“I hate that thug music.”

Zimmerman shot a black kid who was unarmed, and he was found not guilty, too. Your point?
Cervini did not attack anybody

Wasn't there a black kid shot by a white guy on the footpath a while back? And the black kid wasn't doing anything?
Does it only ever concern you when a white person is murdered by a black person?

Are blacks not people, too?
Do you really think they're not going to re-try the case??

They will, and when they do, they will use what they learned from this case and not go for Murder 1. Had Crazy Angie not overcharged this, and had filed Murder2, they would have gotten the conviction today.

And maybe, just maybe, they won't let John Guy handle the opening and closing arguments so he won't holler "shit" and "motherfucker" at the jury again. I'm sure they didn't like that.
I don't know if they will or not, and neither do you.

They will re-try it. They have too much invested in it not to. Plus, if they decided not to re-try it, the backlash from the community would be horrendous.

And, Angie's position is an elected one. If she didn't re-try it, it would effect her re-election bid.
What, exactly, do you mean by "backlash"?
Really? And how do you know that, Kreskin?

Do you really think they're not going to re-try the case??

They will, and when they do, they will use what they learned from this case and not go for Murder 1. Had Crazy Angie not overcharged this, and had filed Murder2, they would have gotten the conviction today.

And maybe, just maybe, they won't let John Guy handle the opening and closing arguments so he won't holler "shit" and "motherfucker" at the jury again. I'm sure they didn't like that.

I'm just throwing this out there and have no idea if it is even possible so pardon my ignorance. Any chance they get Dunn in a plea deal on the murder charge now that he is looking at 75 years on the other charges?

They offered him a plea before this trial, and he turned it down. I don't know if they would do it again because they did get guilty verdicts on the 4 other charges. And if they did offer, he might turn them down to try to get a not guilty (fat chance) in an attempt to "win" one over on them.
I don't know if they will or not, and neither do you.

They will re-try it. They have too much invested in it not to. Plus, if they decided not to re-try it, the backlash from the community would be horrendous.

And, Angie's position is an elected one. If she didn't re-try it, it would effect her re-election bid.
What, exactly, do you mean by "backlash"?

White and black will want a re-trial.
I don't know if they will or not, and neither do you.

They will re-try it. They have too much invested in it not to. Plus, if they decided not to re-try it, the backlash from the community would be horrendous.

And, Angie's position is an elected one. If she didn't re-try it, it would effect her re-election bid.
What, exactly, do you mean by "backlash"?

Protests, outrage, maybe a recall election effort against Angie.
It’s about the volume. I am listening to “a day in the Life “ by the Beatles, I am not forcing it on anyone. Is that too subtle? No BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. No F you, F this F that Murder, F this, F that. Please. I am beginning to think rap is death music. Misogynistic homophobic artless ham handed junk. No wonder they need to play it so loud You can't disguise mediocrity with volume.

Not liking the music is not grounds to shoot at 4 kids.

He's been found guilty of either 3 or 4 counts. 60+ years in prison. The way he was all weepy on the stand, I imagine he's really crying now.

Actions have consequences. Or at least, they should have.
Zimmerman shot a black kid who was unarmed, and he was found not guilty, too. Your point?
Cervini did not attack anybody

Wasn't there a black kid shot by a white guy on the footpath a while back? And the black kid wasn't doing anything?
Does it only ever concern you when a white person is murdered by a black person?

Are blacks not people, too?
Blacks rape and murder whites at a much higher rate.

Can you even find a white on black rape?

I could find at least 10 black on white murders or rapes in just the last few days
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They will re-try it. They have too much invested in it not to. Plus, if they decided not to re-try it, the backlash from the community would be horrendous.

And, Angie's position is an elected one. If she didn't re-try it, it would effect her re-election bid.
What, exactly, do you mean by "backlash"?

Protests, outrage, maybe a recall election effort against Angie.
And that would be "horrendous"?
Cervini did not attack anybody

Wasn't there a black kid shot by a white guy on the footpath a while back? And the black kid wasn't doing anything?
Does it only ever concern you when a white person is murdered by a black person?

Are blacks not people, too?
Blacks rape and murder whites at a much higher rate.

Can you even find a white on black rape?

I could find at least 10 black on white murders or rapes in just the last few days

This is not relevant.
Cervini did not attack anybody

Wasn't there a black kid shot by a white guy on the footpath a while back? And the black kid wasn't doing anything?
Does it only ever concern you when a white person is murdered by a black person?

Are blacks not people, too?
Blacks rape and murder whites at a much higher rate.

Can you even find a white on black rape?

I could find at least 10 black on white murders or rapes in just the last few days

So you believe, but if true, our justice system applies to all of us in America.

One of the proudest days in my life was standing on the courthouse steps in Jasper, Texas waving and chanting "buh-bye, Mr King, buh-bye, Mr king", after he was convicted of murdering Mr Byrd and was led out of the courthouse.
What, exactly, do you mean by "backlash"?

Protests, outrage, maybe a recall election effort against Angie.
And that would be "horrendous"?

It's moot now anyway. Angie said she's re-trying it.

Circuit Judge Russell Healey declared a mistrial on the first-degree murder count. State Attorney Angela Corey said after the verdict that her office would retry Dunn for first-degree murder.

Jury couldn't agree on first-degree murder in Dunn trial

I guess I am "Kreshkin".
Do you really think they're not going to re-try the case??

They will, and when they do, they will use what they learned from this case and not go for Murder 1. Had Crazy Angie not overcharged this, and had filed Murder2, they would have gotten the conviction today.

And maybe, just maybe, they won't let John Guy handle the opening and closing arguments so he won't holler "shit" and "motherfucker" at the jury again. I'm sure they didn't like that.

I'm just throwing this out there and have no idea if it is even possible so pardon my ignorance. Any chance they get Dunn in a plea deal on the murder charge now that he is looking at 75 years on the other charges?
I seriously doubt if they will go to the expense of another trial for two reasons. One, he will most likely appeal this one, and if he has any success, it will make another trial far less likely. Two, if he gets a lengthy sentence on this one, it would be pointless to add more to it since he would probably die in prison anyway. It would be a waste of taxpayer money (not that that has ever mattered to the government).

I highly doubt an appeal will be successful and he is likely to get a lengthy sentence.
If all rap music was played in string quartets , instead of being rammed down our collective throats VIA mass produced loud bass contributed amplification, we might be in a better place now. But since most “rap” artist are without any kind of..you know, “talent” here we are. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. No wonder people get so pissed off. People shoot each other, BOOM BOOM. I hear people shoot guns off too. It’s more of a distant “pop pop pop”. I can’t stand THAT either, that is death music, like rap. Different story, different topic. Kinda. Sorta.

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