I do wonder when republicans will stop being in denial about the pandemic

What irritates me the most is the claim that everyone should decide for themselves whether to wear a mask or not.

YOU get to decide whether you want to spread your germs or not?
last heard it hasnt met the criteria for a pandemic,,,

a less than 1% death rate isnt a pandemic unless youre a sheople
Hey moron, even if the death rate is less than the flu, the coronavirus is clearly more CONTAGIOUS than the flu. The numbers speak for themselves if you were actually smart enough to read them. The flu kills 60k per year and this virus has killed 240k and the year isn’t even over yet. How are you people this dumb? I really don’t get it.
Hey stupid fuck,doctors have exposed your lies. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Must suck for billy when I keep owning his ass with these posts,lol,he can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
What irritates me the most is the claim that everyone should decide for themselves whether to wear a mask or not.

YOU get to decide whether you want to spread your germs or not?

What irritates me are the pundits screaming “stay home, stay safe”, keep 6 feet apart, wear mask...... Except for protest/riots and Biden victory parties in the street, the pundits are very soft or almost silent on the mandates. But goddamnit if you want to go to Church or have Thanksgiving dinner with extended family.
:thankusmile: Amen to that,when it’s time to have riots or Biden victory parties in the street,then the six feet rules and masks rules all of a sudden don’t apply,fucking hypocrite liars.
What irritates me the most is the claim that everyone should decide for themselves whether to wear a mask or not.

YOU get to decide whether you want to spread your germs or not?
last heard it hasnt met the criteria for a pandemic,,,

a less than 1% death rate isnt a pandemic unless youre a sheople
Hey moron, even if the death rate is less than the flu, the coronavirus is clearly more CONTAGIOUS than the flu. The numbers speak for themselves if you were actually smart enough to read them. The flu kills 60k per year and this virus has killed 240k and the year isn’t even over yet. How are you people this dumb? I really don’t get it.
its still not a pandemic and if not for the dem governors killing old people our numbers wouldnt be as bad as they are,,,

240 isnt an accurate number,,
You don’t even know what the fuck the word pandemic even means.

You’re right. There are cases that go undiagnosed. It’s not like you could cite a number lower than that. You’re only pretending to know what you’re talking about.
and youre just spewing the propaganda youve been told too,,,
So what’s the real number of deaths? Go ahead. I’ll wait.
Thanks for aiding me in owning bills ass.lol
What irritates me the most is the claim that everyone should decide for themselves whether to wear a mask or not.

YOU get to decide whether you want to spread your germs or not?

Yes, we each get to decide for ourselves whether to wear a mask or not. Have not people gone to work while contagious with the flu? Common cold?

In my opinion, and that of many others, the masks are useless other than to make us feel better, an important thing among Democrats. FACTS are unimportant, FEELINGS are all that matter.

Exactly,we never had to wear a mask when we caught the flu or cold,now all of a sudden the government does not want to listen to what doctors say and dictate to us thst we have to wear masks,we have no freedoms here,it’s a dictatership.
All I can say is, I’m glad that stupid sack of shit is about to be evicted out of the WH. Can you imagine if he was still in charge for another 4 years while a pandemic was going on?

“With COVID-19 cases increasing in 46 states, 10 of which broke single-day records for new cases on Thursday, America has officially entered what experts refer to as the “exponential” phase of spread — a rapid multiplying of cases that can’t be contained through traditional measures. On Thursday alone, the U.S. saw 160,000 new cases of the virus, more than any day since the pandemic began.”

The mortality rate is on track towards zero.

Biden plan is to destroy the country, nothing to do with the virus. It's the totalitarians telling Americans "we must do as we are told."
:thankusmile: :yes_text12:
Bills ass as always gets owned.lol
What irritates me the most is the claim that everyone should decide for themselves whether to wear a mask or not.

YOU get to decide whether you want to spread your germs or not?
last heard it hasnt met the criteria for a pandemic,,,

a less than 1% death rate isnt a pandemic unless youre a sheople
Hey moron, even if the death rate is less than the flu, the coronavirus is clearly more CONTAGIOUS than the flu. The numbers speak for themselves if you were actually smart enough to read them. The flu kills 60k per year and this virus has killed 240k and the year isn’t even over yet. How are you people this dumb? I really don’t get it.
its still not a pandemic and if not for the dem governors killing old people our numbers wouldnt be as bad as they are,,,

240 isnt an accurate number,,
You don’t even know what the fuck the word pandemic even means.

You’re right. There are cases that go undiagnosed. It’s not like you could cite a number lower than that. You’re only pretending to know what you’re talking about.
and youre just spewing the propaganda youve been told too,,,
So what’s the real number of deaths? Go ahead. I’ll wait.
doesnt sound like nancy is to worried about it,,,

she is retarded
What irritates me the most is the claim that everyone should decide for themselves whether to wear a mask or not.

YOU get to decide whether you want to spread your germs or not?
No one is stopping you from leaving your house, moron.
All I can say is, I’m glad that stupid sack of shit is about to be evicted out of the WH. Can you imagine if he was still in charge for another 4 years while a pandemic was going on?

“With COVID-19 cases increasing in 46 states, 10 of which broke single-day records for new cases on Thursday, America has officially entered what experts refer to as the “exponential” phase of spread — a rapid multiplying of cases that can’t be contained through traditional measures. On Thursday alone, the U.S. saw 160,000 new cases of the virus, more than any day since the pandemic began.”

It's a virus---it will spread among everyone till most have been exposed and we have developed herd Immunity. FRICKING stupid to lock down during the summer and wearing the masks during the summer when the sun weakens the virus (for among the healthy population). We didn't get HERD immunity over the summer when the virus was at its weakest for the year-----------now we are getting exposed during the winter when the virus will be more deadly. Thanks for the lockdowns dems--------it actually hurt the economy and raised the number of expected dead. Colder less sunny states will be hit worse than SUNNY Florida though.

First off, Trump lied and told us he had the virus under control. Now you're telling us that that's not possible. Which means that Trump is a fucking liar about COVID and our COVID response. Which we already knew....but even his supporters are admitting now.

Second, by spreading out the infections over time rather than all at once (as happens in the 'herd immunity' proposal), you spread out the hospitalizations. Right now, we're at the highest hospitalization rates of the entire pandemic. And rapidly climbing. When the hospitals are full......bodies start stacking like cord wood. Not just for COVID, but for every OTHER cause that the hospital would ordinarily be used.

Third, the 'herd immunity' theory has a death told of between 1.5 and 3 million. That's more than were lost in all US wars combined. And you seem completely cool with that. I'm not.

Fourth, people are being reinfected with COVID. Just obliterating the 'herd immunity' claim.

Fifith, if its so impossible to control.....then how do you explain 151 countries having a BETTER per capita death rate than we have? Clearly, a better response can be done. Only 12 countries have done worse than we have.

Sixth, if you can slow the infections you can get a vaccine that will actually be helpful in mitigating the infection rates.

Your theory is dangerously incorrect. And ignores way too much to be useful.
trump didn't lie----he told us what he was being told by FAUCI a dem----

Trump said we have it under control. He didn't. He lied.

Fauci has been contradicting the president's rosy lies for months. Fauci has said that we're in a terrible situation, that its only going to get worse. Trump has, by his own admission, been downplaying COVID and telling us we have it under control.

We don't.

Trump closed our borders and called folks back to the US.....without adequate testing when they landed. So what he did was insure that we imported huge quantities of COVID as we overwhelmingly didn't test the people coming back.

Our response has been a colossal failure. Out of a 164 countries we have COVID stats for our response ranks 152nd.

Its clearly possible to do better. As 92% of countries have demonstrated elegantly.
Actually pumpkin the BIG spreader of the disease here was ......................wait for it .............................Cuomo locking the elderly with weakened immune systems with the virus carriers which spread the disease through out New York. And then New Yorkers being the selfish a-holes that they always are spreading the disease to the rest of the country both because they didn't give a damn and on purpose because that is who they are. Over 25 % of all US cases could be at one time traced back directly to cuomo............ Ergo since PA and MI dem governors did the same nonsense--we know they too accounted for a huge number of the infected.

The other big spreaders which no one wants to talk about --------------------are the Mexicans and further south groups as they did the agricultural and meat packing plant lines---their huge outbreak that the lib media doesn't like to discuss south of the border spread the disease here as well hence why El Paso, illegal asylum Houston, California, all the meat packing plants etc are where the outbreaks are occuring around....want to know why the heart land is having issues HINT MEAT PACKING PLANTS
All I can say is, I’m glad that stupid sack of shit is about to be evicted out of the WH. Can you imagine if he was still in charge for another 4 years while a pandemic was going on?

“With COVID-19 cases increasing in 46 states, 10 of which broke single-day records for new cases on Thursday, America has officially entered what experts refer to as the “exponential” phase of spread — a rapid multiplying of cases that can’t be contained through traditional measures. On Thursday alone, the U.S. saw 160,000 new cases of the virus, more than any day since the pandemic began.”

Keep wondering asshole.

We keep wondering when you stop being in denial of your own impotence.
130 Secret Service people are quarantined with the virus. It's suspected they became infected in the last week of Trump's barnstorming before November 3. But the fat fuck doesn't care.

I just don't understand how anyone can support this fetid, sewer-dwelling psychopath who has turned this country into a banana republic.
They've got their heads so far up Trump's ample ass, they do as he does and say as he says.

Mindless cult. Sheep are smarter.
Says the douchebag who voted for a senile pedophile anti-American criminal.
What irritates me the most is the claim that everyone should decide for themselves whether to wear a mask or not.

YOU get to decide whether you want to spread your germs or not?
No one is stopping you from leaving your house, moron.
You fucking asshole
You think everyone should face COVID just to leave the house?

No wonder we have 10 million infections
What irritates me the most is the claim that everyone should decide for themselves whether to wear a mask or not.

YOU get to decide whether you want to spread your germs or not?
No one is stopping you from leaving your house, moron.
You fucking asshole
You think everyone should face COVID just to leave the house?

No wonder we have 10 million infections
you fucking asshole,,

you think there arent several dangers when you leave the house,,,

dont they say most accidents are in the house???
All I can say is, I’m glad that stupid sack of shit is about to be evicted out of the WH. Can you imagine if he was still in charge for another 4 years while a pandemic was going on?

“With COVID-19 cases increasing in 46 states, 10 of which broke single-day records for new cases on Thursday, America has officially entered what experts refer to as the “exponential” phase of spread — a rapid multiplying of cases that can’t be contained through traditional measures. On Thursday alone, the U.S. saw 160,000 new cases of the virus, more than any day since the pandemic began.”

So, enlighten me on reasons why a man, who recently thought he was running for Senate, should be President?...what is so terrible about Trump? ( YOUR thoughts, not MSM thinking for you...lol...hv my answer)

Because I won't vote for the man who believes that Washington secured and protected airports in the revolutionary war.

The man who asked to look into injecting disinfectant into people.

The man who asked how to inject sun light into people.

The man who spent months lying about a very deadly and contagious virus.

The man who tried to rationalize not helping Puerto Rico because it's surrounding by lots of water.

The man who believed that the Virgin Islands has a president and didn't know it was a United States territory.

The man who believes 9-11 actually happened on 7-11.

The man who doesn't even know his own wife's name and called her melanie instead of melania.

The man who demanded to investigate the oranges of the Muller investigation.

I can go on and on and on but there just isn't enough room in a message box for all of it.
All I can say is, I’m glad that stupid sack of shit is about to be evicted out of the WH. Can you imagine if he was still in charge for another 4 years while a pandemic was going on?

“With COVID-19 cases increasing in 46 states, 10 of which broke single-day records for new cases on Thursday, America has officially entered what experts refer to as the “exponential” phase of spread — a rapid multiplying of cases that can’t be contained through traditional measures. On Thursday alone, the U.S. saw 160,000 new cases of the virus, more than any day since the pandemic began.”

So, enlighten me on reasons why a man, who recently thought he was running for Senate, should be President?...what is so terrible about Trump? ( YOUR thoughts, not MSM thinking for you...lol...hv my answer)

Because I won't vote for the man who believes that Washington secured and protected airports in the revolutionary war.

The man who asked to look into injecting disinfectant into people.

The man who asked how to inject sun light into people.

The man who spent months lying about a very deadly and contagious virus.

The man who tried to rationalize not helping Puerto Rico because it's surrounding by lots of water.

The man who believed that the Virgin Islands has a president and didn't know it was a United States territory.

The man who believes 9-11 actually happened on 7-11.

The man who doesn't even know his own wife's name and called her melanie instead of melania.

The man who demanded to investigate the oranges of the Muller investigation.

I can go on and on and on but there just isn't enough room in a message box for all of it.
so you did vote for trump,,,
All I can say is, I’m glad that stupid sack of shit is about to be evicted out of the WH. Can you imagine if he was still in charge for another 4 years while a pandemic was going on?

“With COVID-19 cases increasing in 46 states, 10 of which broke single-day records for new cases on Thursday, America has officially entered what experts refer to as the “exponential” phase of spread — a rapid multiplying of cases that can’t be contained through traditional measures. On Thursday alone, the U.S. saw 160,000 new cases of the virus, more than any day since the pandemic began.”

The mortality rate is on track towards zero.

Biden plan is to destroy the country, nothing to do with the virus. It's the totalitarians telling Americans "we must do as we are told."
:thankusmile: :yes_text12:
Bills ass as always gets owned.lol
Lol what points have you even made? This is so stupid. What moron told you the mortality rate is on its way to zero?
Governor Cuomo is going to be responsible for the covid deaths in NY. The idiot isn't going to use the vaccine until Biden is President. Unbelievable.
Because I won't vote for the man who believes that Washington secured and protected airports in the revolutionary war.

The man who asked to look into injecting disinfectant into people.

The man who asked how to inject sun light into people.

The man who spent months lying about a very deadly and contagious virus.

The man who tried to rationalize not helping Puerto Rico because it's surrounding by lots of water.

You fucking asshole
You think everyone should face COVID just to leave the house?

No wonder we have 10 million infections

I think we each have the Freedom and Liberty to go out or stay in as we deem best for ourselves and our loved ones. The older we get the more important the decision, but it is still our decision, not Washington's!

“I do wonder when republicans will stop being in denial about the pandemic”


It’s the nature of contrarian conservatives.

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