“I hate that thug music.”

Oh boy, the homosexuals are out in force tonight, aren't they? J.E.D and old school going at it again.

Is that the best you could do? Do you want a do-over?
No thanks, I'm already disgusted enough by you two fags. I'm just glad I'm not in the same room with you, I don't think I could handle the smell.

Lol. As if the internet could smell.

Well hey at least Dunn killed a black kid. Isn't that a win for you?
They found him guilty of "attempted 2nd degree murder" but not of "murder". That seems inconsistent.

Some of the jurors may have bought his self defense claim with the murdered. When he continues to fire on the fleeing car, attempted murder of the survivors is an easy decision.
Attempted SECOND degree murder. That means you didn't plan to kill the person. How do you "attempt" to accidentally kill somebody. It makes no sense.

Of course it makes sense.

First degree murder is premeditated.
I didn't know you were in communications with the jury. Did you hear one of them say that?

Obviously, based on the verdict, the jury believed there was no gun. So you were wrong.

He will go to prison for a long time, and still can be retried on the first charge.

Good job, jury.
Then why didn't they find him guilty of murder?

Because he was charged with first degree murder, which necessitates premeditation. That's what the jury is deadlocked on.

It's just another fuck-up from these same prosecutors who botched the Zimmerman trial.

Dunn should have been charged with second degree murder.
Some of the jurors may have bought his self defense claim with the murdered. When he continues to fire on the fleeing car, attempted murder of the survivors is an easy decision.
Attempted SECOND degree murder. That means you didn't plan to kill the person. How do you "attempt" to accidentally kill somebody. It makes no sense.

Of course it makes sense.

First degree murder is premeditated.
Duh! No kidding? Do you even read before you respond?
CaféAuLait;8629961 said:
They found him guilty of "attempted 2nd degree murder" but not of "murder". That seems inconsistent.

I agree. Given the options for the charge they could not agree on included 2nd degree murder too, or not?

Either way Jordan Davis would have turned 19 tomorrow, his family must be heartbroken, confused and angry. And I don't blame them one bit.

Some of the jurors may not have wanted to budge off the 1st degree Murder charge. The others may have felt that premeditation and depraved disregard for human life were not proved.

We'll only find out what happened if any of the jurors decide to talk to the media.

If they do, the prosecutors better listen carefully to what they say so they can fine-tune their strategy in the re-trial.
There most likely will not be a re-trial. The likely course is that Dunn's lawyer will look for a manslaughter deal. Which the prosecution will likely take, since he's going away for 60 years as it is.
Rap would not exist if it wasn’t for modern technology. Rap is about degradation Misogyny , and hate. As an art form, it is lacking. Music is transcendent. Musicians learn scales and master the voice or an instrument, that is an art . Something RAP lacks. But, they think, if you play it loud enough nobody will notice.
Exactly. It's for people with no musical talent. With real music, they actually PLAY the instruments and SING. Rap should not be promoted as music.

Well, I agree with that. It's mostly just vulgar poetry, set to a beat.
Of course it makes sense.

First degree murder is premeditated.
Duh! No kidding? Do you even read before you respond?

Yes! I read your dumbass post, then responded.

Where are you getting "accidentally"?
Then you didn't understand it. 2nd degree murder is when you know the person COULD die but you are not "intentionally" trying to kill them. Unintentional or accidental, it means the same in this case. How do you "intentionally" try to "unintentionally" kill somebody? And try to respond without the ad hom this time if you can.

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