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I don't want dreamers deported, but ...

Stop trying to tell me what good and productive people they are. I don't give a fuck. It's not even relevant.
That's a perfectly reasonable point.

So, as we move on from that, we need a bi-partisan approach (so that we're not knee-jerking back and forth depending on which party has the most power) that satisfies as many Americans as possible, recognizing that we're not all going to get what we want. That could look something like this:
  1. Recognize that deporting all illegals simply is not going to happen
  2. Deport criminals who are here legally
  3. Legalize those who are here, and put them at the end of the line for citizenship
  4. Seal the borders (how about we bring home soldiers wasting time and money in the Middle East for that?)
  5. Start enforcing aggressive employment law with American businesses who hire newly-arriving illegals
  6. Convene a North American security summit with the specific goal of addressing and ultimately solving the REAL problem here, the fact that so many people south of our border are so fucking desperate to escape the shit holes in which they live
Those three things would be a great start.
I would support that if ALL of that was part of the deal. Piecemeal is what the democrats want and is nothing but more of the same bullshit. They are fighting to keep their voting base, so they will not approve that plan.
Well, the problem is that these politicians are just paralyzed, they're afraid to do anything bold, because they're afraid to cooperate too much with the other side.

The Democrats don't want to give Trump a big win.

The Republicans are afraid to be primaried if they give away too much.

Dems will give Trump a win if it's the right kind of win. They won't kill a clean DACA bill.
“They have grown up and been educated as Americans; most came here through no choice of their own, and many know no other country. They are working to make our communities richer and stronger,” the coalition wrote. “Pushing them into the shadows would hurt our schools and communities.”

Eli Broad, the billionaire philanthropist and charter school backer, said that ending DACA “will do a great disservice not just to these individuals but to all Americans.”

“As a child of immigrants, I know firsthand how hard immigrants work to make our country a better place,” Broad said in a statement. “The undocumented migrants who came to America as children are thriving in our schools, our workplaces and our communities. They are our co-workers and classmates, our teachers and neighbors, our doctors and soldiers.”

Education leaders call on Trump to protect ‘dreamers’
What an emotional, heart-warming story...
...that does not matter SHIT!

While the argument for snowflakes is that eliminating the ACA is 'cruel', they seek to minimize or even eliminate the fact that it is unconstitutional, illegal, and always has been.

Barry knew this, and despite knowing what he was doing was illegal he did it anyway.

What is cruel is creating a program unconstitutionally, illegally, in which the govt supported human traffickers and other criminals who brought these kids here illegally against their will - without any say. The Obama Administration itself even illegally brought these kids into the country.

He gave them false hopes and false promises based on an Unconstitutional and illegal act, knowing full well that one day what is happening now could be a possibility.

He and his Democrats could have done this Constitutionally and legally by passing legislation. Instead, he chose to bypass Congress and illegally Institute this program as law by his own 'edict', which is basically what an Executive Order is.

This is not the GOP's fault or doing.

President Donald Trump is returning the Rule of Law back to the United States, forcing our politicians to adhere to the US Constitution, specifically the Separation of Powers. He is enforcing US immigration law and the Rule of Law by which this country is, or at least should be, governed.

Liberals respond to these facts by declaring, "But our laws are cruel and we should be allowed to abandon them if we can come up with a sufficient emotional argument to support the Unconstitutional and illegal Acts."

Yeah, this is some of that radical Left Wing anarchist / fascist BS attempting to undermine and ignore the Constitution and Rule of Law on which this country is built.

These kids and young adults were displaced because of Barack Obama's illegal Acts. These kids and young people now face the possibility of being displaced again, returned to other countries where they have never been before or can't remember, because of Barack Obama's illegal act.

I completely agree. It was cruel for Barack Obama to uproot these kids / cause these kids to be uprooted and brought here illegally based on a false promise that he could create his own individual path to citizenship for these illegals while refusing to enforce existing u.s. immigration law.

Snowflakes can b**** all they want to but the one responsible for all this happening is none other than former president Barack Obama.

You are so full of bullshit. Many of the DACA recipients came into this country before Obama was President. Obama came up with DACA to deal with this. It is not illegal. The courts have given the President total discretion in terms of deporting people. You know absolutely nothing about the Constitution.

You want to blame everything on Obama. Believe it or not many things happened before Obama. Obama is doing nothing to uproot DREAMers. It is totally on the backs of Republicans. If Republicans want to use jack booted thugs to drag them away, it will be the top story in the media and Republicans in 2018 will pay the price in 2018 and Trump in 2020.
All that 'useful and productive members of society' jazz sounds like propaganda to me.

WTF is wrong with everybody?

we have a president who boldly slings divisive red meat rhetoric to feed a deplorable base of proud bigots.

that is what's wrong with everybody... 'fear and loathing' is being spread in our communities.

>> "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people," Trump said in his announcement speech. June 2015.

>> Trump has been roundly denounced, by the left and right, for saying U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel may be biased against him because of his Mexican heritage.

>> 03/10/17 "Deferred action may be revoked anytime especially when someone commits a crime or poses a national security of public safety threat," ICE wrote Thursday in a quick succession of tweets. "Deferred action does not prevent DHS from executing a removal order."

Sorry but I will never support the intentional destruction of my people.

Who are "your people"??

Think about it before you respond.

White people aka people of european descent.

Thank you for showing that you are a racist.
“They have grown up and been educated as Americans; most came here through no choice of their own, and many know no other country. They are working to make our communities richer and stronger,” the coalition wrote. “Pushing them into the shadows would hurt our schools and communities.”

Eli Broad, the billionaire philanthropist and charter school backer, said that ending DACA “will do a great disservice not just to these individuals but to all Americans.”

“As a child of immigrants, I know firsthand how hard immigrants work to make our country a better place,” Broad said in a statement. “The undocumented migrants who came to America as children are thriving in our schools, our workplaces and our communities. They are our co-workers and classmates, our teachers and neighbors, our doctors and soldiers.”

Education leaders call on Trump to protect ‘dreamers’
What an emotional, heart-warming story...
...that does not matter SHIT!

While the argument for snowflakes is that eliminating the ACA is 'cruel', they seek to minimize or even eliminate the fact that it is unconstitutional, illegal, and always has been.

Barry knew this, and despite knowing what he was doing was illegal he did it anyway.

What is cruel is creating a program unconstitutionally, illegally, in which the govt supported human traffickers and other criminals who brought these kids here illegally against their will - without any say. The Obama Administration itself even illegally brought these kids into the country.

He gave them false hopes and false promises based on an Unconstitutional and illegal act, knowing full well that one day what is happening now could be a possibility.

He and his Democrats could have done this Constitutionally and legally by passing legislation. Instead, he chose to bypass Congress and illegally Institute this program as law by his own 'edict', which is basically what an Executive Order is.

This is not the GOP's fault or doing.

President Donald Trump is returning the Rule of Law back to the United States, forcing our politicians to adhere to the US Constitution, specifically the Separation of Powers. He is enforcing US immigration law and the Rule of Law by which this country is, or at least should be, governed.

Liberals respond to these facts by declaring, "But our laws are cruel and we should be allowed to abandon them if we can come up with a sufficient emotional argument to support the Unconstitutional and illegal Acts."

Yeah, this is some of that radical Left Wing anarchist / fascist BS attempting to undermine and ignore the Constitution and Rule of Law on which this country is built.

These kids and young adults were displaced because of Barack Obama's illegal Acts. These kids and young people now face the possibility of being displaced again, returned to other countries where they have never been before or can't remember, because of Barack Obama's illegal act.

I completely agree. It was cruel for Barack Obama to uproot these kids / cause these kids to be uprooted and brought here illegally based on a false promise that he could create his own individual path to citizenship for these illegals while refusing to enforce existing u.s. immigration law.

Snowflakes can b**** all they want to but the one responsible for all this happening is none other than former president Barack Obama.

You are so full of bullshit. Many of the DACA recipients came into this country before Obama was President. Obama came up with DACA to deal with this. It is not illegal. The courts have given the President total discretion in terms of deporting people. You know absolutely nothing about the Constitution.

You want to blame everything on Obama. Believe it or not many things happened before Obama. Obama is doing nothing to uproot DREAMers. It is totally on the backs of Republicans. If Republicans want to use jack booted thugs to drag them away, it will be the top story in the media and Republicans in 2018 will pay the price in 2018 and Trump in 2020.
'Barry came up with this to deal with DACA''.

Bullshit. Kids came / were brought here before Barry - illegally, but not as part of DACA. There was no Un-Constitutional DACA until Barry instituted it, by-passing Congress, through his own EO.

Barry himself declared he had no authority to do so...then did it anyway..

I don't blame Obama for the start of illegals coming to the US illegally.

I DO fault him APPROPRIATELY for refusing to enforce US immigration law, for protecting illegals, for his catch-and-release program that resulted in dead US citizens, for bringing in illegals and dumping them across the country without telling local / state officials they were coming, for helping human tracking / engaging in human trafficking by bringing illegal kids to the US, for protecting illegal-harboring Sanctuary Cities, and for violating the Constitution by attempting to illegally create and institute his owl law (Legislative, not Executive Branch responsibility) - DACA.

Barry violated the Constitution by creating DACA on his own. Suck it up, buttercup. Embrace REALITY. Now Trump is giving the Democrats the opportunity to do what they could have done when THEY controlled Congress and the WH.

Don't blame the GOP / Conservatives for Democrats not getting it legally done when they had the chance but were too busy focussing on enriching themselves, exploding the debt, and ramming Obamacare down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it.
All that 'useful and productive members of society' jazz sounds like propaganda to me.

WTF is wrong with everybody?

we have a president who boldly slings divisive red meat rhetoric to feed a deplorable base of proud bigots.

that is what's wrong with everybody... 'fear and loathing' is being spread in our communities.

>> "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people," Trump said in his announcement speech. June 2015.

>> Trump has been roundly denounced, by the left and right, for saying U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel may be biased against him because of his Mexican heritage.

>> 03/10/17 "Deferred action may be revoked anytime especially when someone commits a crime or poses a national security of public safety threat," ICE wrote Thursday in a quick succession of tweets. "Deferred action does not prevent DHS from executing a removal order."

Sorry but I will never support the intentional destruction of my people.

Who are "your people"??

Think about it before you respond.

White people aka people of european descent.

Thank you for showing that you are a racist.
And thank you for being a racist.
All that 'useful and productive members of society' jazz sounds like propaganda to me.

WTF is wrong with everybody?

we have a president who boldly slings divisive red meat rhetoric to feed a deplorable base of proud bigots.

that is what's wrong with everybody... 'fear and loathing' is being spread in our communities.

>> "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people," Trump said in his announcement speech. June 2015.

>> Trump has been roundly denounced, by the left and right, for saying U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel may be biased against him because of his Mexican heritage.

>> 03/10/17 "Deferred action may be revoked anytime especially when someone commits a crime or poses a national security of public safety threat," ICE wrote Thursday in a quick succession of tweets. "Deferred action does not prevent DHS from executing a removal order."

Sorry but I will never support the intentional destruction of my people.

Who are "your people"??

Think about it before you respond.

White people aka people of european descent.

Thank you for showing that you are a racist.

Explain how what I said makes me a racist.
“They have grown up and been educated as Americans; most came here through no choice of their own, and many know no other country. They are working to make our communities richer and stronger,” the coalition wrote. “Pushing them into the shadows would hurt our schools and communities.”

Eli Broad, the billionaire philanthropist and charter school backer, said that ending DACA “will do a great disservice not just to these individuals but to all Americans.”

“As a child of immigrants, I know firsthand how hard immigrants work to make our country a better place,” Broad said in a statement. “The undocumented migrants who came to America as children are thriving in our schools, our workplaces and our communities. They are our co-workers and classmates, our teachers and neighbors, our doctors and soldiers.”

Education leaders call on Trump to protect ‘dreamers’
What an emotional, heart-warming story...
...that does not matter SHIT!

While the argument for snowflakes is that eliminating the ACA is 'cruel', they seek to minimize or even eliminate the fact that it is unconstitutional, illegal, and always has been.

Barry knew this, and despite knowing what he was doing was illegal he did it anyway.

What is cruel is creating a program unconstitutionally, illegally, in which the govt supported human traffickers and other criminals who brought these kids here illegally against their will - without any say. The Obama Administration itself even illegally brought these kids into the country.

He gave them false hopes and false promises based on an Unconstitutional and illegal act, knowing full well that one day what is happening now could be a possibility.

He and his Democrats could have done this Constitutionally and legally by passing legislation. Instead, he chose to bypass Congress and illegally Institute this program as law by his own 'edict', which is basically what an Executive Order is.

This is not the GOP's fault or doing.

President Donald Trump is returning the Rule of Law back to the United States, forcing our politicians to adhere to the US Constitution, specifically the Separation of Powers. He is enforcing US immigration law and the Rule of Law by which this country is, or at least should be, governed.

Liberals respond to these facts by declaring, "But our laws are cruel and we should be allowed to abandon them if we can come up with a sufficient emotional argument to support the Unconstitutional and illegal Acts."

Yeah, this is some of that radical Left Wing anarchist / fascist BS attempting to undermine and ignore the Constitution and Rule of Law on which this country is built.

These kids and young adults were displaced because of Barack Obama's illegal Acts. These kids and young people now face the possibility of being displaced again, returned to other countries where they have never been before or can't remember, because of Barack Obama's illegal act.

I completely agree. It was cruel for Barack Obama to uproot these kids / cause these kids to be uprooted and brought here illegally based on a false promise that he could create his own individual path to citizenship for these illegals while refusing to enforce existing u.s. immigration law.

Snowflakes can b**** all they want to but the one responsible for all this happening is none other than former president Barack Obama.

You are so full of bullshit. Many of the DACA recipients came into this country before Obama was President. Obama came up with DACA to deal with this. It is not illegal. The courts have given the President total discretion in terms of deporting people. You know absolutely nothing about the Constitution.

You want to blame everything on Obama. Believe it or not many things happened before Obama. Obama is doing nothing to uproot DREAMers. It is totally on the backs of Republicans. If Republicans want to use jack booted thugs to drag them away, it will be the top story in the media and Republicans in 2018 will pay the price in 2018 and Trump in 2020.
'Barry came up with this to deal with DACA''.

Bullshit. Kids came / were brought here before Barry - illegally, but not as part of DACA. There was no Un-Constitutional DACA until Barry instituted it, by-passing Congress, through his own EO.

Barry himself No kids were brought down here because of DACA. These were kids who had come to the US
declared he had no authority to do so...then did it anyway..

I don't blame Obama for the start of illegals coming to the US illegally.

I DO fault him APPROPRIATELY for refusing to enforce US immigration law, for protecting illegals, for his catch-and-release program that resulted in dead US citizens, for bringing in illegals and dumping them across the country without telling local / state officials they were coming, for helping human tracking / engaging in human trafficking by bringing illegal kids to the US, for protecting illegal-harboring Sanctuary Cities, and for violating the Constitution by attempting to illegally create and institute his owl law (Legislative, not Executive Branch responsibility) - DACA.

Barry violated the Constitution by creating DACA on his own. Suck it up, buttercup. Embrace REALITY. Now Trump is giving the Democrats the opportunity to do what they could have done when THEY controlled Congress and the WH.

Don't blame the GOP / Conservatives for Democrats not getting it legally done when they had the chance but were too busy focussing on enriching themselves, exploding the debt, and ramming Obamacare down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it.

Kids were not brought here because of DACA. Many of these kids were here before Obama took office. It was a problem that preceded Obama. DACA is not unconstitutional as a President has absolute discretion in who gets deported. If instead of DACA, Obama said he was not going to deport people who were brought into this country as children and have a job or are going to school, he has the power to do so. Trump is exercising the same discretion when he says DREAMers will not be deported.

The fact is that the Democrats did bring it up for a vote. Republicans used a filibuster in the Senate to stop it.
we have a president who boldly slings divisive red meat rhetoric to feed a deplorable base of proud bigots.

that is what's wrong with everybody... 'fear and loathing' is being spread in our communities.

>> "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people," Trump said in his announcement speech. June 2015.

>> Trump has been roundly denounced, by the left and right, for saying U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel may be biased against him because of his Mexican heritage.

>> 03/10/17 "Deferred action may be revoked anytime especially when someone commits a crime or poses a national security of public safety threat," ICE wrote Thursday in a quick succession of tweets. "Deferred action does not prevent DHS from executing a removal order."

Sorry but I will never support the intentional destruction of my people.

Who are "your people"??

Think about it before you respond.

White people aka people of european descent.

Thank you for showing that you are a racist.

Explain how what I said makes me a racist.

If you can't figure it out, you are stupid. White Europeans are not natives. White Europeans killed a large number of native born people trying to rob them of gold. That is what you are so proud of with YOUR people.
we have a president who boldly slings divisive red meat rhetoric to feed a deplorable base of proud bigots.

that is what's wrong with everybody... 'fear and loathing' is being spread in our communities.

>> "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people," Trump said in his announcement speech. June 2015.

>> Trump has been roundly denounced, by the left and right, for saying U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel may be biased against him because of his Mexican heritage.

>> 03/10/17 "Deferred action may be revoked anytime especially when someone commits a crime or poses a national security of public safety threat," ICE wrote Thursday in a quick succession of tweets. "Deferred action does not prevent DHS from executing a removal order."

Sorry but I will never support the intentional destruction of my people.

Who are "your people"??

Think about it before you respond.

White people aka people of european descent.

Thank you for showing that you are a racist.
And thank you for being a racist.

You are the racist. Are white, Europeans YOUR people as well?
Sorry but I will never support the intentional destruction of my people.

Who are "your people"??

Think about it before you respond.

White people aka people of european descent.

Thank you for showing that you are a racist.
And thank you for being a racist.

You are the racist. Are white, Europeans YOUR people as well?
Sounds like you hate white people. Why do leftists have to be so damn racist?
Who are "your people"??

Think about it before you respond.

White people aka people of european descent.

Thank you for showing that you are a racist.
And thank you for being a racist.

You are the racist. Are white, Europeans YOUR people as well?
Sounds like you hate white people. Why do leftists have to be so damn racist?

He's also incredibly fucking stupid.
The type of person you are determines your actions.

Sure does.
Stop trying to tell me what good and productive people they are. I don't give a fuck. It's not even relevant.

It's not?

No. The type of person you are has no bearing on the law (your ambition and chance to become successful). Only the written word and your actions should matter.

The type of person you are determines your actions.

Eh, there's obviously a strong correlation, but not necessarily. You can be a complete asshole and never break any serious laws. You can be a frothing racist inside and be nothing but nice to people to their faces.
“They have grown up and been educated as Americans; most came here through no choice of their own, and many know no other country. They are working to make our communities richer and stronger,” the coalition wrote. “Pushing them into the shadows would hurt our schools and communities.”

Eli Broad, the billionaire philanthropist and charter school backer, said that ending DACA “will do a great disservice not just to these individuals but to all Americans.”

“As a child of immigrants, I know firsthand how hard immigrants work to make our country a better place,” Broad said in a statement. “The undocumented migrants who came to America as children are thriving in our schools, our workplaces and our communities. They are our co-workers and classmates, our teachers and neighbors, our doctors and soldiers.”

Education leaders call on Trump to protect ‘dreamers’
What an emotional, heart-warming story...
...that does not matter SHIT!

While the argument for snowflakes is that eliminating the ACA is 'cruel', they seek to minimize or even eliminate the fact that it is unconstitutional, illegal, and always has been.

Barry knew this, and despite knowing what he was doing was illegal he did it anyway.

What is cruel is creating a program unconstitutionally, illegally, in which the govt supported human traffickers and other criminals who brought these kids here illegally against their will - without any say. The Obama Administration itself even illegally brought these kids into the country.

He gave them false hopes and false promises based on an Unconstitutional and illegal act, knowing full well that one day what is happening now could be a possibility.

He and his Democrats could have done this Constitutionally and legally by passing legislation. Instead, he chose to bypass Congress and illegally Institute this program as law by his own 'edict', which is basically what an Executive Order is.

This is not the GOP's fault or doing.

President Donald Trump is returning the Rule of Law back to the United States, forcing our politicians to adhere to the US Constitution, specifically the Separation of Powers. He is enforcing US immigration law and the Rule of Law by which this country is, or at least should be, governed.

Liberals respond to these facts by declaring, "But our laws are cruel and we should be allowed to abandon them if we can come up with a sufficient emotional argument to support the Unconstitutional and illegal Acts."

Yeah, this is some of that radical Left Wing anarchist / fascist BS attempting to undermine and ignore the Constitution and Rule of Law on which this country is built.

These kids and young adults were displaced because of Barack Obama's illegal Acts. These kids and young people now face the possibility of being displaced again, returned to other countries where they have never been before or can't remember, because of Barack Obama's illegal act.

I completely agree. It was cruel for Barack Obama to uproot these kids / cause these kids to be uprooted and brought here illegally based on a false promise that he could create his own individual path to citizenship for these illegals while refusing to enforce existing u.s. immigration law.

Snowflakes can b**** all they want to but the one responsible for all this happening is none other than former president Barack Obama.

You are so full of bullshit. Many of the DACA recipients came into this country before Obama was President. Obama came up with DACA to deal with this. It is not illegal. The courts have given the President total discretion in terms of deporting people. You know absolutely nothing about the Constitution.

You want to blame everything on Obama. Believe it or not many things happened before Obama. Obama is doing nothing to uproot DREAMers. It is totally on the backs of Republicans. If Republicans want to use jack booted thugs to drag them away, it will be the top story in the media and Republicans in 2018 will pay the price in 2018 and Trump in 2020.
'Barry came up with this to deal with DACA''.

Bullshit. Kids came / were brought here before Barry - illegally, but not as part of DACA. There was no Un-Constitutional DACA until Barry instituted it, by-passing Congress, through his own EO.

Barry himself No kids were brought down here because of DACA. These were kids who had come to the US
declared he had no authority to do so...then did it anyway..

I don't blame Obama for the start of illegals coming to the US illegally.

I DO fault him APPROPRIATELY for refusing to enforce US immigration law, for protecting illegals, for his catch-and-release program that resulted in dead US citizens, for bringing in illegals and dumping them across the country without telling local / state officials they were coming, for helping human tracking / engaging in human trafficking by bringing illegal kids to the US, for protecting illegal-harboring Sanctuary Cities, and for violating the Constitution by attempting to illegally create and institute his owl law (Legislative, not Executive Branch responsibility) - DACA.

Barry violated the Constitution by creating DACA on his own. Suck it up, buttercup. Embrace REALITY. Now Trump is giving the Democrats the opportunity to do what they could have done when THEY controlled Congress and the WH.

Don't blame the GOP / Conservatives for Democrats not getting it legally done when they had the chance but were too busy focussing on enriching themselves, exploding the debt, and ramming Obamacare down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it.

Kids were not brought here because of DACA. Many of these kids were here before Obama took office. It was a problem that preceded Obama. DACA is not unconstitutional as a President has absolute discretion in who gets deported. If instead of DACA, Obama said he was not going to deport people who were brought into this country as children and have a job or are going to school, he has the power to do so. Trump is exercising the same discretion when he says DREAMers will not be deported.

The fact is that the Democrats did bring it up for a vote. Republicans used a filibuster in the Senate to stop it.

You just repeated almost everything I said... except for the lie about the near super-majority controlled Democratic party Congress not being able to pass DACA. legislation.

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