I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

This shit is scary. Cons, libs, progressives, all get nutso where race is concerned. People forget process.

I want to start a fund for George even if he is a racist fuck. Which I don't believe.


Zimmerman may or may not be a racist, but he’s likely in a world of trouble; all the more reason to provide him the most aggressive of defenses.
Uh, why did they drug test the dead kid and not the shooter? Ever watched CSI? Can you at least say that that is a strange thing to do? Or are you rendered speechless until after a judge has banged his gavel?
:rofl: This is where I knew you were full of it.

This is about ninety percent of the problem with this whole debate. CSI ≠ real life.

Just gotta shake my head at that.

Since I never said CSI equals real life that IS the problem with this debate. You keep changing what I'm saying to score points.

I notice that you keep ignoring that they drug tested a dead kid and not the shooter. Go head tell everyone how the CSI thing made you forget about all those other sentences around it. :doubt:
Yeah, you just randomly mentioned CSI because you're such a big fan, right? Must be.

Now if you'll excuse me, a repeat of House is on, and I'm working on my medical degree. :lmao:
The fact that victim had no criminal record is also irrelevant? The killer's record is deemed "clean" because he had no convictions?

you do know you are acting like the 911 conspiracists? every answer leads to another question.

Occam's razor: Occam's razor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zimmerman knows the police are on the way. He knows he has a weapon on his person. The young man does not. Both know assaulting the other is a crime. Who is most likely to start a fight thinking hey can then run away free? an older guy hitting a young man or a young man?

I am familiar with Occam's Razor; with human behavior, the simplest explanation is not always the correct one. As the victim was killed, and unarmed, one could conclude he was murdered. I do not so conclude; that is why I desire a Grand Jury presentation. Zimmerman "knowing the police" are their way is speculation as to his intent, and behavior.

Zimmerman's failure to heed the advice from the individual he called at 911 might indicate his lust for violence against the "suspicious" victim was greater than any belief in police "power". After the killing, he stayed on the spot to greet law enforcement. He appears to have felt he "did the job" for law enforcement.

lust for violence? whooeeeeeeeeee fruit loops
This shit is scary. Cons, libs, progressives, all get nutso where race is concerned. People forget process.

I want to start a fund for George even if he is a racist fuck. Which I don't believe.


Zimmerman may or may not be a racist, but he’s likely in a world of trouble; all the more reason to provide him the most aggressive of defenses.

John Adams defended British Troops ,.. and won
So a can of iced tea is more deadly than a garden hose.

Lawful Self-Defense - Weapons - Division of Licensing, FDACS

Q. When can I use my handgun to protect myself?

A. Florida law justifies use of deadly force when you are:

Trying to protect yourself or another person from death or serious bodily harm;
Trying to prevent a forcible felony, such as rape, robbery, burglary or kidnapping.
Using or displaying a handgun in any other circumstances could result in your conviction for crimes such as improper exhibition of a firearm, manslaughter, or worse.

Example of the kind of attack that will not justify defending yourself with deadly force: Two neighbors got into a fight, and one of them tried to hit the other by swinging a garden hose. The neighbor who was being attacked with the hose shot the other in the chest. The court upheld his conviction for aggravated battery with a firearm, because an attack with a garden hose is not the kind of violent assault that justifies responding with deadly force.

Yet it all depends on how the garden hose were to be used, if it was being used to choke a person out, then I would say that doing that, could easily warrant actions that could lead to what is deemed to be self defense, and for which would easily be taken by the person being attacked in such a situation to be deadly, and all due to a fear of ones life being taken by that hose, then (yes) deadly force just may be the option in such a case, yet all depending right?

A can (yes) can also be used as a weapon, in which if used in a certain way (hitting a person from behind in the head), causing the one who was hit to fall to the ground, where as the one who did the hit, could easily have made the person feel that their life was in mortal danger as the fight then continued, in which next resulted in deadly force being taken by the one who was struck down in such a way (especially not knowing what was used to take him down in this way).

Sadly the person hit from behind (Zimmerman), undoubtedly feared for his life as a result of such actions taken by (Trayvon), thus leaving him with no other choice as the man (Trayvon) was on top of him continuing the attack, until the gun went off, removing the threat in which turned out sadly enough, to be a case of profiling and/or mistaken identity gone wrong by Zimmerman at the start of it all, or could be found now in the entire incident maybe.

What needs to be stressed now by many parents across this nation (IMHO), and this mainly to their children in result of, is to quit helping hollywood to endorse thug wear and lifiting up a violent drug culture that loves to sport thug wear, where as these kids are associating themselves with this "wear", because they think that it is making a cool statement for themselves, and that it is soooo cool to their friends also, when sadly it is marking/stereo typing them into a situation, where people are "thinking" that they are a part of or either they are wanting to be a part of this criminal culture, when infact they (the youth) may just think that they are being cool by associating themselves to those whom think they are soooo cool and sooo bad in our society.

They (the youth) feel that it gives them strength when they wear these clothes, just like the weekend warrior Harley riders do also, whom really don't want to be a hardcore rider for example like "The Hell's Angles" are, but rather they just love to be associated with that look, in order that people - ummmm will what maybe - "respect them more" or fear them maybe even more, and this even if they are not truly this way in life ?? Sadly for these folks, the test will come as to whether they are tuff and bad as they look, and this is where it all goes wrong in life for them sometimes, and this in a stereo typical way.

The problem is that when people take on a certain style and look, in which associates them with bad things in our soceity, then people donot know how or what to trust them with anymore, and so they can easily find themselves being mis-understood or profiled in a way in which (Trayvon) may have been mis-understood & then profiled badly in this case as well, thus leading to a traggedy in the end found between the two of them..

Why not teach our kids that the clothes in which they choose to wear, could easily paint them into a bad picture if not careful (whore has been the most problematic word used, and this when the dress code is used in this way as I remember growing up, for the girls who wanted to sport this wear) , where as we should begin to investigate what is going on at school or in the neighborhood quickly, in which may have your kid by peer pressure "wearing" clothes that you don't aprove of, and all because you have seen the thugs and druggies wearing these same clothes in which you donot aprove of, so you investigate and try and stop your kid from doing this... You don't want your kid associated with that kind of crowd or thing in their lives, and this is in order that something like this does not happen to your kid.

No, but people would rather that society change for them (sacrifice so much, even to sacrifice if one has to - their child maybe ?), and yet instead of these smaller numbers to somehow follow along better in what is deemed good in society, and to not associate or follow along with that which is deemed by many to be bad & un-trustworthy in society, their are those who would rather buck the system always, even if it means placing their own children in harms way in order to get the point across, and that is sad ya know...

Hey, you cannot change what the perceptions are, when there are so many instances that are associated with many factors during crimes, and yes the clothes are one of them that stick out when you see these video's of thugs and others in society committing crimes in our society and/or dealing drugs etc. So hey - if don't want to get profiled or stereo typed in to bad things, then it best not to be wearing thug wear, especially if you know that while in some areas in the nation, people are very afraid now of people wearing this kind of wear, because they have either had bad experiences with people wearing these types of clothes, or they have learned from TV or other stuff in their lives, that people wearing these types of clothes are usually up to no good in society, just like a person like Zimmerman thought sadly enough when tried to profile Trayvon due to his hoodie worn and crimes in the area.

Never will peoples perceptions change on these issues, unless somehow a generation is willing to change in their hearts and minds these things in which they can change if they really want to, but the key words are "if they really want to". :eusa_pray:

I think that glorifying thug wear in America is a major fail, and notice how we see the pic of the kid wearing the football jersey, instead of a hoodie ? Now why do you think they had to put that apple pie pic up after the tragic event? It's because it is something that all America can relate to and see as positive, thus pulling on America's heart string for the boy in the case instantly, in which is good and very smart thinking on the families part, but what if they would have put a pic up of the boy wearing thug wear, would the results and sympathy's upon first learning of the case be the same you reckon ? Just think about that for a second or two.

You've raised an important and relevant point. So relevant in fact that Geraldo Rivera made an issue of it on his program yesterday (Friday, 3/23). He didn't use the term thug wear but he did denounce the hoodie as projecting a subtly sinister impression.

I agree with Rivera and with you. While I'm certain not everyone who wears a hoodie (when the weather doesn't call for it) is a gangsta or an anti-social type, that item of clothing does seem to have acquired exactly that stigma. In support of that impression; on its popular tv program, Caught On Camera, MSNBC frequently runs actual surveillance videos of armed robberies, burglaries and other criminal acts and it seems that the "perps" almost invariably are wearing hoodies -- which absolutely does make it difficult to identify them.

When I was a teen-ager (back in the late 40s - early 50s) "pegged pants" (i.e., trousers narrowed at the cuffs) was a style that originated with street-corner "tough guy" types but quickly caught on and became a fad. Our mother strictly forbade my brother or me to wear them. My brother bought a pair and she raised hell. She made him take them off and threw them in the trash. She said they made him look like a "hoodlum."
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While I'm certain not everyone who wears a hoodie (when the weather doesn't call for it) is a gangsta or an anti-social type, that item of clothing does seem to have acquired exactly that stigma.

If guy is not a fag, he shouldn't be flopping his wrist around.
If a girl is not a prostitute, she shouldn't be wearing platform sandal and a short skirt.
If a black is not a hoodlum, he should't be wearing hoodie.

Fags flop their wrists to advertise that they're queer.
Prostitutes wear platforms to advertise they're for sale.
Blacks wear hoodies to advertise that they're gangsters.

If you don't want be seen as this, don't appear as this.
I'm wondering what happened with the Militia group that attempted a citizen's arrest of Zimmerman. What do the nitwits here have to say about this?

There is a black seperatist group down there that has put a 10K bounty on his head.

Hypothetical: let us say all of the witnesses state that Martin jumped Zimmerman from behind hitting him with something. Zimmerman hits and rolls over on his back and Martin breaks his nose and then Zimmerman shoots him.
Will that change the minds of the decoder ring detectives here?

The witness said that Zimmerman was getting into his car after telling Martin that he was meeting up with the police (Zimmerman knew they were on the way) and Martin jumped him from behind hitting him in the head with the can.

It was pretty much as you said it might have been.

If that can has a dent or blood on it, this case is o-v-e-r.

if true, Ravi will have a melt down. :eusa_shhh:
I'm wondering what happened with the Militia group that attempted a citizen's arrest of Zimmerman. What do the nitwits here have to say about this?

There is a black seperatist group down there that has put a 10K bounty on his head.

Hypothetical: let us say all of the witnesses state that Martin jumped Zimmerman from behind hitting him with something. Zimmerman hits and rolls over on his back and Martin breaks his nose and then Zimmerman shoots him.
Will that change the minds of the decoder ring detectives here?

The witness said that Zimmerman was getting into his car after telling Martin that he was meeting up with the police (Zimmerman knew they were on the way) and Martin jumped him from behind hitting him in the head with the can.

It was pretty much as you said it might have been.

If that can has a dent or blood on it, this case is o-v-e-r.

Second version of this story. The first being that Zimmerman got out of his SUV to look for street signs when he was jumped from behind.

Gotta love it.

I think that glorifying thug wear in America is a major fail, and notice how we see the pic of the kid wearing the football jersey, instead of a hoodie ? Now why do you think they had to put that apple pie pic up after the tragic event? It's because it is something that all America can relate to and see as positive, thus pulling on America's heart string for the boy in the case instantly, in which is good and very smart thinking on the families part, but what if they would have put a pic up of the boy wearing thug wear, would the results and sympathy's upon first learning of the case be the same you reckon ? Just think about that for a second or two.

You've raised an important and relevant point. So relevant in fact that Geraldo Rivera made an issue of it on his program yesterday (Friday, 3/23). He didn't use the term thug wear but he did denounce the hoodie as projecting a subtly sinister impression.

I agree with Rivera and with you. While I'm certain not everyone who wears a hoodie (when the weather doesn't call for it) is a gangsta or an anti-social type, that item of clothing does seem to have acquired exactly that stigma. In support of that impression; on its popular tv program, Caught On Camera, MSNBC frequently runs actual surveillance videos of armed robberies, burglaries and other criminal acts and it seems that the "perps" almost invariably are wearing hoodies -- which absolutely does make it difficult to identify them.

When I was a teen-ager (back in the late 40s - early 50s) "pegged pants" (i.e., trousers narrowed at the cuffs) was a style that originated with street-corner "tough guy" types but quickly caught on and became a fad. Our mother strictly forbade my brother or me to wear them. My brother bought a pair and she raised hell. She made him take them off and threw them in the trash. She said they made him look like a "hoodlum."
Yes, it is sad that reality is this way for so many these days, so why do people want their kids to live within a fantasy/fad world, in which lies to them constantly or decieves them constantly, where as in such a fantasy/fad world, they all become subjected to bad things in their lives in association with, but the parents can't seem to deal with it, and this is especially so once the kid makes it to the "public middle school", which is sadly where it all begins for most of them -(i.e. these things in which we speak of in their lives).

I say we should allow freedom of choice to enter back into the public school systems, where as if a teen wants to disrupt and force others into a bad situation while at school, then that teen should be allowed to leave school on his or her own choice, thus the school would next notify the parents that the teen is not compatible to learning in said public school system, and this by his or her own makings or actions being dealt with, and so sadly he or she will not be allowed to attend and disrupt the public school system anylonger at this point. The parents are free as well to seek out an alternative for them if can...

Ok, so now we will have a slew of young adults who need to enter the workforce early, in which is A-OK also be it all depending, because this is how it was for many years gone by, in which seperated the bad teens from the good teens, where as the bad ones went out and got a job doing whatever they could do at some point in their lives (once they ditched school), and they just became either a young man or woman a little bit earlier than the rest would in life, and all by their choices made... The main thing is that everyone is seperated by their own choices made, and not forced. Next the school system is saved by this new freedom allowed to take place again in that system. Bad teens donot need to be in school "influencing good teens" to then turn them bad as well within the public system, and that is that (IMHO). This nation must take the fight to the public school system, in which has gotten totally out of control over the years, and it needs to be reformed and cleaned up finally, where as education is a privileage and not a right for young people to somehow then exploit so badly, and in a bad way. Why? It is all because they are forced to do something that they don't want to do at a certain age in their life, so they rebel and freely take it out on the school system, and also they take it out upon the ones who want to learn in that system sadly enough, and with an almost 100% impunity they have done it until enough is enough already, but by then it is to late, where lives were sadly destroyed as well as an entire system rocked by it all.

What they have been doing, is they have been doing this with almost no accountability in many cases over the years, but the majority of it has been hidden and covered up...Why has all this taken place ? It's because the nation has been drug down, and has been leveled out to a large extent at certain levels, in order to assist others to catch up, and the sacrifices have been great in this situation all because of this, but now what really is bad, is when these sacrifices have been found in vane.

I think that schools should desperately band thug wear or anything that even looks like this type of wear, it would be a step in the right direction I think, and I also think that the majority of Americans would agree with me on that note.

Remember "Pants on the Gorund" a song sung by an American patriot on the American Idle that year, who was batteling this gang stuff and thug wear in the neighborhood in which he lived, trying to help the young people stay on message in that neighborhood? He was for real, and there are many more like him in America, who want to see the kids by pass all this stuff, but when opportunity arrives to make a point, the race baiters win the day, and the message gets lost, and sadly it could be that another death ends up in vane.

We don't need millions of illegals in America working, we just need to clean out the schools of young adults who don't want to be there, and thus if they are forced to be, then they just use the schools as a recruiting grounds for what ever they want to recruit for, destroying the hopes and dreams of good young adults who were distracted by them in some form or fashion, for whom are valuable lives also, that cannot be restored for years gone by afterwards.

Wake up America !! :eusa_pray:
Second version of this story. The first being that Zimmerman got out of his SUV to look for street signs when he was jumped from behind.

Gotta love it.

You are right, it is the second version.
The first version was the media fabricated story that you bought because it fit your agenda.
I do not go by any version of the story.
Doesn't it bother you that the police report was ignored in the media reports?
What story do you believe anyway?
I believe none to date.
I would believe THE WITNESSES.
Don't you believe the 3 witnesses that saw this entire incident are the best indicators of what happened?
Or do you just love the anti police anti whitey story that is not based on any credible evidence in this specific matter?
If you do not see that this entire tragic event that left a young man dead HAS BEEN BLOWN OUT OF PROPORTION by the anti police anti whitey crowd and the knee jerk train wreck reporting media then you are as biased as they all are.
Fact is Zimmerman WAS INJURED and attacked in some way by Martin.
But how do YOU know?
Try having an open mind for a change.
Zimmerman's statement to police has also been leaked. He stated that as he was returning to his truck after giving up his following of Martin as Martin had evaded him he was all of a sudden attacked out of no where and hit in the back of the head with an object and also the nose.

If this is Zimmerman's claim, then we can stop listening to anything he says, because his claim has been disproven completely.
Did Martin run away or walk away, and did Zimmerman run after him or walk to keep up with him, in order to keep survielance on him until the cops got there ??? Did Martin Run, and did Zimmerman give chase (i.e. as in run also) ?

Are you kidding me? There's no difference between the two in any relevant manner to this case. Zimmerman pursued Martin, and Martin was trying to evade Zimmerman. Walked, ran, skipped, did the hokie-pokie, it's still a matter of pursuit and attempted evasion.
The witness said that Zimmerman was getting into his car after telling Martin that he was meeting up with the police (Zimmerman knew they were on the way) and Martin jumped him from behind hitting him in the head with the can.

It was pretty much as you said it might have been.

If that can has a dent or blood on it, this case is o-v-e-r.

Too bad that's all completely disproven from the tape of Martin's final phone conversation.
Zimmerman's statement to police has also been leaked. He stated that as he was returning to his truck after giving up his following of Martin as Martin had evaded him he was all of a sudden attacked out of no where and hit in the back of the head with an object and also the nose.

If this is Zimmerman's claim, then we can stop listening to anything he says, because his claim has been disproven completely.

You claim to be "in the middle".
I am.
Where iare Zimmerman's "claims" anywhere?
Where is his written statement or statements under oath?
Don't you value being an American where you are PRESUMED INNOCENT?
Do you have any clue what this country was founded on?
Do you understand what the doctrine of innocent until proven guilty is?
I suggest you do some research and studying some constitutional law and get back to us.
Otherwise, hang up your claim that you are "in the middle".
The witness said that Zimmerman was getting into his car after telling Martin that he was meeting up with the police (Zimmerman knew they were on the way) and Martin jumped him from behind hitting him in the head with the can.

It was pretty much as you said it might have been.

If that can has a dent or blood on it, this case is o-v-e-r.

Too bad that's all completely disproven from the tape of Martin's final phone conversation.

Where is there any tape of Martin's phone call?
Why do you have to make things up that are false?
There is NO recording of any call from Martin.
Are you that foolish and naive that you have to just make up BS as you go?

Fact is you are just full of it with no facts. A tape of a phone call. BS.
How could anyone have a tape of his call to the girlfriend?
One of the eyewitnesses came forward yesterday.
"The guy in the red shirt was being attacked and was on the ground yelling for help."

End of story, done deal. Martin attacked him and now we have an eye witness to it.
Of course this does not matter as a black kid was killed and even if he was the attacker it does not matter.
Blacks side with blacks no matter what most of the time.
One of the eyewitnesses came forward yesterday.
"The guy in the red shirt was being attacked and was on the ground yelling for help."

End of story, done deal. Martin attacked him and now we have an eye witness to it.
Of course this does not matter as a black kid was killed and even if he was the attacker it does not matter.
Blacks side with blacks no matter what most of the time.
There are two witnesses that disagree with him. And he did not come forward yesterday.....he came forward last month.

Even if they were fighting and Martin was on top at one time or another, that isn't evidence that Martin attacked first.

Spike Lee wants to become a vigilante. He retweeted George Zimmerman's home address to the world.

Somebody correct me, but isn't this conspiracy to commit murder if somebody kills him as a result of everyone in the world knowing where he lives???

If I was Zimmerman I'd have my lawyer suing the SOB right now.

Spike Lee Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address | TheBlaze.com

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