I have nothing against the people of Ukraine that support their military and the Ukrainian soldiers

Actually there were over 3,000 verified breeches of the wall. Some with simple cutting tools, and some by use of ropes, or ladders, or other such portable implements.

As they say, if y ou invent a 20 foot wall, they will invent a 21 foot ladder.
Yes, 8 month pregnant Consuela can climb that wall in a New York minute.

BTW, the word is "breaches" unless you are talking about your pants,
He did bring up that Ukraine has had a corruption problem. Which is why Obama sent Biden to Ukraine to get the corrupt prosecutor fired.
Yes, 8 month pregnant Consuela can climb that wall in a New York minute.

BTW, the word is "breaches" unless you are talking about your pants,
Nothing like playing a spelling nazi, because you realize you don't have a point.


Trump's border wall has been breached more than 3000 times ...

Mar 2, 2022 — Mexican smuggling gangs have sawed through new segments of the border wall 3272 times over the past three years,

The fragments of border wall built during the Trump administration were physically breached more than 3,000 times between 2019 and 2021.
Let's do the math. One held an election where the winner got 73% of the vote.
The other held an election after he threw half his opponents in jail, and had the other half killed.
You’re just intentionally ignoring information. you’re talking about a country ukraine with massive corruption issues and a country that has oligarchs. It seems to me you’re just supporting Ukraine because you were told to do so by CNN and some neo conservatives on Fox.

But what is astonishing to me is how you bring up World War II when it was the Russians who were our Allie’s… and millions of Ukrainians serve the third Reich some of the worst positions possible as concentration camp supervisors and guards.

I feel so proud and comfortable with my viewpoints. Why in the world would I be against the Russian soldier who has done nothing to me. Well they certainly helped save the world in World War II. So I can’t tell you how great I feel about my position

You’re not talking about a democracy and Ukraine a country which bans political opposition and entire religions. Your response to what I literally just said will be to bring up some sort of a voting percentage number. Again so what Saddam Hussein got over 90% of the vote in his country
Let's do the math. One held an election where the winner got 73% of the vote.
The other held an election after he threw half his opponents in jail, and had the other half killed.
See now you’re blatantly making things up. “he had the other half killed “

Russia and Ukraine have similar corruption issues. But you are trying to make this one-sided as if it’s all on Russia.

You’re not saying much about all of the people in eastern Ukraine that support Russia are you. Nobody can take away their hopes and aspirations.

Tons of people did not vote for Vladimir Putin in Russia nothing happens to them. You might have heard of the “1420 project” on YouTube they interview Russians all the time many openly say they hate Putin. You just choose to buy whatever propaganda is spoonfed to you by CNN or the neoconservatives on Fox.
Let's do the math. One held an election where the winner got 73% of the vote.
The other held an election after he threw half his opponents in jail, and had the other half killed.

The had lots of human rights violations including going after political opponents. The State Dept. listed a whole list of human rights violations.

They maybe better than Russia but notby much, they are both evil, you can go ahead and pick the lesser evil, knowing it is still evil.
Nothing like playing a spelling nazi, because you realize you don't have a point.


Trump's border wall has been breached more than 3000 times ...

Mar 2, 2022 — Mexican smuggling gangs have sawed through new segments of the border wall 3272 times over the past three years,

The fragments of border wall built during the Trump administration were physically breached more than 3,000 times between 2019 and 2021.
Like I said, 8 month pregnant Consuela is not climbing that wall and carrying a cutting torch gets heavy after a while all the way from Venezuela.
Like I said, 8 month pregnant Consuela is not climbing that wall and carrying a cutting torch gets heavy after a while all the way from Venezuela.
Mar 2, 2022 — Mexican smuggling gangs have sawed through new segments of the border wall 3272 times over the past three years,
Here's a List of Putin Critics Who've Ended up Dead

Brother you are continuing to I would suppose either troll or you just don’t know what’s going on here. You made some crazy claim about entire huge numbers of people getting killed it’s just not true. There’s been report of the death squads in Ukraine going around looking for political opponents. Individual political opponents have been harassed or killed in many different countries throughout history including in America my friend. You might’ve heard of the assassination of JFK.
To be fair the Soviet union had a huge problem with killings of political opponents. Now remember that for the longest time Ukraine was a part of the Soviet union and when the Soviet union broke up the corruption issues remained in Ukraine and Russia.

But I already see what’s going on you said nothing about the 1420 project on YouTube. Why don’t you go on YouTube and type in the 1420 project you could see Russians being interviewed on the street saying they hate Vladimir Putin. Nothings been done about that YouTube channel the guy operate in Moscow freely. So I’m not buying whatever propaganda you’ve been told and you shouldn’t either.

You are better than this…. because this is insane you want me to hate the Russian people absolutely not. Do you think that the war in Iraq was George W. Bush’s war because it wasn’t my friend it takes a military it takes a population to support those wars.

This is not Putin’s war he has the support of the Russian people according to a neutral pour that CNN even reported on by the Lavada center from 75% of Russia support the war effort.
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And I have nothing against the people of eastern Ukraine who support Russia nor do I have anything against the Russian people and the Russian soldiers. It’s because I’m an American and my country wasn’t attacked by Ukraine or Russia.
You have no opinion on it but you start a lot of threads about it:


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