i fear ukraine will lose the war

I see appeaser , you have dogged my question as i expected ...

It's not a matter of appeasement, it's a matter of self-determination.

The problem is, the history books get it WRONG about Czechoslovakia. The Germans in Sudentenland wanted to be part of Germany and regain the privileges they had under the Hapsburgs. But because after the rest of the country fell apart when their respective nationalities decided to leave, everyone ripped on Chamberlain and he wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check.

What you leave out is that there was an agreement between Russia and Ukraine to resolve the Donbass in the Minsk Protocols, which Zelensky violated by continuing his war against the separatists. This doesn't justify what Putin did, but the Ukrainians aren't blameless here.
They greased the American taxpayer for billions and billions... while the Biden's cashed in ... win win if your a criminal.

I don't think they will win or lose, the war has ground down to a stalemate. Both sides have exhausted their supply of manpower and weapons, and are in defensive positions that really haven't moved significantly in more than a year.

The only real question is, when does the Ukraine and her western backers face reality and sit down at the negotiating table to end this.
Unfortunately you can't deal with Putin... If he gets anything, he will be back for more..

Putin is the invader, he has to learn to go home... Ukraine know this, they know full well that he has to be fully embarrassed...

I think things will change if Ukraine get air superiority... Doesn't really matter how many troops you have if you loose the air..

Russia can't keep what they got, especially the Crimea... They need to be sent a message..
Peace usually involves concessions from both sides.
Ukraine concedes territory to the Russians, what do they get in return?

A temporary peace while Russia regroups for another attack?
They thought they had peace when they conceded Crimea
Unfortunately you can't deal with Putin... If he gets anything, he will be back for more..

Putin is the invader, he has to learn to go home... Ukraine know this, they know full well that he has to be fully embarrassed...

I think things will change if Ukraine get air superiority... Doesn't really matter how many troops you have if you loose the air..

Russia can't keep what they got, especially the Crimea... They need to be sent a message..
Air superiority would take years of providing the planes and getting the pilots who can fly them.

No one supports what Putin did, but Zelensky isn't blameless. He's the one who ignored the Minsk Accords and continued to make war in the Donbas against the Russian minority.

As for the Crimea, that's 90% Russian, and was only made part of the Ukraine because Kruschev wanted to do his home Republic a solid.
Russia has been conscripting its dregs of society. Prisoners and the poor. Those without any voice in the governance of their nation.

They have been running out.

Russia has always used "overwhelming force" consisting of machines and men to win their wars and battles....which means cannon fodder. They aren't stupid by a long shot. It's a manner to keep casualties down to a minimum. But if the situation is not equal it's a devastating loss of equipment, ammunition, and manpower. And several times it hasn't been an equal situation and Russian troops are there to just expend Ukrainian ammunition. (Cannon fodder)

Which has resulted in devastating losses of manpower and equipment for Russia.

However....these sorts of battles are not unknown to Ukraine. Ukraine is using asymmetrical warfare tactics. They know they will never match Russia in manpower, ammunition, or equipment. Meaning they make EVERY life and shot count.
They also use behind the lines troops to disrupt and destroy and demoralize Russian troops. They will blow up a train not because it's effective but because it's demoralizing. They will drop munitions from drones on rear eschalon troops because it instills fear of never knowing when or where you will die. They destroy fuel depots, ammo dumps, radar systems and anything that is minimally defended. And Russia does not have the manpower to defend the entire front line that stretches hundreds of miles.
Using these tactics....just like Afghanistan did will eventually make Russia quit.

Russia sends out a 5 million dollar new tank just to be destroyed by a $200 drone and grenade. That makes Russian people pull their hair out.

Russia sends thousands of troops into a valley that Ukraine has covered completely with mines and artillery....and loses them all because they thought that Ukraine didn't have enough shells. (They did) They also knew that Ukraine only had 100+ soldiers defending the valley....but Ukraine didn't need anymore than that.
but it's pretty clear this is a stalemate at this point and should be resolved at a negotiation table.
You are only as good as the accuracy of the information you receive .
I have no idea where you get yours but it is so badly wrong . Absurd actually .

As I have said several times elsewhere , look at Simplicius the Thinker and Moon of Alabama .
I doubt there is more reliable information to a lay person anywhere else on the net.
Also the Military Channel is very detailed and well sourced .

That will get you started .
You are only as good as the accuracy of the information you receive .
I have no idea where you get yours but it is so badly wrong . Absurd actually .

As I have said several times elsewhere , look at Simplicius the Thinker and Moon of Alabama .
I doubt there is more reliable information to a lay person anywhere else on the net.
Also the Military Channel is very detailed and well sourced .

That will get you started .
i don't take someone named "Moon of Alabama" seriously.

I can read a map. The front lines haven't moved since December of 2022.

That's called a Stalemate.
Nothing obscures the fact of Putin's psychopathic crimes.
Not True....an insane psycho-maniac dictator sending every last one of his countrymen right down to retirees and school kids to die in a needless war so he can keep a $1B Swiss bank account.

Even worse than Putin ...

Not True....an insane psycho-maniac dictator sending every last one of his countrymen right down to retirees and school kids to die in a needless war so he can keep a $1B Swiss bank account.

Even worse than Putin ...

You have no idea of what you are talking about.

It's not about him...it's about the people....the average citizens who just want to live on their generational farms. They are WILLINGLY conscripted and joined in the fight. Yes, of course there are schmuck who want all the benefits of a free society without the corresponding responsibilities (you should know that part extremely well, moreso than others)
But that's just people.

The thugs and criminal nation who rape, torture and steal everything need to be stopped. (Russia)

By far the Ukrainian leader is the ONLY one helping them restore their homes and lives. You just want to buy cheaper Teslas and other things...that's all. Which is what YOUR MASTERS tell you to say.

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