“I hate that thug music.”

It’s about the volume. I am listening to “a day in the Life “ by the Beatles, I am not forcing it on anyone. Is that too subtle? No BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. No F you, F this F that Murder, F this, F that. Please. I am beginning to think rap is death music. Misogynistic homophobic artless ham handed junk. No wonder they need to play it so loud You can't disguise mediocrity with volume.

Just for you MaryL.



One of the proudest days in my life was standing on the courthouse steps in Jasper, Texas waving and chanting "buh-bye, Mr King, buh-bye, Mr king", after he was convicted of murdering Mr Byrd and was led out of the courthouse.
Hartsville men sentenced in dragging case

Man executed for dragging death of James Byrd - CNN.com


Lawrence Russell Brewer was executed in Texas Wednesday evening for his involvement in the infamous dragging death of a black man 13 years ago...

Brewer and two other white men kidnapped the 49-year-old black man on the night of June 7, 1998. They chained him by the ankles to the back of a pickup truck and dragged him for 3 ½ miles down a country road near Jasper, Texas. Byrd died when he was decapitated after he hit a culvert.

Brewer was a former "Exalted Cyclops" of a racist prison gang affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan. He spent most of his adult life in prison for burglary, cocaine possession and parole violations.

Prosecutors said the crime, which they described it as one of the most vicious hate crimes in U.S. history, was intended to promote Brewer's fledgling white supremacist organization. During his 1999 trial, they called Brewer a racist psychopath...

He tearfully admitted being present when Byrd was dragged to his death but, he said, "I didn't mean to cause his death. I had no intentions of killing anybody."

Racist slime like this are always so brave when they bullying an innocent man or when they're hiding behind the anonymity of the internet but then have the gall to actually cry in teh courtroom.

Just like Dunn.
Ya, we all know about a black man being dragged by white men.

But no one know about a white man be dragged by black men.
If anything expresses self-hate and fear, it’s rap. I wouldn’t dignify it as an art form, it’s like a suicide note to humanity. It’s a demand for help. Please. Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom…is that what Music is? Loud noise and expressions of hate and male domination at loud volumes, is that what art is? Art is about creativity the sublime and subtly, not crass ham handed force. Rap is about force, threats and humiliation. There may be some humanity in it, but don’t kid yourself. Rap will disappear as a forgotten and misguided form.
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I didn't ask you, butt breath.

What you ask or not ask remains immaterial. Those who think like the perp have been on notice. He will have all sorts of new friends in his new hotel. Lucky him. He did not heed the number one rule of life: pay attention.
And those who think like Trayvon or the 4 thugs in the car have been put on notice too.

Son, they have been on notice about white thug racists since 1619 in America.
The most important points are that not liking a kind of music is not an excuse or reason to murder a kid and that the racist thug has been found guilty and is in jail.
Well, it is also some justice that the soon-to-be ex fiancee that Dunn threw under the bus during trial now has her freedom back. Her life cannot help but be improved now.

Regards from Rosie
Imagine Shirley Temple “rapping”. Imagine John Lennon rapping “Imagine”. Imagine any song since BC “rapped”. Ode to Joy , Happy birthday to “a day in the Life’. Funny how close the spelling of Rap is to rape. It’s missing something.
The only marginally bright spot in this tragic case is it should give Florida residents who carry firearms for lawful self-defense a better understanding as to what indeed constitutes self-defense – where shooting at people in cars is not ‘self-defense.’
The most important points are that not liking a kind of music is not an excuse or reason to murder a kid and that the racist thug has been found guilty and is in jail.
Exactly. That's why I know there was more to it than that. The thugs were looking for trouble and they found it.
Forty some years ago, I heard my kids singing in the bathtub while the water was running. They thought we couldn’t hear them, singing those irreverent little ditties making fun of the world in some sing song cadence they made up. Well, that is EXACTLY what rap “music’ reminds me of now. They never studied music, they didn’t know art from their asses. They followed their hearts. That was cute. But my kids weren’t sociopaths using art to excuse murder, intimidation or hate. Rap, it has all that going for it. Childish hateful antisocial and…its “ART”. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. And we HAVE to like it or lump it? Let the apparatchiks remind us yet again…Why is that?

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