I Do Not Believe in Black Racism

We are all descendants of slavers and slaves.
What was the point again?
This is the kind of disgusting behavior I'm talking about.

Seems like the man called the guy a racial slur. That was the disgusting behavior.

So that excuses a young, able-bodied boy beating up on the elderly man who is clearly unable to defend himself, correct?

No, and the bad lil mofo's friend was egging him on.

That old man would have been well within his rights to pull out a gun and blow the punk

Seems that you want to excuse the racial slur that old man made. That old racist should not have made the racial slur if he was unable to defend himself..

Seems you think 2 wrongs make a right. :cuckoo:

So if some 87-year old man with dementia called you a nigga, you'd beat him silly, huh?

You're the sorriest excuse for a human being currently on this board, IMO.

Well when you bypass the first wrong to condemn the second you are a hypocrite.

That makes you the sorriest person on this board.

Because I would not have done anything but tell him to get the fuck out of my face.

You claim the old ma had dementia but he could remember to call the kid the n word.

Why is it that whites like you always try finding a way to excuse whites for wrongs while holding others to separate standards you don't follow yourselves?

So stop making assumptions.
This is the kind of disgusting behavior I'm talking about.

Seems like the man called the guy a racial slur. That was the disgusting behavior.

So that excuses a young, able-bodied boy beating up on the elderly man who is clearly unable to defend himself, correct?

No, and the bad lil mofo's friend was egging him on.

That old man would have been well within his rights to pull out a gun and blow the punk

Seems that you want to excuse the racial slur that old man made. That old racist should not have made the racial slur if he was unable to defend himself..

I don't care if the guy called his gramma and baby sister syphllitic whores. NO words excuse that rotten shit those empty headed fucking little thugs were up to. It is too bad that old man didn't have a gun. I wouldn't have minded seeing the video end that way.
It's about time you warped, pathetic punks learn that freedom of speech applies to everyone in America, not just you hysterical bastards that think the appropriate response to hearing words you don't care for means you get to commit domestic terrorism.
I would spit on you.
The use of the term whites like you is not racist.

You don't see through sht. You're ignorant

It is racist.
From "Tears We Cannot Stop" by Michael Eric Dyson - "See,just as the song in the Broadway play Avenue Q says, "We're all a little bit racist," (of course that's a horrible misuse of the term. Better to say we're all just a little bigoted, yes, or prejudiced for certain. But I'm afraid you've got to own racism all by yourself. It signifies the power not only to hate, but to make that hate into law, and into convention, habit and a moral duty."

Any words of your own?
Plenty- in a book I just had published: "The Paulk Perspective: A Whole New World of Hope and Understanding." It's on amazon.

So you,re here peddling a little book you drew?
I merely responded to a question about using my own words. And yes, I WROTE a book and it has been published.
This is the kind of disgusting behavior I'm talking about.

The book The New Jim Crow suggests questions we should consider: “Economist Glenn Loury once posed the question: are we willing to cast ourselves as a society that creates crimogenic conditions for some of its members, and then act out rituals of punishment against them?” A similar question can be posed with respect to shaming those trapped in ghettos:”are we willing to demonize a population, declare a war against them, and then stand back and heap shame and contempt upon them for failing to behave like model citizens while under attack?”

It is helpful to put the behavior of young black men who appear to embrace “gangsta culture” in the proper perspective. There is absolutely nothing abnormal about a severely stigmatized group embracing their stigma. Psychologists have long observed that when people feel hopelessly stigmatized, a powerful coping strategy is embracing one’s stigmatized identity.

For those black youth who are constantly followed by police and shamed by teachers, relatives and strangers, (and I’ll add being called the n-word) embracing the stigma of criminality is an act of rebellion – an attempt to carve out an identity in a society that offers them little more than scorn, contempt, and constant surveillance.”

I offer this, not as an excuse, but as an explanation.I believe that many of us white folks, if we were constantly, day after day, year after year, put down, called names, oppressed, pushed to the brink, unaccepted, feared, hated and demonized, would also blow-up and lash out in some form. We are not always the blameless saints we make ourselves out to be.

We are always offering psychological explanations when white people behave badly: "oh, he was drunk," "Oh, he was just under a lot of stress." "Oh, his dad beat him when he was a child," "Oh, he didn't start it, the other guy did.", "oh, he was high," etc., etc. But, when it comes to offering the same psychological explanations for black people behaving badly, we do not.
My Italian American co worker was walking towards home from the Walmart plaza through Mohegan Lake, New York..... When a group of Blacks yelled "Hey White boy what cha doing here"
when they chased him down.

If that's not racism, what is it?

I was walking toward the subway when I was surrounded by a bunch oh of young black guys who then escorted me across the street and safely onto the platform.

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I have zero so called white guilt over the black man's plight here in America.

My grandparents were fresh off the boat from Ireland after the Civil War and the freeing of the slaves. Sure the blacks had a rough time, but so did the Irish people.

In my view, the black people who ended up in America were the lucky ones. Africa is still a poverty stricken hell hole, and every country in it is ruled by murderous dictators.

American blacks wouldn't survive a week if they returned to Africa, because there is no free Section 8 housing or EBT cards. They would die from either starvation or exposure to the elements. ... :cool:

The Irish were never slaves here or anywhere else. That's a lie. Your grandaunts got off the boat and lived during segregation where they benefitted from being white. Africa is the way it is because whites fucked it up by colonizing the continent, as well as removing people for slavery. Know what you are talking about before you make comments. American blacks would be welcomed with open arms in Africa. know, because I've been there. Whites get section 8 and EBT cards too dumb ass.

You don't have to have guilt, but you do have t o recognize that you are an example of how racism by whites has not ended in America. So then understand this, your grandparents ran away from the country they lived in, maybe you go back here ad see how YOU would fare instead of talking about blacks and Africa.


Yes, Irish were slaves here. So we're other nationalities.

This board makes me ashamed I'm white.

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I have zero so called white guilt over the black man's plight here in America.

My grandparents were fresh off the boat from Ireland after the Civil War and the freeing of the slaves. Sure the blacks had a rough time, but so did the Irish people.

In my view, the black people who ended up in America were the lucky ones. Africa is still a poverty stricken hell hole, and every country in it is ruled by murderous dictators.

American blacks wouldn't survive a week if they returned to Africa, because there is no free Section 8 housing or EBT cards. They would die from either starvation or exposure to the elements. ... :cool:

What a crock.

Yes, a lot of groups have been discriminated against but nothing is close to has been done to and is still being done to blacks.

Most blacks work at a job and pay their bills. Saying blacks could not survive in Africa is utterly stupid and very typical of the caliber fm the crap you write. You brainless racists don't seem able to understand that blacks have been Americans easily as long as you have.

IOW, you could not function in the country (or at the time) of your ancestors either.

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This is the kind of disgusting behavior I'm talking about.

The book The New Jim Crow suggests questions we should consider: “Economist Glenn Loury once posed the question: are we willing to cast ourselves as a society that creates crimogenic conditions for some of its members, and then act out rituals of punishment against them?” A similar question can be posed with respect to shaming those trapped in ghettos:”are we willing to demonize a population, declare a war against them, and then stand back and heap shame and contempt upon them for failing to behave like model citizens while under attack?”

It is helpful to put the behavior of young black men who appear to embrace “gangsta culture” in the proper perspective. There is absolutely nothing abnormal about a severely stigmatized group embracing their stigma. Psychologists have long observed that when people feel hopelessly stigmatized, a powerful coping strategy is embracing one’s stigmatized identity.

For those black youth who are constantly followed by police and shamed by teachers, relatives and strangers, (and I’ll add being called the n-word) embracing the stigma of criminality is an act of rebellion – an attempt to carve out an identity in a society that offers them little more than scorn, contempt, and constant surveillance.”

I offer this, not as an excuse, but as an explanation.I believe that many of us white folks, if we were constantly, day after day, year after year, put down, called names, oppressed, pushed to the brink, unaccepted, feared, hated and demonized, would also blow-up and lash out in some form. We are not always the blameless saints we make ourselves out to be.

We are always offering psychological explanations when white people behave badly: "oh, he was drunk," "Oh, he was just under a lot of stress." "Oh, his dad beat him when he was a child," "Oh, he didn't start it, the other guy did.", "oh, he was high," etc., etc. But, when it comes to offering the same psychological explanations for black people behaving badly, we do not.

Ain't no explanation being offered from me for that type of crap except they need put down like the rabid dogs they are.

PS: All those paragraphs were an elaborate excuse. It was you trying to justify it in your own mind somehow and coming up short.
As a black person I will say Delores has got it spot on. This isn't just about slavery. What happened when slavery ended? Up until 52 years ago we were not afforded equal constitutional rights and protections because of laws made by whites. When I was born I did not have equal projection by law. And even though the law forbids overt racism now whites still practice it while enacting policies they know are targeted for people of color. Such as gutting voting rights, the attack on Affirmative action, the lies abut what affirmative action actually is, the attack on welfare and similar programs targeting poverty So I do think that when whites start whining about blacks one anyone else f color being racists they need to consider exactly what white racism has entailed first. Because it hasn't stopped and that's why Donald Trump is the president of the United States right now.
So, your answer to perceived "white racism" is to give blacks carte blanche when they practice "black racism"? Boy, yo' mamma did a poor job raisin' you if she never taught you that two wrongs don't make it right. Where's all that turn the other cheek, practice tolerance demanded of "white" people?

What my momma taught me was not to commit the first wrong then judge others when they respond to the wrong I committed. Many whites like you might want to grab that concept. We ain't talking about perceived white racism. Racism by whites has been posted in these threads as well as in the political threads I have entered on this forum. And what exactly is black racism?
First, you apparently misunderstand "two wrongs don't make a right". It doesn't mean that you do something wrong and then double-down by doing something else wrong. It means, just because someone else does something wrong, it doesn't make it OK for you to do the same wrong thing. So, if whites do racist acts, it doesn't make it excusable for blacks to commit similar racist acts. Black racism is exactly the same thing as white racism. Until you can recognize the fact that all people of all races are capable of racism, you cannot understand the concept.
I have zero so called white guilt over the black man's plight here in America.

My grandparents were fresh off the boat from Ireland after the Civil War and the freeing of the slaves. Sure the blacks had a rough time, but so did the Irish people.

In my view, the black people who ended up in America were the lucky ones. Africa is still a poverty stricken hell hole, and every country in it is ruled by murderous dictators.

American blacks wouldn't survive a week if they returned to Africa, because there is no free Section 8 housing or EBT cards. They would die from either starvation or exposure to the elements. ... :cool:

The Irish were never slaves here or anywhere else. That's a lie. Your grandaunts got off the boat and lived during segregation where they benefitted from being white. Africa is the way it is because whites fucked it up by colonizing the continent, as well as removing people for slavery. Know what you are talking about before you make comments. American blacks would be welcomed with open arms in Africa. know, because I've been there. Whites get section 8 and EBT cards too dumb ass.

You don't have to have guilt, but you do have t o recognize that you are an example of how racism by whites has not ended in America. So then understand this, your grandparents ran away from the country they lived in, maybe you go back here ad see how YOU would fare instead of talking about blacks and Africa.

This board makes me ashamed I'm white.

But, about 90% of inventions are by Whites.
Just how many decades need to transpire before the statute of limitations runs out on this nonsense? How many generations separate anyone, Black or White from actual slavery/slave ownership? It's somewhere around 5 generations right now. Not enough?

There is no statute of limitations on this international crime nor are there any statute of limitations on human right violations. And since the issue is not just slavery, maybe read up on how things were for the 100 years AFTER slavery then come back and make remarks.
OK, I get it, you think that black people should be paid by white people for "damages" that occurred when hundreds of years ago other black people had to work for room and board provided by white people. I believe today's 'tards refer to monetary remuneration of this kind as "reparation".
Here's my proposal: Any "white" person, currently living, who "owned" a black person (or people) and made them labor in his/her behalf for only room and board, shall be required to contribute to a fund that will be used to pay reparation to any black person (or people) living now who were forced to work for them for only room and board (owned). The fund so created will require any of the aforementioned white people to contribute a monetary sum equal to the minimum wage that such "owned" black people would have earned (minus room and board) so that any of the aforementioned black people can divide that fund proportionately among themselves.

You are a dumb ass. Since the GOVERNMENT of the United States is responsible for the laws made, as well as every state and city, they are the ones responsible for paying reparations. This is not just about whites who owned you idiot. It is about laws that were enacted and policies enforced that created the damages I am talking about that still plague black communities. Now since anyone with a functioning brain knows hat not every white person owned a slave nor did every white person lynch, or deny rights to blacks, then you go to the source that is responsible for this happening. People like you are unable to understand this because your mind us so limited by your racism that you have tried making a macro level claim/argument into a micro level one.

We will not accept your proposal because your proposal misses the entire issue completely. Here is mine, we take this issue to wherever it needs to go in order for the government of this nation and all 50 states and cities herein to be assed an amount to be paid in reparative damages to a people of African American descent for the now 399 years of slavery, racial segregation and a host of other human rights violations that were sanctioned by all applicable federal, state, county and local laws and for pain and suffering he continuing abuses still bring to those who are African Americans.

This is not just about slavery. Assessing reparations t those who owned slaves or made blacks labor for room and board is not it. It is about acontinuing historical pattern of racism by whites against us that continues to this very moment.
OK, boy, we're done here. You are so blatantly obvious in your abject, intentional ignorance that there is no point even trying to have a discussion. Your reversion to name-calling and profanity has identified you as incapable of civil discussion.
Thanks for playing, son.
That is illogical. Sorry, but it is.

No actually its not. I don't expect some of you to understand what being said I do expect the sane old dumb crap that I am about to respond to from gallantwarrior who uses the hundreds of years ago excuse when racism , the same white racism, is going on right now, Hell it's being posted in here even.

You're entitled to your emotions, but logic is logic.

If you actually believe that you have the righto mistreat someone for years and they are not to be angry about it, ....

Who have I mistreated for years?

Really? Are we going tp ;play stupid?
If you are playing stupid, you win.:clap:
This is the kind of disgusting behavior I'm talking about.

Seems like the man called the guy a racial slur. That was the disgusting behavior.

So that excuses a young, able-bodied boy beating up on the elderly man who is clearly unable to defend himself, correct?

No, and the bad lil mofo's friend was egging him on.

That old man would have been well within his rights to pull out a gun and blow the punk

Seems that you want to excuse the racial slur that old man made. That old racist should not have made the racial slur if he was unable to defend himself..

Seems you think 2 wrongs make a right. :cuckoo:

So if some 87-year old man with dementia called you a nigga, you'd beat him silly, huh?

You're the sorriest excuse for a human being currently on this board, IMO.

Why is it that whites like you always try finding a way to excuse whites for wrongs while holding others to separate standards you don't follow yourselves?

So stop making assumptions.

But, the big question is it Mediterranean's, or Whites who are the "Issue"

Keep in mind Mediterranean Arabs enslaved more than Europeans, and the Europeans who started the Atlantic Slave Trade, and who took the most Black slaves were Mediterranean Portuguese, and Spaniards?
If only blacks were chattel slaves in the history of humans I could agree, yet they were not, and the people that enslaved them were fellow black Africans, which sold them to the Arabs or Europeans....
From a book titled "Slaves in the Family", In 1556, Sir John Hawkins sailed from London to some landing point on the West African coast, and sent 80 men on shore to trap people. Villagers fought back and the poachers took just ten captives. Sailing farther south, Hawkins tried again, succeeded in filling his ship, and headed for the Caribbean. Eventually Europeans found an easier way of procuring workers, namely, encouraging black clans to fight one another and to sell their prisoners of war.
I am well aware of what my relatives did, yet, Western Europe would also sail to Eastern Europe and get white slaves in the same manner..Is it worse for white people to obtain slaves or black, Chinese, Native American Indians, etc,etc.?
Apparently it is racist to obtain black slaves. Enslavement of other races, ethnicities, etc, doesn't apparently count. I suppose it comes from the same logic that allows blacks to call other blacks "*******", but if whites, or any other non-black calls them "*******"...well, that's racist, you see.
I have zero so called white guilt over the black man's plight here in America.

My grandparents were fresh off the boat from Ireland after the Civil War and the freeing of the slaves. Sure the blacks had a rough time, but so did the Irish people.

In my view, the black people who ended up in America were the lucky ones. Africa is still a poverty stricken hell hole, and every country in it is ruled by murderous dictators.

American blacks wouldn't survive a week if they returned to Africa, because there is no free Section 8 housing or EBT cards. They would die from either starvation or exposure to the elements. ... :cool:

What a crock.

Yes, a lot of groups have been discriminated against but nothing is close to has been done to and is still being done to blacks.

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Yeah fucking right... Tell that to the Jews... You just have a groid fetish. That, or you actually enjoy belittling them by blaming the failed members of their ranks on "whitey"; thereby diminishing the achievement of those among them that weren't total wastes of time, and history.
Seems like the man called the guy a racial slur. That was the disgusting behavior.

So that excuses a young, able-bodied boy beating up on the elderly man who is clearly unable to defend himself, correct?

No, and the bad lil mofo's friend was egging him on.

That old man would have been well within his rights to pull out a gun and blow the punk

Seems that you want to excuse the racial slur that old man made. That old racist should not have made the racial slur if he was unable to defend himself..

Seems you think 2 wrongs make a right. :cuckoo:

So if some 87-year old man with dementia called you a nigga, you'd beat him silly, huh?

You're the sorriest excuse for a human being currently on this board, IMO.

Why is it that whites like you always try finding a way to excuse whites for wrongs while holding others to separate standards you don't follow yourselves?

So stop making assumptions.

But, the big question is it Mediterranean's, or Whites who are the "Issue"

Keep in mind Mediterranean Arabs enslaved more than Europeans, and the Europeans who started the Atlantic Slave Trade, and who took the most Black slaves were Mediterranean Portuguese, and Spaniards?
And Portuguese and Spaniards of the time period in question already had a large dose of Moorish blood in their veins.

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