I Have Figured Out Trump's Problem


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
As I have pointed out a few times, Ronald Reagan let in over 11,000 Iranian refugees at the height of Iranian state-sponsored terrorism. Reagan had balls. I don't know who these people are today who call themselves Republicans who are constantly shitting their pants in public, but they sure as hell aren't Reagan Republicans.

The Commander-in-Pants-Shitting is Donald Trump. This is a man who is terrified. He's scared out of his wits. He said we should ban all Muslims coming to America until we can "figure out what is going on."

I think I have figured out what is going on.

When I was on active duty, we used to make fun of the clerical type guys whose jobs involved sitting on their asses all day every day. They would get what we called "the secretary spread". A widening around the hips that gave them a feminine look.

Now take a look at Trump. He's got the spread.

Trump's old. Very old. He's the second oldest candidate, after Sanders.

I look at Trump and I see an old man who can barely walk. He's the oldest guy up there. Yeah! Look at him! First of all, everybody gets a fair look by me. But Trump has to get around in a golf cart he's so weak. An electric scooter would be too obvious. I don't know. He probably wouldn't live out his first term. Maybe. I don't mean to be insulting, but we have to look at that very, very seriously. Personally, I don't think he's going to live to 2020.[/trump]

It looks to me like Trump has a lot of estrogen. That's why he is so fearful and running around screaming like a woman.

Trump needs to see a doctor and get some of that testosterone treatment they have now for guys like him.

He needs to man up.


I just filled my diaper.
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Let's get him some testosterone, stat.

Wouldn't it be something if we could Make Trump Great Again?
Interesting way to vet a candidate. Are you ok with the estrogen depleted wide hipped old women?
Interesting way to vet a candidate. Are you ok with the estrogen depleted wide hipped old women?
There's one particular one I am thinking of who I am definitely not okay with.

Come to think of it, she and Donald have the same body shape!


Oh my God! We do!
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I'd say it's because since Reagan, Jihadists have been killing Americans on our home soil
I love it.... no matter what, Trump just keeps on going... the press in unable to derail him, the Dems sure can't.

Seriously. I have no great love for Trump and don't give a dam if his figure is not as manly as some would like it to be. Stop all immigrantion is a common sense response at this time. Yes. I know. There are some very nice people who need help. We want to help them. But it is a matter of priorities. The USA has a problem with terrorists living here right now. It just makes sense to deal with that without adding more people to the population, whether they be good guys or bad guys.
Seriously. I have no great love for Trump and don't give a dam if his figure is not as manly as some would like it to be. Stop all immigrantion is a common sense response at this time. Yes. I know. There are some very nice people who need help. We want to help them. But it is a matter of priorities. The USA has a problem with terrorists living here right now. It just makes sense to deal with that without adding more people to the population, whether they be good guys or bad guys.
You have more to worry about at Chipotle's salad bar than you do from Muslims.

Get some perspective, and some testosterone.
Handling Islamists the same way you fucking morons handled Ebola, like it was a fucking joke.
I'm going to go with that. Trump has the body of a "wide hipped old woman".
Handling Islamists the same way you fucking morons handled Ebola, like it was a fucking joke.
And there you were, shitting your pants as if you had Ebola. And you haven't stopped.

Eek! Ebola!

Eek! A homo!

Eek! A Mexican!

Eek! A negro!

Eek! A Muslim!

Eek! The Constitution!

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