I dont get to do this very often so here goes.....I TOLD YOU SO

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
In another thread about Romney sheltering money, I told you guys just the mere appearance of impropriety on this subject was going to hurt him. I said that when you combine this story with the Bain issue and the I "may" release my taxes issues that it would hurt him. I was right.....

PRINCETON, NJ -- Mitt Romney is a considerably weaker front-runner among Republican registered voters nationally than he was at the beginning of the week. Romney now leads Newt Gingrich by 30% to 20%, with Rick Santorum and Ron Paul tied at 13%. At the beginning of the week, Romney had a 23-percentage-point lead over Gingrich and Santorum.
Romney's National Lead Down to 10 Points

And this latest issue with the Cayman Islands hasn't even made it into any commercials yet. Once it hits the political ads on TV the damage will multiply.

I think this all combined gives Obama far too much ammo to use in the general. I think it severely hampers his chances at beating Obama. The left have been beating the class warfare drums for some time now. And one could attribute Obamas rise in the polls to part of this tactic. Now he could have a totally refreshed reason to keep pounding on the issue if Romney is our nominee.

I'm beginning to think nominating Romney may be a mistake.
Yup. But he wont drop out.

I wonder what Mr. Perry is doing this morning.
In another thread about Romney sheltering money, I told you guys just the mere appearance of impropriety on this subject was going to hurt him. I said that when you combine this story with the Bain issue and the I "may" release my taxes issues that it would hurt him. I was right.....

PRINCETON, NJ -- Mitt Romney is a considerably weaker front-runner among Republican registered voters nationally than he was at the beginning of the week. Romney now leads Newt Gingrich by 30% to 20%, with Rick Santorum and Ron Paul tied at 13%. At the beginning of the week, Romney had a 23-percentage-point lead over Gingrich and Santorum.
Romney's National Lead Down to 10 Points

And this latest issue with the Cayman Islands hasn't even made it into any commercials yet. Once it hits the political ads on TV the damage will multiply.

I think this all combined gives Obama far too much ammo to use in the general. I think it severely hampers his chances at beating Obama. The left have been beating the class warfare drums for some time now. And one could attribute Obamas rise in the polls to part of this tactic. Now he could have a totally refreshed reason to keep pounding on the issue if Romney is our nominee.

I'm beginning to think nominating Romney may be a mistake.

Of course it's going to hurt him, the only ones that dont believe it will are retards or dont understand how perception plays a part in politics
None of the clown show members can beat Obama. Just listen to him do his rendition of Al Green yesterday on You Tube... That guy is good! :lol:
The GOP should grow a fucking spine and stop looking for a flawless, perfect candidate.... I have news for ya.... ya ain't gonna find one. The Democrats can't and nor can you.

Get your fucking backbone out - for once - nominate the best man to fix the clusterfuck that is America and get your fucking message out. It is not overly complicated. Just, for once, stay the fucking distance and stop fucking whining.
None of the clown show members can beat Obama. Just listen to him do his rendition of Al Green yesterday on You Tube... That guy is good! :lol:

Fair enough. He was good. Tell you what, he can have the American Idol title and we'll take the whitehouse. That way everyone ends up where they belong based on their true skills.
This won't hurt Romney just like Bain didn't hurt him, except among democrats and who cares what they think.

What hurt Romney is Gingrich and ABCs plan to derail the campaign with an ex-wife hit piece. Romney is still pretty steady in his position, Gingrich is rising as Paul and Santorum are falling.
The GOP should grow a fucking spine and stop looking for a flawless, perfect candidate.... I have news for ya.... ya ain't gonna find one. The Democrats can't and nor can you.

Get your fucking backbone out - for once - nominate the best man to fix the clusterfuck that is America and get your fucking message out. It is not overly complicated. Just, for once, stay the fucking distance and stop fucking whining.

The only one I see whining is you.
This won't hurt Romney just like Bain didn't hurt him, except among democrats and who cares what they think.

What hurt Romney is Gingrich and ABCs plan to derail the campaign with an ex-wife hit piece. Romney is still pretty steady in his position, Gingrich is rising as Paul and Santorum are falling.

According to this weeks polls it did hurt him. Significantly at that.
I've never seen one, but could we have a brokered convention this summer? Neither candidate shows up with the required number of delegates and the fight moves to the floor and the smoke filled rooms?

C'mon Republicans! Fight to the bitter end! Split the Convention so we can all have some fun this summer!
The GOP should grow a fucking spine and stop looking for a flawless, perfect candidate.... I have news for ya.... ya ain't gonna find one. The Democrats can't and nor can you.

Get your fucking backbone out - for once - nominate the best man to fix the clusterfuck that is America and get your fucking message out. It is not overly complicated. Just, for once, stay the fucking distance and stop fucking whining.

The only one I see whining is you.

Kickin' the ass of whiners is not whining. It is a perfectly acceptable 'get a grip', just like slapping some hysterical bitch. :lol:
This won't hurt Romney just like Bain didn't hurt him, except among democrats and who cares what they think.

What hurt Romney is Gingrich and ABCs plan to derail the campaign with an ex-wife hit piece. Romney is still pretty steady in his position, Gingrich is rising as Paul and Santorum are falling.

According to this weeks polls it did hurt him. Significantly at that.

A temporary 'oh no' by spineless fools.
Kickin' the ass of whiners is not whining. It is a perfectly acceptable 'get a grip', just like slapping some hysterical bitch. :lol:

Maybe you could get away with slapping a hysterical bitch. I don't think I could unless it was in self-defense. Probably comes with the Y chromosome.
This won't hurt Romney just like Bain didn't hurt him, except among democrats and who cares what they think.

What hurt Romney is Gingrich and ABCs plan to derail the campaign with an ex-wife hit piece. Romney is still pretty steady in his position, Gingrich is rising as Paul and Santorum are falling.

According to this weeks polls it did hurt him. Significantly at that.

A temporary 'oh no' by spineless fools.

For all your bloviating I've never seen you endorse any candidate. So who is it? Who has your spine of steel support?
In another thread about Romney sheltering money, I told you guys just the mere appearance of impropriety on this subject was going to hurt him. I said that when you combine this story with the Bain issue and the I "may" release my taxes issues that it would hurt him. I was right.....

PRINCETON, NJ -- Mitt Romney is a considerably weaker front-runner among Republican registered voters nationally than he was at the beginning of the week. Romney now leads Newt Gingrich by 30% to 20%, with Rick Santorum and Ron Paul tied at 13%. At the beginning of the week, Romney had a 23-percentage-point lead over Gingrich and Santorum.
Romney's National Lead Down to 10 Points

And this latest issue with the Cayman Islands hasn't even made it into any commercials yet. Once it hits the political ads on TV the damage will multiply.

I think this all combined gives Obama far too much ammo to use in the general. I think it severely hampers his chances at beating Obama. The left have been beating the class warfare drums for some time now. And one could attribute Obamas rise in the polls to part of this tactic. Now he could have a totally refreshed reason to keep pounding on the issue if Romney is our nominee.

I'm beginning to think nominating Romney may be a mistake.

face it gramps. none of the divisive evil, rich white haters were ever gonna vote for Romney in the first place.
In another thread about Romney sheltering money, I told you guys just the mere appearance of impropriety on this subject was going to hurt him. I said that when you combine this story with the Bain issue and the I "may" release my taxes issues that it would hurt him. I was right.....

You told us that taking an entire chapter from the liberal playbook and using class warfare would work in the Republican Party? And you're PROUD of that?!?
In another thread about Romney sheltering money, I told you guys just the mere appearance of impropriety on this subject was going to hurt him. I said that when you combine this story with the Bain issue and the I "may" release my taxes issues that it would hurt him. I was right.....

PRINCETON, NJ -- Mitt Romney is a considerably weaker front-runner among Republican registered voters nationally than he was at the beginning of the week. Romney now leads Newt Gingrich by 30% to 20%, with Rick Santorum and Ron Paul tied at 13%. At the beginning of the week, Romney had a 23-percentage-point lead over Gingrich and Santorum.
Romney's National Lead Down to 10 Points

And this latest issue with the Cayman Islands hasn't even made it into any commercials yet. Once it hits the political ads on TV the damage will multiply.

I think this all combined gives Obama far too much ammo to use in the general. I think it severely hampers his chances at beating Obama. The left have been beating the class warfare drums for some time now. And one could attribute Obamas rise in the polls to part of this tactic. Now he could have a totally refreshed reason to keep pounding on the issue if Romney is our nominee.

I'm beginning to think nominating Romney may be a mistake.

What's your next best choice? Santorum?
In another thread about Romney sheltering money, I told you guys just the mere appearance of impropriety on this subject was going to hurt him. I said that when you combine this story with the Bain issue and the I "may" release my taxes issues that it would hurt him. I was right.....

PRINCETON, NJ -- Mitt Romney is a considerably weaker front-runner among Republican registered voters nationally than he was at the beginning of the week. Romney now leads Newt Gingrich by 30% to 20%, with Rick Santorum and Ron Paul tied at 13%. At the beginning of the week, Romney had a 23-percentage-point lead over Gingrich and Santorum.
Romney's National Lead Down to 10 Points

And this latest issue with the Cayman Islands hasn't even made it into any commercials yet. Once it hits the political ads on TV the damage will multiply.

I think this all combined gives Obama far too much ammo to use in the general. I think it severely hampers his chances at beating Obama. The left have been beating the class warfare drums for some time now. And one could attribute Obamas rise in the polls to part of this tactic. Now he could have a totally refreshed reason to keep pounding on the issue if Romney is our nominee.

I'm beginning to think nominating Romney may be a mistake.

face it gramps. none of the divisive evil, rich white haters were ever gonna vote for Romney in the first place.

Lol, I'm kinda doubting the poll was restricted to just that group.

I know people like to dis on polls but if used properly, they can be an effective tool to refine your message.
This won't hurt Romney just like Bain didn't hurt him, except among democrats and who cares what they think.

What hurt Romney is Gingrich and ABCs plan to derail the campaign with an ex-wife hit piece. Romney is still pretty steady in his position, Gingrich is rising as Paul and Santorum are falling.

According to this weeks polls it did hurt him. Significantly at that.

A temporary 'oh no' by spineless fools.

I don't see it. Romney is about the same 30% as always. Gingrich has gone up and closed the gap a bit.

IF the democrats hadn't gotten pussy scent in their noses and charged on with Marianne Gingrich, Newt woudn't have risen as much or as fast. Her unproven accusations echoed by John King and Newt's masterful answer helped him quite a bit.

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