I have a question for leftists. Besides having Democrats in control of everything...

No it isn't because ONLY Real Republicans defend the truth. Democrats are the enemy and need to be eliminated.
Why are all the elections you claim were rigged or flawed, or you want audited, in states RUN BY REPUBLICANS.

You know that states run elections, not the federal government. And republicans run those states.
No it isn't because ONLY Real Republicans defend the truth. Democrats are the enemy and need to be eliminated.
Why are all the elections you claim were rigged or flawed, or you want audited, in states RUN BY REPUBLICANS.

You know that states run elections, not the federal government. And republicans run those states.
Oh don't worry, PA, Michigan and other far Left blue shithole states are next.
You know that states run elections, not the federal government. And republicans run those states.
Oh don't worry, PA, Michigan and other far Left blue shithole states are next.
Why are the biggest election problems in states that republicans run every aspect of. Republican legislature, republican governor, republican secretary of state. Everybody with control over the election, was a republican.

There shouldn't have been any problems.
Which he should never have done. Seek them and kick their sorry asses out, forever. This is why we need the wall. To keep illegal invaders out!
Yet the only true republican in your eyes, wanted them to stay, Ronald Reagan granted them full amnesty, and even gave them free medical care.
Wages people can live off of
So, again, you want the government to force citizens to pay other citizens a wage that is acceptable to you, right?

Yes, that is what I want

Employers are no longer willing to do it on their own.
As a result, taxpayers have to make up the difference and help pay for housing, food and healthcare for THEIR workers
Employers have never volunteered to pay workers what you think they should be paid, dumbass.
Yes they have.

My father had a HS education and got a Union Job
He earned enough to buy a house, raise 4 kids, take vacations, send 4 kids to college and retire at 61.
All without my mother working.

All of our neighbors had similar experiences
That was before 50 years of Democrat rule. Everyone could do that then, union job or not. Now no one can do it.
Which he should never have done. Seek them and kick their sorry asses out, forever. This is why we need the wall. To keep illegal invaders out!
Yet the only true republican in your eyes, wanted them to stay, Ronald Reagan granted them full amnesty, and even gave them free medical care.
He didn't want them to stay, moron. That was an agreement he made with the Dims in exchange for effect border security. He later admitted that it was the big mistake of his administration.
But minimum wage and low skilled workers don’t have much bargaining power. That makes them easy to exploit. They wI’ll accept the best available offer and that is usually minimum wage or close to it.
That is why we have to set a fair minimum wage. And $7.25 isn’t it.
Allowing a purely market economy, with no minimum wage, means that during times of high unemployment wages would drop, pushed by the unemployed willing to take a lower salary than those currently working. This would depress wages, without companies actually hiring additional people.
And the constant influx of new lower wage workers would have a negative impact on productivity, which would preclude lowering prices on their products and services.
What law of economics says lowering wages reduces productivity? Somehow recessions always ended before the federal government interfered.
What DemoCRAPs really want is a permanent one party country with them in charge. They claim the only "real" Republicans are those compliant little RINO scumbags like Cheney, the Bush crime family, Mittens, and other far Left country club liberals. It is NOT the Republican's jobs to rubberstamp the Left's agenda one iota. It IS their job to oppose at all costs.

If Republicans can’t win elections
It is THEIR fault
No it isn't because ONLY Real Republicans defend the truth. Democrats are the enemy and need to be eliminated.
oh yes....The Truth

RepublIcan’s lose because

The Democrats cheat
The media is against them
Illegal aliens are voting against them
Yes, that is what I want
You are aware that government dictating what a private person must pay another private person is a tenet of fascism, right?

Taxes is not fascism. You VOTE for your Government
As Oliver Wendell Holmes said.......Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.

Civilized societies take care of their sick
That's all bullshit, especially the claim that we vote for our government. We certainly didn't vote for Biden.
Sorry pal

But not engaging in your stolen election fantasies
That's right, run away with your tail between your legs like a scared little puppy. They are also all run by Democrats.
What DemoCRAPs really want is a permanent one party country with them in charge. They claim the only "real" Republicans are those compliant little RINO scumbags like Cheney, the Bush crime family, Mittens, and other far Left country club liberals. It is NOT the Republican's jobs to rubberstamp the Left's agenda one iota. It IS their job to oppose at all costs.

If Republicans can’t win elections
It is THEIR fault
No it isn't because ONLY Real Republicans defend the truth. Democrats are the enemy and need to be eliminated.
oh yes....The Truth

RepublIcan’s lose because

The Democrats cheat
The media is against them
Illegal aliens are voting against them
Yup. Democrats are masters of the cheat, the Lamestream media has never, and I mean NEVER looked favorably on Republicans/Conservatives, EVER!
This is a lie.

Democrats don’t control everything.

Republicans control the courts – the Supreme Court in particular – and most states.
As you pointed out, republicans control the majority of the states. But then blame bad education, or bad voting systems in those states, on the democrats.
Public schools are failures everywhere they are tried.
No laws broken
But we NEED to change our laws
So losers like yourself can get some OPM? Fuck off, leech.
Bezos wouldn't have been able to make a dime, without using our roads, our bridges, our arports, our infrastructure. Under the protection of our military, our FAA, all of the other things that taxes pay for.

And how much did Amazon pay in taxes for all the benefits they received?

They certainly could afford to pay at least 10% instead of 0.05%
Your communal view of society only holds to a certain point. While there is a military, fire and police protection, and roads, you can't say nobody does anything to earn their living. The people who really bust their butt, and there are many, have certainly earned everything they have in life. To say they should give their money to the community and the people who are comfortable not lifting a finger, of which there are many, is wrong. It is fine to have a safety net, and to want to help people, but not to the point where you don't reward those who work and reward the people who choose to let others care for them. I know there is a working poor, and many people struggle,but I also know a significant portion of people can care for themselves and choose not too. If you can help people without having crooks steal us blind and rewarding people for not trying, I'm fine with that.

Except my taxes pay for those roads, those bridges, those airports and infrastructure.
So does the millions in fuel taxes that Bezo's employees pay while delivering orders to your door.
Amazon used them tens of thousands of times more than I did.
And, as stated previously, their fuel consumption is taxed to pay for their usage. More trucks=more fuel=more taxes.
Amazon's fleet consisted of over 30,000 branded vans.
Damn, their annual fuel tax must be more than you pay in a lifetime.
Don't you think people should pay for the services they receive?
I think most government functions should be paid via user fees.
Bezos drove his 30,000 trucks over our roads without paying anything to maintain them.
Bezos doesn't drive all those trucks. The workers he employs do that. Regardless, the fuel tax that Amazon pays must be astronomical. Especially in high tax liberal states like California.
In those cases, the parents earned it and gave it to their children. It was still earned.
Yet you argue that money earned by one person, shouldn't be transferred to anybody designated.
I've argued no such thing. I'm all about the voluntary transfer of wealth between free individuals.
What I oppose is third party virtue signalers thinking they have some right to "designate" how someone else spends their money.
Taxes is not fascism
That's not what I said.

You want the government to dictate to private people the wages and salaries that they must pay to other private people. That is fascism.
Yes I do

My father had a High School education and got a job climbing Telephone Poles and repairing phone lines.
He was able to buy a house, raise four kids, send them to college and retire at 61....all without my mother working

That is when employers paid a wage you could support a family on. Since then, employers have cut back wages and benefits. Taxpayers have been forced to step in and subsidize substandard wages.

If we have to support YOUR employees so you can make more profit......we have a right to “encourage” you to pay more
Great story of a private citizen working hard for the American Dream. Please elaborate by asking your father how much the janitors that cleaned his shop made and how much your father made climbing telephone poles and post it. Also ask your father if he thought the janitors who swept the floors should have made as much as he did for climbing poles? Please post the answers because it would help with the discussion and help the future of all Americans! Thank you.

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