with reality, any you'll never win another election.

Watch and see.

When Trump tried to get a huge infrastructure bill passed.....unless it is poisoned by some abortion shit or some crazy entitlement reform....Dems will support it.
If a government or group outside your family can turn you against someone through sheer speech, your mind is incredibly weak

This election has turned entire families against each other. It has gotten to a point where politics, certain words or opinions can cause a brother to disown a sister, husband to a wife.

Speech is powerful. Whether you want to believe it or not.

Elections turning families against one another….happens in every election to some degree.

Speech is powerful. But, seriously, If you can be “turned against” someone you love outside of politics or who is otherwise by either Hillary, Trump, Obama, or Jesus Christ himself…uh you were not really “for” them in the first place.

I’ll put it to you this way. I’ve lost some family members in my time here on earth. One of which was an agnostic; didn’t know if there was a God or not. But she was a thoroughly good person. Loved people; made them feel loved…went out of her way to do things that were uncommonly helpful…thoughtful. Died at the age of 44. When I told some Bible thumpers about her agnostic views on Christ, I was told that she was going to Hell. At her space in the mausoleum I’ve often said to her, “Any God who doesn’t want a part of you…I don’t want a part of Him.” At that point, I joined her in her “agnosticism” where Christ was concerned. I no longer attend Church as a place to worship.

Those who are able to be turned against someone IRL by a fable either be it in the form of a speech in Iowa or a verse in a Bible are not really “with someone” to start with.
There's name calling and insults on both sides. "Libtards", "DemocRats", "Snowflakes".

Your criticism seems less like a neutral observation than a polemic against liberals, but I might be wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Well, it's a polemic against the people who have taken over the Democratic party. I wouldn't characterize them as traditional liberals.

My nightmare scenario - one party having all the power - came to fruition, and some of the responsibility is with them.

Hey Mac..some questions. Part 1:

Looking at US economic performance between 2009 and 2016, would you be inclined to say that it has improved or worsened during that span of time?

Has economic opportunity for middle class Americans improved or declined during that period?
Conditions have clearly improved on a macro level. I can't quote figures on the middle class, but I'd guess it's somewhat better.

No further "parts" are required. I believe nothing you say, and your opinion is of no value to me. As you know.

There are plenty of right wingers here with whom you can play.


I am pleased to see your honest answer.

Part 2:

Have many, many American voters been led to believe that the economy is worse....way worse now than it was in 2009? Did Trump campaign on this very claim?
There's name calling and insults on both sides. "Libtards", "DemocRats", "Snowflakes".

Your criticism seems less like a neutral observation than a polemic against liberals, but I might be wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Well, it's a polemic against the people who have taken over the Democratic party. I wouldn't characterize them as traditional liberals.

My nightmare scenario - one party having all the power - came to fruition, and some of the responsibility is with them.

Hey Mac..some questions. Part 1:

Looking at US economic performance between 2009 and 2016, would you be inclined to say that it has improved or worsened during that span of time?

Has economic opportunity for middle class Americans improved or declined during that period?
Conditions have clearly improved on a macro level. I can't quote figures on the middle class, but I'd guess it's somewhat better.

No further "parts" are required. I believe nothing you say, and your opinion is of no value to me. As you know.

There are plenty of right wingers here with whom you can play.

So you're clueless....huh....

Color me shocked....Hillary voter....

Here you go.

You kids play with each other.

And thanks again for your contributions to my sig.

You keep to your macro level of cluelessness...:lol:
There's name calling and insults on both sides. "Libtards", "DemocRats", "Snowflakes".

Your criticism seems less like a neutral observation than a polemic against liberals, but I might be wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Well, it's a polemic against the people who have taken over the Democratic party. I wouldn't characterize them as traditional liberals.

My nightmare scenario - one party having all the power - came to fruition, and some of the responsibility is with them.

Hey Mac..some questions. Part 1:

Looking at US economic performance between 2009 and 2016, would you be inclined to say that it has improved or worsened during that span of time?

Has economic opportunity for middle class Americans improved or declined during that period?
Conditions have clearly improved on a macro level. I can't quote figures on the middle class, but I'd guess it's somewhat better.

No further "parts" are required. I believe nothing you say, and your opinion is of no value to me. As you know.

There are plenty of right wingers here with whom you can play.


I am pleased to see your honest answer.

Part 2:

Have many, many American voters been led to believe that the economy is worse....way worse now than it was in 2009? Did Trump campaign on this very claim?
He gave no answer....

And you agreed....priceless....

Hmmmmm. He didn't?
Yo, Mac1958 , what are you afraid of? I'm not trying to trap you or anything. I'm simply trying to reach a common understanding with you.

Please answer part two as honestly as you did part one.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree.

There's name calling and insults on both sides. "Libtards", "DemocRats", "Snowflakes".

Your criticism seems less like a neutral observation than a polemic against liberals, but I might be wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Well, it's a polemic against the people who have taken over the Democratic party. I wouldn't characterize them as traditional liberals.

My nightmare scenario - one party having all the power - came to fruition, and some of the responsibility is with them.

Hey Mac..some questions. Part 1:

Looking at US economic performance between 2009 and 2016, would you be inclined to say that it has improved or worsened during that span of time?

Has economic opportunity for middle class Americans improved or declined during that period?
Conditions have clearly improved on a macro level. I can't quote figures on the middle class, but I'd guess it's somewhat better.

No further "parts" are required. I believe nothing you say, and your opinion is of no value to me. As you know.

There are plenty of right wingers here with whom you can play.

So you're clueless....huh....

Color me shocked....Hillary voter....

See what I meant by pinning labels on people?
Last edited:
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.
Arguably the biggest thing to come out of this election, is the decline of the D Party. As you say, it is now a regional party (East and West coasts), but it is also a party of elites, statists, and the 1%. It has been exposed as unconcerned about the middle and working classes.

On the other hand, Trump is not a conservative...never was. So for cons to think he is some kind of savior, is foolish. I suspect over time they will be very disappointed in him.

Funny Thing...many thought Trump might destroy the R party, but he just might destroy the D party. Either way the American people win.
So you can’t name anyone that you’ve been divided against either? Strange for such a divisive president that nobody can name anyone that they have been turned against… As long as you “feel it”, I guess that is enough for some folks.

But lets look at your post. What “grievance group” have you been divided into? Let me guess…you can’t answer that either.

But whatever it is; it is at the “core of the left’s existence”. I guess you mean like gun owners (aka a grievance group) that thinks the Feds are going to roll into their homes like oranges any minute now and confiscate their guns? Or perhaps it’s those strict constitutionalists who think we should not allow anything other than the text of the Constitution and limit our fortunes to the writings of people who died 200+ years ago? Funny, I didn’t know these were left-wing groups. But at least they are dishonest and cowardly so they have that going for them.
I was about to go into more detail for you, providing groups against whom I feel divided by you folks, providing examples of groups that have been pitted against each other.

But then, why bother?

You're denying everything I have said, and there's nothing I can say or provide that you will admit to. Deny, deny, deny.

That's up to you. Stay in denial. And enjoy the upcoming Supreme Court picks, and be sure to blame someone else for them.

Sure you were....not.

If a government or group outside your family can turn you against someone through sheer speech, your mind is incredibly weak.

In all candor, I would be most surprised at your weakness...of anyone here.

What's funny is that neither of us voted for Trump and your sitting there like you are happy about the court picks. Whatever pal.
If you think I'm a liar there's no reason to communicate.

If you think PC and Identity Politics don't exist, that they don't have a tangible affect on our culture, that's up to you. I certainly don't expect to be able to change your mind.

Still waiting to see whom you’ve personally have been turned against by these mysterious forces.

I don’t deny that political parties look at their demographics and try to energize/activate them. As I pointed out—see how that works; I provide examples—with the constititutional nut jobs and the gun nuts. Yet you claim it happens only on the left.

Provide it, don’t provide it…. up to you.
Rather than put any further wasted effort into this, I'll provide my nice, long list of honest liberals who admit that PC has gone too far.

As you know, if you'd be honest, this is about far more than what I can do or say in any given situation.

President Obama agrees. He's featured in the first link.

And all the examples you could ever need. If you're honest.

Now, please be sure to avoid it, deny what the honest liberals are saying, and try to make it all about me.


When you’re reduced to talking about PC instead of divisiveness…well I guess that explains your grip on the argument.

From yesterday:

So you [still] can’t name anyone that you’ve been divided against either? Strange for such a divisive president that nobody can name anyone that they have been turned against… As long as you “feel it”, I guess that is enough for some folks.

But lets look at your post. What “grievance group” have you been divided into? Let me guess…you can’t answer that either.

But whatever it is; it is at the “core of the left’s existence”. I guess you mean like gun owners (aka a grievance group) that thinks the Feds are going to roll into their homes like oranges any minute now and confiscate their guns? Or perhaps it’s those strict constitutionalists who think we should not allow anything other than the text of the Constitution and limit our fortunes to the writings of people who died 200+ years ago? Funny, I didn’t know these were left-wing groups. But at least they are dishonest and cowardly so they have that going for them.

And so it goes…
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.
Arguably the biggest thing to come out of this election, is the decline of the D Party. As you say, it is now a regional party (East and West coasts), but it is also a party of elites, statists, and the 1%. It has been exposed as unconcerned about the middle and working classes.

On the other hand, Trump is not a conservative...never was. So for cons to think he is some kind of savior, is foolish. I suspect over time they will be very disappointed in him.

Funny Thing...many thought Trump might destroy the R party, but he just might destroy the D party. Either way the American people win.
Yeah, there's no way to predict the way things go here.

I'm hopeful that Trump can be a productive, positive deal-maker and prove me wrong.

We're sure as hell gonna find out.
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.
Arguably the biggest thing to come out of this election, is the decline of the D Party. As you say, it is now a regional party (East and West coasts), but it is also a party of elites, statists, and the 1%. It has been exposed as unconcerned about the middle and working classes.

On the other hand, Trump is not a conservative...never was. So for cons to think he is some kind of savior, is foolish. I suspect over time they will be very disappointed in him.

Funny Thing...many thought Trump might destroy the R party, but he just might destroy the D party. Either way the American people win.
Yeah, there's no way to predict the way things go here.

I'm hopeful that Trump can be a productive, positive deal-maker and prove me wrong.

We're sure as hell gonna find out.
As do I, but he has powerful enemies arrayed against him.
There's name calling and insults on both sides. "Libtards", "DemocRats", "Snowflakes".

Your criticism seems less like a neutral observation than a polemic against liberals, but I might be wrong.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Well, it's a polemic against the people who have taken over the Democratic party. I wouldn't characterize them as traditional liberals.

My nightmare scenario - one party having all the power - came to fruition, and some of the responsibility is with them.

Hey Mac..some questions. Part 1:

Looking at US economic performance between 2009 and 2016, would you be inclined to say that it has improved or worsened during that span of time?

Has economic opportunity for middle class Americans improved or declined during that period?
Conditions have clearly improved on a macro level. I can't quote figures on the middle class, but I'd guess it's somewhat better.

No further "parts" are required. I believe nothing you say, and your opinion is of no value to me. As you know.

There are plenty of right wingers here with whom you can play.

So you're clueless....huh....

Color me shocked....Hillary voter....

See what I meant by pinning labels on people?
Clueless being a trait and not a label....seems it's a trait you share with him....
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.
Arguably the biggest thing to come out of this election, is the decline of the D Party. As you say, it is now a regional party (East and West coasts), but it is also a party of elites, statists, and the 1%. It has been exposed as unconcerned about the middle and working classes.

On the other hand, Trump is not a conservative...never was. So for cons to think he is some kind of savior, is foolish. I suspect over time they will be very disappointed in him.

Funny Thing...many thought Trump might destroy the R party, but he just might destroy the D party. Either way the American people win.
Yeah, there's no way to predict the way things go here.

I'm hopeful that Trump can be a productive, positive deal-maker and prove me wrong.

We're sure as hell gonna find out.
As do I, but he has powerful enemies arrayed against him.
Well, that goes with the territory. If he gets some early victories I'd think that would give him some momentum.

Maybe more important, if he can get some early bi-partisan victories, both sides' establishments would have to get in line.

Who knows what's going on behind the scenes.
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.
Arguably the biggest thing to come out of this election, is the decline of the D Party. As you say, it is now a regional party (East and West coasts), but it is also a party of elites, statists, and the 1%. It has been exposed as unconcerned about the middle and working classes.

On the other hand, Trump is not a conservative...never was. So for cons to think he is some kind of savior, is foolish. I suspect over time they will be very disappointed in him.

Funny Thing...many thought Trump might destroy the R party, but he just might destroy the D party. Either way the American people win.
Yeah, there's no way to predict the way things go here.

I'm hopeful that Trump can be a productive, positive deal-maker and prove me wrong.

We're sure as hell gonna find out.
Prove the Hillary voter wrong.....priceless....:lol:
Well, it's a polemic against the people who have taken over the Democratic party. I wouldn't characterize them as traditional liberals.

My nightmare scenario - one party having all the power - came to fruition, and some of the responsibility is with them.

Hey Mac..some questions. Part 1:

Looking at US economic performance between 2009 and 2016, would you be inclined to say that it has improved or worsened during that span of time?

Has economic opportunity for middle class Americans improved or declined during that period?
Conditions have clearly improved on a macro level. I can't quote figures on the middle class, but I'd guess it's somewhat better.

No further "parts" are required. I believe nothing you say, and your opinion is of no value to me. As you know.

There are plenty of right wingers here with whom you can play.

So you're clueless....huh....

Color me shocked....Hillary voter....

See what I meant by pinning labels on people?
Clueless being a trait and not a label....seems it's a trait you share with him....
And all those times you pressed the agree/thank you/winner button on my other posts, was I being clueless then?
This victory lap you're taking is long and loud, and I have to admit I can't blame you.

It's not just that Trump won. It's not just that you now have control of the White House, House, Senate, Supreme Court (soon) and state houses. Holy shit, that's all worth celebrating, to be sure.

But it's also the complete release of decades of pent-up anger and frustration over what the Regressive Left has gotten away with, while they mocked and insulted you. That's the part with which I can identify and agree.

The Democrats have been screaming about bathrooms, birthday cakes, burkas, triggers, cultural appropriation, BLM and building safe spaces. Punishing you for expressing your opinion. Calling you all kinds of nasty names any time you dared to disagree. Counting down the days that you DIE. Mocking your religion while defending another. Teaching your kids to hate their country. Not just screaming about it, but forcing it all into the culture.

Trump came out and talked about jobs, borders and security. And as repulsive as he is, that was the winning message. And the Democrats turned themselves into a regional party that only specializes in dividing people.

So, enjoy. You earned this.
Arguably the biggest thing to come out of this election, is the decline of the D Party. As you say, it is now a regional party (East and West coasts), but it is also a party of elites, statists, and the 1%. It has been exposed as unconcerned about the middle and working classes.

On the other hand, Trump is not a conservative...never was. So for cons to think he is some kind of savior, is foolish. I suspect over time they will be very disappointed in him.

Funny Thing...many thought Trump might destroy the R party, but he just might destroy the D party. Either way the American people win.
Yeah, there's no way to predict the way things go here.

I'm hopeful that Trump can be a productive, positive deal-maker and prove me wrong.

We're sure as hell gonna find out.
Prove the Hillary voter wrong.....priceless....:lol:
Go away, the adults are talking.

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