I have proof that the Muller report found no collusion

Yes. I'm on the fence as to whether Congress should impeach also but I think he's most likely guilty and in a perfect world he should be impeached. However we have an upcoming election and we saw what the impeachment of Clinton did to Republicans.

Then again Clinton was more popular than Trump is now (or at least not as unpopular) and I'm not so sure impeachment would hurt the Democrats here. Especially when you consider there are other on going investigations in other jurisdictions, Trumps taxes may come out shortly, Trump who can't keep his hand from the fire and won't for whatever reason stop talking about the Mueller report.

There is a lot up in the air and in the end I think the Democrats (or their leadership anyway) are playing it too safe, understandably so but they should probably just pull the trigger. So, I don't fault the Dems who are for or against impeachment, I just happen to marginally disagree with one side.
you base that off of what?

Which part, specifically?
that he most likely is guilty. you reached a conclusion that no one has. good for you!!! step on that island.

That's my opinion just as yours is that he is innocent and the report specifically does not exonerate him. Anyway, I'm sure lots of people have come to the same conclusion, doesn't mean there shouldn't be an impeachment (trial) to get to the bottom of it.

You think Clinton is guilty of something or other so fuck off.
The report exonerates him learn how the law works

I'm kind of getting tired of this and you are probably one of the reasons everyone has jumped from this thread. The report if you had read it specifically did not exonerate Trump.

Dershowitz thought OJ was innocent too. Just like with O.J., Dershowitz has been a Trump defender and he is only one voice among many. There have been hundreds of prosecutors who have gone on record to say Trump committed crimes.

He defended the law and never opined on guilt or innocence of OJ. Dershowitz has been a constitutional defender. He defended HRC as well when it came to the emails.

Neat. I'm not concerned with Dershowitz' opinion, it's only one of hundreds.
You aren't concerned with any opinion from a legal scholar who knows far more about the law than you.

I'm concerned about Dershowitz very little actually. He is one voice, not THE voice.

How about all of these prosecutors who have stated on record that if it were not for Trump being president he would have been charged with multiple felonies.

Dennis Dimsey Deputy Chief, Appellate Section, Civil Rights Division 44 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Frederick Hess Director Office of Enforcement Operations, Criminal Division 43 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Burtis Dougherty Senior Trial Attorney 42 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Hays Gorey Trial Attorney 42 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Richard Gregorie Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, S.D, FLA. 42 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Gary Shapiro Interim United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois 42 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
John Kolar Senior Trial Counsel 41 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
E. Thomas Roberts Chief of Narcotics Division, District of Maryland 40 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Gerald Kaminski Deputy Civil Chief 40 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
David Buvinger AUSA NDIL & Trial Attorney USDOJ 39 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Judith Rabinowitz Assistant Director 38.5 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
John Vaudreuil Presidentially Appointed US Attorney, Western District of Wisconsin 38 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Jessica Silver Principal Deputy, Appellate Section, Civil Rights Division 38 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Baker Senior trial attorney (GS 15) 38 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Colleen Kennedy Senior Litigation Counsel for Mental Health Law 38 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Johnson
Mary McLaren Acting Associate Director of the Mutual Legal Assistance Unit i. The Officeof International Affairs 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Pamela Thompson Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Kenneth Jost Deputy Director, Consumer Protection Branch 37 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Patrick Molloy United States Attorney, Eastern District of Kentucky 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Johnson
Ann Rowland Deputy Chief, Criminal Division 37 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Mel Johnson Senior Litigation Counsel, Assistant US Attorney 37 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Bruce Repetto AUSA, Senior Litigation Counsel 37 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Joe Rich Chief, Voting Section, Civil Rights Division 37 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
William H. Stapleton Assistant Chief, Fraud Section, CRM 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Haviland Asst. U.S. Attorney-in-Charge 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Richard Owens Associate Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division 36 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Patricia Kenney Assistant U.S. Attorney 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Helen Bollwerk Executive Asst. U.S. Attorney for Management, USAO-DC; Deputy Pardon Attorney, USDOJ 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
William Corcoran Senior Counsel, Public Integrity Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice 35 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Ashbaugh Deputy Inspector General 35 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Craig Benedict Assistant U.S. Attorney (NDNY); Special AUSA, ND Ill. 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Nancy McMillen Senior Trial Attorney 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Brian Heffernan Deputy Chief, Housing and Civil Enforcement, Civil Rights Division 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
George Hardy Chief of Criminal Division Northern District of California 34 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Deborah Sines Assistant United States Attorney, District of Columbia 34 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jay Weill Chief, Tax Division, USAO San Francisco 34 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Mary Lee Warren Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division 34 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
James Lackner Appellate Chief 34 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Burney Clark(Huber) Senior Trial Attorney 34 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Chapman Former Assistant United States Attorney 34 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Steven Abrams Immigration Judge/ Special U.S. Attorney Eastern District of NY 34 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Gerald Shur Senior Associate Director, Office of Enforcement Operations, Criminal Division 34 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy
Blondell Morey First Assistant 34 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
James Kovakas Attorney In Charge , FOI/PA Unit Civil Division 33 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Barry Kowalski Special Counsel 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Robert Gay Guthrie FAUSA, Colorado and EDOK 33 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Ronnie Edelman Principal Deputy Chief, Counterterrorism Section, National Security Division 33 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
David Blotner Assistant Chief 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Michael Leibson Senior Litigation Counsel Eastern District Michigan 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Salliann S. M. Dougherty Senior Trial Attorney, Civil Rights Division 33 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Mark Vogel Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attoeney 33 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Peter Maier Attorney, Civil Appellate 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Peter Schenck Chief of Criminal Division, USAO, EDPA 33 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Robert Dempsey Section Chief Federal Programs Section Civil Rights Division 33 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Howard Wiener Assistant U.S. Attorney 33 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Stephen Andersson Deputy Chief Public Corruption and Organized Crime 32 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Peter Monson Managing Attorney, Denver Regional Office, ENRD 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Chapman Assistant U.S. Attorney 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Rodolfo Orjales Senior Trial Attorney 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Henry LaHaie Assistant Director, Office of Consumer Litigation 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Elliott Jacobson Senior Litigation Counsel, SDNY 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Cowles AUSA OCDETF Lead Attorney 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Joyce Hundley Trial Attorney 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Don Burkhalter Interim U.S. Attorney 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Nesler Assistant U.S. Attorney 31 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Stephen Samuels Assistant Section Chief 31 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Stephen Learned Assistant U.S. Attorney 31 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Barbara Kammerman Former Acting Director, Professional Responsibility Advisory Office 31 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Bondi Senior Litigation Counsel 31 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
David Allred Deputy Chief, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division 31 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Marianna Clay First Asst. US Attorney 31 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Louis Fischer Senior Attorney, Criminal Division 30 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Peter Sobol Assistant United States Attorney (SDNY) 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
James Moroney Section Chief, National Security Unit, ND Ohio 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Mary Lou Leary Principal Assistant Attorney General 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Mary Beth Uitti Chief, Civil Division 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
James Springer Senior Counsel for International Tax Matters 30 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Ellyn Lindsay Senior Litigation Counsel 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
M. Neil Smith Senior Litigation Counsel 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Stefan Cassella Chief, Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, D. Maryland 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Debra Long-Doyle Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney for Community Service for the District of Columbia 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Bruce Carter Chief, Economic Crime Unit, Western District of Washington 30 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Jeffrey Auerhahn Assistant U.S. Attorney 30 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Gerard Hogan Senior Litigation Counsel, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division 30 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Guy Blackwell Acting US Attorney/First Assistant. EDTN 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Michael Scadron Senior Trial Counsel 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
William H Browder Jr First Assistant U.S Attorney 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Mary Elizabeth Carmody Senior Litigation Counsel 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Kendra McNally Senior Litigation Counsel, Assistant United States Attorney 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Sutherland Civil Chief 30 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
M. Taylor Aspinwall Deputy Criminal Chief, USAO, EDPA 30 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
William Joyce SAUSA, Immigration Judge 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
David Katz Assistant U.S. Attorney 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Grace Mastalli Deputy Assistant Attorney General 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Richard Ugelow Deputy Section Chief 29 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stephen Schroeder Senior Litigation Counsel, W.D.WA 29 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Karen Loeffler United States Attorney for the District of Alaska 29 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Canella Henrichs Assistant U.S. Attorney 29 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Julie Werner-Simon Senior Litigation Counsel, Major Frauds 29 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Rhonda Backinoff Assistant Director, Office of Legal Education 29 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Roger Haines Assistant U.S. Attorney 29 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Walter Fisherow Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, ENRD 29 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Harry McCarthy Criminal Chief 28 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Michael Karam Senior Trial Attorney 28 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Nikki Calvano Assistant Director EOUSA 28 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Stuart Berman Chief, Southern Division, US Attorney's Office, District of Maryland 28 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Mary Grad Assistant U. S. Attorney 28 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Noel Anne Ferris Immigration Judge 28 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Barbara Brook Senior Litigation Counsel 28 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Patricia Chick Trial Attorney 28 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Sara Criscitelli Assistant Director, Office of International Affairs 27 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Harriett Galvin Assistant U.S. Attorney 27 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Gene Rossi Supervisory Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of Virginia 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Stewart Robinson Principal Deputy Director, Office of International Affairs 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Christopher Bator Assistant U.S. Attorney 27 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Glenda Gordon Supervisory AUSA 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Jeffrey Kent AUSA 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Gerald Doyle Regional Director OCDETF 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Sara Lord Assistant United States Attorney 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Joseph Payne Senior Trial Attorney, Criminal Division, Main Justice 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Joan Safford First Assistant United States Attorney 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Eric Marcy Deputy Chief, Trial Grand Jury Section, USA on,dc 27 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Richard Cuellar Special Assistant US Atty - Phoenix, AZ 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Scott Ray Deputy Chief, Major Crimes Section 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Susan Roe AUSA 27 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lawrence Lincoln Supervisory Assistant US Attorney; Special Counsel, DOJ Office of Inspector General 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Valinda Jones Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 27 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Linda Betzer Assistant U.S. Attorney 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Anthony Hall Assistant Director, Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for U.S. Attroneys 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Charles Stuckey First Assistant, AUSA, District of Oregon 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
William Yeomans Acting Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights 26 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Peter Gray Trial Attorney 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Joyce Vance United States Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Paul Pelletier Chief, Fraud Section, Criminal Division 26 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Paula Burnett First Assistant U.S. Attorney DNM 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Carl Blackstone Supervisor 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Drake Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney 26 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
SuzAnne Nyland Assistant United States Attorney 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jonathan Rusch Deputy Chief for Strategy and Policy, Fraud Section, Criminal Division 26 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Ford
Richard Boote Senior Trial Attorney 26 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Judith Dobkin Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Michael Stern Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Jonathan Howden Assistant United States Attorney 25 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
James Peters Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
June Jeffries Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Elizabeth de la Vega Chief, San Jose Branch, United States Attorney's Office, Northern District of California 25 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Gregory Linsin Senior Litigation Counsel 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Sylvia Royce Chief, International Prisoner Transfer; Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Daniel Bogden United States Attorney, District of Nevada 25 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ross Nadel Chief, Criminal Division, ND of CA 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
John Robinson AUSA, Senior Litigation Counsel, SD Cal 25 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Richard Poole Assistant United States Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Thomson Trial Attorney 25 Bush I
Kris Olson U. S. Attorney 25 Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Craig Moore United States Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
William I. Shockley Assist Dir. A.G. Advocacy Institute 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Lorna Graham Assistant United States Attorney 25 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Celeste Miller Assistant U.S. Attorney 24 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
James Schermerhorn Special Litigation Counsel 24 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Kathleen Brinkman Assistant U.S. Attorney 24 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Nancy Simpson Administrative Assistant U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of California 24 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Susan French Senior Special Counsel for Human Trafficking 24 Obama;Bush II;Reagan;Carter
Wendy Olson U.S. Attorney, District of Idaho 24 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Hope P. McGowan Senior Attorney-Advisor, Office of the Pardon Attorney 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Andrew Levchuk Senior Trial Attorney 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
D. Gerald Wilhelm Deputy Chief Civil Division 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Terri Scadron Assistant Director 24 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Barbara J. Cohan Assistant U.S. Attorney 24 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Clifford (Larry) Mathews, Jr Chief Criminal Division for the US Attorney for the Western District of Texas 24 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Keith Syfert AUSA-In-Charge, Western Div. Office, ND Illinois 24 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Ralph Pierce Chief, No. Criminal Enf. Sec., Tax Division 24 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Benjamin Wagner U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of California 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Mary McCord Former Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Rob. B. Villeza Deputy Chief, Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force Section 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ilene Jaroslaw Chief, General Crimes 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jay Adelstein Sr Trial Attorney 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Amy Kurland Assistant United States Attorney 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ann Harwood First Assistant U.S. Attorney 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
George Proctor US Attorney ED Arkansas 23 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
James Swain Executive Assistant United States Attorney 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Bruce Judge Assistant U.S. Attorney 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Susan Cowger Senior Litigation Counsel 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Cynthia Oberg Chief, White Collar Crime Unit 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Tressa Borland Senior Trial Attorney 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
John Warshawsky Senior Trial Counsel 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Robert Brouillard Assistant United States Attorney 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Dan Zachem Deputy Chief, Superior Court Division, USAO Washington DC 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Marietta Parker Interim U.S. Attorney 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Caryl Privett U. S. Attorney 22 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Robert A. Feitel Deputy Chief 22 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Eloise Rosas District Counsel, INS 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Richard Scruggs Assistant to the Attorney General 22 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
R Jerome Sanford Assistant U.S. Attorney 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Carter, Ford
Jim Lord Chief, Organized Crime Strike Force, WDWA 22 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Lucy Thomson Senior Attorney 22 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Pamela DeRusha First Assistant United States Attorney 22 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Douglas Whalley Assistant U.S. Attorney, Western District of Washington, Supervisor of Criminal Enterprises Unit 21 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Patrick McLaughlin Assistant United States Attorney 21 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Gerald Hebert Deputy Chief 21 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Denise O’Donnell Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance, US Attorney, Western District of New York 21 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jay McCloskey U.S. Attorney (D. Maine) 21 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Thomas Coffin Chief of the Criminal Division Southern District of California 21 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Laura Tayman Supervisory AUSA 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
James Woods Assistant United States Attorney 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Steven Dettelbach United States Attorney, N.D. Ohio 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ruth E. Plagenhoef Interim US Attorney for the Western District of Virginia 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Paul Fishman United States Attorney 21 Trump, Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Anne Hayes Chief, Appellate Division, EDNC 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jane Bondurant Assistant United States Attorney, Civil Chief 21 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Christopher Alberto Chief, Financial Litigation & Justice Enforcement Team 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Barbara Kittay Deputy Chief, Money Laundering Section, Criminal Division 20 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Deborah Ferguson Assistant United States Attorney District of Idaho 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
John Fleder Director, Office of Consumer Litigation, Civil Division 20 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Peter Smith U.S. Attorney, Middle District of PA 20 Obama;Clinton;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Katharine Fincham Chief, Cyber Crimes and Child Exploitation Unit 20 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Barbara Colby Tanase Assistant U.S. Attorney 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Daniel Mullies Assistant Director 20 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Allan Garten Chief, White Collar Crimes Unit 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Rachel Ballow Assistant U.S. Attorney- EDVa 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
David Hopkins AUSA, EDVA, Court appointed USA 20 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy
Steven O’Connor Assistant United States Attorney 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Suzanne C Hayden Senior Trial Attorney; AUSA 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Michael Magner AUSA 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Sunny Pietrafesa Senior Trial Attorney 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jeffrey Sloman United States Attorney, Southern District of Florida 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
James West United States Attorney (MDPa) 20 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Daniel Cassidy Senior Trial Attorney - Narcotic & Dangerous Drug Section 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Timothy Heaphy United States Attorney, Western District of Virginia 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Hank Shea Chief, Economic Crime Section D. MN 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Patrick Bupara Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, ND Cal. 20 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Michael Rendon Special Assistant U.S. Attorney 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
David Askman Senior Counsel 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Deb Herzog Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attorney 20 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Dan Eckhart Assistant U.S. Attorney, MDFL 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Peter J. Tomao Assistant U.S. Attorney, Senior Investigative Counsel 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Jeffrey Bornstein Senior Litigation Counsel 19.6 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Colleen Covell Assistant United States Attorney 19.5 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Peter Rient Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General 19 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
W. Thomas Dillard U.S. Attorney, NDFL 19 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Kristy Parker Deputy Chief, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division 19 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Barbara McQuade United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan 19 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Paul Weissman Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attorney; Chief, Financial Institution Fraud Unit, D.N.J. 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ronald McNeil Senior Litigation Counsel 19 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
John Joseph AUSA, Deputy Chief 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Roger Martin Assistant to prosecutor for US northern district Ohio 19 Obama, Bush II
William Gurin Deputy Chief, General Crimes, EDNY 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
James Hopkins AUSA (SDFL) & SAUSA (SDNY) 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jeffrey Johnson Special Attorney, Criminal Division, DOJ 18 Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Ira Belkin Chief, Criminal Division USAO-RI 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Wilmer Parker AUSA, Chief of Narcotics & Lead OCDETF Attorney NDGa. 18 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Catharine Goodwin Assistant U.S. Attorney, Colorado (1983-1989) and N. California (1989-1993); Attorney Advisor, EOUSA 2001-2004. 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Steven Miller Chief, Special Prosecutions Division, ND Il 18 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Mark Ehlers Assistant United States Attorney (EDPA & DDC) 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Margaret Smith Assistant United States Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Ogren Chief, Fraud Section, Criminal Divisio 18 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Randal Sengel AUSA, WD OK 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Alleen VanBebber Deputy U.S. Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Matt Olsen Associate Deputy Attorney General 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Sergio Acosta Chief, General Crimes Section, NDIL 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lynn Zentner Assistant US Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Tammy Spertus Assistant U.S. Attorney 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Patrick Hanley Assistant United States Attorney 18 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Susan Park Trial Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Kent Chief, Complex Fraud Section, USAO NDIL 17 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Mary Spearing Chief, Fraud Section. Criminal Division 17 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Joseph McSorley Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of Florida 17 Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Peter Zeidenberg Deputy Special Counsel 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ana Barnett Executive Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of FL 17 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Margaret E. Curran United States Attorney 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Tristram Coffin U.S. Attorney 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
David Uhlmann Chief, Environmental Crimes Section (ENRD) 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Amy Lecocq Associate Deputy Attorney General 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
J. Christopher Moore AUSA, Civil Chief SDIL 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Thomas Gannon Attorney, Criminal Appellate, DOJ 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Crossan Andersen Assistant United States Attorney 17 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Kurzweil Assistant-in-Charge, Camden, NJ 17 Bush II, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Elizabeth Woodcock Assistant US Attorney 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Robert Bloch Chief Professions & Intellectual Property Section, Antitrust Division 17 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Alan Marx Section Chief, General Litigation Section, Antitrust Division 17 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Tina Sciocchetti AUSA 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Lizabeth McKibben Assistant U.S. Attorney 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Curtis Fallgatter Chief Assistant United States Attorney 17 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Michael Gennaco Chief, Civil Rights Section 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Thomas Sleisenger Assistant United States Attorney 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Carole Rendon U.S. Attorney NDOh 17 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Amy Howe Assistant United States Attorney 16.8 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
John Youngquist Assistant U.S. Attorney, Chief Tax Division, ND Calif. 16 Carter;Ford;Nixon;Johnson;Kennedy
Mimi Rocah Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 16 Obama, Bush II
Andrew Huang Assistant U.S. Attorney, Trial Attorney 16 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
S Gay Hugo-Martinez Deputy Chief, Fraud Section, U S Attorney's office for the Southern District of California 16 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Thomas Roche Associate United States Attorney 16 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Carmina Hughes Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attorney, Head of Priority Crimes 16 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Marcia Jensen Assistant United States Attotney 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Cheryl O'Connor Assistant United States Attorney, Deputy Chief, Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section, Central District of California 16 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Despena Billings Assistant United States Attorney, Deputy Chief of Major Crimes, Boston MA 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Janet Katz Trial Attorney 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
David Shapiro United States Attorney, Northern District of California 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jan Paul Miller United States Attorney for the Central District of Illinois 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Alain Leibman Senior Litigation Counsel, Deputy Chief, D.N.J. 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Harold James Pickerstein Chief Assistant U S Attorney D. Conn, 16 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Frances Reddis Assistant United States Attorney 16 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Dennis Mulshine Special Assistant US Attorney 16 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Hartley West Assistant U.S. Attorney, Deputy Chief 15.5 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Mary Pougiales Assistant United States Attorney 15 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Rosemary Nidiry Assistant U.S. Attorney ; Attorney-Advisor 15 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Patricia Vroom District Counsel - Phoenix District 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Miriam Krinsky Chief, Criminal Appeals 15 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Serrin Turner Assistant US Attorney 15 Obama;Bush II
Colleen Coughlin Assistant U.S. Attorney 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lee Altschuler Chief, Silicon Valley Branch Ofc, ND CA 15 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Judith Hetherton Associate Independent Counsel (Iran Contra); Deputy Chief, U.S. Attorney’s Office, D.C. 15 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Dwight Holton United States Attorney for the District of Oregon 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Henry Frohsin First Assistant US Attorney, ND Ala. 3 Presidents 15 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Bruce Marshack Assistant United States Attorney 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Gross Trial Attorney Antitrust Division 15 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Linda Barr Deputy Chief, OCDETF 15 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Ronald Brunson Senior Litigation Counsel 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Robert Troyer United States Attorney 15 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Donald Kaplan Special Litigation Counsel, Antitrust Division 15 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Richard Wiedis Senior Litigation Counsel 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Gregory Roth Assistant United States Attorney 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Sigler Assistant US Attorney 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Bruce Pasfield Acting Assistant Section Chief 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lois Schiffer Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division 14 Clinton, Reagan, Carter
Robert Sadowski Health Care Fraud Coordinator 14 Bush II, Clinton
Ralph Martin Senior Trial Attorney 14 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Roy Austin Deputy Assistant Attorney General 14 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Andrew Kline Special Litigation Counsel 14 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Cecilia Gardner Senior Counsel 14 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
William Carter Assistant United States Attorney (CDCA), Chief, Environmental Crimes Section 14 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Norman Moscowitz Senior Litigation Counsel, Southern District of Florida 14 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Sherri Evans Harris Executive Assistant United States Attorney for Management 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Alexandra Leake Assistant United States Attorney 14 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Bach Assistant United States Attorney 14 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Andrew Frey Deputy Solicitor General 14 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stacey Sullivan Assistant United States Attorney 14 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Alberto Arevalo Deputy Section Chief, Southern District of California 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Mary Jude Darrow AUSA 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Marc Dubin Senior Trial Attorney 14 Bush II, Clinton, Reagan
Barney Skolnik Chief of Public Corruption Unit, US Attys Office, Baltimore 14 Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Roberta Brown Legal Counsel to US Attorney 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lee Arian AUSA 14 Clinton, Bush I
David Bullock Senior Counsel and Unit Director, Environmental Crimes Section, U.S. Department of Justice; Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia 13 Bush I, Reagan, Ford, Nixon
David Vicinanzo Acting U.S. Attorney 13 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Robert Weaver Criminal Div Chief, Oregon US Attorneys Office 13 Reagan;Carter;Ford
Jennifer Rodgers Assistant United States Attorney SDNY (various supervisor roles) 13 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Chris Todd Chief, White House. National Security Council Team, Iran/Contra Independent Counsel 13 Reagan;Carter;Ford
Karen Wehner Trial Attorney, Tax Division 13 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Paula Ray Assistant U.S. Attorney 13 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Joseph F. Savage Chief Public Corruption USAO DMA 13 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Kenneth Geller Deputy Solicitor General; also served as Assistant Special Prosecutor, Watergate Special Prosecution Force 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Anna Gwinn Supervisor, Civil Division of EDKY 13 Obama, Bush II
Edna Axelrod Chief of Appeals, District of New Jersey 13 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Karen Shinskie Assistant United States Attorney 13 Obama, Bush II
S. Michael Levin Attorney-in-Charge, Southeast Organized Crime Strike Force 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
LeDora Knight Assistant U.S. Attorney EDVA 13 Bush II, Clinton
Daniel Schermer Assistant United States Attorney 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
John Sweeney Chief, Criminal Division, Northern District of Texas 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Seth Waxman Assistant United States Attorney 13 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Sonia Jaipaul Executive Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 13 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Cooper Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, USAO DC 13 Bush II, Clinton
Lawrence Benson Assistant US Attorney 13 Clinton, Bush I
Sean M Walsh Associate General Counsel 13 Obama, Bush II, Nixon
Gerald Houlihan Chief Assistant US Attorney and Senior Litigation Counsel 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Brenda Carleton Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General 12.5 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lynn Panagakos Trial Attorney 12.5 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jeffrey Eglash Assistant U.S. Attorney & Chief, Public Corruption & Government Fraud Section 12 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Dan Dorsky Assistant United States Attorney 12 Bush II, Clinton
Robert Rose Chief, Criminal Division, SDCA AUSA 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
William Sinnott Chief, New England Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force 12 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Andrew Cowan Assistant United States Attorney 12 Bush II;Clinton
Michael Bromwich Inspector General, Department of Justice 12 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Andrea Likwornik Weiss Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, USAO SDNY 12 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Kerri Martin Bartlett Chief Appellate Attorney, USAO SDNY 12 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Barry Miller AUSA, ND IL, and Trial Attorney, CRT. 12 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Reagan, Carter
Mark Larsen Acting Chief of Appeals; Assistant U.S. Attorney 12 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Paul Corradini Ass't US Attorney, D. Ariz; Spec Atty DOJ Crim Div, Org. Crime & Rack Section 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Kathryn Oberly Assistant to the Solicitor General 12 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Eric Kaplan Senior Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Michael Sklaire AUSA 12 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Linda Chapman Assistant U.S. Attorney 12 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Anne VanGraafeiland Assistant U.S. Attorney, WDNY 12 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
David Krakoff Assistant U.S. Attorney Section Chief 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Jodi Rafkin Assistant U.S. Attorney 12 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
William Turner Assistant U.S Attorney 12 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Kenneth Scott Assistant US Attorney, Chief of Complex Prosecutions, D. Colorado 12 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jacqueline Spratt AUSA 12 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
David Seide Assistant U.S. Attorney 11.5 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ignacia S. Moreno Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division, 2009-2013 11 Obama;Clinton
Bruce Udolf Chief, Public Integrity/Corruption Section, USAO, Miami; Associate Independent Counsel, Whitewater Investigation 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Richard Cutler Assistant United States Attorney 11 Bush II;Clinton;Reagan
Leida Schoggen Assistant United States Attorney 11 Reagan;Carter
Robert Semmer Chief, Criminal Division, US Attorneys Office, Northern District of Illinoy 11 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Howard Feinstein Attorney, Civil Rights Division, Criminal Section 11 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Breakstone Chief Criminal Division (SF) 11 Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Benjamin Vernia Trial Attorney 11 Bush II, Clinton
Kathleen Voelker Assistant United States Attorney, District of Columbia 11 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Joseph Burton Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, San Jose Office 11 Reagan, Carter
Diane F Giacalone Supervisor, Special Prosecutions, EDNY 11 Reagan, Carter
Stephen Jory United States Attorney, NDWV 11 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Gilberto de Jesus Assistant US Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I
James Burns US Attorney-ND Illinois 11 Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon
G. David Hackney AUSA Eastern District of Virginia 11 Bush II, Clinton
Richard Banks Asst United States Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
George Tallichet AUSA, SDTX 11 Clinton, Bush I
Thomas Shakeshaft AUSA, N.D. I’ll. 11 Obama, Bush II
Sarah McKee General Counsel, Interpol U.S. National Central Bureau 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
John Bartels Deputy Asst AG, Criminal Div 11 Ford, Nixon
Scott Mendeloff Special Attorney to the Attorney General 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Diane de Forest Trial Attorney, Criminal Division 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Alan Strasser AUSA (DC); Associate Ind. counsel 11 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Richard F. Green Trial Attorney, Public Integrity Section 11 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Jeanne Kempthorne Chief, Public Corruption Unit, USAO, Boston, MA 11 Bush II, Clinton
Virginia Towler Trial Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I
Jonny Frank Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Daphene McFerren Counsel to the Attorney General 11 Bush II
Edward Gonzales AUSA, Middle District of Louisiana, Criminal Section Chief 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
John Carlton Chief, Criminal Complaints, USAO Central District California 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Thomas Capezza Assistant U.S. Attorney 11 Obama, Bush II
Jeffrey Lawrence Assistant U.S. Attorney 10.5 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Ann Marie Tracey Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Reagan, Carter
Jane Moscowitz Senior Litigation Counsel, Southern District of Florida 10 Reagan;Carter
Keith Blair Senior Trial Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Jud Starr Chief, Environmental Crimes Section 10 Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Nancy Luque Deputy Chief Grand Jury Section USAO/DC 10 Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Jerry Coughlan Assistant US Attorney 10 Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Annmarie Levins Chief, Financial Crimes 10 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Heidi Wendel Chief, Civil Frauds Unit 10 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Ramona Albin Assistant United States Attorney for Northern District of Alabama 10 Obama;Bush II
Cono Namorato Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Tax Division 10 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Janet Goldstein Assistant US Attorney 10 Reagan;Carter
Laurie Brecher Southern District of New York, Former Chief of General Crimes Unit, and Sr. Trial Counsel, Securities Fraud Task Force 10 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Donald Ayer Deputy Attorney General 10 Bush I;Reagan
Kalyn Free Senior Counsel 10 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Mark Matthews Deputy Assistant Attorney General 10 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ronald DePetris Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, EDNY 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Susan Roy Immigration Judge 10 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Beverly Hadley Attorney Advisor 10 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Arun Rao Chief, Southern Division, U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Maryland 10 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Ed Chung Senior Counsel 10 Obama, Bush II
Josh Van de Wetering AUSA 10 Bush II, Clinton
David Haas Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Obama, Bush II
Todd Mikolop Trial Attorney 10 Obama, Bush II
Jane Levine Assistant United States Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Sanford Cohen Chief, Civil Rights, Eastern District of New York 10 Bush II, Clinton
William Craco Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, USAO, Southern District of New York 10 Bush II, Clinton
Leslie Bellas Trial Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Lauren Resnick Assistant US Attorney EDNY - Chief of Computer Crimes & IP Section 10 Bush II, Clinton
Daniel Goldman Deputy Chief, Organized Crime Unit 10 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Frank Tuerkheimer U.S. Attorney; Associate Watergate Pros . 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Alex Whiting Assistant U.S. Attorney D.Mass, Trial Attorney Criminal Section Civil Rights Division 10 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Joseph Salus Supervisory Attorney Criminal Section Tax Division 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Cynthia Campbell Assistant U.S. Attorney WD Missouri 10 Reagan, Carter
Mary Ellen Kris Chief, Environmental Protection Unit, S.D.N.Y. 10 Reagan, Carter
Samuel Buell Assistant United States Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Veta Carney Senior Trial Attorney & Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Reagan, Carter
Eugene Kaplan Deputy Chief and Senior Litigation Counsel, Criminal Division, U.S. Attorneys Office, SDNY 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Paul Kelly Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Clinton, Bush I
Martha Rogers Assistant U. S Attorney for District of Columbia 10 Reagan, Carter
Steven Tabackman AUSA-DC and Assoc. Independent Counsel (diGenova) 10 Reagan, Carter
Anna Pletcher Assistant Chief, Antitrust Division 10 Obama, Bush II
Robert O'Neill AUSA Washington DC (1978-1984); AUSA District OF Vermont (1984-1987) 10 Reagan, Carter
Donald C. Klawiter Field Office Chief, Antitrust Division 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Patrick Deady Assistant United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois 10 Reagan, Carter
Kathryne Stoltz Assistant United States Attorney 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Nick Akerman Assistant U.S. Attorney, Assistant Special Watergate Prosecutor 10 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Anne Tompkins United States Attorney 10 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Steven Silverman Deputy Assistant Attorney General 10 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ira Oring Assistant United States Attorney 9.5 Clinton;Bush I
Christian Everdell Assistant United States Attorney 9.5 Obama, Bush II
Jerry Goren Assistant United States Attorney 9 Reagan;Carter
Bennett Capers Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Bush II, Clinton
Leon Rodriguez Deputy Assistant Attorney General 9 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Clare Tayback Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Clinton;Bush I
Norma Ortiz Trial Attorney, Office of the U.S. Trustee 9 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Aquilina Assistant United States Attorney, USAO-CDCA 9 Trump;Bush II;Clinton
Renato Mariotti Former Assistant United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois 9 Obama, Bush II
Marc Garber Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Adria De Landri Assistant US Attorney 9 Clinton;Bush I
Peter Katz Assistant US Attorney 9 Obama;Bush II
John Martin, Sr. United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 9 Reagan, Carter, Johnson, Kennedy
Peter Toren Trial Attorney - 9 Clinton, Bush I
Arianna Berg Assistant United States Attorney 9 Obama, Bush II
Iryna Kwasny Trial Counsel 9 Bush I, Reagan
Roger Frydrychowski Assistant United States Attorney EDVA 9 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Charles Work Deputy Administrator, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration 9 Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Pamela Berry Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General Tax Division 9 Clinton, Bush I
Mark Hellerer Chief, Major Crimes Unit SDNY 9 Bush I, Reagan
Reese Harrison Chief of Criminal Section U.S. Attorney Office 9 Nixon, Johnson
Duane Lyons Assistant US Attorney, Chief, Criminal Complaints 9 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Derek Cohen Deputy Chief, Fraud Section 9 Obama, Bush II
Malcolm Segal First Assistant United States Attorney, ED Cal 9 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Eddie J. Jordan, Jr. U.S. Attorney - EDLA 9 Clinton, Reagan
Lisa Damiano Trial Attorney 9 Trump, Obama
Mark Hardiman Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Clinton, Bush I
Bruce Kelton Deputy Chief, Los Angeles OC Strike Force 9 Reagan, Carter
Jean Hobler Senior Litigation Counsel 8.5 Obama, Bush II
Susan Koeppen Director, Cybersecurity Policy 8 Obama;Clinton;Bush I
Eric Nagle Trial Attorney 8 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Steven Kowal Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stephen Ramsey Chief Environmental Enforcement Section 8 Reagan;Carter
Linda Eads Senior Trial Attorney 8 Reagan;Carter
Carol Green Assistant Section Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, Land and Natural Resources Section 8 Reagan, Carter
Elie Honig Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Obama;Bush II
Mary McGowan Davis Chief, Appeals Division, EDNY 8 Reagan;Carter
Bruce Singal Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Robert Thomas Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Clinton;Bush I
Walter P. Loughlin Assistant United States Attorney, and Chief Appellate Attorney, Southern District of New York, Associate Independent Counsel, Iran-Contra and Michael Deaver Prosecutions 8 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Edward Miller Senior Trial Attorney 8 Clinton, Bush I
John Ransom Assistant U.S. Attorney; (Awarded Special Commendation) 8 Ford;Nixon
Linda Severin Deputy Chief Appeals 8 Bush I;Reagan
Joshua Goldberg Assistant U.S. Attorney - SDNY 8 Obama;Bush II
David Axelrod Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Bush I, Reagan
Larry Patton Sr. Trial Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Denis Hauptly Deputy Section Chief, Criminal Division 8 Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Thomas Seigel Chief, Organized Crime & Racketeering Section, Eastern District of New York 8 Bush II;Clinton
Thomas Monaghan US Attorney for Nebraska 8 Clinton
Ellen Corcella Chief, General Crimes Unit, Eastern District of New York 8 Clinton
Michael Cotter United States Attorney District of Montana 8 Trump;Obama
Rory Little Associate Deputy Attorney General 8 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Pamela Merchant Senior Trial Attorney 8 Clinton;Bush I
Pamela Stuart Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Carolyn Simpson Assistant United States Attorney Deputy Chief, Civil Division, S.D.N.Y. 8 Reagan
Jeffrey Harris Deputy Associate Atty Gen 8 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
John Kaley Assistant United States Attorney, SDNY 8 Reagan, Carter
Carl Stewart Asst US Attorney 8 Ford, Nixon
Ephraim Savitt Assistant US Attorney, EDNY 1982-89 8 Bush I, Reagan
Gary Black Trial Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Betty Richardson U.S. Attorney, District of Idaho 8 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
George Mendelson Deputy Chief, Multinational Fraud Branch 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Samuel Moulthrop Chief, Criminal Division 8 Reagan
Marc Harris Deputy Chief, Public Corruption Section, CDCA 8 Clinton, Bush I
Jimmy Gurule Assistant Attorney General 8 Bush II, Bush I, Reagan
Joel Rosenthal Senior Litigation Counsel, SD FL;Chief Fraud and Public Corruption Section, SDFL ; AUSA, SDNY 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Paul Fitzpatrick Assistant United States Attorney 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Russell T. Baker, Jr. US Attorney for Maryland (1978-1981) 8 Reagan, Carter, Nixon
Peter Casey OC Special Attorney, AUSA D of CT 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Wilson Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Donald Abrams Assistant United States Attorney, Washington, D..C. 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Mike Fawer Chief, Special Prosecutions, S.D.N.Y., 1965-1968 8 Johnson, Kennedy
Lauren Ouziel Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Obama, Bush II
Marianne Espinosa Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Thomas Schneider US Attorney ED WI 8 Clinton
Pamela Naughton Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Stephen L. Hill, Jr. U.S. Attorney, W.D. Mo. 8 Bush I, Clinton
Jonathan Rose Assistant Attorney General -Office of Legal Policy 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Ralph Johnson Assistant Director, Torts Branch, Civil Division 8 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
David Resnicoff Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Bush II, Clinton
Michael Lipman AUSA Chief of Fraud Unit 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Scott Turow Deputy Chief, Criminal Receiving and Appellate Division, USAO NDIll 8 Reagan, Carter
Kevin Cassidy Senior Trial Attorney 8 Obama, Bush II
Dayle (Powell) Spencer Asst. US Atty 8 Reagan, Carter
Nicole Gueron Assistant United States Attorney 8 Bush II, Clinton
Albert Murray Senior Litigation Counsel, Assistant United States Attorney Middle District of Pennsylvania 8 Reagan, Carter
Sharon Fairley Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Obama, Bush II
Leonard Sands Trial Attorney - Criminal Division - OCR Section 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stephen Zimmermann Assistant United States Attorney 8 Clinton, Bush I
Edward Little Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division, SDNY 8 Reagan
David Bukey Acting United States Attorney Eastern District of Wisconsin November 1973 to April 1974 8 Nixon, Ford, Carter
Kathleen McDermott Assistant U.S. Attorney 7.9 Clinton, Bush I
Robert Crouch US Attorney, Western District of Virginia 7.5 Clinton
Howard Pearl Assistant U.S. Attorney 7.5 Bush I;Reagan
Robert Nolan Assistant United States Attorney, Middle District of Pennsylvania 7.5 Reagan, Carter
Mark Kokanovich Deputy Appellate Chief 7 Trump;Obama
Lawrence Robbins Assistant United States Attorney 7 Bush I;Reagan
Eric Havian Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton;Bush I
Stacey Brodsky Chief Civil Division, SDNY, Chief Appellate attorney , Criminal Division SDNY 7 Bush I;Reagan
Larry Silverman Chief, Criminal Division, Eastern District of New York 7 Carter;Ford;Nixon
Jeffrey Klink Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I
James Bruen Chief of the Civil Division, U.S Attys Office, ND Cal 7 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Ben Clements Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton
Brendan Johnson United States Attorney for the District of South Dakota 7 Obama
Alex Little Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Obama, Bush II
Patrick Cotter Assistant United states Attorney/Special Attorney Strike Force on Organized Crime 7 Bush I;Reagan
Nicole Healy Trial Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I
Jonathan Abernethy Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of NY 7 Bush II
William Weld Assistant U.S. Attorney General, Criminal Division, Washington, DC 7 Reagan
Donna Triptow Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Shallman Assistant U.S. Attorney, Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section 7 Bush II;Clinton
Jill Wine-Banks Assistant Watergate Special Prosecutor 7 Ford;Nixon
Peter Kadzik Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs 7 Obama;Carter
Stephen Pickard Assistant U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Virginia 7 Ford, Nixon
Drew Smith Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Obama, Bush II
James Druker AUSA, Deputy Chief Criminal Div., EDNY 7 Ford, Nixon
Stephen Anear Special Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of California 7 Bush II, Clinton
Richard Glovsky Chief, Civil Division 7 Ford, Nixon
Ivan Abrams Assistant US Attoney/OCDETF 7 Bush I, Reagan
Christine McKenna Assistant United States Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Stuart Peim Chief of Criminal Division DNJ 7 Reagan
William Xanttopoulos Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Sarah Gold Assistant United States Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter
Michael Dettmer US Attorney WDMi 1994-2001 7 Clinton
Jane Cronin Trial Attorney, Atlanta Field Office, DOJ Antitrust Division 7 Clinton, Bush I
Philip Michael Deputy Chief Strike Force 7 Nixon, Johnson
Alan Rubin Assistant United States Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter
Katherine King Deputy Chief - Violent Crime WDPA 7 Trump, Obama
Robert Grueneberg Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Reagan
Robert Goodman Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, District of NJ 7 Reagan, Carter
Joshua Levy Assistant US Attorney 7 Bush II, Clinton
Tommy Miller Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division, EDVA 7 Reagan, Carter
Gregory Brady Assistant US Attorney, District of Columbia 7 Nixon, Johnson
Stefan Stein Deputy Chief, Public Corruption & Government Fraud Section, Central District of California 7 Clinton, Bush I
Carolyn Stein Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I
Mary Jane McFadden Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Ariel Neuman Assistant United States Attorney 7 Obama, Bush II
David Willingham Deputy Chief, Major Frauds Section 6.5 Bush II
Chiraag Bains Senior Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division 6.5 Obama
Lisa A. Green Assistant U.S. Attorney 6.5 Bush II;Clinton
Steven Alm United States Attorney District of Hawaii 6.5 Clinton
Brian Legghio Assistant United States Attorney -Detroit 6.5 Reagan
James M. Kramon Assistant United States Attorney, District of Maryland 6.5 Ford, Nixon
David Hickton US Attorney WDPA 6.4 Obama
Jack Weiss Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Clinton
Bill Nettles Former United States Attorney District of South Carolina 6 Obama
Ronald Hoevet Assistant United States Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Fourr Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Elizabeth Langer Trial Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Mushtaq Gunja Assistant United States Attorney 6 Obama
David Mandel Assistant United States Attorney (S.D. Fla.) 6 Clinton;Bush I
Brian Maas Deputy Chief-Criminal Division-Eastern District of New York 6 Reagan
Geoffrey Graber Deputy Associate Attorney General 6 Obama
Jeff Modisett Deputy Chief, Public Corruption & Government Fraud Section, Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan
Harry Sandick Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of New York 6 Bush II
Roland Riopelle Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton;Bush I
Douglas Johnson Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 6 Reagan
Elkan Abramowitz Chief of the Criminal Division, SDNY 6 Carter;Ford;Nixon;Johnson
Lorin Reisner Chief of the Criminal Division, Southern District of New York 6 Obama, Clinton, Bush I
Joseph G. (Jerry) Block Chief, Environmental Crimes Section, ENRD 6 Bush I, Reagan
David Hinden Assistant U.S. Attorney (Los Angeles and Newark, Chief of Criminal Appeals) 6 Ford;Nixon
Neil Levy Assistant United States Attorney 6 Carter;Ford;Nixon
Bradley Harsch Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Obama;Bush II
Charles Pereyra Assistant U.S. Attorney, Los Angeles 6 Carter;Ford
Douglas Graham Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Carter;Ford;Nixon
Elliot Williams Deputy Assistant Attorney General 6 Obama, Bush II
Cynthia Alksne Assistant US Attorney 6 Clinton;Bush I
Raymond Granger Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Roger Bernstein Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan
Patricia Collins Assistant US Attorney, Central Dist. of Cal. 6 Reagan
Lauren Kahn Staff Attorney 6 Ford;Nixon
Edward Ferguson Deputy Chief, Civil Division, Southern District of New York 6 Bush I;Reagan
Thomas Knight Organized Crime Strike Force Attorney - Chicago 6 Bush I, Reagan
Leon Kellner United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida 6 Reagan
Robert Sims Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Robin Linsenmayer Assistant United States Attorney (SDNY) 6 Bush II, Clinton
Steven Solow Chief 6 Clinton
Dan Purdom AUSA 6 Reagan, Carter
Lawrence Aldrich Senior Legal Counsel, Antitrust Division 6 Reagan, Carter
Marion Bachrach Chief of General Crimes 6 Reagan, Carter
Adam Kamenstein AUSA 2000-2006; Deputy Chief Public Corruption and Government Fraud Section 2003-2006; Central District of California 6 Bush II, Clinton
Rep. Kathleen M. Rice Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Bush II, Clinton
Katya Jestin Deputy Chief, OCRS EDNY 6 Bush II
Mark Pomerantz Chief, Criminal Division, SDNY 6 Clinton, Reagan, Carter
Terry Eaton Assistant United States Attorney - District of Columbia 6 Obama, Bush II
Charles Murdter Trial Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Loren Hershey Special Assistant United States Attorney and Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 6 Reagan, Carter
Nathaniel Jones Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio 6 Johnson, Kennedy
Kristan Peters-Hamlin Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Harriet Leva Assistant United States Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan
Thomas Hill Assistant US Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Pamela Larrabee Trial Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan
Charles Oberly United States Attorney for the District of Delaware 6 Obama
Peter Bloch AUSA -SDNY 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
William Aronwald Chief of Criminal Division, EDNY 6 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stuart Deming Trial Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Jane Simkin Smith Assistant US Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Robert Radick Deputy Chief of Public Integrity Section and Chief of Health Care Fraud Prosecutions, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York 6 Obama, Bush II
Barak Cohen Trial Attorney 6 Obama, Bush II
Robert Herbst Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions Division, EDPa 6 Carter, Ford
Seth Kirschenbaum AUSA and Trial Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Laura Bonander Assistant United States Attorney 6 Obama, Bush II
Mark Kalmansohn Assistant Division Chief, Criminal Division, Central District of California 6 Reagan, Carter
Steven Shobat AUSA 6 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jon Lindsey Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 6 Reagan, Carter
Carla Diggs Smith Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton
Jim Brosnahan Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Johnson, Kennedy
John Kelly United States Attorney for the District of New Mexico 6 Clinton
Gerry Elman Trial Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Ellen Davis Counsel and Spokesperson 6 Obama, Clinton
Valerie Stewart Assistant U.S. Attorney - OCDETF 6 Bush I, Reagan
Wayne Baker Assistant United States Attorney 6 Bush II
Ronald Malone Asst Watergate Special prosecutor; criminal justice policy advisor to AGs Levi and Bell 6 Carter, Ford
Brad Pigott United States Attorney 6 Clinton
Karen ONeill Deputy Executive Assistant United States Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Nima Binara Attorney-Advisor, National Security Division 6 Obama
Greg Scandaglia Trial Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan
James Berliner Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan
David Kettel Assistant United States Attorney 6 Bush II, Clinton
Carol Gillam Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Bruce Yannett Assistant US Attorney & also Associate Independent Counsel for Iran Contra 5.25 Bush I, Reagan
Robert Martinez Trial Attorney (Tax Div.), AUSA (EDMI) 5.5 Reagan, Carter
John Libby Assistant United States Attorney 5.5 Clinton;Bush I
John Mathews II Assistant United States Attorney 5.5 Obama
Martin Perschetz Chief, Major Crimes Unit, SDNY 5.5 Reagan, Carter
Richard Mescon Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 5.5 Reagan, Carter
Gordon Rhea Executive Assistant united States Attorney 5.5 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Matthew Umhofer Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush II
Richard Kendall Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan;Carter
Douglas Schwartz Assistant US Attorney 5 Reagan;Carter
Richard Nelson Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
Daniel Crumby Assistant United States Attorney 5 Obama
Katherine Culliton-Gonzalez Senior Attorney, Civil Rights Division 5 Obama, Bush II
John Martin Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Janna Sidley Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II;Clinton
Andres Rivero Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton, Bush I
Robert Marder Assistant U.S. Attorney-ND of Calif. 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Chad Vignola Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush I;Reagan
Michael G. Tracy Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan
Barrie Goldstein Trial Attorney 5 Carter;Ford
Paul Summit Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
David M. Brodsky Assistant US Attorney; Associate Independent Counsel 5 Reagan;Nixon
Robert Klonoff Assistant United States Attorney and Assistant to the Solicitor General of the United States 5 Reagan
Philip Allen Lacovara Deputy Solicitor General (Criminal Matters) and Counsel to Watergate Special Prosecutor 5 Ford;Nixon;Johnson
Jacob Buchdahl Assistant United States Attorney, SDNY 5 Bush II
Marshall Camp Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 5 Obama, Bush II
David Apfel Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Noah Bookbinder Trial Attorney 5 Bush II;Clinton
Kimberly Reiley Clement Assistant U.S. Attorney, Northern District of California 5 Reagan, Carter
William Hibsher Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 5 Reagan, Carter
James Vaughns Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Tim Purdon United States Attorney for the District of North Dakota 5 Obama
Marc Wolf Assistant United States Attorney 5 Obama
Glenn Katon Trial Attorney GS-15 5 Bush II;Clinton
Abby Meiselman Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton, Bush I
Mark Torres-Gil Special Attorney 5 Reagan
Paul Garcia AUSA - Northern District of Illinois 5 Clinton
R. Christopher Locke Trial Attorney, Criminal Division; Assistant U.S, Attorney, N.D. Cal. 5 Reagan
George William Currier Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Reagan
Steven Semeraro Special Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Michael Whitlock Trial Attorney 5 Obama, Bush II
Patrick McInerney Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Robert Rose Special Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Susan Smith Assistant Section Chief 5 Bush I, Reagan
J. Christopher Jensen Chief of the Civil Division, Eastern District of New York 5 Carter, Ford
Charles Scheeler Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Jennifer Martin Senior Counsel 5 Bush II, Clinton
Willie James Ellison Assistant U.S. Attorney, WDTN 5 Reagan, Carter
Del Wright Federal Prosecutor 5 Bush II
Michael Pinnisi Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Richard Leng Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Charles Lembcke Assistant United States Attorney 5 Nixon
William Ibershof Criminal Division Chief 5 Nixon
Ted Doolittle Trial Attorney, Tax Division 5 Bush II, Clinton
Pamela Larrabee AUSA 5 Bush I, Reagan
Sanford (Sandy) Litvack Assistant Attorney General 5 Bush II, Carter, Kennedy
Ernest Chen Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Rebekah Young AUSA 5 Obama, Bush II
Sharon Kegerreis Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Stephen Grafman Assist US Attorney District of Columbia 5 Nixon
Richard Bicki AUSA Washington, DC ; Providence, RI 5 Reagan, Carter
Alan Rose Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Charles Weintraub Special Attorney 5 Ford, Nixon
Lisa Kern Griffin Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush II, Clinton
Alexander Shapiro Assistant United States Attorney -District of New Mexico 5 Trump, Obama
D.William Subin Asst. U.S.Attorney (D.C. & N.J.) 5 Nixon, Johnson
David Bohan Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan, Carter
Jules terrence Brunner Chief Pittsburgh Org Crime Strike Force 5 Nixon, Johnson
Cameron Elliot Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Nicholas Phillips AUSA 5 Reagan
John Meyer AUSA 5 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Joshua Stein Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Jill Shellow Counsel, Office of the Deputy Attorney General 5 Clinton
Steve Canfil Trial Attorney, Special Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush II, Reagan
Robert Perry Assistant US Attorney 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Richard Hall Head of Civil Tax Section AUSA SDNY 5 Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy
Barry Grissom United States Attorney for the District of Kansas 5 Obama
Richard Shiffrin Deputy Assistant Attorney General 5 Clinton
David W. Mernitz First Assistant US Attorney 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Gerald Uelmen Assistant U.S. Attorney and Chief of Special Prosecutions, Central District of California Prosecutions 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Charles Spurlock AUSA District of Massachusetts 5 Reagan, Carter
Leslie Banks Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Michelle DeLong AUSA EDNY 5 Bush II, Clinton
Robert Power Trial Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Jan Constantine Deputy Chief of the Civil Division 5 Reagan, Carter
Elyssa Getreu Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Mary Fulginiti Genow Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
A Hugh Scott Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Reagan, Carter
Precious Gittens AUSA 5 Bush II
DLowell Jensen Deputy Attorney General Reagan Administration 5 Reagan
Thomas Farrell Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
Michael Patrick Special Assistant United States Attorney, Chief, Immigration Unit, SDNY 5 Reagan
Lauren Dickie AUSA 5 Obama
Kenneth Barish Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Carter
John Flannery Asst. U. S. Attorney 5 Ford, Nixon
Deborah Ramirez Assistant US Attorney - Boston 5 Bush I
Meghan Blanco AUSA 5 Obama
James May Trial Attorney; Special Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan, Carter
Barbara Gillers Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 5 Reagan, Carter
Theodore Poulos Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Erica Martin Assistant United States Attorney, Public Corruption and Government Fraud Section, Central District of CA, and Special Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
Anthony Z. Roisman Chief Hazardous Waste Section, Lands Division 5 Reagan, Carter, Johnson
Donald Stever Section Chief, Pollution Control; Env. Defense Sections 4.5 Reagan;Carter
A. Howard Matz Assistant U.S. Attorney 4.5 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Hammel Assistant U.S. Attorney (SDNY) 4.5 Reagan
Richard Gordin Assistant US Attorney for the District of Columbia 4.5 Reagan
Daniel Reinberg Assistant U.S. Attorney, N.D. IL 4.5 Clinton
Neal Sonnett AUSA, Chief, Criminal Division, S.D. FL 4.5 Nixon
Arthur Zucker Assistant United States Attorney 4.5 Bush I, Reagan
Mark Kolman Chief, Criminal Division, US Attorney’s Office, District of Maryland 4.5 Reagan, Carter
Jennifer Granholm Assistant U.S. Attorney 4.5 Clinton, Bush I
Lenese Herbert Assistant U.S. Attorney 4.5 Clinton
Monique Yingling Trial Attorney 4.5 Reagan, Carter
Spencer Waller Trial Attorney, Chicago Organized Crime Strike Force 4 Reagan
Hector Perez Assistant United States Attorney 4 Carter
Bill Baer Acting Associate Attorney General 4 Obama
Kenneth Bynum Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Donna Patterson Deputy Assistant Attorney General -Antitrust 4 Clinton
Louis Volz Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of Louisiana 4 Reagan;Carter
Richard Berne Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter, Ford
Frank Rothermel Fraud Prosecutor 4 Bush I, Reagan
Martin Himeles Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Bush I;Reagan
Gary Maveal Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Dennis Aftergut Assistant United States Attorney 4 Reagan, Carter
David Marlin Trial Attorney 4 Johnson;Kennedy
Mary Shannon Little Assistant U.S. Attorney, Public Corruption Unit 4 Reagan
James Kainen Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Sean Coffey Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Clinton, Bush I
Georgina Verdugo Deputy Assistant Attorney General-OLA 4 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Samuel Simon Senior Appelate Attorney 4 Ford
Frederick Davis Assistant United States Attorney 4 Ford
Irvin Nathan Principal Associate Deputy Attorney Genetal 4 Clinton;Carter
David Dopsovic Trial Attorney 4 Reagan;Carter
David Montgomery Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Kennedy
Raja Chatterjee Trial Attorney 4 Bush II;Clinton
Bob Pennoyer Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York 4 Eisenhower
Amanda Metcalf Chief, Civil Rights Division, ND.Cal 4 Reagan, Carter
F. L. Peter Stone U. S. Attorney 4 Nixon
James Elkins Assistant United States Attorney 4 Nixon
Faith Gay Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions, EDNY 4 Bush I
Paul Butler Trial Attorney, Public Integrity Section 4 Clinton, Bush I
Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) US Attorney for District of Connecticut 4 Carter
S. Amanda Marshall US Attorney for the District of Oregon 4 Obama
Edward Borden Assistant US Attorney 4 Reagan, Carter
Richard Signorelli Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 4 Bush I
Sharon Frase Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 4 Obama, Bush II
Vivian Shevitz Chief, Appeals, US Attorney, EDNY 4 Reagan, Carter
Sydney Hoffmann Assistant United States Attorney 4 Bush I
David Wiechert Assistant United States Attorney, CDCA 4 Reagan
Thomas Rubin Assistant United States Attorney 4 Clinton
Christine Meding Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 4 Bush II
Marc Levey Special Atrorney to the Attorney General 4 Carter
David Leiwant Assistqnt US Attorney 4 Reagan
Allan Lapidus Assistant US Attorney Northern District of Illinois 4 Nixon
Robert Garcia Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York 4 Reagan
Victoria Liccione Asst. USA 4 Clinton, Bush I
Jeff Bogue Assistant US Attorney, District of Nebraska 4 Nixon
Alison Vander Vort Assistant United States Attorney 4 Clinton
Katherine Goldwasser Assistant United States Attorney, Criminal Division 4 Reagan, Carter
Thomas Sullivan US Attorney NDILL 4 Carter
R. Todd Luoma Trial Attorney, Tax Division 4 Reagan
Henri Sisneros AUSA 4 Bush II, Clinton
James McGinnis AUSA 4 Reagan
Jo Vanderlee Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, WDWA 4 Obama, Bush II
A. Douglas Melamed Acting Assistant Attorney General 4 Clinton
James Arisman Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 4 Clinton, Bush I
Michael Katz Assistant US Attorney 4 Ford, Nixon
Larry Gibson Associate Deputy Attorney General 4 Carter
Eric Chaffin Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Bush II, Clinton
Philip Kellogg Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 4 Nixon, Johnson
Stephen Martin Assistant United States Attorney 4 Clinton
William Shaheen US Attorney for the District of NH 4 Carter
Shelley Stump Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter
Kim Taylor-Cloud Trial Attorney 4 Bush I
George Blakey Special Attorney 4 Kennedy, Eisenhower
Steven Gordon Assistant US Attorney 4 Carter
Daniel Thornton Attorney, Criminal Fraud Section, USDOJ 4 Reagan, Carter
Michael Rauh Assistant US Attorney 4 Johnson, Kennedy
James Oakar Asst. U.S. Attorney, N. Distict of Ohio 4 Johnson
Douglas Richardson Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of PA 4 Carter
Jennifer Gachiri Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of New York 4 Trump, Obama
Debra Diener Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Mahlon Brown US Attorney for Nevada -1977 to 1981 4 Carter
Joyce Fitzpatrick AUSA 4 Reagan
Beryl Jones-Woodin Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
James McGurk Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter, Ford
Palmer Mcgee AUSA 4 Reagan, Carter
George I. Gordon AUSA & Chief Appellate Attorney, SDNY 4 Kennedy, Eisenhower
James Montana, Jr. Assistant US Attorney, ND of illinois 4 Ford, Nixon
Theodore Margolis Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney-New Jersey 4 Nixon
Peter Herbert Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York 4 Nixon
Emily Loeb Senior Counselor to the AAG for Civil Rights 4 Obama
Sheila Markin Nielsen Assistant U S Attorney 4 Reagan
Stuart Gasner Assistant United States Attorney 4 Bush I
Gerald Caplan Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Kennedy
Steven Bauer Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Clinton, Bush I
Brian O'Neill Chief,Special Prosecutions 4 Ford, Nixon
Jerome Wiener Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia 4 Nixon
Stephen Kravit Assistant and Special Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter, Ford
Thomas Brown First Assistant US Attorney Eastern District of Wisconsin 4 Carter, Ford
Anthony Glassman Special Assistant to US Attorney William Matthew Byrne 4 Johnson
Larry Patton United States Attorney, Western District of Oklahoma 3.5 Carter
Subodh Chandra Assistant U.S. Attorney 3.5 Bush II;Clinton
Susan Johnston Assistant United States Attorney, Civil Division 3.5 Reagan
Karen Ward Assistant U.S, Attorney, District of Columbia 3.5 Carter;Ford
Mark Goodman Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 3.5 Clinton
Gabe Davis Trial Attorney 3.5 Trump, Obama
Bill Mathesius Asst U.S.Attorney, Office of USA of NJ 3.5 Johnson
Jennifer Whitfield Assistant U.S. Attorney 3.5 Trump, Obama
Alvin Bragg Assistant United States Attorney 3.5 Obama
Alan Weisberg Assistant United States Attorney 3.5 Reagan, Carter
Vicki Schultz Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights 3.5 Obama
Cormac Connor AUSA 3.5 Obama, Bush II
Stanley Greenbeerg Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Nixon
Veronica Platt Longstreth Civil Division Torts Branch, Trial Attorney 3 Reagan
Alan Weil Assistant U.S. Attorney Criminal Division, Los Angeles 3 Carter
Deborah Schmall Trial Attorney 3 Reagan;Carter
Terence Connor Trial Attorney 3 Ford;Nixon
Richard Medalie Assistant to the Solicitor General of the United States 3 Kennedy, Eisenhower
Paul Rosenzweig Senior Counsel, Office of Independent Counsel (In re: Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan) 3 Clinton
Jeff Blattner Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division 3 Clinton
Max Huffman Trial Attorney 3 Bush II;Clinton
Sarah Hawkins Assistant United States Attorney 3 Trump, Obama
Sheldon Krantz Trial Attorney 3 Johnson;Kennedy
James Ponsoldt Senior Trial Attorney 3 Carter;Ford
Eric Rosen Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Bush II;Clinton
A. Lee Fentress Assistant United States Attorney for District of Columbia 3 Johnson
Kevin McMunigal Assistant United States Attorney 3 Reagan
Nicholas Connor Trial Attorney 3 Trump, Obama
Kevin Techau United States Attorney Northern District of Iowa 3 Obama
Monica Groat Trial Attorney 3 Trump, Obama
Edwin Williams Assistant United States Attorney 3 Nixon
Duncan Levin Assistant US Attorney 3 Obama
Jonathan Mothner Assistant U.S. Attorney, EDNY 3 Clinton
Paul Renne Assistant US Attorney for the District of Columbia 3 Johnson, Kennedy
Ronald Shur Assistant United States Attorney 3 Reagan
David Muchow Special Assistant to Asst. Attorney General, Criminal Division 3 Ford, Nixon
Gabriel Mendlow Special Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of Michigan 3 Obama
J. William Elwin Jr. Trial Attorney 3 Carter, Ford
Lee Thompson U.S. Attorney, District of Kansas 3 Bush I
Brian Galle Attorney 3 Bush II
Peter Vincent Department of Justice Attachè, US embassy Bogotà 3 Obama, Bush II
James Maxeiner Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 3 Carter
Darrell Panethiere Attorney/Adviser, Office of Legal Policy 3 Bush I, Reagan
Michael Tuteur AUSA 3 Clinton, Bush I
Allison Porter Trial Attorney; Criminal Division 3 Carter, Ford
Judith Olingy Trial Attorney 3 Reagan
U.S.Amb. (Ret) Douglas Kmiec Assistant Attorney General (OLC) 3 Obama, Bush I, Reagan
Hugh Culverhouse Assistant United States Attorney 3 Carter
Janet Nahirny Prosecuting Attorney, Antitrust Division 3 Bush II
Jeffrey Walker Special Assistant US Attorney & AF JAG 3 Clinton, Bush I
Cynthia Kouril Special Assistant United States Attorney, SDNY 3 Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Toomey Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 3 Nixon, Johnson
Stephen Saltzburg Deputy Assistant Attorney General 3 Bush I, Reagan
Debra Carnahan AUSA E.D. Missouri 3 Clinton
David Payne Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Bush I
Julie O'Sullivan Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Clinton
David Reed Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Ford, Nixon
Adam Kurland Assistant US Attorney ED Cal 3 Reagan
Richard Reinish Trial Attorney 3 Nixon, Johnson
Richard Mezan Special Trial Attorney 3 Nixon, Johnson
James Fergal Assistant U.S. Attorney, ED of Wisconsin 3 Carter, Ford
Daniel Forman Assistant United States Attorney 3 Reagan, Carter
Anthony Farley AUSA 3 Bush I
Kathleen Sample Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Obama
Herbert Beigel Special Attorney 3 Nixon
Pamela Phillips Assistant U.S.Attorney 3 Carter
John Hanify Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Carter
Bert Deixler Assistant United States Attorney 3 Carter
Richard Wiebusch United States Attorney 3 Reagan
Thomas Melsheimer Assistant United States Attorney 3 Clinton, Bush I
John Lundin Trial Lawyer, Civil Rights Division, AUSA, WD of Washington 3 Nixon
John Hughes Asst US Attorney 3 Carter, Ford
James Lyons Assistant United States Attorney 3 Nixon, Johnson
J (John) Michael Kelly Counselor and Chief of Staff to the Attorney General of the United States 3 Carter
Rick Flam Assistant United States Attorney, Central District of California 3 Reagan
John Aldock Assistant US Attorney 3 Nixon
Thomas Umberg ASSISTANT US ATTORNEY 3 Bush I, Reagan
Steven Kazan Assistant U.S. Attorney, Northern District of California 2.25 Nixon
Charles A. Intriago AUSA SDFL 2.8 Carter, Ford
Robert Goodman Trial Attorney, Environmental Enforcement Section 2.5 Bush I
Michael Berry Assistant U.S. Attorney 2.5 Trump, Obama
Michael Greenberger Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General 2 Clinton;Nixon
Marianne Wesson Assistant United States Attorney 2 Reagan, Carter
Robert Litan Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division 2 Clinton
Robert Weiner Associate Deputy Attorney General 2 Obama
Bertha Josephson Assistant US Attorney 2 Bush I
G. Daniel McCarthy Assistant US Attorney 2 Carter
Andrew Mackenzie Special Assistant United States Attorney 2 Clinton
Nick Pyati Trial Attorney 2 Obama
James McDonald Assistant U.S. Attorney 2 Carter, Ford
Gerald Norton Assistant to the Solicitor General 2 Nixon
C. Mitchell Hendy Assistant US Attorney 2 Trump, Obama
Christine Chenevert Assistant United States Attorney 2 Bush I
David Spring Special Assistant United States Attorney 2 Clinton
Marc Stickgold Assistant United States Attorney 2 Johnson
Michael Wolford Assistant U. S Attorney in charge of Rochester New York Office 2 Nixon
Michael Cannon Trial Attorney 2 Reagan, Carter
Ryan Malone Assistant United States Attorney 2 Trump, Obama
Thiru Vignarajah Assistant U.S. Attorney 2 Obama
Ann Ravel Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Torts and Consumer Litigation 2 Obama
Herbert Sturman Assistant United States Attorney 2 Johnson, Kennedy
Gregg Vance Fallick AUSA 2 Reagan
John Edwards United States Attorney for the Western District of Virginia 1.5 Reagan, Carter
Somil Trivedi Trial Attorney 1 Trump, Obama
Guy Knoller Trial Attorney 1 Nixon
Robert Martin Special Assistant United States Attorney 1 Reagan
Michael Prozan Special Assistant United States Attorney, DC 1 Bush I
Charles Carnese Assistant U.S. Attorney 1 Ford
Allen DeJonge Senior Trial Attorney 1 Obama
Gary Leuis Special Assistant United States Attorney 1 Trump
Albert Alschuler Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division 1 Johnson
Brandon Spurlock AUSA 1 Bush II
Jonathan Parnes Special Assistant United States Attorney 1 Obama
Joseph Turner Assistant United States attorney 1 Reagan
David Scott Senior Trial Attorney, Public Integrity Section 1 Carter, Ford
John Markey AUSA 1 Carter
Quit Spamming and Trolling The Forum with shit like this.

What are you going to do next, post the phone book?


One more reply.

I specifically posted all the names to demonstrate how meaningless the opinion of one lawyer is just because he happens to agree with you.
Neat. I'm not concerned with Dershowitz' opinion, it's only one of hundreds.
Are you concerned with Congress opinion not to impeach?

Yes. I'm on the fence as to whether Congress should impeach also but I think he's most likely guilty and in a perfect world he should be impeached. However we have an upcoming election and we saw what the impeachment of Clinton did to Republicans.

Then again Clinton was more popular than Trump is now (or at least not as unpopular) and I'm not so sure impeachment would hurt the Democrats here. Especially when you consider there are other on going investigations in other jurisdictions, Trumps taxes may come out shortly, Trump who can't keep his hand from the fire and won't for whatever reason stop talking about the Mueller report.

There is a lot up in the air and in the end I think the Democrats (or their leadership anyway) are playing it too safe, understandably so but they should probably just pull the trigger. So, I don't fault the Dems who are for or against impeachment, I just happen to marginally disagree with one side.
You aren't on the fence about anything. You also don't give a shit about Truth, or Justice, or anything but promoting your propaganda.





Come back when you have something intelligent & factual to talk about.

Other than that, I can get more intelligent conversation from lifting up my dog's tail and talking to his ass.
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He defended the law and never opined on guilt or innocence of OJ. Dershowitz has been a constitutional defender. He defended HRC as well when it came to the emails.

Neat. I'm not concerned with Dershowitz' opinion, it's only one of hundreds.
You aren't concerned with any opinion from a legal scholar who knows far more about the law than you.

I'm concerned about Dershowitz very little actually. He is one voice, not THE voice.

How about all of these prosecutors who have stated on record that if it were not for Trump being president he would have been charged with multiple felonies.
Quit Spamming and Trolling The Forum with shit like this.

What are you going to do next, post the phone book?


One more reply.

I specifically posted all the names to demonstrate how meaningless the opinion of one lawyer is just because he happens to agree with you.

It's obvious you don't care about The Law or the Posting Rules here at USMB.

Which of those assholes actually helped Mueller with his Fraud Investigation in which he found No American nor anyone in The Trump Administration Colluded with Russia?
At least with that Starr listed 11 Crimes Clinton Committed, and it was criminal activity that started the investigation.

Know what Mueller listed as Crimes Committed by Trump recommended for indictment?

One more time. Starr was working under Congress and reported directly to Congress and was not constrained by DOJ legal opinions.

So let's get it on. Impeach President Trump.

Okay, let the pubic impeachment inquiries begin as soon as Congress receives it's un-redacted copy of the Mueller report and has a chance to review it. That doesn't mean they have to vote yes to impeach him of course.
He defended the law and never opined on guilt or innocence of OJ. Dershowitz has been a constitutional defender. He defended HRC as well when it came to the emails.

Neat. I'm not concerned with Dershowitz' opinion, it's only one of hundreds.
You aren't concerned with any opinion from a legal scholar who knows far more about the law than you.

I'm concerned about Dershowitz very little actually. He is one voice, not THE voice.

How about all of these prosecutors who have stated on record that if it were not for Trump being president he would have been charged with multiple felonies.

Dennis Dimsey Deputy Chief, Appellate Section, Civil Rights Division 44 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Frederick Hess Director Office of Enforcement Operations, Criminal Division 43 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Burtis Dougherty Senior Trial Attorney 42 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Hays Gorey Trial Attorney 42 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Richard Gregorie Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, S.D, FLA. 42 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Gary Shapiro Interim United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois 42 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
John Kolar Senior Trial Counsel 41 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
E. Thomas Roberts Chief of Narcotics Division, District of Maryland 40 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Gerald Kaminski Deputy Civil Chief 40 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
David Buvinger AUSA NDIL & Trial Attorney USDOJ 39 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Judith Rabinowitz Assistant Director 38.5 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
John Vaudreuil Presidentially Appointed US Attorney, Western District of Wisconsin 38 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Jessica Silver Principal Deputy, Appellate Section, Civil Rights Division 38 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Baker Senior trial attorney (GS 15) 38 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Colleen Kennedy Senior Litigation Counsel for Mental Health Law 38 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Johnson
Mary McLaren Acting Associate Director of the Mutual Legal Assistance Unit i. The Officeof International Affairs 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Pamela Thompson Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Kenneth Jost Deputy Director, Consumer Protection Branch 37 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Patrick Molloy United States Attorney, Eastern District of Kentucky 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Johnson
Ann Rowland Deputy Chief, Criminal Division 37 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Mel Johnson Senior Litigation Counsel, Assistant US Attorney 37 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Bruce Repetto AUSA, Senior Litigation Counsel 37 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Joe Rich Chief, Voting Section, Civil Rights Division 37 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
William H. Stapleton Assistant Chief, Fraud Section, CRM 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Haviland Asst. U.S. Attorney-in-Charge 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Richard Owens Associate Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division 36 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Patricia Kenney Assistant U.S. Attorney 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Helen Bollwerk Executive Asst. U.S. Attorney for Management, USAO-DC; Deputy Pardon Attorney, USDOJ 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
William Corcoran Senior Counsel, Public Integrity Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice 35 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Ashbaugh Deputy Inspector General 35 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Craig Benedict Assistant U.S. Attorney (NDNY); Special AUSA, ND Ill. 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Nancy McMillen Senior Trial Attorney 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Brian Heffernan Deputy Chief, Housing and Civil Enforcement, Civil Rights Division 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
George Hardy Chief of Criminal Division Northern District of California 34 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Deborah Sines Assistant United States Attorney, District of Columbia 34 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jay Weill Chief, Tax Division, USAO San Francisco 34 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Mary Lee Warren Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division 34 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
James Lackner Appellate Chief 34 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Burney Clark(Huber) Senior Trial Attorney 34 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Chapman Former Assistant United States Attorney 34 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Steven Abrams Immigration Judge/ Special U.S. Attorney Eastern District of NY 34 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Gerald Shur Senior Associate Director, Office of Enforcement Operations, Criminal Division 34 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy
Blondell Morey First Assistant 34 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
James Kovakas Attorney In Charge , FOI/PA Unit Civil Division 33 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Barry Kowalski Special Counsel 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Robert Gay Guthrie FAUSA, Colorado and EDOK 33 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Ronnie Edelman Principal Deputy Chief, Counterterrorism Section, National Security Division 33 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
David Blotner Assistant Chief 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Michael Leibson Senior Litigation Counsel Eastern District Michigan 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Salliann S. M. Dougherty Senior Trial Attorney, Civil Rights Division 33 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Mark Vogel Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attoeney 33 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Peter Maier Attorney, Civil Appellate 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Peter Schenck Chief of Criminal Division, USAO, EDPA 33 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Robert Dempsey Section Chief Federal Programs Section Civil Rights Division 33 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Howard Wiener Assistant U.S. Attorney 33 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Stephen Andersson Deputy Chief Public Corruption and Organized Crime 32 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Peter Monson Managing Attorney, Denver Regional Office, ENRD 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Chapman Assistant U.S. Attorney 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Rodolfo Orjales Senior Trial Attorney 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Henry LaHaie Assistant Director, Office of Consumer Litigation 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Elliott Jacobson Senior Litigation Counsel, SDNY 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Cowles AUSA OCDETF Lead Attorney 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Joyce Hundley Trial Attorney 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Don Burkhalter Interim U.S. Attorney 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Nesler Assistant U.S. Attorney 31 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Stephen Samuels Assistant Section Chief 31 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Stephen Learned Assistant U.S. Attorney 31 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Barbara Kammerman Former Acting Director, Professional Responsibility Advisory Office 31 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Bondi Senior Litigation Counsel 31 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
David Allred Deputy Chief, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division 31 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Marianna Clay First Asst. US Attorney 31 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Louis Fischer Senior Attorney, Criminal Division 30 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Peter Sobol Assistant United States Attorney (SDNY) 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
James Moroney Section Chief, National Security Unit, ND Ohio 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Mary Lou Leary Principal Assistant Attorney General 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Mary Beth Uitti Chief, Civil Division 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
James Springer Senior Counsel for International Tax Matters 30 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Ellyn Lindsay Senior Litigation Counsel 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
M. Neil Smith Senior Litigation Counsel 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Stefan Cassella Chief, Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, D. Maryland 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Debra Long-Doyle Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney for Community Service for the District of Columbia 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Bruce Carter Chief, Economic Crime Unit, Western District of Washington 30 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Jeffrey Auerhahn Assistant U.S. Attorney 30 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Gerard Hogan Senior Litigation Counsel, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division 30 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Guy Blackwell Acting US Attorney/First Assistant. EDTN 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Michael Scadron Senior Trial Counsel 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
William H Browder Jr First Assistant U.S Attorney 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Mary Elizabeth Carmody Senior Litigation Counsel 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Kendra McNally Senior Litigation Counsel, Assistant United States Attorney 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Sutherland Civil Chief 30 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
M. Taylor Aspinwall Deputy Criminal Chief, USAO, EDPA 30 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
William Joyce SAUSA, Immigration Judge 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
David Katz Assistant U.S. Attorney 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Grace Mastalli Deputy Assistant Attorney General 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Richard Ugelow Deputy Section Chief 29 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stephen Schroeder Senior Litigation Counsel, W.D.WA 29 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Karen Loeffler United States Attorney for the District of Alaska 29 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Canella Henrichs Assistant U.S. Attorney 29 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Julie Werner-Simon Senior Litigation Counsel, Major Frauds 29 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Rhonda Backinoff Assistant Director, Office of Legal Education 29 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Roger Haines Assistant U.S. Attorney 29 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Walter Fisherow Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, ENRD 29 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Harry McCarthy Criminal Chief 28 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Michael Karam Senior Trial Attorney 28 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Nikki Calvano Assistant Director EOUSA 28 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Stuart Berman Chief, Southern Division, US Attorney's Office, District of Maryland 28 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Mary Grad Assistant U. S. Attorney 28 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Noel Anne Ferris Immigration Judge 28 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Barbara Brook Senior Litigation Counsel 28 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Patricia Chick Trial Attorney 28 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Sara Criscitelli Assistant Director, Office of International Affairs 27 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Harriett Galvin Assistant U.S. Attorney 27 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Gene Rossi Supervisory Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of Virginia 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Stewart Robinson Principal Deputy Director, Office of International Affairs 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Christopher Bator Assistant U.S. Attorney 27 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Glenda Gordon Supervisory AUSA 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Jeffrey Kent AUSA 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Gerald Doyle Regional Director OCDETF 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Sara Lord Assistant United States Attorney 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Joseph Payne Senior Trial Attorney, Criminal Division, Main Justice 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Joan Safford First Assistant United States Attorney 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Eric Marcy Deputy Chief, Trial Grand Jury Section, USA on,dc 27 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Richard Cuellar Special Assistant US Atty - Phoenix, AZ 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Scott Ray Deputy Chief, Major Crimes Section 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Susan Roe AUSA 27 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lawrence Lincoln Supervisory Assistant US Attorney; Special Counsel, DOJ Office of Inspector General 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Valinda Jones Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 27 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Linda Betzer Assistant U.S. Attorney 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Anthony Hall Assistant Director, Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for U.S. Attroneys 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Charles Stuckey First Assistant, AUSA, District of Oregon 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
William Yeomans Acting Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights 26 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Peter Gray Trial Attorney 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Joyce Vance United States Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Paul Pelletier Chief, Fraud Section, Criminal Division 26 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Paula Burnett First Assistant U.S. Attorney DNM 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Carl Blackstone Supervisor 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Drake Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney 26 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
SuzAnne Nyland Assistant United States Attorney 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jonathan Rusch Deputy Chief for Strategy and Policy, Fraud Section, Criminal Division 26 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Ford
Richard Boote Senior Trial Attorney 26 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Judith Dobkin Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Michael Stern Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Jonathan Howden Assistant United States Attorney 25 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
James Peters Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
June Jeffries Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Elizabeth de la Vega Chief, San Jose Branch, United States Attorney's Office, Northern District of California 25 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Gregory Linsin Senior Litigation Counsel 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Sylvia Royce Chief, International Prisoner Transfer; Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Daniel Bogden United States Attorney, District of Nevada 25 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ross Nadel Chief, Criminal Division, ND of CA 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
John Robinson AUSA, Senior Litigation Counsel, SD Cal 25 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Richard Poole Assistant United States Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Thomson Trial Attorney 25 Bush I
Kris Olson U. S. Attorney 25 Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Craig Moore United States Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
William I. Shockley Assist Dir. A.G. Advocacy Institute 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Lorna Graham Assistant United States Attorney 25 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Celeste Miller Assistant U.S. Attorney 24 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
James Schermerhorn Special Litigation Counsel 24 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Kathleen Brinkman Assistant U.S. Attorney 24 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Nancy Simpson Administrative Assistant U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of California 24 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Susan French Senior Special Counsel for Human Trafficking 24 Obama;Bush II;Reagan;Carter
Wendy Olson U.S. Attorney, District of Idaho 24 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Hope P. McGowan Senior Attorney-Advisor, Office of the Pardon Attorney 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Andrew Levchuk Senior Trial Attorney 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
D. Gerald Wilhelm Deputy Chief Civil Division 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Terri Scadron Assistant Director 24 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Barbara J. Cohan Assistant U.S. Attorney 24 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Clifford (Larry) Mathews, Jr Chief Criminal Division for the US Attorney for the Western District of Texas 24 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Keith Syfert AUSA-In-Charge, Western Div. Office, ND Illinois 24 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Ralph Pierce Chief, No. Criminal Enf. Sec., Tax Division 24 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Benjamin Wagner U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of California 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Mary McCord Former Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Rob. B. Villeza Deputy Chief, Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force Section 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ilene Jaroslaw Chief, General Crimes 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jay Adelstein Sr Trial Attorney 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Amy Kurland Assistant United States Attorney 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ann Harwood First Assistant U.S. Attorney 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
George Proctor US Attorney ED Arkansas 23 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
James Swain Executive Assistant United States Attorney 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Bruce Judge Assistant U.S. Attorney 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Susan Cowger Senior Litigation Counsel 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Cynthia Oberg Chief, White Collar Crime Unit 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Tressa Borland Senior Trial Attorney 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
John Warshawsky Senior Trial Counsel 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Robert Brouillard Assistant United States Attorney 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Dan Zachem Deputy Chief, Superior Court Division, USAO Washington DC 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Marietta Parker Interim U.S. Attorney 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Caryl Privett U. S. Attorney 22 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Robert A. Feitel Deputy Chief 22 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Eloise Rosas District Counsel, INS 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Richard Scruggs Assistant to the Attorney General 22 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
R Jerome Sanford Assistant U.S. Attorney 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Carter, Ford
Jim Lord Chief, Organized Crime Strike Force, WDWA 22 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Lucy Thomson Senior Attorney 22 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Pamela DeRusha First Assistant United States Attorney 22 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Douglas Whalley Assistant U.S. Attorney, Western District of Washington, Supervisor of Criminal Enterprises Unit 21 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Patrick McLaughlin Assistant United States Attorney 21 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Gerald Hebert Deputy Chief 21 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Denise O’Donnell Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance, US Attorney, Western District of New York 21 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jay McCloskey U.S. Attorney (D. Maine) 21 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Thomas Coffin Chief of the Criminal Division Southern District of California 21 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Laura Tayman Supervisory AUSA 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
James Woods Assistant United States Attorney 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Steven Dettelbach United States Attorney, N.D. Ohio 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ruth E. Plagenhoef Interim US Attorney for the Western District of Virginia 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Paul Fishman United States Attorney 21 Trump, Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Anne Hayes Chief, Appellate Division, EDNC 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jane Bondurant Assistant United States Attorney, Civil Chief 21 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Christopher Alberto Chief, Financial Litigation & Justice Enforcement Team 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Barbara Kittay Deputy Chief, Money Laundering Section, Criminal Division 20 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Deborah Ferguson Assistant United States Attorney District of Idaho 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
John Fleder Director, Office of Consumer Litigation, Civil Division 20 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Peter Smith U.S. Attorney, Middle District of PA 20 Obama;Clinton;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Katharine Fincham Chief, Cyber Crimes and Child Exploitation Unit 20 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Barbara Colby Tanase Assistant U.S. Attorney 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Daniel Mullies Assistant Director 20 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Allan Garten Chief, White Collar Crimes Unit 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Rachel Ballow Assistant U.S. Attorney- EDVa 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
David Hopkins AUSA, EDVA, Court appointed USA 20 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy
Steven O’Connor Assistant United States Attorney 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Suzanne C Hayden Senior Trial Attorney; AUSA 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Michael Magner AUSA 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Sunny Pietrafesa Senior Trial Attorney 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jeffrey Sloman United States Attorney, Southern District of Florida 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
James West United States Attorney (MDPa) 20 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Daniel Cassidy Senior Trial Attorney - Narcotic & Dangerous Drug Section 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Timothy Heaphy United States Attorney, Western District of Virginia 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Hank Shea Chief, Economic Crime Section D. MN 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Patrick Bupara Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, ND Cal. 20 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Michael Rendon Special Assistant U.S. Attorney 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
David Askman Senior Counsel 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Deb Herzog Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attorney 20 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Dan Eckhart Assistant U.S. Attorney, MDFL 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Peter J. Tomao Assistant U.S. Attorney, Senior Investigative Counsel 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Jeffrey Bornstein Senior Litigation Counsel 19.6 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Colleen Covell Assistant United States Attorney 19.5 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Peter Rient Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General 19 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
W. Thomas Dillard U.S. Attorney, NDFL 19 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Kristy Parker Deputy Chief, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division 19 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Barbara McQuade United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan 19 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Paul Weissman Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attorney; Chief, Financial Institution Fraud Unit, D.N.J. 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ronald McNeil Senior Litigation Counsel 19 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
John Joseph AUSA, Deputy Chief 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Roger Martin Assistant to prosecutor for US northern district Ohio 19 Obama, Bush II
William Gurin Deputy Chief, General Crimes, EDNY 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
James Hopkins AUSA (SDFL) & SAUSA (SDNY) 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jeffrey Johnson Special Attorney, Criminal Division, DOJ 18 Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Ira Belkin Chief, Criminal Division USAO-RI 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Wilmer Parker AUSA, Chief of Narcotics & Lead OCDETF Attorney NDGa. 18 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Catharine Goodwin Assistant U.S. Attorney, Colorado (1983-1989) and N. California (1989-1993); Attorney Advisor, EOUSA 2001-2004. 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Steven Miller Chief, Special Prosecutions Division, ND Il 18 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Mark Ehlers Assistant United States Attorney (EDPA & DDC) 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Margaret Smith Assistant United States Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Ogren Chief, Fraud Section, Criminal Divisio 18 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Randal Sengel AUSA, WD OK 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Alleen VanBebber Deputy U.S. Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Matt Olsen Associate Deputy Attorney General 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Sergio Acosta Chief, General Crimes Section, NDIL 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lynn Zentner Assistant US Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Tammy Spertus Assistant U.S. Attorney 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Patrick Hanley Assistant United States Attorney 18 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Susan Park Trial Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Kent Chief, Complex Fraud Section, USAO NDIL 17 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Mary Spearing Chief, Fraud Section. Criminal Division 17 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Joseph McSorley Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of Florida 17 Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Peter Zeidenberg Deputy Special Counsel 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ana Barnett Executive Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of FL 17 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Margaret E. Curran United States Attorney 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Tristram Coffin U.S. Attorney 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
David Uhlmann Chief, Environmental Crimes Section (ENRD) 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Amy Lecocq Associate Deputy Attorney General 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
J. Christopher Moore AUSA, Civil Chief SDIL 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Thomas Gannon Attorney, Criminal Appellate, DOJ 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Crossan Andersen Assistant United States Attorney 17 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Kurzweil Assistant-in-Charge, Camden, NJ 17 Bush II, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Elizabeth Woodcock Assistant US Attorney 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Robert Bloch Chief Professions & Intellectual Property Section, Antitrust Division 17 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Alan Marx Section Chief, General Litigation Section, Antitrust Division 17 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Tina Sciocchetti AUSA 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Lizabeth McKibben Assistant U.S. Attorney 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Curtis Fallgatter Chief Assistant United States Attorney 17 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Michael Gennaco Chief, Civil Rights Section 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Thomas Sleisenger Assistant United States Attorney 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Carole Rendon U.S. Attorney NDOh 17 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Amy Howe Assistant United States Attorney 16.8 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
John Youngquist Assistant U.S. Attorney, Chief Tax Division, ND Calif. 16 Carter;Ford;Nixon;Johnson;Kennedy
Mimi Rocah Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 16 Obama, Bush II
Andrew Huang Assistant U.S. Attorney, Trial Attorney 16 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
S Gay Hugo-Martinez Deputy Chief, Fraud Section, U S Attorney's office for the Southern District of California 16 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Thomas Roche Associate United States Attorney 16 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Carmina Hughes Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attorney, Head of Priority Crimes 16 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Marcia Jensen Assistant United States Attotney 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Cheryl O'Connor Assistant United States Attorney, Deputy Chief, Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section, Central District of California 16 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Despena Billings Assistant United States Attorney, Deputy Chief of Major Crimes, Boston MA 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Janet Katz Trial Attorney 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
David Shapiro United States Attorney, Northern District of California 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jan Paul Miller United States Attorney for the Central District of Illinois 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Alain Leibman Senior Litigation Counsel, Deputy Chief, D.N.J. 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Harold James Pickerstein Chief Assistant U S Attorney D. Conn, 16 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Frances Reddis Assistant United States Attorney 16 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Dennis Mulshine Special Assistant US Attorney 16 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Hartley West Assistant U.S. Attorney, Deputy Chief 15.5 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Mary Pougiales Assistant United States Attorney 15 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Rosemary Nidiry Assistant U.S. Attorney ; Attorney-Advisor 15 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Patricia Vroom District Counsel - Phoenix District 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Miriam Krinsky Chief, Criminal Appeals 15 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Serrin Turner Assistant US Attorney 15 Obama;Bush II
Colleen Coughlin Assistant U.S. Attorney 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lee Altschuler Chief, Silicon Valley Branch Ofc, ND CA 15 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Judith Hetherton Associate Independent Counsel (Iran Contra); Deputy Chief, U.S. Attorney’s Office, D.C. 15 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Dwight Holton United States Attorney for the District of Oregon 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Henry Frohsin First Assistant US Attorney, ND Ala. 3 Presidents 15 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Bruce Marshack Assistant United States Attorney 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Gross Trial Attorney Antitrust Division 15 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Linda Barr Deputy Chief, OCDETF 15 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Ronald Brunson Senior Litigation Counsel 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Robert Troyer United States Attorney 15 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Donald Kaplan Special Litigation Counsel, Antitrust Division 15 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Richard Wiedis Senior Litigation Counsel 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Gregory Roth Assistant United States Attorney 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Sigler Assistant US Attorney 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Bruce Pasfield Acting Assistant Section Chief 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lois Schiffer Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division 14 Clinton, Reagan, Carter
Robert Sadowski Health Care Fraud Coordinator 14 Bush II, Clinton
Ralph Martin Senior Trial Attorney 14 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Roy Austin Deputy Assistant Attorney General 14 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Andrew Kline Special Litigation Counsel 14 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Cecilia Gardner Senior Counsel 14 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
William Carter Assistant United States Attorney (CDCA), Chief, Environmental Crimes Section 14 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Norman Moscowitz Senior Litigation Counsel, Southern District of Florida 14 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Sherri Evans Harris Executive Assistant United States Attorney for Management 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Alexandra Leake Assistant United States Attorney 14 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Bach Assistant United States Attorney 14 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Andrew Frey Deputy Solicitor General 14 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stacey Sullivan Assistant United States Attorney 14 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Alberto Arevalo Deputy Section Chief, Southern District of California 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Mary Jude Darrow AUSA 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Marc Dubin Senior Trial Attorney 14 Bush II, Clinton, Reagan
Barney Skolnik Chief of Public Corruption Unit, US Attys Office, Baltimore 14 Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Roberta Brown Legal Counsel to US Attorney 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lee Arian AUSA 14 Clinton, Bush I
David Bullock Senior Counsel and Unit Director, Environmental Crimes Section, U.S. Department of Justice; Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia 13 Bush I, Reagan, Ford, Nixon
David Vicinanzo Acting U.S. Attorney 13 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Robert Weaver Criminal Div Chief, Oregon US Attorneys Office 13 Reagan;Carter;Ford
Jennifer Rodgers Assistant United States Attorney SDNY (various supervisor roles) 13 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Chris Todd Chief, White House. National Security Council Team, Iran/Contra Independent Counsel 13 Reagan;Carter;Ford
Karen Wehner Trial Attorney, Tax Division 13 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Paula Ray Assistant U.S. Attorney 13 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Joseph F. Savage Chief Public Corruption USAO DMA 13 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Kenneth Geller Deputy Solicitor General; also served as Assistant Special Prosecutor, Watergate Special Prosecution Force 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Anna Gwinn Supervisor, Civil Division of EDKY 13 Obama, Bush II
Edna Axelrod Chief of Appeals, District of New Jersey 13 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Karen Shinskie Assistant United States Attorney 13 Obama, Bush II
S. Michael Levin Attorney-in-Charge, Southeast Organized Crime Strike Force 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
LeDora Knight Assistant U.S. Attorney EDVA 13 Bush II, Clinton
Daniel Schermer Assistant United States Attorney 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
John Sweeney Chief, Criminal Division, Northern District of Texas 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Seth Waxman Assistant United States Attorney 13 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Sonia Jaipaul Executive Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 13 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Cooper Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, USAO DC 13 Bush II, Clinton
Lawrence Benson Assistant US Attorney 13 Clinton, Bush I
Sean M Walsh Associate General Counsel 13 Obama, Bush II, Nixon
Gerald Houlihan Chief Assistant US Attorney and Senior Litigation Counsel 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Brenda Carleton Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General 12.5 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lynn Panagakos Trial Attorney 12.5 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jeffrey Eglash Assistant U.S. Attorney & Chief, Public Corruption & Government Fraud Section 12 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Dan Dorsky Assistant United States Attorney 12 Bush II, Clinton
Robert Rose Chief, Criminal Division, SDCA AUSA 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
William Sinnott Chief, New England Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force 12 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Andrew Cowan Assistant United States Attorney 12 Bush II;Clinton
Michael Bromwich Inspector General, Department of Justice 12 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Andrea Likwornik Weiss Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, USAO SDNY 12 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Kerri Martin Bartlett Chief Appellate Attorney, USAO SDNY 12 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Barry Miller AUSA, ND IL, and Trial Attorney, CRT. 12 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Reagan, Carter
Mark Larsen Acting Chief of Appeals; Assistant U.S. Attorney 12 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Paul Corradini Ass't US Attorney, D. Ariz; Spec Atty DOJ Crim Div, Org. Crime & Rack Section 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Kathryn Oberly Assistant to the Solicitor General 12 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Eric Kaplan Senior Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Michael Sklaire AUSA 12 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Linda Chapman Assistant U.S. Attorney 12 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Anne VanGraafeiland Assistant U.S. Attorney, WDNY 12 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
David Krakoff Assistant U.S. Attorney Section Chief 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Jodi Rafkin Assistant U.S. Attorney 12 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
William Turner Assistant U.S Attorney 12 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Kenneth Scott Assistant US Attorney, Chief of Complex Prosecutions, D. Colorado 12 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jacqueline Spratt AUSA 12 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
David Seide Assistant U.S. Attorney 11.5 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ignacia S. Moreno Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division, 2009-2013 11 Obama;Clinton
Bruce Udolf Chief, Public Integrity/Corruption Section, USAO, Miami; Associate Independent Counsel, Whitewater Investigation 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Richard Cutler Assistant United States Attorney 11 Bush II;Clinton;Reagan
Leida Schoggen Assistant United States Attorney 11 Reagan;Carter
Robert Semmer Chief, Criminal Division, US Attorneys Office, Northern District of Illinoy 11 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Howard Feinstein Attorney, Civil Rights Division, Criminal Section 11 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Breakstone Chief Criminal Division (SF) 11 Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Benjamin Vernia Trial Attorney 11 Bush II, Clinton
Kathleen Voelker Assistant United States Attorney, District of Columbia 11 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Joseph Burton Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, San Jose Office 11 Reagan, Carter
Diane F Giacalone Supervisor, Special Prosecutions, EDNY 11 Reagan, Carter
Stephen Jory United States Attorney, NDWV 11 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Gilberto de Jesus Assistant US Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I
James Burns US Attorney-ND Illinois 11 Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon
G. David Hackney AUSA Eastern District of Virginia 11 Bush II, Clinton
Richard Banks Asst United States Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
George Tallichet AUSA, SDTX 11 Clinton, Bush I
Thomas Shakeshaft AUSA, N.D. I’ll. 11 Obama, Bush II
Sarah McKee General Counsel, Interpol U.S. National Central Bureau 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
John Bartels Deputy Asst AG, Criminal Div 11 Ford, Nixon
Scott Mendeloff Special Attorney to the Attorney General 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Diane de Forest Trial Attorney, Criminal Division 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Alan Strasser AUSA (DC); Associate Ind. counsel 11 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Richard F. Green Trial Attorney, Public Integrity Section 11 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Jeanne Kempthorne Chief, Public Corruption Unit, USAO, Boston, MA 11 Bush II, Clinton
Virginia Towler Trial Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I
Jonny Frank Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Daphene McFerren Counsel to the Attorney General 11 Bush II
Edward Gonzales AUSA, Middle District of Louisiana, Criminal Section Chief 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
John Carlton Chief, Criminal Complaints, USAO Central District California 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Thomas Capezza Assistant U.S. Attorney 11 Obama, Bush II
Jeffrey Lawrence Assistant U.S. Attorney 10.5 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Ann Marie Tracey Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Reagan, Carter
Jane Moscowitz Senior Litigation Counsel, Southern District of Florida 10 Reagan;Carter
Keith Blair Senior Trial Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Jud Starr Chief, Environmental Crimes Section 10 Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Nancy Luque Deputy Chief Grand Jury Section USAO/DC 10 Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Jerry Coughlan Assistant US Attorney 10 Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Annmarie Levins Chief, Financial Crimes 10 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Heidi Wendel Chief, Civil Frauds Unit 10 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Ramona Albin Assistant United States Attorney for Northern District of Alabama 10 Obama;Bush II
Cono Namorato Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Tax Division 10 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Janet Goldstein Assistant US Attorney 10 Reagan;Carter
Laurie Brecher Southern District of New York, Former Chief of General Crimes Unit, and Sr. Trial Counsel, Securities Fraud Task Force 10 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Donald Ayer Deputy Attorney General 10 Bush I;Reagan
Kalyn Free Senior Counsel 10 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Mark Matthews Deputy Assistant Attorney General 10 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ronald DePetris Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, EDNY 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Susan Roy Immigration Judge 10 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Beverly Hadley Attorney Advisor 10 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Arun Rao Chief, Southern Division, U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Maryland 10 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Ed Chung Senior Counsel 10 Obama, Bush II
Josh Van de Wetering AUSA 10 Bush II, Clinton
David Haas Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Obama, Bush II
Todd Mikolop Trial Attorney 10 Obama, Bush II
Jane Levine Assistant United States Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Sanford Cohen Chief, Civil Rights, Eastern District of New York 10 Bush II, Clinton
William Craco Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, USAO, Southern District of New York 10 Bush II, Clinton
Leslie Bellas Trial Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Lauren Resnick Assistant US Attorney EDNY - Chief of Computer Crimes & IP Section 10 Bush II, Clinton
Daniel Goldman Deputy Chief, Organized Crime Unit 10 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Frank Tuerkheimer U.S. Attorney; Associate Watergate Pros . 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Alex Whiting Assistant U.S. Attorney D.Mass, Trial Attorney Criminal Section Civil Rights Division 10 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Joseph Salus Supervisory Attorney Criminal Section Tax Division 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Cynthia Campbell Assistant U.S. Attorney WD Missouri 10 Reagan, Carter
Mary Ellen Kris Chief, Environmental Protection Unit, S.D.N.Y. 10 Reagan, Carter
Samuel Buell Assistant United States Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Veta Carney Senior Trial Attorney & Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Reagan, Carter
Eugene Kaplan Deputy Chief and Senior Litigation Counsel, Criminal Division, U.S. Attorneys Office, SDNY 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Paul Kelly Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Clinton, Bush I
Martha Rogers Assistant U. S Attorney for District of Columbia 10 Reagan, Carter
Steven Tabackman AUSA-DC and Assoc. Independent Counsel (diGenova) 10 Reagan, Carter
Anna Pletcher Assistant Chief, Antitrust Division 10 Obama, Bush II
Robert O'Neill AUSA Washington DC (1978-1984); AUSA District OF Vermont (1984-1987) 10 Reagan, Carter
Donald C. Klawiter Field Office Chief, Antitrust Division 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Patrick Deady Assistant United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois 10 Reagan, Carter
Kathryne Stoltz Assistant United States Attorney 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Nick Akerman Assistant U.S. Attorney, Assistant Special Watergate Prosecutor 10 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Anne Tompkins United States Attorney 10 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Steven Silverman Deputy Assistant Attorney General 10 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ira Oring Assistant United States Attorney 9.5 Clinton;Bush I
Christian Everdell Assistant United States Attorney 9.5 Obama, Bush II
Jerry Goren Assistant United States Attorney 9 Reagan;Carter
Bennett Capers Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Bush II, Clinton
Leon Rodriguez Deputy Assistant Attorney General 9 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Clare Tayback Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Clinton;Bush I
Norma Ortiz Trial Attorney, Office of the U.S. Trustee 9 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Aquilina Assistant United States Attorney, USAO-CDCA 9 Trump;Bush II;Clinton
Renato Mariotti Former Assistant United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois 9 Obama, Bush II
Marc Garber Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Adria De Landri Assistant US Attorney 9 Clinton;Bush I
Peter Katz Assistant US Attorney 9 Obama;Bush II
John Martin, Sr. United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 9 Reagan, Carter, Johnson, Kennedy
Peter Toren Trial Attorney - 9 Clinton, Bush I
Arianna Berg Assistant United States Attorney 9 Obama, Bush II
Iryna Kwasny Trial Counsel 9 Bush I, Reagan
Roger Frydrychowski Assistant United States Attorney EDVA 9 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Charles Work Deputy Administrator, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration 9 Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Pamela Berry Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General Tax Division 9 Clinton, Bush I
Mark Hellerer Chief, Major Crimes Unit SDNY 9 Bush I, Reagan
Reese Harrison Chief of Criminal Section U.S. Attorney Office 9 Nixon, Johnson
Duane Lyons Assistant US Attorney, Chief, Criminal Complaints 9 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Derek Cohen Deputy Chief, Fraud Section 9 Obama, Bush II
Malcolm Segal First Assistant United States Attorney, ED Cal 9 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Eddie J. Jordan, Jr. U.S. Attorney - EDLA 9 Clinton, Reagan
Lisa Damiano Trial Attorney 9 Trump, Obama
Mark Hardiman Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Clinton, Bush I
Bruce Kelton Deputy Chief, Los Angeles OC Strike Force 9 Reagan, Carter
Jean Hobler Senior Litigation Counsel 8.5 Obama, Bush II
Susan Koeppen Director, Cybersecurity Policy 8 Obama;Clinton;Bush I
Eric Nagle Trial Attorney 8 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Steven Kowal Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stephen Ramsey Chief Environmental Enforcement Section 8 Reagan;Carter
Linda Eads Senior Trial Attorney 8 Reagan;Carter
Carol Green Assistant Section Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, Land and Natural Resources Section 8 Reagan, Carter
Elie Honig Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Obama;Bush II
Mary McGowan Davis Chief, Appeals Division, EDNY 8 Reagan;Carter
Bruce Singal Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Robert Thomas Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Clinton;Bush I
Walter P. Loughlin Assistant United States Attorney, and Chief Appellate Attorney, Southern District of New York, Associate Independent Counsel, Iran-Contra and Michael Deaver Prosecutions 8 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Edward Miller Senior Trial Attorney 8 Clinton, Bush I
John Ransom Assistant U.S. Attorney; (Awarded Special Commendation) 8 Ford;Nixon
Linda Severin Deputy Chief Appeals 8 Bush I;Reagan
Joshua Goldberg Assistant U.S. Attorney - SDNY 8 Obama;Bush II
David Axelrod Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Bush I, Reagan
Larry Patton Sr. Trial Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Denis Hauptly Deputy Section Chief, Criminal Division 8 Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Thomas Seigel Chief, Organized Crime & Racketeering Section, Eastern District of New York 8 Bush II;Clinton
Thomas Monaghan US Attorney for Nebraska 8 Clinton
Ellen Corcella Chief, General Crimes Unit, Eastern District of New York 8 Clinton
Michael Cotter United States Attorney District of Montana 8 Trump;Obama
Rory Little Associate Deputy Attorney General 8 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Pamela Merchant Senior Trial Attorney 8 Clinton;Bush I
Pamela Stuart Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Carolyn Simpson Assistant United States Attorney Deputy Chief, Civil Division, S.D.N.Y. 8 Reagan
Jeffrey Harris Deputy Associate Atty Gen 8 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
John Kaley Assistant United States Attorney, SDNY 8 Reagan, Carter
Carl Stewart Asst US Attorney 8 Ford, Nixon
Ephraim Savitt Assistant US Attorney, EDNY 1982-89 8 Bush I, Reagan
Gary Black Trial Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Betty Richardson U.S. Attorney, District of Idaho 8 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
George Mendelson Deputy Chief, Multinational Fraud Branch 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Samuel Moulthrop Chief, Criminal Division 8 Reagan
Marc Harris Deputy Chief, Public Corruption Section, CDCA 8 Clinton, Bush I
Jimmy Gurule Assistant Attorney General 8 Bush II, Bush I, Reagan
Joel Rosenthal Senior Litigation Counsel, SD FL;Chief Fraud and Public Corruption Section, SDFL ; AUSA, SDNY 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Paul Fitzpatrick Assistant United States Attorney 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Russell T. Baker, Jr. US Attorney for Maryland (1978-1981) 8 Reagan, Carter, Nixon
Peter Casey OC Special Attorney, AUSA D of CT 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Wilson Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Donald Abrams Assistant United States Attorney, Washington, D..C. 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Mike Fawer Chief, Special Prosecutions, S.D.N.Y., 1965-1968 8 Johnson, Kennedy
Lauren Ouziel Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Obama, Bush II
Marianne Espinosa Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Thomas Schneider US Attorney ED WI 8 Clinton
Pamela Naughton Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Stephen L. Hill, Jr. U.S. Attorney, W.D. Mo. 8 Bush I, Clinton
Jonathan Rose Assistant Attorney General -Office of Legal Policy 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Ralph Johnson Assistant Director, Torts Branch, Civil Division 8 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
David Resnicoff Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Bush II, Clinton
Michael Lipman AUSA Chief of Fraud Unit 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Scott Turow Deputy Chief, Criminal Receiving and Appellate Division, USAO NDIll 8 Reagan, Carter
Kevin Cassidy Senior Trial Attorney 8 Obama, Bush II
Dayle (Powell) Spencer Asst. US Atty 8 Reagan, Carter
Nicole Gueron Assistant United States Attorney 8 Bush II, Clinton
Albert Murray Senior Litigation Counsel, Assistant United States Attorney Middle District of Pennsylvania 8 Reagan, Carter
Sharon Fairley Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Obama, Bush II
Leonard Sands Trial Attorney - Criminal Division - OCR Section 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stephen Zimmermann Assistant United States Attorney 8 Clinton, Bush I
Edward Little Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division, SDNY 8 Reagan
David Bukey Acting United States Attorney Eastern District of Wisconsin November 1973 to April 1974 8 Nixon, Ford, Carter
Kathleen McDermott Assistant U.S. Attorney 7.9 Clinton, Bush I
Robert Crouch US Attorney, Western District of Virginia 7.5 Clinton
Howard Pearl Assistant U.S. Attorney 7.5 Bush I;Reagan
Robert Nolan Assistant United States Attorney, Middle District of Pennsylvania 7.5 Reagan, Carter
Mark Kokanovich Deputy Appellate Chief 7 Trump;Obama
Lawrence Robbins Assistant United States Attorney 7 Bush I;Reagan
Eric Havian Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton;Bush I
Stacey Brodsky Chief Civil Division, SDNY, Chief Appellate attorney , Criminal Division SDNY 7 Bush I;Reagan
Larry Silverman Chief, Criminal Division, Eastern District of New York 7 Carter;Ford;Nixon
Jeffrey Klink Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I
James Bruen Chief of the Civil Division, U.S Attys Office, ND Cal 7 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Ben Clements Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton
Brendan Johnson United States Attorney for the District of South Dakota 7 Obama
Alex Little Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Obama, Bush II
Patrick Cotter Assistant United states Attorney/Special Attorney Strike Force on Organized Crime 7 Bush I;Reagan
Nicole Healy Trial Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I
Jonathan Abernethy Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of NY 7 Bush II
William Weld Assistant U.S. Attorney General, Criminal Division, Washington, DC 7 Reagan
Donna Triptow Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Shallman Assistant U.S. Attorney, Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section 7 Bush II;Clinton
Jill Wine-Banks Assistant Watergate Special Prosecutor 7 Ford;Nixon
Peter Kadzik Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs 7 Obama;Carter
Stephen Pickard Assistant U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Virginia 7 Ford, Nixon
Drew Smith Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Obama, Bush II
James Druker AUSA, Deputy Chief Criminal Div., EDNY 7 Ford, Nixon
Stephen Anear Special Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of California 7 Bush II, Clinton
Richard Glovsky Chief, Civil Division 7 Ford, Nixon
Ivan Abrams Assistant US Attoney/OCDETF 7 Bush I, Reagan
Christine McKenna Assistant United States Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Stuart Peim Chief of Criminal Division DNJ 7 Reagan
William Xanttopoulos Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Sarah Gold Assistant United States Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter
Michael Dettmer US Attorney WDMi 1994-2001 7 Clinton
Jane Cronin Trial Attorney, Atlanta Field Office, DOJ Antitrust Division 7 Clinton, Bush I
Philip Michael Deputy Chief Strike Force 7 Nixon, Johnson
Alan Rubin Assistant United States Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter
Katherine King Deputy Chief - Violent Crime WDPA 7 Trump, Obama
Robert Grueneberg Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Reagan
Robert Goodman Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, District of NJ 7 Reagan, Carter
Joshua Levy Assistant US Attorney 7 Bush II, Clinton
Tommy Miller Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division, EDVA 7 Reagan, Carter
Gregory Brady Assistant US Attorney, District of Columbia 7 Nixon, Johnson
Stefan Stein Deputy Chief, Public Corruption & Government Fraud Section, Central District of California 7 Clinton, Bush I
Carolyn Stein Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I
Mary Jane McFadden Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Ariel Neuman Assistant United States Attorney 7 Obama, Bush II
David Willingham Deputy Chief, Major Frauds Section 6.5 Bush II
Chiraag Bains Senior Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division 6.5 Obama
Lisa A. Green Assistant U.S. Attorney 6.5 Bush II;Clinton
Steven Alm United States Attorney District of Hawaii 6.5 Clinton
Brian Legghio Assistant United States Attorney -Detroit 6.5 Reagan
James M. Kramon Assistant United States Attorney, District of Maryland 6.5 Ford, Nixon
David Hickton US Attorney WDPA 6.4 Obama
Jack Weiss Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Clinton
Bill Nettles Former United States Attorney District of South Carolina 6 Obama
Ronald Hoevet Assistant United States Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Fourr Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Elizabeth Langer Trial Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Mushtaq Gunja Assistant United States Attorney 6 Obama
David Mandel Assistant United States Attorney (S.D. Fla.) 6 Clinton;Bush I
Brian Maas Deputy Chief-Criminal Division-Eastern District of New York 6 Reagan
Geoffrey Graber Deputy Associate Attorney General 6 Obama
Jeff Modisett Deputy Chief, Public Corruption & Government Fraud Section, Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan
Harry Sandick Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of New York 6 Bush II
Roland Riopelle Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton;Bush I
Douglas Johnson Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 6 Reagan
Elkan Abramowitz Chief of the Criminal Division, SDNY 6 Carter;Ford;Nixon;Johnson
Lorin Reisner Chief of the Criminal Division, Southern District of New York 6 Obama, Clinton, Bush I
Joseph G. (Jerry) Block Chief, Environmental Crimes Section, ENRD 6 Bush I, Reagan
David Hinden Assistant U.S. Attorney (Los Angeles and Newark, Chief of Criminal Appeals) 6 Ford;Nixon
Neil Levy Assistant United States Attorney 6 Carter;Ford;Nixon
Bradley Harsch Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Obama;Bush II
Charles Pereyra Assistant U.S. Attorney, Los Angeles 6 Carter;Ford
Douglas Graham Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Carter;Ford;Nixon
Elliot Williams Deputy Assistant Attorney General 6 Obama, Bush II
Cynthia Alksne Assistant US Attorney 6 Clinton;Bush I
Raymond Granger Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Roger Bernstein Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan
Patricia Collins Assistant US Attorney, Central Dist. of Cal. 6 Reagan
Lauren Kahn Staff Attorney 6 Ford;Nixon
Edward Ferguson Deputy Chief, Civil Division, Southern District of New York 6 Bush I;Reagan
Thomas Knight Organized Crime Strike Force Attorney - Chicago 6 Bush I, Reagan
Leon Kellner United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida 6 Reagan
Robert Sims Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Robin Linsenmayer Assistant United States Attorney (SDNY) 6 Bush II, Clinton
Steven Solow Chief 6 Clinton
Dan Purdom AUSA 6 Reagan, Carter
Lawrence Aldrich Senior Legal Counsel, Antitrust Division 6 Reagan, Carter
Marion Bachrach Chief of General Crimes 6 Reagan, Carter
Adam Kamenstein AUSA 2000-2006; Deputy Chief Public Corruption and Government Fraud Section 2003-2006; Central District of California 6 Bush II, Clinton
Rep. Kathleen M. Rice Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Bush II, Clinton
Katya Jestin Deputy Chief, OCRS EDNY 6 Bush II
Mark Pomerantz Chief, Criminal Division, SDNY 6 Clinton, Reagan, Carter
Terry Eaton Assistant United States Attorney - District of Columbia 6 Obama, Bush II
Charles Murdter Trial Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Loren Hershey Special Assistant United States Attorney and Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 6 Reagan, Carter
Nathaniel Jones Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio 6 Johnson, Kennedy
Kristan Peters-Hamlin Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Harriet Leva Assistant United States Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan
Thomas Hill Assistant US Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Pamela Larrabee Trial Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan
Charles Oberly United States Attorney for the District of Delaware 6 Obama
Peter Bloch AUSA -SDNY 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
William Aronwald Chief of Criminal Division, EDNY 6 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stuart Deming Trial Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Jane Simkin Smith Assistant US Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Robert Radick Deputy Chief of Public Integrity Section and Chief of Health Care Fraud Prosecutions, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York 6 Obama, Bush II
Barak Cohen Trial Attorney 6 Obama, Bush II
Robert Herbst Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions Division, EDPa 6 Carter, Ford
Seth Kirschenbaum AUSA and Trial Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Laura Bonander Assistant United States Attorney 6 Obama, Bush II
Mark Kalmansohn Assistant Division Chief, Criminal Division, Central District of California 6 Reagan, Carter
Steven Shobat AUSA 6 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jon Lindsey Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 6 Reagan, Carter
Carla Diggs Smith Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton
Jim Brosnahan Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Johnson, Kennedy
John Kelly United States Attorney for the District of New Mexico 6 Clinton
Gerry Elman Trial Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Ellen Davis Counsel and Spokesperson 6 Obama, Clinton
Valerie Stewart Assistant U.S. Attorney - OCDETF 6 Bush I, Reagan
Wayne Baker Assistant United States Attorney 6 Bush II
Ronald Malone Asst Watergate Special prosecutor; criminal justice policy advisor to AGs Levi and Bell 6 Carter, Ford
Brad Pigott United States Attorney 6 Clinton
Karen ONeill Deputy Executive Assistant United States Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Nima Binara Attorney-Advisor, National Security Division 6 Obama
Greg Scandaglia Trial Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan
James Berliner Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan
David Kettel Assistant United States Attorney 6 Bush II, Clinton
Carol Gillam Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Bruce Yannett Assistant US Attorney & also Associate Independent Counsel for Iran Contra 5.25 Bush I, Reagan
Robert Martinez Trial Attorney (Tax Div.), AUSA (EDMI) 5.5 Reagan, Carter
John Libby Assistant United States Attorney 5.5 Clinton;Bush I
John Mathews II Assistant United States Attorney 5.5 Obama
Martin Perschetz Chief, Major Crimes Unit, SDNY 5.5 Reagan, Carter
Richard Mescon Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 5.5 Reagan, Carter
Gordon Rhea Executive Assistant united States Attorney 5.5 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Matthew Umhofer Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush II
Richard Kendall Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan;Carter
Douglas Schwartz Assistant US Attorney 5 Reagan;Carter
Richard Nelson Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
Daniel Crumby Assistant United States Attorney 5 Obama
Katherine Culliton-Gonzalez Senior Attorney, Civil Rights Division 5 Obama, Bush II
John Martin Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Janna Sidley Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II;Clinton
Andres Rivero Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton, Bush I
Robert Marder Assistant U.S. Attorney-ND of Calif. 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Chad Vignola Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush I;Reagan
Michael G. Tracy Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan
Barrie Goldstein Trial Attorney 5 Carter;Ford
Paul Summit Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
David M. Brodsky Assistant US Attorney; Associate Independent Counsel 5 Reagan;Nixon
Robert Klonoff Assistant United States Attorney and Assistant to the Solicitor General of the United States 5 Reagan
Philip Allen Lacovara Deputy Solicitor General (Criminal Matters) and Counsel to Watergate Special Prosecutor 5 Ford;Nixon;Johnson
Jacob Buchdahl Assistant United States Attorney, SDNY 5 Bush II
Marshall Camp Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 5 Obama, Bush II
David Apfel Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Noah Bookbinder Trial Attorney 5 Bush II;Clinton
Kimberly Reiley Clement Assistant U.S. Attorney, Northern District of California 5 Reagan, Carter
William Hibsher Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 5 Reagan, Carter
James Vaughns Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Tim Purdon United States Attorney for the District of North Dakota 5 Obama
Marc Wolf Assistant United States Attorney 5 Obama
Glenn Katon Trial Attorney GS-15 5 Bush II;Clinton
Abby Meiselman Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton, Bush I
Mark Torres-Gil Special Attorney 5 Reagan
Paul Garcia AUSA - Northern District of Illinois 5 Clinton
R. Christopher Locke Trial Attorney, Criminal Division; Assistant U.S, Attorney, N.D. Cal. 5 Reagan
George William Currier Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Reagan
Steven Semeraro Special Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Michael Whitlock Trial Attorney 5 Obama, Bush II
Patrick McInerney Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Robert Rose Special Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Susan Smith Assistant Section Chief 5 Bush I, Reagan
J. Christopher Jensen Chief of the Civil Division, Eastern District of New York 5 Carter, Ford
Charles Scheeler Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Jennifer Martin Senior Counsel 5 Bush II, Clinton
Willie James Ellison Assistant U.S. Attorney, WDTN 5 Reagan, Carter
Del Wright Federal Prosecutor 5 Bush II
Michael Pinnisi Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Richard Leng Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Charles Lembcke Assistant United States Attorney 5 Nixon
William Ibershof Criminal Division Chief 5 Nixon
Ted Doolittle Trial Attorney, Tax Division 5 Bush II, Clinton
Pamela Larrabee AUSA 5 Bush I, Reagan
Sanford (Sandy) Litvack Assistant Attorney General 5 Bush II, Carter, Kennedy
Ernest Chen Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Rebekah Young AUSA 5 Obama, Bush II
Sharon Kegerreis Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Stephen Grafman Assist US Attorney District of Columbia 5 Nixon
Richard Bicki AUSA Washington, DC ; Providence, RI 5 Reagan, Carter
Alan Rose Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Charles Weintraub Special Attorney 5 Ford, Nixon
Lisa Kern Griffin Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush II, Clinton
Alexander Shapiro Assistant United States Attorney -District of New Mexico 5 Trump, Obama
D.William Subin Asst. U.S.Attorney (D.C. & N.J.) 5 Nixon, Johnson
David Bohan Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan, Carter
Jules terrence Brunner Chief Pittsburgh Org Crime Strike Force 5 Nixon, Johnson
Cameron Elliot Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Nicholas Phillips AUSA 5 Reagan
John Meyer AUSA 5 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Joshua Stein Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Jill Shellow Counsel, Office of the Deputy Attorney General 5 Clinton
Steve Canfil Trial Attorney, Special Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush II, Reagan
Robert Perry Assistant US Attorney 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Richard Hall Head of Civil Tax Section AUSA SDNY 5 Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy
Barry Grissom United States Attorney for the District of Kansas 5 Obama
Richard Shiffrin Deputy Assistant Attorney General 5 Clinton
David W. Mernitz First Assistant US Attorney 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Gerald Uelmen Assistant U.S. Attorney and Chief of Special Prosecutions, Central District of California Prosecutions 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Charles Spurlock AUSA District of Massachusetts 5 Reagan, Carter
Leslie Banks Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Michelle DeLong AUSA EDNY 5 Bush II, Clinton
Robert Power Trial Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Jan Constantine Deputy Chief of the Civil Division 5 Reagan, Carter
Elyssa Getreu Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Mary Fulginiti Genow Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
A Hugh Scott Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Reagan, Carter
Precious Gittens AUSA 5 Bush II
DLowell Jensen Deputy Attorney General Reagan Administration 5 Reagan
Thomas Farrell Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
Michael Patrick Special Assistant United States Attorney, Chief, Immigration Unit, SDNY 5 Reagan
Lauren Dickie AUSA 5 Obama
Kenneth Barish Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Carter
John Flannery Asst. U. S. Attorney 5 Ford, Nixon
Deborah Ramirez Assistant US Attorney - Boston 5 Bush I
Meghan Blanco AUSA 5 Obama
James May Trial Attorney; Special Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan, Carter
Barbara Gillers Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 5 Reagan, Carter
Theodore Poulos Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Erica Martin Assistant United States Attorney, Public Corruption and Government Fraud Section, Central District of CA, and Special Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
Anthony Z. Roisman Chief Hazardous Waste Section, Lands Division 5 Reagan, Carter, Johnson
Donald Stever Section Chief, Pollution Control; Env. Defense Sections 4.5 Reagan;Carter
A. Howard Matz Assistant U.S. Attorney 4.5 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Hammel Assistant U.S. Attorney (SDNY) 4.5 Reagan
Richard Gordin Assistant US Attorney for the District of Columbia 4.5 Reagan
Daniel Reinberg Assistant U.S. Attorney, N.D. IL 4.5 Clinton
Neal Sonnett AUSA, Chief, Criminal Division, S.D. FL 4.5 Nixon
Arthur Zucker Assistant United States Attorney 4.5 Bush I, Reagan
Mark Kolman Chief, Criminal Division, US Attorney’s Office, District of Maryland 4.5 Reagan, Carter
Jennifer Granholm Assistant U.S. Attorney 4.5 Clinton, Bush I
Lenese Herbert Assistant U.S. Attorney 4.5 Clinton
Monique Yingling Trial Attorney 4.5 Reagan, Carter
Spencer Waller Trial Attorney, Chicago Organized Crime Strike Force 4 Reagan
Hector Perez Assistant United States Attorney 4 Carter
Bill Baer Acting Associate Attorney General 4 Obama
Kenneth Bynum Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Donna Patterson Deputy Assistant Attorney General -Antitrust 4 Clinton
Louis Volz Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of Louisiana 4 Reagan;Carter
Richard Berne Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter, Ford
Frank Rothermel Fraud Prosecutor 4 Bush I, Reagan
Martin Himeles Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Bush I;Reagan
Gary Maveal Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Dennis Aftergut Assistant United States Attorney 4 Reagan, Carter
David Marlin Trial Attorney 4 Johnson;Kennedy
Mary Shannon Little Assistant U.S. Attorney, Public Corruption Unit 4 Reagan
James Kainen Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Sean Coffey Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Clinton, Bush I
Georgina Verdugo Deputy Assistant Attorney General-OLA 4 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Samuel Simon Senior Appelate Attorney 4 Ford
Frederick Davis Assistant United States Attorney 4 Ford
Irvin Nathan Principal Associate Deputy Attorney Genetal 4 Clinton;Carter
David Dopsovic Trial Attorney 4 Reagan;Carter
David Montgomery Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Kennedy
Raja Chatterjee Trial Attorney 4 Bush II;Clinton
Bob Pennoyer Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York 4 Eisenhower
Amanda Metcalf Chief, Civil Rights Division, ND.Cal 4 Reagan, Carter
F. L. Peter Stone U. S. Attorney 4 Nixon
James Elkins Assistant United States Attorney 4 Nixon
Faith Gay Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions, EDNY 4 Bush I
Paul Butler Trial Attorney, Public Integrity Section 4 Clinton, Bush I
Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) US Attorney for District of Connecticut 4 Carter
S. Amanda Marshall US Attorney for the District of Oregon 4 Obama
Edward Borden Assistant US Attorney 4 Reagan, Carter
Richard Signorelli Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 4 Bush I
Sharon Frase Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 4 Obama, Bush II
Vivian Shevitz Chief, Appeals, US Attorney, EDNY 4 Reagan, Carter
Sydney Hoffmann Assistant United States Attorney 4 Bush I
David Wiechert Assistant United States Attorney, CDCA 4 Reagan
Thomas Rubin Assistant United States Attorney 4 Clinton
Christine Meding Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 4 Bush II
Marc Levey Special Atrorney to the Attorney General 4 Carter
David Leiwant Assistqnt US Attorney 4 Reagan
Allan Lapidus Assistant US Attorney Northern District of Illinois 4 Nixon
Robert Garcia Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York 4 Reagan
Victoria Liccione Asst. USA 4 Clinton, Bush I
Jeff Bogue Assistant US Attorney, District of Nebraska 4 Nixon
Alison Vander Vort Assistant United States Attorney 4 Clinton
Katherine Goldwasser Assistant United States Attorney, Criminal Division 4 Reagan, Carter
Thomas Sullivan US Attorney NDILL 4 Carter
R. Todd Luoma Trial Attorney, Tax Division 4 Reagan
Henri Sisneros AUSA 4 Bush II, Clinton
James McGinnis AUSA 4 Reagan
Jo Vanderlee Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, WDWA 4 Obama, Bush II
A. Douglas Melamed Acting Assistant Attorney General 4 Clinton
James Arisman Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 4 Clinton, Bush I
Michael Katz Assistant US Attorney 4 Ford, Nixon
Larry Gibson Associate Deputy Attorney General 4 Carter
Eric Chaffin Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Bush II, Clinton
Philip Kellogg Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 4 Nixon, Johnson
Stephen Martin Assistant United States Attorney 4 Clinton
William Shaheen US Attorney for the District of NH 4 Carter
Shelley Stump Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter
Kim Taylor-Cloud Trial Attorney 4 Bush I
George Blakey Special Attorney 4 Kennedy, Eisenhower
Steven Gordon Assistant US Attorney 4 Carter
Daniel Thornton Attorney, Criminal Fraud Section, USDOJ 4 Reagan, Carter
Michael Rauh Assistant US Attorney 4 Johnson, Kennedy
James Oakar Asst. U.S. Attorney, N. Distict of Ohio 4 Johnson
Douglas Richardson Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of PA 4 Carter
Jennifer Gachiri Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of New York 4 Trump, Obama
Debra Diener Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Mahlon Brown US Attorney for Nevada -1977 to 1981 4 Carter
Joyce Fitzpatrick AUSA 4 Reagan
Beryl Jones-Woodin Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
James McGurk Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter, Ford
Palmer Mcgee AUSA 4 Reagan, Carter
George I. Gordon AUSA & Chief Appellate Attorney, SDNY 4 Kennedy, Eisenhower
James Montana, Jr. Assistant US Attorney, ND of illinois 4 Ford, Nixon
Theodore Margolis Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney-New Jersey 4 Nixon
Peter Herbert Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York 4 Nixon
Emily Loeb Senior Counselor to the AAG for Civil Rights 4 Obama
Sheila Markin Nielsen Assistant U S Attorney 4 Reagan
Stuart Gasner Assistant United States Attorney 4 Bush I
Gerald Caplan Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Kennedy
Steven Bauer Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Clinton, Bush I
Brian O'Neill Chief,Special Prosecutions 4 Ford, Nixon
Jerome Wiener Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia 4 Nixon
Stephen Kravit Assistant and Special Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter, Ford
Thomas Brown First Assistant US Attorney Eastern District of Wisconsin 4 Carter, Ford
Anthony Glassman Special Assistant to US Attorney William Matthew Byrne 4 Johnson
Larry Patton United States Attorney, Western District of Oklahoma 3.5 Carter
Subodh Chandra Assistant U.S. Attorney 3.5 Bush II;Clinton
Susan Johnston Assistant United States Attorney, Civil Division 3.5 Reagan
Karen Ward Assistant U.S, Attorney, District of Columbia 3.5 Carter;Ford
Mark Goodman Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 3.5 Clinton
Gabe Davis Trial Attorney 3.5 Trump, Obama
Bill Mathesius Asst U.S.Attorney, Office of USA of NJ 3.5 Johnson
Jennifer Whitfield Assistant U.S. Attorney 3.5 Trump, Obama
Alvin Bragg Assistant United States Attorney 3.5 Obama
Alan Weisberg Assistant United States Attorney 3.5 Reagan, Carter
Vicki Schultz Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights 3.5 Obama
Cormac Connor AUSA 3.5 Obama, Bush II
Stanley Greenbeerg Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Nixon
Veronica Platt Longstreth Civil Division Torts Branch, Trial Attorney 3 Reagan
Alan Weil Assistant U.S. Attorney Criminal Division, Los Angeles 3 Carter
Deborah Schmall Trial Attorney 3 Reagan;Carter
Terence Connor Trial Attorney 3 Ford;Nixon
Richard Medalie Assistant to the Solicitor General of the United States 3 Kennedy, Eisenhower
Paul Rosenzweig Senior Counsel, Office of Independent Counsel (In re: Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan) 3 Clinton
Jeff Blattner Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division 3 Clinton
Max Huffman Trial Attorney 3 Bush II;Clinton
Sarah Hawkins Assistant United States Attorney 3 Trump, Obama
Sheldon Krantz Trial Attorney 3 Johnson;Kennedy
James Ponsoldt Senior Trial Attorney 3 Carter;Ford
Eric Rosen Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Bush II;Clinton
A. Lee Fentress Assistant United States Attorney for District of Columbia 3 Johnson
Kevin McMunigal Assistant United States Attorney 3 Reagan
Nicholas Connor Trial Attorney 3 Trump, Obama
Kevin Techau United States Attorney Northern District of Iowa 3 Obama
Monica Groat Trial Attorney 3 Trump, Obama
Edwin Williams Assistant United States Attorney 3 Nixon
Duncan Levin Assistant US Attorney 3 Obama
Jonathan Mothner Assistant U.S. Attorney, EDNY 3 Clinton
Paul Renne Assistant US Attorney for the District of Columbia 3 Johnson, Kennedy
Ronald Shur Assistant United States Attorney 3 Reagan
David Muchow Special Assistant to Asst. Attorney General, Criminal Division 3 Ford, Nixon
Gabriel Mendlow Special Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of Michigan 3 Obama
J. William Elwin Jr. Trial Attorney 3 Carter, Ford
Lee Thompson U.S. Attorney, District of Kansas 3 Bush I
Brian Galle Attorney 3 Bush II
Peter Vincent Department of Justice Attachè, US embassy Bogotà 3 Obama, Bush II
James Maxeiner Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 3 Carter
Darrell Panethiere Attorney/Adviser, Office of Legal Policy 3 Bush I, Reagan
Michael Tuteur AUSA 3 Clinton, Bush I
Allison Porter Trial Attorney; Criminal Division 3 Carter, Ford
Judith Olingy Trial Attorney 3 Reagan
U.S.Amb. (Ret) Douglas Kmiec Assistant Attorney General (OLC) 3 Obama, Bush I, Reagan
Hugh Culverhouse Assistant United States Attorney 3 Carter
Janet Nahirny Prosecuting Attorney, Antitrust Division 3 Bush II
Jeffrey Walker Special Assistant US Attorney & AF JAG 3 Clinton, Bush I
Cynthia Kouril Special Assistant United States Attorney, SDNY 3 Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Toomey Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 3 Nixon, Johnson
Stephen Saltzburg Deputy Assistant Attorney General 3 Bush I, Reagan
Debra Carnahan AUSA E.D. Missouri 3 Clinton
David Payne Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Bush I
Julie O'Sullivan Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Clinton
David Reed Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Ford, Nixon
Adam Kurland Assistant US Attorney ED Cal 3 Reagan
Richard Reinish Trial Attorney 3 Nixon, Johnson
Richard Mezan Special Trial Attorney 3 Nixon, Johnson
James Fergal Assistant U.S. Attorney, ED of Wisconsin 3 Carter, Ford
Daniel Forman Assistant United States Attorney 3 Reagan, Carter
Anthony Farley AUSA 3 Bush I
Kathleen Sample Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Obama
Herbert Beigel Special Attorney 3 Nixon
Pamela Phillips Assistant U.S.Attorney 3 Carter
John Hanify Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Carter
Bert Deixler Assistant United States Attorney 3 Carter
Richard Wiebusch United States Attorney 3 Reagan
Thomas Melsheimer Assistant United States Attorney 3 Clinton, Bush I
John Lundin Trial Lawyer, Civil Rights Division, AUSA, WD of Washington 3 Nixon
John Hughes Asst US Attorney 3 Carter, Ford
James Lyons Assistant United States Attorney 3 Nixon, Johnson
J (John) Michael Kelly Counselor and Chief of Staff to the Attorney General of the United States 3 Carter
Rick Flam Assistant United States Attorney, Central District of California 3 Reagan
John Aldock Assistant US Attorney 3 Nixon
Thomas Umberg ASSISTANT US ATTORNEY 3 Bush I, Reagan
Steven Kazan Assistant U.S. Attorney, Northern District of California 2.25 Nixon
Charles A. Intriago AUSA SDFL 2.8 Carter, Ford
Robert Goodman Trial Attorney, Environmental Enforcement Section 2.5 Bush I
Michael Berry Assistant U.S. Attorney 2.5 Trump, Obama
Michael Greenberger Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General 2 Clinton;Nixon
Marianne Wesson Assistant United States Attorney 2 Reagan, Carter
Robert Litan Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division 2 Clinton
Robert Weiner Associate Deputy Attorney General 2 Obama
Bertha Josephson Assistant US Attorney 2 Bush I
G. Daniel McCarthy Assistant US Attorney 2 Carter
Andrew Mackenzie Special Assistant United States Attorney 2 Clinton
Nick Pyati Trial Attorney 2 Obama
James McDonald Assistant U.S. Attorney 2 Carter, Ford
Gerald Norton Assistant to the Solicitor General 2 Nixon
C. Mitchell Hendy Assistant US Attorney 2 Trump, Obama
Christine Chenevert Assistant United States Attorney 2 Bush I
David Spring Special Assistant United States Attorney 2 Clinton
Marc Stickgold Assistant United States Attorney 2 Johnson
Michael Wolford Assistant U. S Attorney in charge of Rochester New York Office 2 Nixon
Michael Cannon Trial Attorney 2 Reagan, Carter
Ryan Malone Assistant United States Attorney 2 Trump, Obama
Thiru Vignarajah Assistant U.S. Attorney 2 Obama
Ann Ravel Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Torts and Consumer Litigation 2 Obama
Herbert Sturman Assistant United States Attorney 2 Johnson, Kennedy
Gregg Vance Fallick AUSA 2 Reagan
John Edwards United States Attorney for the Western District of Virginia 1.5 Reagan, Carter
Somil Trivedi Trial Attorney 1 Trump, Obama
Guy Knoller Trial Attorney 1 Nixon
Robert Martin Special Assistant United States Attorney 1 Reagan
Michael Prozan Special Assistant United States Attorney, DC 1 Bush I
Charles Carnese Assistant U.S. Attorney 1 Ford
Allen DeJonge Senior Trial Attorney 1 Obama
Gary Leuis Special Assistant United States Attorney 1 Trump
Albert Alschuler Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division 1 Johnson
Brandon Spurlock AUSA 1 Bush II
Jonathan Parnes Special Assistant United States Attorney 1 Obama
Joseph Turner Assistant United States attorney 1 Reagan
David Scott Senior Trial Attorney, Public Integrity Section 1 Carter, Ford
John Markey AUSA 1 Carter
Quit Spamming and Trolling The Forum with shit like this.

What are you going to do next, post the phone book?


One more reply.

I specifically posted all the names to demonstrate how meaningless the opinion of one lawyer is just because he happens to agree with you.
Nancy agrees with me, no impeachment
At least with that Starr listed 11 Crimes Clinton Committed, and it was criminal activity that started the investigation.

Know what Mueller listed as Crimes Committed by Trump recommended for indictment?

One more time. Starr was working under Congress and reported directly to Congress and was not constrained by DOJ legal opinions.

So let's get it on. Impeach President Trump.

Okay, let the pubic impeachment inquiries begin as soon as Congress receives it's un-redacted copy of the Mueller report and has a chance to review it. That doesn't mean they have to vote yes to impeach him of course.
Starr Cited 11 Specific Violations of Law Clinton Committed.

Mueller Cited 0.

You guys are fucked.

And we want to see you continue to either talk about impeachment or try to impeach The President right up until his Landslide Victory in 2020, and The Super Majority he'll be working with for the first 2 years of his 2nd term.

The Wicked Are Ensnared With The Traps They Lay For Others
The Bible

I have read your future for you.

The Writing is on The Wall.

You should have never went down the road to attempting to smear and frame The President.

Most of America Hates you now and opposes impeachment.

That means your asses are getting thrown out of office in 2020.
At least with that Starr listed 11 Crimes Clinton Committed, and it was criminal activity that started the investigation.

Know what Mueller listed as Crimes Committed by Trump recommended for indictment?

One more time. Starr was working under Congress and reported directly to Congress and was not constrained by DOJ legal opinions.

So let's get it on. Impeach President Trump.

Okay, let the pubic impeachment inquiries begin as soon as Congress receives it's un-redacted copy of the Mueller report and has a chance to review it. That doesn't mean they have to vote yes to impeach him of course.
It's against The Law to reveal Grand Jury Testimony Chump.

And you know that.

99% of the Report was given to you and Barr did not have to give you any of it.

Go Fuck your treasonous hairy man butt loving selves.
Neat. I'm not concerned with Dershowitz' opinion, it's only one of hundreds.
You aren't concerned with any opinion from a legal scholar who knows far more about the law than you.

I'm concerned about Dershowitz very little actually. He is one voice, not THE voice.

How about all of these prosecutors who have stated on record that if it were not for Trump being president he would have been charged with multiple felonies.

Dennis Dimsey Deputy Chief, Appellate Section, Civil Rights Division 44 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Frederick Hess Director Office of Enforcement Operations, Criminal Division 43 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Burtis Dougherty Senior Trial Attorney 42 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Hays Gorey Trial Attorney 42 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Richard Gregorie Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, S.D, FLA. 42 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Gary Shapiro Interim United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois 42 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
John Kolar Senior Trial Counsel 41 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
E. Thomas Roberts Chief of Narcotics Division, District of Maryland 40 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Gerald Kaminski Deputy Civil Chief 40 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
David Buvinger AUSA NDIL & Trial Attorney USDOJ 39 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Judith Rabinowitz Assistant Director 38.5 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
John Vaudreuil Presidentially Appointed US Attorney, Western District of Wisconsin 38 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Jessica Silver Principal Deputy, Appellate Section, Civil Rights Division 38 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Baker Senior trial attorney (GS 15) 38 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Colleen Kennedy Senior Litigation Counsel for Mental Health Law 38 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Johnson
Mary McLaren Acting Associate Director of the Mutual Legal Assistance Unit i. The Officeof International Affairs 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Pamela Thompson Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Kenneth Jost Deputy Director, Consumer Protection Branch 37 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Patrick Molloy United States Attorney, Eastern District of Kentucky 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Johnson
Ann Rowland Deputy Chief, Criminal Division 37 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Mel Johnson Senior Litigation Counsel, Assistant US Attorney 37 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Bruce Repetto AUSA, Senior Litigation Counsel 37 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Joe Rich Chief, Voting Section, Civil Rights Division 37 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
William H. Stapleton Assistant Chief, Fraud Section, CRM 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Haviland Asst. U.S. Attorney-in-Charge 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Richard Owens Associate Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division 36 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Patricia Kenney Assistant U.S. Attorney 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Helen Bollwerk Executive Asst. U.S. Attorney for Management, USAO-DC; Deputy Pardon Attorney, USDOJ 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
William Corcoran Senior Counsel, Public Integrity Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice 35 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Ashbaugh Deputy Inspector General 35 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Craig Benedict Assistant U.S. Attorney (NDNY); Special AUSA, ND Ill. 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Nancy McMillen Senior Trial Attorney 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Brian Heffernan Deputy Chief, Housing and Civil Enforcement, Civil Rights Division 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
George Hardy Chief of Criminal Division Northern District of California 34 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Deborah Sines Assistant United States Attorney, District of Columbia 34 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jay Weill Chief, Tax Division, USAO San Francisco 34 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Mary Lee Warren Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division 34 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
James Lackner Appellate Chief 34 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Burney Clark(Huber) Senior Trial Attorney 34 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Chapman Former Assistant United States Attorney 34 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Steven Abrams Immigration Judge/ Special U.S. Attorney Eastern District of NY 34 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Gerald Shur Senior Associate Director, Office of Enforcement Operations, Criminal Division 34 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy
Blondell Morey First Assistant 34 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
James Kovakas Attorney In Charge , FOI/PA Unit Civil Division 33 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Barry Kowalski Special Counsel 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Robert Gay Guthrie FAUSA, Colorado and EDOK 33 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Ronnie Edelman Principal Deputy Chief, Counterterrorism Section, National Security Division 33 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
David Blotner Assistant Chief 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Michael Leibson Senior Litigation Counsel Eastern District Michigan 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Salliann S. M. Dougherty Senior Trial Attorney, Civil Rights Division 33 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Mark Vogel Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attoeney 33 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Peter Maier Attorney, Civil Appellate 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Peter Schenck Chief of Criminal Division, USAO, EDPA 33 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Robert Dempsey Section Chief Federal Programs Section Civil Rights Division 33 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Howard Wiener Assistant U.S. Attorney 33 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Stephen Andersson Deputy Chief Public Corruption and Organized Crime 32 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Peter Monson Managing Attorney, Denver Regional Office, ENRD 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Chapman Assistant U.S. Attorney 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Rodolfo Orjales Senior Trial Attorney 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Henry LaHaie Assistant Director, Office of Consumer Litigation 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Elliott Jacobson Senior Litigation Counsel, SDNY 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Cowles AUSA OCDETF Lead Attorney 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Joyce Hundley Trial Attorney 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Don Burkhalter Interim U.S. Attorney 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Nesler Assistant U.S. Attorney 31 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Stephen Samuels Assistant Section Chief 31 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Stephen Learned Assistant U.S. Attorney 31 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Barbara Kammerman Former Acting Director, Professional Responsibility Advisory Office 31 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Bondi Senior Litigation Counsel 31 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
David Allred Deputy Chief, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division 31 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Marianna Clay First Asst. US Attorney 31 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Louis Fischer Senior Attorney, Criminal Division 30 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Peter Sobol Assistant United States Attorney (SDNY) 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
James Moroney Section Chief, National Security Unit, ND Ohio 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Mary Lou Leary Principal Assistant Attorney General 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Mary Beth Uitti Chief, Civil Division 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
James Springer Senior Counsel for International Tax Matters 30 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Ellyn Lindsay Senior Litigation Counsel 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
M. Neil Smith Senior Litigation Counsel 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Stefan Cassella Chief, Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, D. Maryland 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Debra Long-Doyle Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney for Community Service for the District of Columbia 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Bruce Carter Chief, Economic Crime Unit, Western District of Washington 30 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Jeffrey Auerhahn Assistant U.S. Attorney 30 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Gerard Hogan Senior Litigation Counsel, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division 30 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Guy Blackwell Acting US Attorney/First Assistant. EDTN 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Michael Scadron Senior Trial Counsel 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
William H Browder Jr First Assistant U.S Attorney 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Mary Elizabeth Carmody Senior Litigation Counsel 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Kendra McNally Senior Litigation Counsel, Assistant United States Attorney 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Sutherland Civil Chief 30 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
M. Taylor Aspinwall Deputy Criminal Chief, USAO, EDPA 30 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
William Joyce SAUSA, Immigration Judge 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
David Katz Assistant U.S. Attorney 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Grace Mastalli Deputy Assistant Attorney General 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Richard Ugelow Deputy Section Chief 29 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stephen Schroeder Senior Litigation Counsel, W.D.WA 29 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Karen Loeffler United States Attorney for the District of Alaska 29 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Canella Henrichs Assistant U.S. Attorney 29 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Julie Werner-Simon Senior Litigation Counsel, Major Frauds 29 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Rhonda Backinoff Assistant Director, Office of Legal Education 29 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Roger Haines Assistant U.S. Attorney 29 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Walter Fisherow Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, ENRD 29 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Harry McCarthy Criminal Chief 28 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Michael Karam Senior Trial Attorney 28 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Nikki Calvano Assistant Director EOUSA 28 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Stuart Berman Chief, Southern Division, US Attorney's Office, District of Maryland 28 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Mary Grad Assistant U. S. Attorney 28 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Noel Anne Ferris Immigration Judge 28 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Barbara Brook Senior Litigation Counsel 28 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Patricia Chick Trial Attorney 28 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Sara Criscitelli Assistant Director, Office of International Affairs 27 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Harriett Galvin Assistant U.S. Attorney 27 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Gene Rossi Supervisory Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of Virginia 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Stewart Robinson Principal Deputy Director, Office of International Affairs 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Christopher Bator Assistant U.S. Attorney 27 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Glenda Gordon Supervisory AUSA 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Jeffrey Kent AUSA 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Gerald Doyle Regional Director OCDETF 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Sara Lord Assistant United States Attorney 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Joseph Payne Senior Trial Attorney, Criminal Division, Main Justice 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Joan Safford First Assistant United States Attorney 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Eric Marcy Deputy Chief, Trial Grand Jury Section, USA on,dc 27 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Richard Cuellar Special Assistant US Atty - Phoenix, AZ 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Scott Ray Deputy Chief, Major Crimes Section 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Susan Roe AUSA 27 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lawrence Lincoln Supervisory Assistant US Attorney; Special Counsel, DOJ Office of Inspector General 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Valinda Jones Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 27 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Linda Betzer Assistant U.S. Attorney 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Anthony Hall Assistant Director, Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for U.S. Attroneys 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Charles Stuckey First Assistant, AUSA, District of Oregon 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
William Yeomans Acting Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights 26 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Peter Gray Trial Attorney 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Joyce Vance United States Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Paul Pelletier Chief, Fraud Section, Criminal Division 26 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Paula Burnett First Assistant U.S. Attorney DNM 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Carl Blackstone Supervisor 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Drake Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney 26 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
SuzAnne Nyland Assistant United States Attorney 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jonathan Rusch Deputy Chief for Strategy and Policy, Fraud Section, Criminal Division 26 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Ford
Richard Boote Senior Trial Attorney 26 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Judith Dobkin Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Michael Stern Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Jonathan Howden Assistant United States Attorney 25 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
James Peters Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
June Jeffries Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Elizabeth de la Vega Chief, San Jose Branch, United States Attorney's Office, Northern District of California 25 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Gregory Linsin Senior Litigation Counsel 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Sylvia Royce Chief, International Prisoner Transfer; Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Daniel Bogden United States Attorney, District of Nevada 25 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ross Nadel Chief, Criminal Division, ND of CA 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
John Robinson AUSA, Senior Litigation Counsel, SD Cal 25 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Richard Poole Assistant United States Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Thomson Trial Attorney 25 Bush I
Kris Olson U. S. Attorney 25 Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Craig Moore United States Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
William I. Shockley Assist Dir. A.G. Advocacy Institute 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Lorna Graham Assistant United States Attorney 25 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Celeste Miller Assistant U.S. Attorney 24 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
James Schermerhorn Special Litigation Counsel 24 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Kathleen Brinkman Assistant U.S. Attorney 24 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Nancy Simpson Administrative Assistant U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of California 24 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Susan French Senior Special Counsel for Human Trafficking 24 Obama;Bush II;Reagan;Carter
Wendy Olson U.S. Attorney, District of Idaho 24 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Hope P. McGowan Senior Attorney-Advisor, Office of the Pardon Attorney 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Andrew Levchuk Senior Trial Attorney 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
D. Gerald Wilhelm Deputy Chief Civil Division 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Terri Scadron Assistant Director 24 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Barbara J. Cohan Assistant U.S. Attorney 24 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Clifford (Larry) Mathews, Jr Chief Criminal Division for the US Attorney for the Western District of Texas 24 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Keith Syfert AUSA-In-Charge, Western Div. Office, ND Illinois 24 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Ralph Pierce Chief, No. Criminal Enf. Sec., Tax Division 24 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Benjamin Wagner U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of California 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Mary McCord Former Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Rob. B. Villeza Deputy Chief, Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force Section 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ilene Jaroslaw Chief, General Crimes 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jay Adelstein Sr Trial Attorney 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Amy Kurland Assistant United States Attorney 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ann Harwood First Assistant U.S. Attorney 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
George Proctor US Attorney ED Arkansas 23 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
James Swain Executive Assistant United States Attorney 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Bruce Judge Assistant U.S. Attorney 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Susan Cowger Senior Litigation Counsel 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Cynthia Oberg Chief, White Collar Crime Unit 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Tressa Borland Senior Trial Attorney 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
John Warshawsky Senior Trial Counsel 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Robert Brouillard Assistant United States Attorney 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Dan Zachem Deputy Chief, Superior Court Division, USAO Washington DC 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Marietta Parker Interim U.S. Attorney 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Caryl Privett U. S. Attorney 22 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Robert A. Feitel Deputy Chief 22 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Eloise Rosas District Counsel, INS 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Richard Scruggs Assistant to the Attorney General 22 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
R Jerome Sanford Assistant U.S. Attorney 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Carter, Ford
Jim Lord Chief, Organized Crime Strike Force, WDWA 22 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Lucy Thomson Senior Attorney 22 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Pamela DeRusha First Assistant United States Attorney 22 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Douglas Whalley Assistant U.S. Attorney, Western District of Washington, Supervisor of Criminal Enterprises Unit 21 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Patrick McLaughlin Assistant United States Attorney 21 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Gerald Hebert Deputy Chief 21 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Denise O’Donnell Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance, US Attorney, Western District of New York 21 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jay McCloskey U.S. Attorney (D. Maine) 21 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Thomas Coffin Chief of the Criminal Division Southern District of California 21 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Laura Tayman Supervisory AUSA 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
James Woods Assistant United States Attorney 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Steven Dettelbach United States Attorney, N.D. Ohio 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ruth E. Plagenhoef Interim US Attorney for the Western District of Virginia 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Paul Fishman United States Attorney 21 Trump, Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Anne Hayes Chief, Appellate Division, EDNC 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jane Bondurant Assistant United States Attorney, Civil Chief 21 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Christopher Alberto Chief, Financial Litigation & Justice Enforcement Team 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Barbara Kittay Deputy Chief, Money Laundering Section, Criminal Division 20 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Deborah Ferguson Assistant United States Attorney District of Idaho 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
John Fleder Director, Office of Consumer Litigation, Civil Division 20 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Peter Smith U.S. Attorney, Middle District of PA 20 Obama;Clinton;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Katharine Fincham Chief, Cyber Crimes and Child Exploitation Unit 20 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Barbara Colby Tanase Assistant U.S. Attorney 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Daniel Mullies Assistant Director 20 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Allan Garten Chief, White Collar Crimes Unit 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Rachel Ballow Assistant U.S. Attorney- EDVa 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
David Hopkins AUSA, EDVA, Court appointed USA 20 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy
Steven O’Connor Assistant United States Attorney 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Suzanne C Hayden Senior Trial Attorney; AUSA 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Michael Magner AUSA 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Sunny Pietrafesa Senior Trial Attorney 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jeffrey Sloman United States Attorney, Southern District of Florida 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
James West United States Attorney (MDPa) 20 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Daniel Cassidy Senior Trial Attorney - Narcotic & Dangerous Drug Section 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Timothy Heaphy United States Attorney, Western District of Virginia 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Hank Shea Chief, Economic Crime Section D. MN 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Patrick Bupara Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, ND Cal. 20 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Michael Rendon Special Assistant U.S. Attorney 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
David Askman Senior Counsel 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Deb Herzog Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attorney 20 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Dan Eckhart Assistant U.S. Attorney, MDFL 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Peter J. Tomao Assistant U.S. Attorney, Senior Investigative Counsel 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Jeffrey Bornstein Senior Litigation Counsel 19.6 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Colleen Covell Assistant United States Attorney 19.5 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Peter Rient Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General 19 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
W. Thomas Dillard U.S. Attorney, NDFL 19 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Kristy Parker Deputy Chief, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division 19 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Barbara McQuade United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan 19 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Paul Weissman Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attorney; Chief, Financial Institution Fraud Unit, D.N.J. 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ronald McNeil Senior Litigation Counsel 19 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
John Joseph AUSA, Deputy Chief 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Roger Martin Assistant to prosecutor for US northern district Ohio 19 Obama, Bush II
William Gurin Deputy Chief, General Crimes, EDNY 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
James Hopkins AUSA (SDFL) & SAUSA (SDNY) 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jeffrey Johnson Special Attorney, Criminal Division, DOJ 18 Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Ira Belkin Chief, Criminal Division USAO-RI 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Wilmer Parker AUSA, Chief of Narcotics & Lead OCDETF Attorney NDGa. 18 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Catharine Goodwin Assistant U.S. Attorney, Colorado (1983-1989) and N. California (1989-1993); Attorney Advisor, EOUSA 2001-2004. 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Steven Miller Chief, Special Prosecutions Division, ND Il 18 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Mark Ehlers Assistant United States Attorney (EDPA & DDC) 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Margaret Smith Assistant United States Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Ogren Chief, Fraud Section, Criminal Divisio 18 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Randal Sengel AUSA, WD OK 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Alleen VanBebber Deputy U.S. Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Matt Olsen Associate Deputy Attorney General 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Sergio Acosta Chief, General Crimes Section, NDIL 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lynn Zentner Assistant US Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Tammy Spertus Assistant U.S. Attorney 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Patrick Hanley Assistant United States Attorney 18 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Susan Park Trial Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Kent Chief, Complex Fraud Section, USAO NDIL 17 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Mary Spearing Chief, Fraud Section. Criminal Division 17 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Joseph McSorley Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of Florida 17 Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Peter Zeidenberg Deputy Special Counsel 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ana Barnett Executive Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of FL 17 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Margaret E. Curran United States Attorney 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Tristram Coffin U.S. Attorney 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
David Uhlmann Chief, Environmental Crimes Section (ENRD) 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Amy Lecocq Associate Deputy Attorney General 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
J. Christopher Moore AUSA, Civil Chief SDIL 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Thomas Gannon Attorney, Criminal Appellate, DOJ 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Crossan Andersen Assistant United States Attorney 17 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Kurzweil Assistant-in-Charge, Camden, NJ 17 Bush II, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Elizabeth Woodcock Assistant US Attorney 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Robert Bloch Chief Professions & Intellectual Property Section, Antitrust Division 17 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Alan Marx Section Chief, General Litigation Section, Antitrust Division 17 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Tina Sciocchetti AUSA 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Lizabeth McKibben Assistant U.S. Attorney 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Curtis Fallgatter Chief Assistant United States Attorney 17 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Michael Gennaco Chief, Civil Rights Section 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Thomas Sleisenger Assistant United States Attorney 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Carole Rendon U.S. Attorney NDOh 17 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Amy Howe Assistant United States Attorney 16.8 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
John Youngquist Assistant U.S. Attorney, Chief Tax Division, ND Calif. 16 Carter;Ford;Nixon;Johnson;Kennedy
Mimi Rocah Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 16 Obama, Bush II
Andrew Huang Assistant U.S. Attorney, Trial Attorney 16 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
S Gay Hugo-Martinez Deputy Chief, Fraud Section, U S Attorney's office for the Southern District of California 16 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Thomas Roche Associate United States Attorney 16 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Carmina Hughes Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attorney, Head of Priority Crimes 16 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Marcia Jensen Assistant United States Attotney 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Cheryl O'Connor Assistant United States Attorney, Deputy Chief, Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section, Central District of California 16 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Despena Billings Assistant United States Attorney, Deputy Chief of Major Crimes, Boston MA 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Janet Katz Trial Attorney 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
David Shapiro United States Attorney, Northern District of California 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jan Paul Miller United States Attorney for the Central District of Illinois 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Alain Leibman Senior Litigation Counsel, Deputy Chief, D.N.J. 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Harold James Pickerstein Chief Assistant U S Attorney D. Conn, 16 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Frances Reddis Assistant United States Attorney 16 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Dennis Mulshine Special Assistant US Attorney 16 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Hartley West Assistant U.S. Attorney, Deputy Chief 15.5 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Mary Pougiales Assistant United States Attorney 15 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Rosemary Nidiry Assistant U.S. Attorney ; Attorney-Advisor 15 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Patricia Vroom District Counsel - Phoenix District 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Miriam Krinsky Chief, Criminal Appeals 15 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Serrin Turner Assistant US Attorney 15 Obama;Bush II
Colleen Coughlin Assistant U.S. Attorney 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lee Altschuler Chief, Silicon Valley Branch Ofc, ND CA 15 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Judith Hetherton Associate Independent Counsel (Iran Contra); Deputy Chief, U.S. Attorney’s Office, D.C. 15 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Dwight Holton United States Attorney for the District of Oregon 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Henry Frohsin First Assistant US Attorney, ND Ala. 3 Presidents 15 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Bruce Marshack Assistant United States Attorney 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Gross Trial Attorney Antitrust Division 15 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Linda Barr Deputy Chief, OCDETF 15 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Ronald Brunson Senior Litigation Counsel 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Robert Troyer United States Attorney 15 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Donald Kaplan Special Litigation Counsel, Antitrust Division 15 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Richard Wiedis Senior Litigation Counsel 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Gregory Roth Assistant United States Attorney 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Sigler Assistant US Attorney 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Bruce Pasfield Acting Assistant Section Chief 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lois Schiffer Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division 14 Clinton, Reagan, Carter
Robert Sadowski Health Care Fraud Coordinator 14 Bush II, Clinton
Ralph Martin Senior Trial Attorney 14 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Roy Austin Deputy Assistant Attorney General 14 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Andrew Kline Special Litigation Counsel 14 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Cecilia Gardner Senior Counsel 14 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
William Carter Assistant United States Attorney (CDCA), Chief, Environmental Crimes Section 14 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Norman Moscowitz Senior Litigation Counsel, Southern District of Florida 14 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Sherri Evans Harris Executive Assistant United States Attorney for Management 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Alexandra Leake Assistant United States Attorney 14 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Bach Assistant United States Attorney 14 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Andrew Frey Deputy Solicitor General 14 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stacey Sullivan Assistant United States Attorney 14 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Alberto Arevalo Deputy Section Chief, Southern District of California 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Mary Jude Darrow AUSA 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Marc Dubin Senior Trial Attorney 14 Bush II, Clinton, Reagan
Barney Skolnik Chief of Public Corruption Unit, US Attys Office, Baltimore 14 Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Roberta Brown Legal Counsel to US Attorney 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lee Arian AUSA 14 Clinton, Bush I
David Bullock Senior Counsel and Unit Director, Environmental Crimes Section, U.S. Department of Justice; Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia 13 Bush I, Reagan, Ford, Nixon
David Vicinanzo Acting U.S. Attorney 13 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Robert Weaver Criminal Div Chief, Oregon US Attorneys Office 13 Reagan;Carter;Ford
Jennifer Rodgers Assistant United States Attorney SDNY (various supervisor roles) 13 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Chris Todd Chief, White House. National Security Council Team, Iran/Contra Independent Counsel 13 Reagan;Carter;Ford
Karen Wehner Trial Attorney, Tax Division 13 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Paula Ray Assistant U.S. Attorney 13 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Joseph F. Savage Chief Public Corruption USAO DMA 13 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Kenneth Geller Deputy Solicitor General; also served as Assistant Special Prosecutor, Watergate Special Prosecution Force 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Anna Gwinn Supervisor, Civil Division of EDKY 13 Obama, Bush II
Edna Axelrod Chief of Appeals, District of New Jersey 13 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Karen Shinskie Assistant United States Attorney 13 Obama, Bush II
S. Michael Levin Attorney-in-Charge, Southeast Organized Crime Strike Force 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
LeDora Knight Assistant U.S. Attorney EDVA 13 Bush II, Clinton
Daniel Schermer Assistant United States Attorney 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
John Sweeney Chief, Criminal Division, Northern District of Texas 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Seth Waxman Assistant United States Attorney 13 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Sonia Jaipaul Executive Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 13 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Cooper Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, USAO DC 13 Bush II, Clinton
Lawrence Benson Assistant US Attorney 13 Clinton, Bush I
Sean M Walsh Associate General Counsel 13 Obama, Bush II, Nixon
Gerald Houlihan Chief Assistant US Attorney and Senior Litigation Counsel 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Brenda Carleton Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General 12.5 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lynn Panagakos Trial Attorney 12.5 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jeffrey Eglash Assistant U.S. Attorney & Chief, Public Corruption & Government Fraud Section 12 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Dan Dorsky Assistant United States Attorney 12 Bush II, Clinton
Robert Rose Chief, Criminal Division, SDCA AUSA 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
William Sinnott Chief, New England Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force 12 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Andrew Cowan Assistant United States Attorney 12 Bush II;Clinton
Michael Bromwich Inspector General, Department of Justice 12 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Andrea Likwornik Weiss Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, USAO SDNY 12 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Kerri Martin Bartlett Chief Appellate Attorney, USAO SDNY 12 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Barry Miller AUSA, ND IL, and Trial Attorney, CRT. 12 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Reagan, Carter
Mark Larsen Acting Chief of Appeals; Assistant U.S. Attorney 12 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Paul Corradini Ass't US Attorney, D. Ariz; Spec Atty DOJ Crim Div, Org. Crime & Rack Section 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Kathryn Oberly Assistant to the Solicitor General 12 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Eric Kaplan Senior Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Michael Sklaire AUSA 12 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Linda Chapman Assistant U.S. Attorney 12 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Anne VanGraafeiland Assistant U.S. Attorney, WDNY 12 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
David Krakoff Assistant U.S. Attorney Section Chief 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Jodi Rafkin Assistant U.S. Attorney 12 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
William Turner Assistant U.S Attorney 12 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Kenneth Scott Assistant US Attorney, Chief of Complex Prosecutions, D. Colorado 12 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jacqueline Spratt AUSA 12 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
David Seide Assistant U.S. Attorney 11.5 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ignacia S. Moreno Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division, 2009-2013 11 Obama;Clinton
Bruce Udolf Chief, Public Integrity/Corruption Section, USAO, Miami; Associate Independent Counsel, Whitewater Investigation 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Richard Cutler Assistant United States Attorney 11 Bush II;Clinton;Reagan
Leida Schoggen Assistant United States Attorney 11 Reagan;Carter
Robert Semmer Chief, Criminal Division, US Attorneys Office, Northern District of Illinoy 11 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Howard Feinstein Attorney, Civil Rights Division, Criminal Section 11 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Breakstone Chief Criminal Division (SF) 11 Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Benjamin Vernia Trial Attorney 11 Bush II, Clinton
Kathleen Voelker Assistant United States Attorney, District of Columbia 11 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Joseph Burton Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, San Jose Office 11 Reagan, Carter
Diane F Giacalone Supervisor, Special Prosecutions, EDNY 11 Reagan, Carter
Stephen Jory United States Attorney, NDWV 11 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Gilberto de Jesus Assistant US Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I
James Burns US Attorney-ND Illinois 11 Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon
G. David Hackney AUSA Eastern District of Virginia 11 Bush II, Clinton
Richard Banks Asst United States Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
George Tallichet AUSA, SDTX 11 Clinton, Bush I
Thomas Shakeshaft AUSA, N.D. I’ll. 11 Obama, Bush II
Sarah McKee General Counsel, Interpol U.S. National Central Bureau 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
John Bartels Deputy Asst AG, Criminal Div 11 Ford, Nixon
Scott Mendeloff Special Attorney to the Attorney General 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Diane de Forest Trial Attorney, Criminal Division 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Alan Strasser AUSA (DC); Associate Ind. counsel 11 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Richard F. Green Trial Attorney, Public Integrity Section 11 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Jeanne Kempthorne Chief, Public Corruption Unit, USAO, Boston, MA 11 Bush II, Clinton
Virginia Towler Trial Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I
Jonny Frank Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Daphene McFerren Counsel to the Attorney General 11 Bush II
Edward Gonzales AUSA, Middle District of Louisiana, Criminal Section Chief 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
John Carlton Chief, Criminal Complaints, USAO Central District California 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Thomas Capezza Assistant U.S. Attorney 11 Obama, Bush II
Jeffrey Lawrence Assistant U.S. Attorney 10.5 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Ann Marie Tracey Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Reagan, Carter
Jane Moscowitz Senior Litigation Counsel, Southern District of Florida 10 Reagan;Carter
Keith Blair Senior Trial Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Jud Starr Chief, Environmental Crimes Section 10 Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Nancy Luque Deputy Chief Grand Jury Section USAO/DC 10 Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Jerry Coughlan Assistant US Attorney 10 Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Annmarie Levins Chief, Financial Crimes 10 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Heidi Wendel Chief, Civil Frauds Unit 10 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Ramona Albin Assistant United States Attorney for Northern District of Alabama 10 Obama;Bush II
Cono Namorato Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Tax Division 10 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Janet Goldstein Assistant US Attorney 10 Reagan;Carter
Laurie Brecher Southern District of New York, Former Chief of General Crimes Unit, and Sr. Trial Counsel, Securities Fraud Task Force 10 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Donald Ayer Deputy Attorney General 10 Bush I;Reagan
Kalyn Free Senior Counsel 10 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Mark Matthews Deputy Assistant Attorney General 10 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ronald DePetris Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, EDNY 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Susan Roy Immigration Judge 10 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Beverly Hadley Attorney Advisor 10 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Arun Rao Chief, Southern Division, U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Maryland 10 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Ed Chung Senior Counsel 10 Obama, Bush II
Josh Van de Wetering AUSA 10 Bush II, Clinton
David Haas Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Obama, Bush II
Todd Mikolop Trial Attorney 10 Obama, Bush II
Jane Levine Assistant United States Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Sanford Cohen Chief, Civil Rights, Eastern District of New York 10 Bush II, Clinton
William Craco Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, USAO, Southern District of New York 10 Bush II, Clinton
Leslie Bellas Trial Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Lauren Resnick Assistant US Attorney EDNY - Chief of Computer Crimes & IP Section 10 Bush II, Clinton
Daniel Goldman Deputy Chief, Organized Crime Unit 10 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Frank Tuerkheimer U.S. Attorney; Associate Watergate Pros . 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Alex Whiting Assistant U.S. Attorney D.Mass, Trial Attorney Criminal Section Civil Rights Division 10 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Joseph Salus Supervisory Attorney Criminal Section Tax Division 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Cynthia Campbell Assistant U.S. Attorney WD Missouri 10 Reagan, Carter
Mary Ellen Kris Chief, Environmental Protection Unit, S.D.N.Y. 10 Reagan, Carter
Samuel Buell Assistant United States Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Veta Carney Senior Trial Attorney & Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Reagan, Carter
Eugene Kaplan Deputy Chief and Senior Litigation Counsel, Criminal Division, U.S. Attorneys Office, SDNY 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Paul Kelly Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Clinton, Bush I
Martha Rogers Assistant U. S Attorney for District of Columbia 10 Reagan, Carter
Steven Tabackman AUSA-DC and Assoc. Independent Counsel (diGenova) 10 Reagan, Carter
Anna Pletcher Assistant Chief, Antitrust Division 10 Obama, Bush II
Robert O'Neill AUSA Washington DC (1978-1984); AUSA District OF Vermont (1984-1987) 10 Reagan, Carter
Donald C. Klawiter Field Office Chief, Antitrust Division 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Patrick Deady Assistant United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois 10 Reagan, Carter
Kathryne Stoltz Assistant United States Attorney 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Nick Akerman Assistant U.S. Attorney, Assistant Special Watergate Prosecutor 10 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Anne Tompkins United States Attorney 10 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Steven Silverman Deputy Assistant Attorney General 10 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ira Oring Assistant United States Attorney 9.5 Clinton;Bush I
Christian Everdell Assistant United States Attorney 9.5 Obama, Bush II
Jerry Goren Assistant United States Attorney 9 Reagan;Carter
Bennett Capers Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Bush II, Clinton
Leon Rodriguez Deputy Assistant Attorney General 9 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Clare Tayback Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Clinton;Bush I
Norma Ortiz Trial Attorney, Office of the U.S. Trustee 9 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Aquilina Assistant United States Attorney, USAO-CDCA 9 Trump;Bush II;Clinton
Renato Mariotti Former Assistant United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois 9 Obama, Bush II
Marc Garber Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Adria De Landri Assistant US Attorney 9 Clinton;Bush I
Peter Katz Assistant US Attorney 9 Obama;Bush II
John Martin, Sr. United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 9 Reagan, Carter, Johnson, Kennedy
Peter Toren Trial Attorney - 9 Clinton, Bush I
Arianna Berg Assistant United States Attorney 9 Obama, Bush II
Iryna Kwasny Trial Counsel 9 Bush I, Reagan
Roger Frydrychowski Assistant United States Attorney EDVA 9 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Charles Work Deputy Administrator, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration 9 Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Pamela Berry Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General Tax Division 9 Clinton, Bush I
Mark Hellerer Chief, Major Crimes Unit SDNY 9 Bush I, Reagan
Reese Harrison Chief of Criminal Section U.S. Attorney Office 9 Nixon, Johnson
Duane Lyons Assistant US Attorney, Chief, Criminal Complaints 9 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Derek Cohen Deputy Chief, Fraud Section 9 Obama, Bush II
Malcolm Segal First Assistant United States Attorney, ED Cal 9 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Eddie J. Jordan, Jr. U.S. Attorney - EDLA 9 Clinton, Reagan
Lisa Damiano Trial Attorney 9 Trump, Obama
Mark Hardiman Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Clinton, Bush I
Bruce Kelton Deputy Chief, Los Angeles OC Strike Force 9 Reagan, Carter
Jean Hobler Senior Litigation Counsel 8.5 Obama, Bush II
Susan Koeppen Director, Cybersecurity Policy 8 Obama;Clinton;Bush I
Eric Nagle Trial Attorney 8 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Steven Kowal Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stephen Ramsey Chief Environmental Enforcement Section 8 Reagan;Carter
Linda Eads Senior Trial Attorney 8 Reagan;Carter
Carol Green Assistant Section Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, Land and Natural Resources Section 8 Reagan, Carter
Elie Honig Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Obama;Bush II
Mary McGowan Davis Chief, Appeals Division, EDNY 8 Reagan;Carter
Bruce Singal Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Robert Thomas Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Clinton;Bush I
Walter P. Loughlin Assistant United States Attorney, and Chief Appellate Attorney, Southern District of New York, Associate Independent Counsel, Iran-Contra and Michael Deaver Prosecutions 8 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Edward Miller Senior Trial Attorney 8 Clinton, Bush I
John Ransom Assistant U.S. Attorney; (Awarded Special Commendation) 8 Ford;Nixon
Linda Severin Deputy Chief Appeals 8 Bush I;Reagan
Joshua Goldberg Assistant U.S. Attorney - SDNY 8 Obama;Bush II
David Axelrod Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Bush I, Reagan
Larry Patton Sr. Trial Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Denis Hauptly Deputy Section Chief, Criminal Division 8 Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Thomas Seigel Chief, Organized Crime & Racketeering Section, Eastern District of New York 8 Bush II;Clinton
Thomas Monaghan US Attorney for Nebraska 8 Clinton
Ellen Corcella Chief, General Crimes Unit, Eastern District of New York 8 Clinton
Michael Cotter United States Attorney District of Montana 8 Trump;Obama
Rory Little Associate Deputy Attorney General 8 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Pamela Merchant Senior Trial Attorney 8 Clinton;Bush I
Pamela Stuart Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Carolyn Simpson Assistant United States Attorney Deputy Chief, Civil Division, S.D.N.Y. 8 Reagan
Jeffrey Harris Deputy Associate Atty Gen 8 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
John Kaley Assistant United States Attorney, SDNY 8 Reagan, Carter
Carl Stewart Asst US Attorney 8 Ford, Nixon
Ephraim Savitt Assistant US Attorney, EDNY 1982-89 8 Bush I, Reagan
Gary Black Trial Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Betty Richardson U.S. Attorney, District of Idaho 8 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
George Mendelson Deputy Chief, Multinational Fraud Branch 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Samuel Moulthrop Chief, Criminal Division 8 Reagan
Marc Harris Deputy Chief, Public Corruption Section, CDCA 8 Clinton, Bush I
Jimmy Gurule Assistant Attorney General 8 Bush II, Bush I, Reagan
Joel Rosenthal Senior Litigation Counsel, SD FL;Chief Fraud and Public Corruption Section, SDFL ; AUSA, SDNY 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Paul Fitzpatrick Assistant United States Attorney 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Russell T. Baker, Jr. US Attorney for Maryland (1978-1981) 8 Reagan, Carter, Nixon
Peter Casey OC Special Attorney, AUSA D of CT 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Wilson Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Donald Abrams Assistant United States Attorney, Washington, D..C. 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Mike Fawer Chief, Special Prosecutions, S.D.N.Y., 1965-1968 8 Johnson, Kennedy
Lauren Ouziel Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Obama, Bush II
Marianne Espinosa Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Thomas Schneider US Attorney ED WI 8 Clinton
Pamela Naughton Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Stephen L. Hill, Jr. U.S. Attorney, W.D. Mo. 8 Bush I, Clinton
Jonathan Rose Assistant Attorney General -Office of Legal Policy 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Ralph Johnson Assistant Director, Torts Branch, Civil Division 8 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
David Resnicoff Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Bush II, Clinton
Michael Lipman AUSA Chief of Fraud Unit 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Scott Turow Deputy Chief, Criminal Receiving and Appellate Division, USAO NDIll 8 Reagan, Carter
Kevin Cassidy Senior Trial Attorney 8 Obama, Bush II
Dayle (Powell) Spencer Asst. US Atty 8 Reagan, Carter
Nicole Gueron Assistant United States Attorney 8 Bush II, Clinton
Albert Murray Senior Litigation Counsel, Assistant United States Attorney Middle District of Pennsylvania 8 Reagan, Carter
Sharon Fairley Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Obama, Bush II
Leonard Sands Trial Attorney - Criminal Division - OCR Section 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stephen Zimmermann Assistant United States Attorney 8 Clinton, Bush I
Edward Little Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division, SDNY 8 Reagan
David Bukey Acting United States Attorney Eastern District of Wisconsin November 1973 to April 1974 8 Nixon, Ford, Carter
Kathleen McDermott Assistant U.S. Attorney 7.9 Clinton, Bush I
Robert Crouch US Attorney, Western District of Virginia 7.5 Clinton
Howard Pearl Assistant U.S. Attorney 7.5 Bush I;Reagan
Robert Nolan Assistant United States Attorney, Middle District of Pennsylvania 7.5 Reagan, Carter
Mark Kokanovich Deputy Appellate Chief 7 Trump;Obama
Lawrence Robbins Assistant United States Attorney 7 Bush I;Reagan
Eric Havian Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton;Bush I
Stacey Brodsky Chief Civil Division, SDNY, Chief Appellate attorney , Criminal Division SDNY 7 Bush I;Reagan
Larry Silverman Chief, Criminal Division, Eastern District of New York 7 Carter;Ford;Nixon
Jeffrey Klink Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I
James Bruen Chief of the Civil Division, U.S Attys Office, ND Cal 7 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Ben Clements Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton
Brendan Johnson United States Attorney for the District of South Dakota 7 Obama
Alex Little Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Obama, Bush II
Patrick Cotter Assistant United states Attorney/Special Attorney Strike Force on Organized Crime 7 Bush I;Reagan
Nicole Healy Trial Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I
Jonathan Abernethy Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of NY 7 Bush II
William Weld Assistant U.S. Attorney General, Criminal Division, Washington, DC 7 Reagan
Donna Triptow Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Shallman Assistant U.S. Attorney, Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section 7 Bush II;Clinton
Jill Wine-Banks Assistant Watergate Special Prosecutor 7 Ford;Nixon
Peter Kadzik Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs 7 Obama;Carter
Stephen Pickard Assistant U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Virginia 7 Ford, Nixon
Drew Smith Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Obama, Bush II
James Druker AUSA, Deputy Chief Criminal Div., EDNY 7 Ford, Nixon
Stephen Anear Special Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of California 7 Bush II, Clinton
Richard Glovsky Chief, Civil Division 7 Ford, Nixon
Ivan Abrams Assistant US Attoney/OCDETF 7 Bush I, Reagan
Christine McKenna Assistant United States Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Stuart Peim Chief of Criminal Division DNJ 7 Reagan
William Xanttopoulos Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Sarah Gold Assistant United States Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter
Michael Dettmer US Attorney WDMi 1994-2001 7 Clinton
Jane Cronin Trial Attorney, Atlanta Field Office, DOJ Antitrust Division 7 Clinton, Bush I
Philip Michael Deputy Chief Strike Force 7 Nixon, Johnson
Alan Rubin Assistant United States Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter
Katherine King Deputy Chief - Violent Crime WDPA 7 Trump, Obama
Robert Grueneberg Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Reagan
Robert Goodman Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, District of NJ 7 Reagan, Carter
Joshua Levy Assistant US Attorney 7 Bush II, Clinton
Tommy Miller Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division, EDVA 7 Reagan, Carter
Gregory Brady Assistant US Attorney, District of Columbia 7 Nixon, Johnson
Stefan Stein Deputy Chief, Public Corruption & Government Fraud Section, Central District of California 7 Clinton, Bush I
Carolyn Stein Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I
Mary Jane McFadden Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Ariel Neuman Assistant United States Attorney 7 Obama, Bush II
David Willingham Deputy Chief, Major Frauds Section 6.5 Bush II
Chiraag Bains Senior Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division 6.5 Obama
Lisa A. Green Assistant U.S. Attorney 6.5 Bush II;Clinton
Steven Alm United States Attorney District of Hawaii 6.5 Clinton
Brian Legghio Assistant United States Attorney -Detroit 6.5 Reagan
James M. Kramon Assistant United States Attorney, District of Maryland 6.5 Ford, Nixon
David Hickton US Attorney WDPA 6.4 Obama
Jack Weiss Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Clinton
Bill Nettles Former United States Attorney District of South Carolina 6 Obama
Ronald Hoevet Assistant United States Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Fourr Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Elizabeth Langer Trial Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Mushtaq Gunja Assistant United States Attorney 6 Obama
David Mandel Assistant United States Attorney (S.D. Fla.) 6 Clinton;Bush I
Brian Maas Deputy Chief-Criminal Division-Eastern District of New York 6 Reagan
Geoffrey Graber Deputy Associate Attorney General 6 Obama
Jeff Modisett Deputy Chief, Public Corruption & Government Fraud Section, Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan
Harry Sandick Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of New York 6 Bush II
Roland Riopelle Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton;Bush I
Douglas Johnson Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 6 Reagan
Elkan Abramowitz Chief of the Criminal Division, SDNY 6 Carter;Ford;Nixon;Johnson
Lorin Reisner Chief of the Criminal Division, Southern District of New York 6 Obama, Clinton, Bush I
Joseph G. (Jerry) Block Chief, Environmental Crimes Section, ENRD 6 Bush I, Reagan
David Hinden Assistant U.S. Attorney (Los Angeles and Newark, Chief of Criminal Appeals) 6 Ford;Nixon
Neil Levy Assistant United States Attorney 6 Carter;Ford;Nixon
Bradley Harsch Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Obama;Bush II
Charles Pereyra Assistant U.S. Attorney, Los Angeles 6 Carter;Ford
Douglas Graham Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Carter;Ford;Nixon
Elliot Williams Deputy Assistant Attorney General 6 Obama, Bush II
Cynthia Alksne Assistant US Attorney 6 Clinton;Bush I
Raymond Granger Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Roger Bernstein Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan
Patricia Collins Assistant US Attorney, Central Dist. of Cal. 6 Reagan
Lauren Kahn Staff Attorney 6 Ford;Nixon
Edward Ferguson Deputy Chief, Civil Division, Southern District of New York 6 Bush I;Reagan
Thomas Knight Organized Crime Strike Force Attorney - Chicago 6 Bush I, Reagan
Leon Kellner United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida 6 Reagan
Robert Sims Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Robin Linsenmayer Assistant United States Attorney (SDNY) 6 Bush II, Clinton
Steven Solow Chief 6 Clinton
Dan Purdom AUSA 6 Reagan, Carter
Lawrence Aldrich Senior Legal Counsel, Antitrust Division 6 Reagan, Carter
Marion Bachrach Chief of General Crimes 6 Reagan, Carter
Adam Kamenstein AUSA 2000-2006; Deputy Chief Public Corruption and Government Fraud Section 2003-2006; Central District of California 6 Bush II, Clinton
Rep. Kathleen M. Rice Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Bush II, Clinton
Katya Jestin Deputy Chief, OCRS EDNY 6 Bush II
Mark Pomerantz Chief, Criminal Division, SDNY 6 Clinton, Reagan, Carter
Terry Eaton Assistant United States Attorney - District of Columbia 6 Obama, Bush II
Charles Murdter Trial Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Loren Hershey Special Assistant United States Attorney and Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 6 Reagan, Carter
Nathaniel Jones Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio 6 Johnson, Kennedy
Kristan Peters-Hamlin Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Harriet Leva Assistant United States Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan
Thomas Hill Assistant US Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Pamela Larrabee Trial Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan
Charles Oberly United States Attorney for the District of Delaware 6 Obama
Peter Bloch AUSA -SDNY 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
William Aronwald Chief of Criminal Division, EDNY 6 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stuart Deming Trial Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Jane Simkin Smith Assistant US Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Robert Radick Deputy Chief of Public Integrity Section and Chief of Health Care Fraud Prosecutions, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York 6 Obama, Bush II
Barak Cohen Trial Attorney 6 Obama, Bush II
Robert Herbst Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions Division, EDPa 6 Carter, Ford
Seth Kirschenbaum AUSA and Trial Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Laura Bonander Assistant United States Attorney 6 Obama, Bush II
Mark Kalmansohn Assistant Division Chief, Criminal Division, Central District of California 6 Reagan, Carter
Steven Shobat AUSA 6 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jon Lindsey Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 6 Reagan, Carter
Carla Diggs Smith Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton
Jim Brosnahan Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Johnson, Kennedy
John Kelly United States Attorney for the District of New Mexico 6 Clinton
Gerry Elman Trial Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Ellen Davis Counsel and Spokesperson 6 Obama, Clinton
Valerie Stewart Assistant U.S. Attorney - OCDETF 6 Bush I, Reagan
Wayne Baker Assistant United States Attorney 6 Bush II
Ronald Malone Asst Watergate Special prosecutor; criminal justice policy advisor to AGs Levi and Bell 6 Carter, Ford
Brad Pigott United States Attorney 6 Clinton
Karen ONeill Deputy Executive Assistant United States Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Nima Binara Attorney-Advisor, National Security Division 6 Obama
Greg Scandaglia Trial Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan
James Berliner Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan
David Kettel Assistant United States Attorney 6 Bush II, Clinton
Carol Gillam Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Bruce Yannett Assistant US Attorney & also Associate Independent Counsel for Iran Contra 5.25 Bush I, Reagan
Robert Martinez Trial Attorney (Tax Div.), AUSA (EDMI) 5.5 Reagan, Carter
John Libby Assistant United States Attorney 5.5 Clinton;Bush I
John Mathews II Assistant United States Attorney 5.5 Obama
Martin Perschetz Chief, Major Crimes Unit, SDNY 5.5 Reagan, Carter
Richard Mescon Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 5.5 Reagan, Carter
Gordon Rhea Executive Assistant united States Attorney 5.5 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Matthew Umhofer Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush II
Richard Kendall Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan;Carter
Douglas Schwartz Assistant US Attorney 5 Reagan;Carter
Richard Nelson Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
Daniel Crumby Assistant United States Attorney 5 Obama
Katherine Culliton-Gonzalez Senior Attorney, Civil Rights Division 5 Obama, Bush II
John Martin Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Janna Sidley Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II;Clinton
Andres Rivero Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton, Bush I
Robert Marder Assistant U.S. Attorney-ND of Calif. 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Chad Vignola Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush I;Reagan
Michael G. Tracy Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan
Barrie Goldstein Trial Attorney 5 Carter;Ford
Paul Summit Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
David M. Brodsky Assistant US Attorney; Associate Independent Counsel 5 Reagan;Nixon
Robert Klonoff Assistant United States Attorney and Assistant to the Solicitor General of the United States 5 Reagan
Philip Allen Lacovara Deputy Solicitor General (Criminal Matters) and Counsel to Watergate Special Prosecutor 5 Ford;Nixon;Johnson
Jacob Buchdahl Assistant United States Attorney, SDNY 5 Bush II
Marshall Camp Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 5 Obama, Bush II
David Apfel Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Noah Bookbinder Trial Attorney 5 Bush II;Clinton
Kimberly Reiley Clement Assistant U.S. Attorney, Northern District of California 5 Reagan, Carter
William Hibsher Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 5 Reagan, Carter
James Vaughns Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Tim Purdon United States Attorney for the District of North Dakota 5 Obama
Marc Wolf Assistant United States Attorney 5 Obama
Glenn Katon Trial Attorney GS-15 5 Bush II;Clinton
Abby Meiselman Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton, Bush I
Mark Torres-Gil Special Attorney 5 Reagan
Paul Garcia AUSA - Northern District of Illinois 5 Clinton
R. Christopher Locke Trial Attorney, Criminal Division; Assistant U.S, Attorney, N.D. Cal. 5 Reagan
George William Currier Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Reagan
Steven Semeraro Special Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Michael Whitlock Trial Attorney 5 Obama, Bush II
Patrick McInerney Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Robert Rose Special Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Susan Smith Assistant Section Chief 5 Bush I, Reagan
J. Christopher Jensen Chief of the Civil Division, Eastern District of New York 5 Carter, Ford
Charles Scheeler Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Jennifer Martin Senior Counsel 5 Bush II, Clinton
Willie James Ellison Assistant U.S. Attorney, WDTN 5 Reagan, Carter
Del Wright Federal Prosecutor 5 Bush II
Michael Pinnisi Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Richard Leng Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Charles Lembcke Assistant United States Attorney 5 Nixon
William Ibershof Criminal Division Chief 5 Nixon
Ted Doolittle Trial Attorney, Tax Division 5 Bush II, Clinton
Pamela Larrabee AUSA 5 Bush I, Reagan
Sanford (Sandy) Litvack Assistant Attorney General 5 Bush II, Carter, Kennedy
Ernest Chen Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Rebekah Young AUSA 5 Obama, Bush II
Sharon Kegerreis Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Stephen Grafman Assist US Attorney District of Columbia 5 Nixon
Richard Bicki AUSA Washington, DC ; Providence, RI 5 Reagan, Carter
Alan Rose Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Charles Weintraub Special Attorney 5 Ford, Nixon
Lisa Kern Griffin Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush II, Clinton
Alexander Shapiro Assistant United States Attorney -District of New Mexico 5 Trump, Obama
D.William Subin Asst. U.S.Attorney (D.C. & N.J.) 5 Nixon, Johnson
David Bohan Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan, Carter
Jules terrence Brunner Chief Pittsburgh Org Crime Strike Force 5 Nixon, Johnson
Cameron Elliot Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Nicholas Phillips AUSA 5 Reagan
John Meyer AUSA 5 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Joshua Stein Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Jill Shellow Counsel, Office of the Deputy Attorney General 5 Clinton
Steve Canfil Trial Attorney, Special Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush II, Reagan
Robert Perry Assistant US Attorney 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Richard Hall Head of Civil Tax Section AUSA SDNY 5 Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy
Barry Grissom United States Attorney for the District of Kansas 5 Obama
Richard Shiffrin Deputy Assistant Attorney General 5 Clinton
David W. Mernitz First Assistant US Attorney 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Gerald Uelmen Assistant U.S. Attorney and Chief of Special Prosecutions, Central District of California Prosecutions 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Charles Spurlock AUSA District of Massachusetts 5 Reagan, Carter
Leslie Banks Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Michelle DeLong AUSA EDNY 5 Bush II, Clinton
Robert Power Trial Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Jan Constantine Deputy Chief of the Civil Division 5 Reagan, Carter
Elyssa Getreu Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Mary Fulginiti Genow Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
A Hugh Scott Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Reagan, Carter
Precious Gittens AUSA 5 Bush II
DLowell Jensen Deputy Attorney General Reagan Administration 5 Reagan
Thomas Farrell Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
Michael Patrick Special Assistant United States Attorney, Chief, Immigration Unit, SDNY 5 Reagan
Lauren Dickie AUSA 5 Obama
Kenneth Barish Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Carter
John Flannery Asst. U. S. Attorney 5 Ford, Nixon
Deborah Ramirez Assistant US Attorney - Boston 5 Bush I
Meghan Blanco AUSA 5 Obama
James May Trial Attorney; Special Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan, Carter
Barbara Gillers Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 5 Reagan, Carter
Theodore Poulos Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Erica Martin Assistant United States Attorney, Public Corruption and Government Fraud Section, Central District of CA, and Special Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
Anthony Z. Roisman Chief Hazardous Waste Section, Lands Division 5 Reagan, Carter, Johnson
Donald Stever Section Chief, Pollution Control; Env. Defense Sections 4.5 Reagan;Carter
A. Howard Matz Assistant U.S. Attorney 4.5 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Hammel Assistant U.S. Attorney (SDNY) 4.5 Reagan
Richard Gordin Assistant US Attorney for the District of Columbia 4.5 Reagan
Daniel Reinberg Assistant U.S. Attorney, N.D. IL 4.5 Clinton
Neal Sonnett AUSA, Chief, Criminal Division, S.D. FL 4.5 Nixon
Arthur Zucker Assistant United States Attorney 4.5 Bush I, Reagan
Mark Kolman Chief, Criminal Division, US Attorney’s Office, District of Maryland 4.5 Reagan, Carter
Jennifer Granholm Assistant U.S. Attorney 4.5 Clinton, Bush I
Lenese Herbert Assistant U.S. Attorney 4.5 Clinton
Monique Yingling Trial Attorney 4.5 Reagan, Carter
Spencer Waller Trial Attorney, Chicago Organized Crime Strike Force 4 Reagan
Hector Perez Assistant United States Attorney 4 Carter
Bill Baer Acting Associate Attorney General 4 Obama
Kenneth Bynum Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Donna Patterson Deputy Assistant Attorney General -Antitrust 4 Clinton
Louis Volz Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of Louisiana 4 Reagan;Carter
Richard Berne Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter, Ford
Frank Rothermel Fraud Prosecutor 4 Bush I, Reagan
Martin Himeles Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Bush I;Reagan
Gary Maveal Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Dennis Aftergut Assistant United States Attorney 4 Reagan, Carter
David Marlin Trial Attorney 4 Johnson;Kennedy
Mary Shannon Little Assistant U.S. Attorney, Public Corruption Unit 4 Reagan
James Kainen Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Sean Coffey Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Clinton, Bush I
Georgina Verdugo Deputy Assistant Attorney General-OLA 4 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Samuel Simon Senior Appelate Attorney 4 Ford
Frederick Davis Assistant United States Attorney 4 Ford
Irvin Nathan Principal Associate Deputy Attorney Genetal 4 Clinton;Carter
David Dopsovic Trial Attorney 4 Reagan;Carter
David Montgomery Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Kennedy
Raja Chatterjee Trial Attorney 4 Bush II;Clinton
Bob Pennoyer Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York 4 Eisenhower
Amanda Metcalf Chief, Civil Rights Division, ND.Cal 4 Reagan, Carter
F. L. Peter Stone U. S. Attorney 4 Nixon
James Elkins Assistant United States Attorney 4 Nixon
Faith Gay Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions, EDNY 4 Bush I
Paul Butler Trial Attorney, Public Integrity Section 4 Clinton, Bush I
Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) US Attorney for District of Connecticut 4 Carter
S. Amanda Marshall US Attorney for the District of Oregon 4 Obama
Edward Borden Assistant US Attorney 4 Reagan, Carter
Richard Signorelli Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 4 Bush I
Sharon Frase Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 4 Obama, Bush II
Vivian Shevitz Chief, Appeals, US Attorney, EDNY 4 Reagan, Carter
Sydney Hoffmann Assistant United States Attorney 4 Bush I
David Wiechert Assistant United States Attorney, CDCA 4 Reagan
Thomas Rubin Assistant United States Attorney 4 Clinton
Christine Meding Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 4 Bush II
Marc Levey Special Atrorney to the Attorney General 4 Carter
David Leiwant Assistqnt US Attorney 4 Reagan
Allan Lapidus Assistant US Attorney Northern District of Illinois 4 Nixon
Robert Garcia Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York 4 Reagan
Victoria Liccione Asst. USA 4 Clinton, Bush I
Jeff Bogue Assistant US Attorney, District of Nebraska 4 Nixon
Alison Vander Vort Assistant United States Attorney 4 Clinton
Katherine Goldwasser Assistant United States Attorney, Criminal Division 4 Reagan, Carter
Thomas Sullivan US Attorney NDILL 4 Carter
R. Todd Luoma Trial Attorney, Tax Division 4 Reagan
Henri Sisneros AUSA 4 Bush II, Clinton
James McGinnis AUSA 4 Reagan
Jo Vanderlee Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, WDWA 4 Obama, Bush II
A. Douglas Melamed Acting Assistant Attorney General 4 Clinton
James Arisman Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 4 Clinton, Bush I
Michael Katz Assistant US Attorney 4 Ford, Nixon
Larry Gibson Associate Deputy Attorney General 4 Carter
Eric Chaffin Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Bush II, Clinton
Philip Kellogg Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 4 Nixon, Johnson
Stephen Martin Assistant United States Attorney 4 Clinton
William Shaheen US Attorney for the District of NH 4 Carter
Shelley Stump Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter
Kim Taylor-Cloud Trial Attorney 4 Bush I
George Blakey Special Attorney 4 Kennedy, Eisenhower
Steven Gordon Assistant US Attorney 4 Carter
Daniel Thornton Attorney, Criminal Fraud Section, USDOJ 4 Reagan, Carter
Michael Rauh Assistant US Attorney 4 Johnson, Kennedy
James Oakar Asst. U.S. Attorney, N. Distict of Ohio 4 Johnson
Douglas Richardson Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of PA 4 Carter
Jennifer Gachiri Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of New York 4 Trump, Obama
Debra Diener Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Mahlon Brown US Attorney for Nevada -1977 to 1981 4 Carter
Joyce Fitzpatrick AUSA 4 Reagan
Beryl Jones-Woodin Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
James McGurk Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter, Ford
Palmer Mcgee AUSA 4 Reagan, Carter
George I. Gordon AUSA & Chief Appellate Attorney, SDNY 4 Kennedy, Eisenhower
James Montana, Jr. Assistant US Attorney, ND of illinois 4 Ford, Nixon
Theodore Margolis Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney-New Jersey 4 Nixon
Peter Herbert Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York 4 Nixon
Emily Loeb Senior Counselor to the AAG for Civil Rights 4 Obama
Sheila Markin Nielsen Assistant U S Attorney 4 Reagan
Stuart Gasner Assistant United States Attorney 4 Bush I
Gerald Caplan Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Kennedy
Steven Bauer Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Clinton, Bush I
Brian O'Neill Chief,Special Prosecutions 4 Ford, Nixon
Jerome Wiener Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia 4 Nixon
Stephen Kravit Assistant and Special Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter, Ford
Thomas Brown First Assistant US Attorney Eastern District of Wisconsin 4 Carter, Ford
Anthony Glassman Special Assistant to US Attorney William Matthew Byrne 4 Johnson
Larry Patton United States Attorney, Western District of Oklahoma 3.5 Carter
Subodh Chandra Assistant U.S. Attorney 3.5 Bush II;Clinton
Susan Johnston Assistant United States Attorney, Civil Division 3.5 Reagan
Karen Ward Assistant U.S, Attorney, District of Columbia 3.5 Carter;Ford
Mark Goodman Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 3.5 Clinton
Gabe Davis Trial Attorney 3.5 Trump, Obama
Bill Mathesius Asst U.S.Attorney, Office of USA of NJ 3.5 Johnson
Jennifer Whitfield Assistant U.S. Attorney 3.5 Trump, Obama
Alvin Bragg Assistant United States Attorney 3.5 Obama
Alan Weisberg Assistant United States Attorney 3.5 Reagan, Carter
Vicki Schultz Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights 3.5 Obama
Cormac Connor AUSA 3.5 Obama, Bush II
Stanley Greenbeerg Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Nixon
Veronica Platt Longstreth Civil Division Torts Branch, Trial Attorney 3 Reagan
Alan Weil Assistant U.S. Attorney Criminal Division, Los Angeles 3 Carter
Deborah Schmall Trial Attorney 3 Reagan;Carter
Terence Connor Trial Attorney 3 Ford;Nixon
Richard Medalie Assistant to the Solicitor General of the United States 3 Kennedy, Eisenhower
Paul Rosenzweig Senior Counsel, Office of Independent Counsel (In re: Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan) 3 Clinton
Jeff Blattner Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division 3 Clinton
Max Huffman Trial Attorney 3 Bush II;Clinton
Sarah Hawkins Assistant United States Attorney 3 Trump, Obama
Sheldon Krantz Trial Attorney 3 Johnson;Kennedy
James Ponsoldt Senior Trial Attorney 3 Carter;Ford
Eric Rosen Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Bush II;Clinton
A. Lee Fentress Assistant United States Attorney for District of Columbia 3 Johnson
Kevin McMunigal Assistant United States Attorney 3 Reagan
Nicholas Connor Trial Attorney 3 Trump, Obama
Kevin Techau United States Attorney Northern District of Iowa 3 Obama
Monica Groat Trial Attorney 3 Trump, Obama
Edwin Williams Assistant United States Attorney 3 Nixon
Duncan Levin Assistant US Attorney 3 Obama
Jonathan Mothner Assistant U.S. Attorney, EDNY 3 Clinton
Paul Renne Assistant US Attorney for the District of Columbia 3 Johnson, Kennedy
Ronald Shur Assistant United States Attorney 3 Reagan
David Muchow Special Assistant to Asst. Attorney General, Criminal Division 3 Ford, Nixon
Gabriel Mendlow Special Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of Michigan 3 Obama
J. William Elwin Jr. Trial Attorney 3 Carter, Ford
Lee Thompson U.S. Attorney, District of Kansas 3 Bush I
Brian Galle Attorney 3 Bush II
Peter Vincent Department of Justice Attachè, US embassy Bogotà 3 Obama, Bush II
James Maxeiner Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 3 Carter
Darrell Panethiere Attorney/Adviser, Office of Legal Policy 3 Bush I, Reagan
Michael Tuteur AUSA 3 Clinton, Bush I
Allison Porter Trial Attorney; Criminal Division 3 Carter, Ford
Judith Olingy Trial Attorney 3 Reagan
U.S.Amb. (Ret) Douglas Kmiec Assistant Attorney General (OLC) 3 Obama, Bush I, Reagan
Hugh Culverhouse Assistant United States Attorney 3 Carter
Janet Nahirny Prosecuting Attorney, Antitrust Division 3 Bush II
Jeffrey Walker Special Assistant US Attorney & AF JAG 3 Clinton, Bush I
Cynthia Kouril Special Assistant United States Attorney, SDNY 3 Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Toomey Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 3 Nixon, Johnson
Stephen Saltzburg Deputy Assistant Attorney General 3 Bush I, Reagan
Debra Carnahan AUSA E.D. Missouri 3 Clinton
David Payne Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Bush I
Julie O'Sullivan Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Clinton
David Reed Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Ford, Nixon
Adam Kurland Assistant US Attorney ED Cal 3 Reagan
Richard Reinish Trial Attorney 3 Nixon, Johnson
Richard Mezan Special Trial Attorney 3 Nixon, Johnson
James Fergal Assistant U.S. Attorney, ED of Wisconsin 3 Carter, Ford
Daniel Forman Assistant United States Attorney 3 Reagan, Carter
Anthony Farley AUSA 3 Bush I
Kathleen Sample Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Obama
Herbert Beigel Special Attorney 3 Nixon
Pamela Phillips Assistant U.S.Attorney 3 Carter
John Hanify Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Carter
Bert Deixler Assistant United States Attorney 3 Carter
Richard Wiebusch United States Attorney 3 Reagan
Thomas Melsheimer Assistant United States Attorney 3 Clinton, Bush I
John Lundin Trial Lawyer, Civil Rights Division, AUSA, WD of Washington 3 Nixon
John Hughes Asst US Attorney 3 Carter, Ford
James Lyons Assistant United States Attorney 3 Nixon, Johnson
J (John) Michael Kelly Counselor and Chief of Staff to the Attorney General of the United States 3 Carter
Rick Flam Assistant United States Attorney, Central District of California 3 Reagan
John Aldock Assistant US Attorney 3 Nixon
Thomas Umberg ASSISTANT US ATTORNEY 3 Bush I, Reagan
Steven Kazan Assistant U.S. Attorney, Northern District of California 2.25 Nixon
Charles A. Intriago AUSA SDFL 2.8 Carter, Ford
Robert Goodman Trial Attorney, Environmental Enforcement Section 2.5 Bush I
Michael Berry Assistant U.S. Attorney 2.5 Trump, Obama
Michael Greenberger Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General 2 Clinton;Nixon
Marianne Wesson Assistant United States Attorney 2 Reagan, Carter
Robert Litan Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division 2 Clinton
Robert Weiner Associate Deputy Attorney General 2 Obama
Bertha Josephson Assistant US Attorney 2 Bush I
G. Daniel McCarthy Assistant US Attorney 2 Carter
Andrew Mackenzie Special Assistant United States Attorney 2 Clinton
Nick Pyati Trial Attorney 2 Obama
James McDonald Assistant U.S. Attorney 2 Carter, Ford
Gerald Norton Assistant to the Solicitor General 2 Nixon
C. Mitchell Hendy Assistant US Attorney 2 Trump, Obama
Christine Chenevert Assistant United States Attorney 2 Bush I
David Spring Special Assistant United States Attorney 2 Clinton
Marc Stickgold Assistant United States Attorney 2 Johnson
Michael Wolford Assistant U. S Attorney in charge of Rochester New York Office 2 Nixon
Michael Cannon Trial Attorney 2 Reagan, Carter
Ryan Malone Assistant United States Attorney 2 Trump, Obama
Thiru Vignarajah Assistant U.S. Attorney 2 Obama
Ann Ravel Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Torts and Consumer Litigation 2 Obama
Herbert Sturman Assistant United States Attorney 2 Johnson, Kennedy
Gregg Vance Fallick AUSA 2 Reagan
John Edwards United States Attorney for the Western District of Virginia 1.5 Reagan, Carter
Somil Trivedi Trial Attorney 1 Trump, Obama
Guy Knoller Trial Attorney 1 Nixon
Robert Martin Special Assistant United States Attorney 1 Reagan
Michael Prozan Special Assistant United States Attorney, DC 1 Bush I
Charles Carnese Assistant U.S. Attorney 1 Ford
Allen DeJonge Senior Trial Attorney 1 Obama
Gary Leuis Special Assistant United States Attorney 1 Trump
Albert Alschuler Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division 1 Johnson
Brandon Spurlock AUSA 1 Bush II
Jonathan Parnes Special Assistant United States Attorney 1 Obama
Joseph Turner Assistant United States attorney 1 Reagan
David Scott Senior Trial Attorney, Public Integrity Section 1 Carter, Ford
John Markey AUSA 1 Carter
Quit Spamming and Trolling The Forum with shit like this.

What are you going to do next, post the phone book?


One more reply.

I specifically posted all the names to demonstrate how meaningless the opinion of one lawyer is just because he happens to agree with you.
Nancy agrees with me, no impeachment

So asking about obstruction and obstruction are the same thing? He asked and was advised not to do what he thought he could do. I read The report.
You aren't concerned with any opinion from a legal scholar who knows far more about the law than you.

I'm concerned about Dershowitz very little actually. He is one voice, not THE voice.

How about all of these prosecutors who have stated on record that if it were not for Trump being president he would have been charged with multiple felonies.
Quit Spamming and Trolling The Forum with shit like this.

What are you going to do next, post the phone book?


One more reply.

I specifically posted all the names to demonstrate how meaningless the opinion of one lawyer is just because he happens to agree with you.
Nancy agrees with me, no impeachment

So asking about obstruction and obstruction are the same thing? He asked and was advised not to do what he thought he could do. I read The report.

You cannot have Obstruction if you have not committed a crime.

Asserting your rights and exercising your Constitutional Powers is NEVER OBSTRUCTION.
You aren't concerned with any opinion from a legal scholar who knows far more about the law than you.

I'm concerned about Dershowitz very little actually. He is one voice, not THE voice.

How about all of these prosecutors who have stated on record that if it were not for Trump being president he would have been charged with multiple felonies.

Dennis Dimsey Deputy Chief, Appellate Section, Civil Rights Division 44 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Frederick Hess Director Office of Enforcement Operations, Criminal Division 43 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Burtis Dougherty Senior Trial Attorney 42 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Hays Gorey Trial Attorney 42 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Richard Gregorie Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, S.D, FLA. 42 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Gary Shapiro Interim United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois 42 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
John Kolar Senior Trial Counsel 41 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
E. Thomas Roberts Chief of Narcotics Division, District of Maryland 40 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Gerald Kaminski Deputy Civil Chief 40 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
David Buvinger AUSA NDIL & Trial Attorney USDOJ 39 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Judith Rabinowitz Assistant Director 38.5 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
John Vaudreuil Presidentially Appointed US Attorney, Western District of Wisconsin 38 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Jessica Silver Principal Deputy, Appellate Section, Civil Rights Division 38 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Baker Senior trial attorney (GS 15) 38 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Colleen Kennedy Senior Litigation Counsel for Mental Health Law 38 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Johnson
Mary McLaren Acting Associate Director of the Mutual Legal Assistance Unit i. The Officeof International Affairs 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Pamela Thompson Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Kenneth Jost Deputy Director, Consumer Protection Branch 37 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Patrick Molloy United States Attorney, Eastern District of Kentucky 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Johnson
Ann Rowland Deputy Chief, Criminal Division 37 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Mel Johnson Senior Litigation Counsel, Assistant US Attorney 37 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Bruce Repetto AUSA, Senior Litigation Counsel 37 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Joe Rich Chief, Voting Section, Civil Rights Division 37 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
William H. Stapleton Assistant Chief, Fraud Section, CRM 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Haviland Asst. U.S. Attorney-in-Charge 37 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Richard Owens Associate Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division 36 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Patricia Kenney Assistant U.S. Attorney 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Helen Bollwerk Executive Asst. U.S. Attorney for Management, USAO-DC; Deputy Pardon Attorney, USDOJ 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
William Corcoran Senior Counsel, Public Integrity Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice 35 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Ashbaugh Deputy Inspector General 35 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Craig Benedict Assistant U.S. Attorney (NDNY); Special AUSA, ND Ill. 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Nancy McMillen Senior Trial Attorney 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Brian Heffernan Deputy Chief, Housing and Civil Enforcement, Civil Rights Division 35 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
George Hardy Chief of Criminal Division Northern District of California 34 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Deborah Sines Assistant United States Attorney, District of Columbia 34 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jay Weill Chief, Tax Division, USAO San Francisco 34 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Mary Lee Warren Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division 34 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
James Lackner Appellate Chief 34 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Burney Clark(Huber) Senior Trial Attorney 34 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Chapman Former Assistant United States Attorney 34 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Steven Abrams Immigration Judge/ Special U.S. Attorney Eastern District of NY 34 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Gerald Shur Senior Associate Director, Office of Enforcement Operations, Criminal Division 34 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy
Blondell Morey First Assistant 34 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
James Kovakas Attorney In Charge , FOI/PA Unit Civil Division 33 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Barry Kowalski Special Counsel 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Robert Gay Guthrie FAUSA, Colorado and EDOK 33 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Ronnie Edelman Principal Deputy Chief, Counterterrorism Section, National Security Division 33 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
David Blotner Assistant Chief 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Michael Leibson Senior Litigation Counsel Eastern District Michigan 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Salliann S. M. Dougherty Senior Trial Attorney, Civil Rights Division 33 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Mark Vogel Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attoeney 33 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Peter Maier Attorney, Civil Appellate 33 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Peter Schenck Chief of Criminal Division, USAO, EDPA 33 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Robert Dempsey Section Chief Federal Programs Section Civil Rights Division 33 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Howard Wiener Assistant U.S. Attorney 33 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Stephen Andersson Deputy Chief Public Corruption and Organized Crime 32 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Peter Monson Managing Attorney, Denver Regional Office, ENRD 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Chapman Assistant U.S. Attorney 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Rodolfo Orjales Senior Trial Attorney 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Henry LaHaie Assistant Director, Office of Consumer Litigation 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Elliott Jacobson Senior Litigation Counsel, SDNY 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Cowles AUSA OCDETF Lead Attorney 32 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Joyce Hundley Trial Attorney 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Don Burkhalter Interim U.S. Attorney 32 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Nesler Assistant U.S. Attorney 31 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Stephen Samuels Assistant Section Chief 31 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Stephen Learned Assistant U.S. Attorney 31 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Barbara Kammerman Former Acting Director, Professional Responsibility Advisory Office 31 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Bondi Senior Litigation Counsel 31 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
David Allred Deputy Chief, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division 31 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Marianna Clay First Asst. US Attorney 31 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Louis Fischer Senior Attorney, Criminal Division 30 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Peter Sobol Assistant United States Attorney (SDNY) 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
James Moroney Section Chief, National Security Unit, ND Ohio 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Mary Lou Leary Principal Assistant Attorney General 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Mary Beth Uitti Chief, Civil Division 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
James Springer Senior Counsel for International Tax Matters 30 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Ellyn Lindsay Senior Litigation Counsel 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
M. Neil Smith Senior Litigation Counsel 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Stefan Cassella Chief, Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, D. Maryland 30 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Debra Long-Doyle Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney for Community Service for the District of Columbia 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Bruce Carter Chief, Economic Crime Unit, Western District of Washington 30 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Jeffrey Auerhahn Assistant U.S. Attorney 30 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Gerard Hogan Senior Litigation Counsel, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division 30 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Guy Blackwell Acting US Attorney/First Assistant. EDTN 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Michael Scadron Senior Trial Counsel 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
William H Browder Jr First Assistant U.S Attorney 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Mary Elizabeth Carmody Senior Litigation Counsel 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Kendra McNally Senior Litigation Counsel, Assistant United States Attorney 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Sutherland Civil Chief 30 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
M. Taylor Aspinwall Deputy Criminal Chief, USAO, EDPA 30 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
William Joyce SAUSA, Immigration Judge 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
David Katz Assistant U.S. Attorney 30 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Grace Mastalli Deputy Assistant Attorney General 30 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Richard Ugelow Deputy Section Chief 29 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stephen Schroeder Senior Litigation Counsel, W.D.WA 29 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Karen Loeffler United States Attorney for the District of Alaska 29 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Canella Henrichs Assistant U.S. Attorney 29 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Julie Werner-Simon Senior Litigation Counsel, Major Frauds 29 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Rhonda Backinoff Assistant Director, Office of Legal Education 29 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Roger Haines Assistant U.S. Attorney 29 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Walter Fisherow Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, ENRD 29 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Harry McCarthy Criminal Chief 28 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Michael Karam Senior Trial Attorney 28 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Nikki Calvano Assistant Director EOUSA 28 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Stuart Berman Chief, Southern Division, US Attorney's Office, District of Maryland 28 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Mary Grad Assistant U. S. Attorney 28 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Noel Anne Ferris Immigration Judge 28 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Barbara Brook Senior Litigation Counsel 28 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Patricia Chick Trial Attorney 28 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Sara Criscitelli Assistant Director, Office of International Affairs 27 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Harriett Galvin Assistant U.S. Attorney 27 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Gene Rossi Supervisory Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of Virginia 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Stewart Robinson Principal Deputy Director, Office of International Affairs 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Christopher Bator Assistant U.S. Attorney 27 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Glenda Gordon Supervisory AUSA 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Jeffrey Kent AUSA 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Gerald Doyle Regional Director OCDETF 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Sara Lord Assistant United States Attorney 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Joseph Payne Senior Trial Attorney, Criminal Division, Main Justice 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Joan Safford First Assistant United States Attorney 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Eric Marcy Deputy Chief, Trial Grand Jury Section, USA on,dc 27 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Richard Cuellar Special Assistant US Atty - Phoenix, AZ 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Scott Ray Deputy Chief, Major Crimes Section 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Susan Roe AUSA 27 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lawrence Lincoln Supervisory Assistant US Attorney; Special Counsel, DOJ Office of Inspector General 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Valinda Jones Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 27 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Linda Betzer Assistant U.S. Attorney 27 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Anthony Hall Assistant Director, Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for U.S. Attroneys 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Charles Stuckey First Assistant, AUSA, District of Oregon 27 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
William Yeomans Acting Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights 26 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Peter Gray Trial Attorney 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Joyce Vance United States Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Paul Pelletier Chief, Fraud Section, Criminal Division 26 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Paula Burnett First Assistant U.S. Attorney DNM 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Carl Blackstone Supervisor 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Drake Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney 26 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
SuzAnne Nyland Assistant United States Attorney 26 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jonathan Rusch Deputy Chief for Strategy and Policy, Fraud Section, Criminal Division 26 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Ford
Richard Boote Senior Trial Attorney 26 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Judith Dobkin Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Michael Stern Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Jonathan Howden Assistant United States Attorney 25 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
James Peters Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
June Jeffries Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Elizabeth de la Vega Chief, San Jose Branch, United States Attorney's Office, Northern District of California 25 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Gregory Linsin Senior Litigation Counsel 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Sylvia Royce Chief, International Prisoner Transfer; Assistant U.S. Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Daniel Bogden United States Attorney, District of Nevada 25 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ross Nadel Chief, Criminal Division, ND of CA 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
John Robinson AUSA, Senior Litigation Counsel, SD Cal 25 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Richard Poole Assistant United States Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Thomson Trial Attorney 25 Bush I
Kris Olson U. S. Attorney 25 Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Craig Moore United States Attorney 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
William I. Shockley Assist Dir. A.G. Advocacy Institute 25 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Lorna Graham Assistant United States Attorney 25 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Celeste Miller Assistant U.S. Attorney 24 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
James Schermerhorn Special Litigation Counsel 24 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Kathleen Brinkman Assistant U.S. Attorney 24 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Nancy Simpson Administrative Assistant U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of California 24 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Susan French Senior Special Counsel for Human Trafficking 24 Obama;Bush II;Reagan;Carter
Wendy Olson U.S. Attorney, District of Idaho 24 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Hope P. McGowan Senior Attorney-Advisor, Office of the Pardon Attorney 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Andrew Levchuk Senior Trial Attorney 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
D. Gerald Wilhelm Deputy Chief Civil Division 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Terri Scadron Assistant Director 24 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Barbara J. Cohan Assistant U.S. Attorney 24 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Clifford (Larry) Mathews, Jr Chief Criminal Division for the US Attorney for the Western District of Texas 24 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Keith Syfert AUSA-In-Charge, Western Div. Office, ND Illinois 24 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Ralph Pierce Chief, No. Criminal Enf. Sec., Tax Division 24 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Benjamin Wagner U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of California 24 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Mary McCord Former Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Rob. B. Villeza Deputy Chief, Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force Section 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ilene Jaroslaw Chief, General Crimes 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jay Adelstein Sr Trial Attorney 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Amy Kurland Assistant United States Attorney 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ann Harwood First Assistant U.S. Attorney 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
George Proctor US Attorney ED Arkansas 23 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
James Swain Executive Assistant United States Attorney 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Bruce Judge Assistant U.S. Attorney 23 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Susan Cowger Senior Litigation Counsel 23 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Cynthia Oberg Chief, White Collar Crime Unit 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Tressa Borland Senior Trial Attorney 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
John Warshawsky Senior Trial Counsel 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Robert Brouillard Assistant United States Attorney 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Dan Zachem Deputy Chief, Superior Court Division, USAO Washington DC 22 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Marietta Parker Interim U.S. Attorney 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Caryl Privett U. S. Attorney 22 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Robert A. Feitel Deputy Chief 22 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Eloise Rosas District Counsel, INS 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Richard Scruggs Assistant to the Attorney General 22 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
R Jerome Sanford Assistant U.S. Attorney 22 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Carter, Ford
Jim Lord Chief, Organized Crime Strike Force, WDWA 22 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Lucy Thomson Senior Attorney 22 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Pamela DeRusha First Assistant United States Attorney 22 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Douglas Whalley Assistant U.S. Attorney, Western District of Washington, Supervisor of Criminal Enterprises Unit 21 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Patrick McLaughlin Assistant United States Attorney 21 Obama;Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Gerald Hebert Deputy Chief 21 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Denise O’Donnell Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance, US Attorney, Western District of New York 21 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jay McCloskey U.S. Attorney (D. Maine) 21 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Thomas Coffin Chief of the Criminal Division Southern District of California 21 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Laura Tayman Supervisory AUSA 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
James Woods Assistant United States Attorney 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Steven Dettelbach United States Attorney, N.D. Ohio 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ruth E. Plagenhoef Interim US Attorney for the Western District of Virginia 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Paul Fishman United States Attorney 21 Trump, Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Anne Hayes Chief, Appellate Division, EDNC 21 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jane Bondurant Assistant United States Attorney, Civil Chief 21 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Christopher Alberto Chief, Financial Litigation & Justice Enforcement Team 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Barbara Kittay Deputy Chief, Money Laundering Section, Criminal Division 20 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Deborah Ferguson Assistant United States Attorney District of Idaho 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
John Fleder Director, Office of Consumer Litigation, Civil Division 20 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Peter Smith U.S. Attorney, Middle District of PA 20 Obama;Clinton;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Katharine Fincham Chief, Cyber Crimes and Child Exploitation Unit 20 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Barbara Colby Tanase Assistant U.S. Attorney 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Daniel Mullies Assistant Director 20 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Allan Garten Chief, White Collar Crimes Unit 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Rachel Ballow Assistant U.S. Attorney- EDVa 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
David Hopkins AUSA, EDVA, Court appointed USA 20 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy
Steven O’Connor Assistant United States Attorney 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Suzanne C Hayden Senior Trial Attorney; AUSA 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Michael Magner AUSA 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Sunny Pietrafesa Senior Trial Attorney 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jeffrey Sloman United States Attorney, Southern District of Florida 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
James West United States Attorney (MDPa) 20 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Daniel Cassidy Senior Trial Attorney - Narcotic & Dangerous Drug Section 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Timothy Heaphy United States Attorney, Western District of Virginia 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Hank Shea Chief, Economic Crime Section D. MN 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Patrick Bupara Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, ND Cal. 20 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Michael Rendon Special Assistant U.S. Attorney 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
David Askman Senior Counsel 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Deb Herzog Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attorney 20 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Dan Eckhart Assistant U.S. Attorney, MDFL 20 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Peter J. Tomao Assistant U.S. Attorney, Senior Investigative Counsel 20 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Jeffrey Bornstein Senior Litigation Counsel 19.6 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Colleen Covell Assistant United States Attorney 19.5 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Peter Rient Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General 19 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
W. Thomas Dillard U.S. Attorney, NDFL 19 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Kristy Parker Deputy Chief, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division 19 Trump;Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Barbara McQuade United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan 19 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Paul Weissman Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attorney; Chief, Financial Institution Fraud Unit, D.N.J. 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ronald McNeil Senior Litigation Counsel 19 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
John Joseph AUSA, Deputy Chief 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Roger Martin Assistant to prosecutor for US northern district Ohio 19 Obama, Bush II
William Gurin Deputy Chief, General Crimes, EDNY 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
James Hopkins AUSA (SDFL) & SAUSA (SDNY) 19 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jeffrey Johnson Special Attorney, Criminal Division, DOJ 18 Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Ira Belkin Chief, Criminal Division USAO-RI 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Wilmer Parker AUSA, Chief of Narcotics & Lead OCDETF Attorney NDGa. 18 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Catharine Goodwin Assistant U.S. Attorney, Colorado (1983-1989) and N. California (1989-1993); Attorney Advisor, EOUSA 2001-2004. 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Steven Miller Chief, Special Prosecutions Division, ND Il 18 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Mark Ehlers Assistant United States Attorney (EDPA & DDC) 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Margaret Smith Assistant United States Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Ogren Chief, Fraud Section, Criminal Divisio 18 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Randal Sengel AUSA, WD OK 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Alleen VanBebber Deputy U.S. Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Matt Olsen Associate Deputy Attorney General 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Sergio Acosta Chief, General Crimes Section, NDIL 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lynn Zentner Assistant US Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Tammy Spertus Assistant U.S. Attorney 18 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Patrick Hanley Assistant United States Attorney 18 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Susan Park Trial Attorney 18 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Kent Chief, Complex Fraud Section, USAO NDIL 17 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Mary Spearing Chief, Fraud Section. Criminal Division 17 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Joseph McSorley Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of Florida 17 Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Peter Zeidenberg Deputy Special Counsel 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ana Barnett Executive Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of FL 17 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Margaret E. Curran United States Attorney 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Tristram Coffin U.S. Attorney 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
David Uhlmann Chief, Environmental Crimes Section (ENRD) 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Amy Lecocq Associate Deputy Attorney General 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
J. Christopher Moore AUSA, Civil Chief SDIL 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Thomas Gannon Attorney, Criminal Appellate, DOJ 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Crossan Andersen Assistant United States Attorney 17 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Kurzweil Assistant-in-Charge, Camden, NJ 17 Bush II, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Elizabeth Woodcock Assistant US Attorney 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Robert Bloch Chief Professions & Intellectual Property Section, Antitrust Division 17 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Alan Marx Section Chief, General Litigation Section, Antitrust Division 17 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Tina Sciocchetti AUSA 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Lizabeth McKibben Assistant U.S. Attorney 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Curtis Fallgatter Chief Assistant United States Attorney 17 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Michael Gennaco Chief, Civil Rights Section 17 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Thomas Sleisenger Assistant United States Attorney 17 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Carole Rendon U.S. Attorney NDOh 17 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Amy Howe Assistant United States Attorney 16.8 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
John Youngquist Assistant U.S. Attorney, Chief Tax Division, ND Calif. 16 Carter;Ford;Nixon;Johnson;Kennedy
Mimi Rocah Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 16 Obama, Bush II
Andrew Huang Assistant U.S. Attorney, Trial Attorney 16 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
S Gay Hugo-Martinez Deputy Chief, Fraud Section, U S Attorney's office for the Southern District of California 16 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Thomas Roche Associate United States Attorney 16 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Carmina Hughes Supervisory Assistant U.S. Attorney, Head of Priority Crimes 16 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Marcia Jensen Assistant United States Attotney 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Cheryl O'Connor Assistant United States Attorney, Deputy Chief, Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section, Central District of California 16 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Despena Billings Assistant United States Attorney, Deputy Chief of Major Crimes, Boston MA 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Janet Katz Trial Attorney 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
David Shapiro United States Attorney, Northern District of California 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jan Paul Miller United States Attorney for the Central District of Illinois 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Alain Leibman Senior Litigation Counsel, Deputy Chief, D.N.J. 16 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Harold James Pickerstein Chief Assistant U S Attorney D. Conn, 16 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Frances Reddis Assistant United States Attorney 16 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Dennis Mulshine Special Assistant US Attorney 16 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Hartley West Assistant U.S. Attorney, Deputy Chief 15.5 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Mary Pougiales Assistant United States Attorney 15 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Rosemary Nidiry Assistant U.S. Attorney ; Attorney-Advisor 15 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Patricia Vroom District Counsel - Phoenix District 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Miriam Krinsky Chief, Criminal Appeals 15 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Serrin Turner Assistant US Attorney 15 Obama;Bush II
Colleen Coughlin Assistant U.S. Attorney 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lee Altschuler Chief, Silicon Valley Branch Ofc, ND CA 15 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Judith Hetherton Associate Independent Counsel (Iran Contra); Deputy Chief, U.S. Attorney’s Office, D.C. 15 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Dwight Holton United States Attorney for the District of Oregon 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Henry Frohsin First Assistant US Attorney, ND Ala. 3 Presidents 15 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Bruce Marshack Assistant United States Attorney 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Gross Trial Attorney Antitrust Division 15 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Linda Barr Deputy Chief, OCDETF 15 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Ronald Brunson Senior Litigation Counsel 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Robert Troyer United States Attorney 15 Trump, Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Donald Kaplan Special Litigation Counsel, Antitrust Division 15 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Richard Wiedis Senior Litigation Counsel 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Gregory Roth Assistant United States Attorney 15 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Robert Sigler Assistant US Attorney 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Bruce Pasfield Acting Assistant Section Chief 15 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lois Schiffer Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division 14 Clinton, Reagan, Carter
Robert Sadowski Health Care Fraud Coordinator 14 Bush II, Clinton
Ralph Martin Senior Trial Attorney 14 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan;Carter;Ford
Roy Austin Deputy Assistant Attorney General 14 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Andrew Kline Special Litigation Counsel 14 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Cecilia Gardner Senior Counsel 14 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
William Carter Assistant United States Attorney (CDCA), Chief, Environmental Crimes Section 14 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Norman Moscowitz Senior Litigation Counsel, Southern District of Florida 14 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Sherri Evans Harris Executive Assistant United States Attorney for Management 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Alexandra Leake Assistant United States Attorney 14 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Bach Assistant United States Attorney 14 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Andrew Frey Deputy Solicitor General 14 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stacey Sullivan Assistant United States Attorney 14 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Alberto Arevalo Deputy Section Chief, Southern District of California 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Mary Jude Darrow AUSA 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Marc Dubin Senior Trial Attorney 14 Bush II, Clinton, Reagan
Barney Skolnik Chief of Public Corruption Unit, US Attys Office, Baltimore 14 Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Roberta Brown Legal Counsel to US Attorney 14 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lee Arian AUSA 14 Clinton, Bush I
David Bullock Senior Counsel and Unit Director, Environmental Crimes Section, U.S. Department of Justice; Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia 13 Bush I, Reagan, Ford, Nixon
David Vicinanzo Acting U.S. Attorney 13 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Robert Weaver Criminal Div Chief, Oregon US Attorneys Office 13 Reagan;Carter;Ford
Jennifer Rodgers Assistant United States Attorney SDNY (various supervisor roles) 13 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Chris Todd Chief, White House. National Security Council Team, Iran/Contra Independent Counsel 13 Reagan;Carter;Ford
Karen Wehner Trial Attorney, Tax Division 13 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Paula Ray Assistant U.S. Attorney 13 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Joseph F. Savage Chief Public Corruption USAO DMA 13 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Kenneth Geller Deputy Solicitor General; also served as Assistant Special Prosecutor, Watergate Special Prosecution Force 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Anna Gwinn Supervisor, Civil Division of EDKY 13 Obama, Bush II
Edna Axelrod Chief of Appeals, District of New Jersey 13 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Karen Shinskie Assistant United States Attorney 13 Obama, Bush II
S. Michael Levin Attorney-in-Charge, Southeast Organized Crime Strike Force 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
LeDora Knight Assistant U.S. Attorney EDVA 13 Bush II, Clinton
Daniel Schermer Assistant United States Attorney 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
John Sweeney Chief, Criminal Division, Northern District of Texas 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Seth Waxman Assistant United States Attorney 13 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Sonia Jaipaul Executive Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 13 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Cooper Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, USAO DC 13 Bush II, Clinton
Lawrence Benson Assistant US Attorney 13 Clinton, Bush I
Sean M Walsh Associate General Counsel 13 Obama, Bush II, Nixon
Gerald Houlihan Chief Assistant US Attorney and Senior Litigation Counsel 13 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Brenda Carleton Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General 12.5 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Lynn Panagakos Trial Attorney 12.5 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Jeffrey Eglash Assistant U.S. Attorney & Chief, Public Corruption & Government Fraud Section 12 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Dan Dorsky Assistant United States Attorney 12 Bush II, Clinton
Robert Rose Chief, Criminal Division, SDCA AUSA 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
William Sinnott Chief, New England Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force 12 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Andrew Cowan Assistant United States Attorney 12 Bush II;Clinton
Michael Bromwich Inspector General, Department of Justice 12 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Andrea Likwornik Weiss Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, USAO SDNY 12 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Kerri Martin Bartlett Chief Appellate Attorney, USAO SDNY 12 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Barry Miller AUSA, ND IL, and Trial Attorney, CRT. 12 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Reagan, Carter
Mark Larsen Acting Chief of Appeals; Assistant U.S. Attorney 12 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Paul Corradini Ass't US Attorney, D. Ariz; Spec Atty DOJ Crim Div, Org. Crime & Rack Section 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Kathryn Oberly Assistant to the Solicitor General 12 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Eric Kaplan Senior Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Michael Sklaire AUSA 12 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Linda Chapman Assistant U.S. Attorney 12 Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Anne VanGraafeiland Assistant U.S. Attorney, WDNY 12 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
David Krakoff Assistant U.S. Attorney Section Chief 12 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Jodi Rafkin Assistant U.S. Attorney 12 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
William Turner Assistant U.S Attorney 12 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford
Kenneth Scott Assistant US Attorney, Chief of Complex Prosecutions, D. Colorado 12 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jacqueline Spratt AUSA 12 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
David Seide Assistant U.S. Attorney 11.5 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Ignacia S. Moreno Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division, 2009-2013 11 Obama;Clinton
Bruce Udolf Chief, Public Integrity/Corruption Section, USAO, Miami; Associate Independent Counsel, Whitewater Investigation 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Richard Cutler Assistant United States Attorney 11 Bush II;Clinton;Reagan
Leida Schoggen Assistant United States Attorney 11 Reagan;Carter
Robert Semmer Chief, Criminal Division, US Attorneys Office, Northern District of Illinoy 11 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Howard Feinstein Attorney, Civil Rights Division, Criminal Section 11 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Breakstone Chief Criminal Division (SF) 11 Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Benjamin Vernia Trial Attorney 11 Bush II, Clinton
Kathleen Voelker Assistant United States Attorney, District of Columbia 11 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Joseph Burton Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, San Jose Office 11 Reagan, Carter
Diane F Giacalone Supervisor, Special Prosecutions, EDNY 11 Reagan, Carter
Stephen Jory United States Attorney, NDWV 11 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Gilberto de Jesus Assistant US Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I
James Burns US Attorney-ND Illinois 11 Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon
G. David Hackney AUSA Eastern District of Virginia 11 Bush II, Clinton
Richard Banks Asst United States Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
George Tallichet AUSA, SDTX 11 Clinton, Bush I
Thomas Shakeshaft AUSA, N.D. I’ll. 11 Obama, Bush II
Sarah McKee General Counsel, Interpol U.S. National Central Bureau 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
John Bartels Deputy Asst AG, Criminal Div 11 Ford, Nixon
Scott Mendeloff Special Attorney to the Attorney General 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Diane de Forest Trial Attorney, Criminal Division 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Alan Strasser AUSA (DC); Associate Ind. counsel 11 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Richard F. Green Trial Attorney, Public Integrity Section 11 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Jeanne Kempthorne Chief, Public Corruption Unit, USAO, Boston, MA 11 Bush II, Clinton
Virginia Towler Trial Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I
Jonny Frank Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Daphene McFerren Counsel to the Attorney General 11 Bush II
Edward Gonzales AUSA, Middle District of Louisiana, Criminal Section Chief 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
John Carlton Chief, Criminal Complaints, USAO Central District California 11 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Thomas Capezza Assistant U.S. Attorney 11 Obama, Bush II
Jeffrey Lawrence Assistant U.S. Attorney 10.5 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Ann Marie Tracey Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Reagan, Carter
Jane Moscowitz Senior Litigation Counsel, Southern District of Florida 10 Reagan;Carter
Keith Blair Senior Trial Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Jud Starr Chief, Environmental Crimes Section 10 Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Nancy Luque Deputy Chief Grand Jury Section USAO/DC 10 Bush I;Reagan;Carter
Jerry Coughlan Assistant US Attorney 10 Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Annmarie Levins Chief, Financial Crimes 10 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Heidi Wendel Chief, Civil Frauds Unit 10 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Ramona Albin Assistant United States Attorney for Northern District of Alabama 10 Obama;Bush II
Cono Namorato Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Tax Division 10 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Janet Goldstein Assistant US Attorney 10 Reagan;Carter
Laurie Brecher Southern District of New York, Former Chief of General Crimes Unit, and Sr. Trial Counsel, Securities Fraud Task Force 10 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Donald Ayer Deputy Attorney General 10 Bush I;Reagan
Kalyn Free Senior Counsel 10 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Mark Matthews Deputy Assistant Attorney General 10 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ronald DePetris Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney, EDNY 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Susan Roy Immigration Judge 10 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Beverly Hadley Attorney Advisor 10 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Arun Rao Chief, Southern Division, U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Maryland 10 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Ed Chung Senior Counsel 10 Obama, Bush II
Josh Van de Wetering AUSA 10 Bush II, Clinton
David Haas Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Obama, Bush II
Todd Mikolop Trial Attorney 10 Obama, Bush II
Jane Levine Assistant United States Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Sanford Cohen Chief, Civil Rights, Eastern District of New York 10 Bush II, Clinton
William Craco Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, USAO, Southern District of New York 10 Bush II, Clinton
Leslie Bellas Trial Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Lauren Resnick Assistant US Attorney EDNY - Chief of Computer Crimes & IP Section 10 Bush II, Clinton
Daniel Goldman Deputy Chief, Organized Crime Unit 10 Trump, Obama, Bush II
Frank Tuerkheimer U.S. Attorney; Associate Watergate Pros . 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Alex Whiting Assistant U.S. Attorney D.Mass, Trial Attorney Criminal Section Civil Rights Division 10 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Joseph Salus Supervisory Attorney Criminal Section Tax Division 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Cynthia Campbell Assistant U.S. Attorney WD Missouri 10 Reagan, Carter
Mary Ellen Kris Chief, Environmental Protection Unit, S.D.N.Y. 10 Reagan, Carter
Samuel Buell Assistant United States Attorney 10 Bush II, Clinton
Veta Carney Senior Trial Attorney & Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Reagan, Carter
Eugene Kaplan Deputy Chief and Senior Litigation Counsel, Criminal Division, U.S. Attorneys Office, SDNY 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Paul Kelly Assistant U.S. Attorney 10 Clinton, Bush I
Martha Rogers Assistant U. S Attorney for District of Columbia 10 Reagan, Carter
Steven Tabackman AUSA-DC and Assoc. Independent Counsel (diGenova) 10 Reagan, Carter
Anna Pletcher Assistant Chief, Antitrust Division 10 Obama, Bush II
Robert O'Neill AUSA Washington DC (1978-1984); AUSA District OF Vermont (1984-1987) 10 Reagan, Carter
Donald C. Klawiter Field Office Chief, Antitrust Division 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Patrick Deady Assistant United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois 10 Reagan, Carter
Kathryne Stoltz Assistant United States Attorney 10 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Nick Akerman Assistant U.S. Attorney, Assistant Special Watergate Prosecutor 10 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Anne Tompkins United States Attorney 10 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Steven Silverman Deputy Assistant Attorney General 10 Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Ira Oring Assistant United States Attorney 9.5 Clinton;Bush I
Christian Everdell Assistant United States Attorney 9.5 Obama, Bush II
Jerry Goren Assistant United States Attorney 9 Reagan;Carter
Bennett Capers Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Bush II, Clinton
Leon Rodriguez Deputy Assistant Attorney General 9 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
Clare Tayback Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Clinton;Bush I
Norma Ortiz Trial Attorney, Office of the U.S. Trustee 9 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
James Aquilina Assistant United States Attorney, USAO-CDCA 9 Trump;Bush II;Clinton
Renato Mariotti Former Assistant United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois 9 Obama, Bush II
Marc Garber Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Bush II;Clinton;Bush I
Adria De Landri Assistant US Attorney 9 Clinton;Bush I
Peter Katz Assistant US Attorney 9 Obama;Bush II
John Martin, Sr. United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 9 Reagan, Carter, Johnson, Kennedy
Peter Toren Trial Attorney - 9 Clinton, Bush I
Arianna Berg Assistant United States Attorney 9 Obama, Bush II
Iryna Kwasny Trial Counsel 9 Bush I, Reagan
Roger Frydrychowski Assistant United States Attorney EDVA 9 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Charles Work Deputy Administrator, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration 9 Ford, Nixon, Johnson
Pamela Berry Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General Tax Division 9 Clinton, Bush I
Mark Hellerer Chief, Major Crimes Unit SDNY 9 Bush I, Reagan
Reese Harrison Chief of Criminal Section U.S. Attorney Office 9 Nixon, Johnson
Duane Lyons Assistant US Attorney, Chief, Criminal Complaints 9 Bush II, Clinton, Bush I
Derek Cohen Deputy Chief, Fraud Section 9 Obama, Bush II
Malcolm Segal First Assistant United States Attorney, ED Cal 9 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Eddie J. Jordan, Jr. U.S. Attorney - EDLA 9 Clinton, Reagan
Lisa Damiano Trial Attorney 9 Trump, Obama
Mark Hardiman Assistant U.S. Attorney 9 Clinton, Bush I
Bruce Kelton Deputy Chief, Los Angeles OC Strike Force 9 Reagan, Carter
Jean Hobler Senior Litigation Counsel 8.5 Obama, Bush II
Susan Koeppen Director, Cybersecurity Policy 8 Obama;Clinton;Bush I
Eric Nagle Trial Attorney 8 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Steven Kowal Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stephen Ramsey Chief Environmental Enforcement Section 8 Reagan;Carter
Linda Eads Senior Trial Attorney 8 Reagan;Carter
Carol Green Assistant Section Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, Land and Natural Resources Section 8 Reagan, Carter
Elie Honig Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Obama;Bush II
Mary McGowan Davis Chief, Appeals Division, EDNY 8 Reagan;Carter
Bruce Singal Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Robert Thomas Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Clinton;Bush I
Walter P. Loughlin Assistant United States Attorney, and Chief Appellate Attorney, Southern District of New York, Associate Independent Counsel, Iran-Contra and Michael Deaver Prosecutions 8 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Edward Miller Senior Trial Attorney 8 Clinton, Bush I
John Ransom Assistant U.S. Attorney; (Awarded Special Commendation) 8 Ford;Nixon
Linda Severin Deputy Chief Appeals 8 Bush I;Reagan
Joshua Goldberg Assistant U.S. Attorney - SDNY 8 Obama;Bush II
David Axelrod Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Bush I, Reagan
Larry Patton Sr. Trial Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Denis Hauptly Deputy Section Chief, Criminal Division 8 Reagan;Carter;Ford;Nixon
Thomas Seigel Chief, Organized Crime & Racketeering Section, Eastern District of New York 8 Bush II;Clinton
Thomas Monaghan US Attorney for Nebraska 8 Clinton
Ellen Corcella Chief, General Crimes Unit, Eastern District of New York 8 Clinton
Michael Cotter United States Attorney District of Montana 8 Trump;Obama
Rory Little Associate Deputy Attorney General 8 Clinton;Bush I;Reagan
Pamela Merchant Senior Trial Attorney 8 Clinton;Bush I
Pamela Stuart Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Carolyn Simpson Assistant United States Attorney Deputy Chief, Civil Division, S.D.N.Y. 8 Reagan
Jeffrey Harris Deputy Associate Atty Gen 8 Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
John Kaley Assistant United States Attorney, SDNY 8 Reagan, Carter
Carl Stewart Asst US Attorney 8 Ford, Nixon
Ephraim Savitt Assistant US Attorney, EDNY 1982-89 8 Bush I, Reagan
Gary Black Trial Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Betty Richardson U.S. Attorney, District of Idaho 8 Obama, Bush II, Clinton
George Mendelson Deputy Chief, Multinational Fraud Branch 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Samuel Moulthrop Chief, Criminal Division 8 Reagan
Marc Harris Deputy Chief, Public Corruption Section, CDCA 8 Clinton, Bush I
Jimmy Gurule Assistant Attorney General 8 Bush II, Bush I, Reagan
Joel Rosenthal Senior Litigation Counsel, SD FL;Chief Fraud and Public Corruption Section, SDFL ; AUSA, SDNY 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Paul Fitzpatrick Assistant United States Attorney 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Russell T. Baker, Jr. US Attorney for Maryland (1978-1981) 8 Reagan, Carter, Nixon
Peter Casey OC Special Attorney, AUSA D of CT 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Wilson Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Donald Abrams Assistant United States Attorney, Washington, D..C. 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Mike Fawer Chief, Special Prosecutions, S.D.N.Y., 1965-1968 8 Johnson, Kennedy
Lauren Ouziel Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Obama, Bush II
Marianne Espinosa Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Thomas Schneider US Attorney ED WI 8 Clinton
Pamela Naughton Assistant United States Attorney 8 Reagan, Carter
Stephen L. Hill, Jr. U.S. Attorney, W.D. Mo. 8 Bush I, Clinton
Jonathan Rose Assistant Attorney General -Office of Legal Policy 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon
Ralph Johnson Assistant Director, Torts Branch, Civil Division 8 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
David Resnicoff Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Bush II, Clinton
Michael Lipman AUSA Chief of Fraud Unit 8 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Scott Turow Deputy Chief, Criminal Receiving and Appellate Division, USAO NDIll 8 Reagan, Carter
Kevin Cassidy Senior Trial Attorney 8 Obama, Bush II
Dayle (Powell) Spencer Asst. US Atty 8 Reagan, Carter
Nicole Gueron Assistant United States Attorney 8 Bush II, Clinton
Albert Murray Senior Litigation Counsel, Assistant United States Attorney Middle District of Pennsylvania 8 Reagan, Carter
Sharon Fairley Assistant U.S. Attorney 8 Obama, Bush II
Leonard Sands Trial Attorney - Criminal Division - OCR Section 8 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stephen Zimmermann Assistant United States Attorney 8 Clinton, Bush I
Edward Little Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division, SDNY 8 Reagan
David Bukey Acting United States Attorney Eastern District of Wisconsin November 1973 to April 1974 8 Nixon, Ford, Carter
Kathleen McDermott Assistant U.S. Attorney 7.9 Clinton, Bush I
Robert Crouch US Attorney, Western District of Virginia 7.5 Clinton
Howard Pearl Assistant U.S. Attorney 7.5 Bush I;Reagan
Robert Nolan Assistant United States Attorney, Middle District of Pennsylvania 7.5 Reagan, Carter
Mark Kokanovich Deputy Appellate Chief 7 Trump;Obama
Lawrence Robbins Assistant United States Attorney 7 Bush I;Reagan
Eric Havian Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton;Bush I
Stacey Brodsky Chief Civil Division, SDNY, Chief Appellate attorney , Criminal Division SDNY 7 Bush I;Reagan
Larry Silverman Chief, Criminal Division, Eastern District of New York 7 Carter;Ford;Nixon
Jeffrey Klink Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I
James Bruen Chief of the Civil Division, U.S Attys Office, ND Cal 7 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Ben Clements Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton
Brendan Johnson United States Attorney for the District of South Dakota 7 Obama
Alex Little Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Obama, Bush II
Patrick Cotter Assistant United states Attorney/Special Attorney Strike Force on Organized Crime 7 Bush I;Reagan
Nicole Healy Trial Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I
Jonathan Abernethy Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of NY 7 Bush II
William Weld Assistant U.S. Attorney General, Criminal Division, Washington, DC 7 Reagan
Donna Triptow Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Shallman Assistant U.S. Attorney, Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section 7 Bush II;Clinton
Jill Wine-Banks Assistant Watergate Special Prosecutor 7 Ford;Nixon
Peter Kadzik Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs 7 Obama;Carter
Stephen Pickard Assistant U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Virginia 7 Ford, Nixon
Drew Smith Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Obama, Bush II
James Druker AUSA, Deputy Chief Criminal Div., EDNY 7 Ford, Nixon
Stephen Anear Special Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of California 7 Bush II, Clinton
Richard Glovsky Chief, Civil Division 7 Ford, Nixon
Ivan Abrams Assistant US Attoney/OCDETF 7 Bush I, Reagan
Christine McKenna Assistant United States Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Stuart Peim Chief of Criminal Division DNJ 7 Reagan
William Xanttopoulos Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Sarah Gold Assistant United States Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter
Michael Dettmer US Attorney WDMi 1994-2001 7 Clinton
Jane Cronin Trial Attorney, Atlanta Field Office, DOJ Antitrust Division 7 Clinton, Bush I
Philip Michael Deputy Chief Strike Force 7 Nixon, Johnson
Alan Rubin Assistant United States Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter
Katherine King Deputy Chief - Violent Crime WDPA 7 Trump, Obama
Robert Grueneberg Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Reagan
Robert Goodman Deputy Chief, Criminal Division, District of NJ 7 Reagan, Carter
Joshua Levy Assistant US Attorney 7 Bush II, Clinton
Tommy Miller Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division, EDVA 7 Reagan, Carter
Gregory Brady Assistant US Attorney, District of Columbia 7 Nixon, Johnson
Stefan Stein Deputy Chief, Public Corruption & Government Fraud Section, Central District of California 7 Clinton, Bush I
Carolyn Stein Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Clinton, Bush I
Mary Jane McFadden Assistant U.S. Attorney 7 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Ariel Neuman Assistant United States Attorney 7 Obama, Bush II
David Willingham Deputy Chief, Major Frauds Section 6.5 Bush II
Chiraag Bains Senior Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division 6.5 Obama
Lisa A. Green Assistant U.S. Attorney 6.5 Bush II;Clinton
Steven Alm United States Attorney District of Hawaii 6.5 Clinton
Brian Legghio Assistant United States Attorney -Detroit 6.5 Reagan
James M. Kramon Assistant United States Attorney, District of Maryland 6.5 Ford, Nixon
David Hickton US Attorney WDPA 6.4 Obama
Jack Weiss Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Clinton
Bill Nettles Former United States Attorney District of South Carolina 6 Obama
Ronald Hoevet Assistant United States Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Robert Fourr Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Elizabeth Langer Trial Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Mushtaq Gunja Assistant United States Attorney 6 Obama
David Mandel Assistant United States Attorney (S.D. Fla.) 6 Clinton;Bush I
Brian Maas Deputy Chief-Criminal Division-Eastern District of New York 6 Reagan
Geoffrey Graber Deputy Associate Attorney General 6 Obama
Jeff Modisett Deputy Chief, Public Corruption & Government Fraud Section, Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan
Harry Sandick Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of New York 6 Bush II
Roland Riopelle Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton;Bush I
Douglas Johnson Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 6 Reagan
Elkan Abramowitz Chief of the Criminal Division, SDNY 6 Carter;Ford;Nixon;Johnson
Lorin Reisner Chief of the Criminal Division, Southern District of New York 6 Obama, Clinton, Bush I
Joseph G. (Jerry) Block Chief, Environmental Crimes Section, ENRD 6 Bush I, Reagan
David Hinden Assistant U.S. Attorney (Los Angeles and Newark, Chief of Criminal Appeals) 6 Ford;Nixon
Neil Levy Assistant United States Attorney 6 Carter;Ford;Nixon
Bradley Harsch Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Obama;Bush II
Charles Pereyra Assistant U.S. Attorney, Los Angeles 6 Carter;Ford
Douglas Graham Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Carter;Ford;Nixon
Elliot Williams Deputy Assistant Attorney General 6 Obama, Bush II
Cynthia Alksne Assistant US Attorney 6 Clinton;Bush I
Raymond Granger Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Roger Bernstein Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan
Patricia Collins Assistant US Attorney, Central Dist. of Cal. 6 Reagan
Lauren Kahn Staff Attorney 6 Ford;Nixon
Edward Ferguson Deputy Chief, Civil Division, Southern District of New York 6 Bush I;Reagan
Thomas Knight Organized Crime Strike Force Attorney - Chicago 6 Bush I, Reagan
Leon Kellner United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida 6 Reagan
Robert Sims Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Robin Linsenmayer Assistant United States Attorney (SDNY) 6 Bush II, Clinton
Steven Solow Chief 6 Clinton
Dan Purdom AUSA 6 Reagan, Carter
Lawrence Aldrich Senior Legal Counsel, Antitrust Division 6 Reagan, Carter
Marion Bachrach Chief of General Crimes 6 Reagan, Carter
Adam Kamenstein AUSA 2000-2006; Deputy Chief Public Corruption and Government Fraud Section 2003-2006; Central District of California 6 Bush II, Clinton
Rep. Kathleen M. Rice Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Bush II, Clinton
Katya Jestin Deputy Chief, OCRS EDNY 6 Bush II
Mark Pomerantz Chief, Criminal Division, SDNY 6 Clinton, Reagan, Carter
Terry Eaton Assistant United States Attorney - District of Columbia 6 Obama, Bush II
Charles Murdter Trial Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Loren Hershey Special Assistant United States Attorney and Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 6 Reagan, Carter
Nathaniel Jones Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio 6 Johnson, Kennedy
Kristan Peters-Hamlin Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I
Harriet Leva Assistant United States Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan
Thomas Hill Assistant US Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Pamela Larrabee Trial Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan
Charles Oberly United States Attorney for the District of Delaware 6 Obama
Peter Bloch AUSA -SDNY 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
William Aronwald Chief of Criminal Division, EDNY 6 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Stuart Deming Trial Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan, Carter
Jane Simkin Smith Assistant US Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Robert Radick Deputy Chief of Public Integrity Section and Chief of Health Care Fraud Prosecutions, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York 6 Obama, Bush II
Barak Cohen Trial Attorney 6 Obama, Bush II
Robert Herbst Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions Division, EDPa 6 Carter, Ford
Seth Kirschenbaum AUSA and Trial Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Laura Bonander Assistant United States Attorney 6 Obama, Bush II
Mark Kalmansohn Assistant Division Chief, Criminal Division, Central District of California 6 Reagan, Carter
Steven Shobat AUSA 6 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Jon Lindsey Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 6 Reagan, Carter
Carla Diggs Smith Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton
Jim Brosnahan Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Johnson, Kennedy
John Kelly United States Attorney for the District of New Mexico 6 Clinton
Gerry Elman Trial Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Ellen Davis Counsel and Spokesperson 6 Obama, Clinton
Valerie Stewart Assistant U.S. Attorney - OCDETF 6 Bush I, Reagan
Wayne Baker Assistant United States Attorney 6 Bush II
Ronald Malone Asst Watergate Special prosecutor; criminal justice policy advisor to AGs Levi and Bell 6 Carter, Ford
Brad Pigott United States Attorney 6 Clinton
Karen ONeill Deputy Executive Assistant United States Attorney 6 Reagan, Carter
Nima Binara Attorney-Advisor, National Security Division 6 Obama
Greg Scandaglia Trial Attorney 6 Bush I, Reagan
James Berliner Assistant U.S. Attorney 6 Reagan
David Kettel Assistant United States Attorney 6 Bush II, Clinton
Carol Gillam Assistant United States Attorney 6 Clinton, Bush I, Reagan
Bruce Yannett Assistant US Attorney & also Associate Independent Counsel for Iran Contra 5.25 Bush I, Reagan
Robert Martinez Trial Attorney (Tax Div.), AUSA (EDMI) 5.5 Reagan, Carter
John Libby Assistant United States Attorney 5.5 Clinton;Bush I
John Mathews II Assistant United States Attorney 5.5 Obama
Martin Perschetz Chief, Major Crimes Unit, SDNY 5.5 Reagan, Carter
Richard Mescon Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 5.5 Reagan, Carter
Gordon Rhea Executive Assistant united States Attorney 5.5 Reagan, Carter, Ford
Matthew Umhofer Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush II
Richard Kendall Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan;Carter
Douglas Schwartz Assistant US Attorney 5 Reagan;Carter
Richard Nelson Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
Daniel Crumby Assistant United States Attorney 5 Obama
Katherine Culliton-Gonzalez Senior Attorney, Civil Rights Division 5 Obama, Bush II
John Martin Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Janna Sidley Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II;Clinton
Andres Rivero Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton, Bush I
Robert Marder Assistant U.S. Attorney-ND of Calif. 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Chad Vignola Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush I;Reagan
Michael G. Tracy Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan
Barrie Goldstein Trial Attorney 5 Carter;Ford
Paul Summit Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
David M. Brodsky Assistant US Attorney; Associate Independent Counsel 5 Reagan;Nixon
Robert Klonoff Assistant United States Attorney and Assistant to the Solicitor General of the United States 5 Reagan
Philip Allen Lacovara Deputy Solicitor General (Criminal Matters) and Counsel to Watergate Special Prosecutor 5 Ford;Nixon;Johnson
Jacob Buchdahl Assistant United States Attorney, SDNY 5 Bush II
Marshall Camp Assistant United States Attorney, Southern District of New York 5 Obama, Bush II
David Apfel Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Noah Bookbinder Trial Attorney 5 Bush II;Clinton
Kimberly Reiley Clement Assistant U.S. Attorney, Northern District of California 5 Reagan, Carter
William Hibsher Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 5 Reagan, Carter
James Vaughns Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Tim Purdon United States Attorney for the District of North Dakota 5 Obama
Marc Wolf Assistant United States Attorney 5 Obama
Glenn Katon Trial Attorney GS-15 5 Bush II;Clinton
Abby Meiselman Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton, Bush I
Mark Torres-Gil Special Attorney 5 Reagan
Paul Garcia AUSA - Northern District of Illinois 5 Clinton
R. Christopher Locke Trial Attorney, Criminal Division; Assistant U.S, Attorney, N.D. Cal. 5 Reagan
George William Currier Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Reagan
Steven Semeraro Special Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Michael Whitlock Trial Attorney 5 Obama, Bush II
Patrick McInerney Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Clinton
Robert Rose Special Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Susan Smith Assistant Section Chief 5 Bush I, Reagan
J. Christopher Jensen Chief of the Civil Division, Eastern District of New York 5 Carter, Ford
Charles Scheeler Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Jennifer Martin Senior Counsel 5 Bush II, Clinton
Willie James Ellison Assistant U.S. Attorney, WDTN 5 Reagan, Carter
Del Wright Federal Prosecutor 5 Bush II
Michael Pinnisi Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Richard Leng Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Charles Lembcke Assistant United States Attorney 5 Nixon
William Ibershof Criminal Division Chief 5 Nixon
Ted Doolittle Trial Attorney, Tax Division 5 Bush II, Clinton
Pamela Larrabee AUSA 5 Bush I, Reagan
Sanford (Sandy) Litvack Assistant Attorney General 5 Bush II, Carter, Kennedy
Ernest Chen Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Rebekah Young AUSA 5 Obama, Bush II
Sharon Kegerreis Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Stephen Grafman Assist US Attorney District of Columbia 5 Nixon
Richard Bicki AUSA Washington, DC ; Providence, RI 5 Reagan, Carter
Alan Rose Assistant United States Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Charles Weintraub Special Attorney 5 Ford, Nixon
Lisa Kern Griffin Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush II, Clinton
Alexander Shapiro Assistant United States Attorney -District of New Mexico 5 Trump, Obama
D.William Subin Asst. U.S.Attorney (D.C. & N.J.) 5 Nixon, Johnson
David Bohan Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan, Carter
Jules terrence Brunner Chief Pittsburgh Org Crime Strike Force 5 Nixon, Johnson
Cameron Elliot Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Nicholas Phillips AUSA 5 Reagan
John Meyer AUSA 5 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Joshua Stein Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Jill Shellow Counsel, Office of the Deputy Attorney General 5 Clinton
Steve Canfil Trial Attorney, Special Assistant US Attorney 5 Bush II, Reagan
Robert Perry Assistant US Attorney 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Richard Hall Head of Civil Tax Section AUSA SDNY 5 Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy
Barry Grissom United States Attorney for the District of Kansas 5 Obama
Richard Shiffrin Deputy Assistant Attorney General 5 Clinton
David W. Mernitz First Assistant US Attorney 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Gerald Uelmen Assistant U.S. Attorney and Chief of Special Prosecutions, Central District of California Prosecutions 5 Johnson, Kennedy
Charles Spurlock AUSA District of Massachusetts 5 Reagan, Carter
Leslie Banks Assistant United States Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Michelle DeLong AUSA EDNY 5 Bush II, Clinton
Robert Power Trial Attorney 5 Carter, Ford
Jan Constantine Deputy Chief of the Civil Division 5 Reagan, Carter
Elyssa Getreu Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush II
Mary Fulginiti Genow Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
A Hugh Scott Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Reagan, Carter
Precious Gittens AUSA 5 Bush II
DLowell Jensen Deputy Attorney General Reagan Administration 5 Reagan
Thomas Farrell Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
Michael Patrick Special Assistant United States Attorney, Chief, Immigration Unit, SDNY 5 Reagan
Lauren Dickie AUSA 5 Obama
Kenneth Barish Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Carter
John Flannery Asst. U. S. Attorney 5 Ford, Nixon
Deborah Ramirez Assistant US Attorney - Boston 5 Bush I
Meghan Blanco AUSA 5 Obama
James May Trial Attorney; Special Assistant United States Attorney 5 Reagan, Carter
Barbara Gillers Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 5 Reagan, Carter
Theodore Poulos Assistant U.S. Attorney 5 Bush I, Reagan
Erica Martin Assistant United States Attorney, Public Corruption and Government Fraud Section, Central District of CA, and Special Assistant United States Attorney 5 Clinton
Anthony Z. Roisman Chief Hazardous Waste Section, Lands Division 5 Reagan, Carter, Johnson
Donald Stever Section Chief, Pollution Control; Env. Defense Sections 4.5 Reagan;Carter
A. Howard Matz Assistant U.S. Attorney 4.5 Carter, Ford, Nixon
Robert Hammel Assistant U.S. Attorney (SDNY) 4.5 Reagan
Richard Gordin Assistant US Attorney for the District of Columbia 4.5 Reagan
Daniel Reinberg Assistant U.S. Attorney, N.D. IL 4.5 Clinton
Neal Sonnett AUSA, Chief, Criminal Division, S.D. FL 4.5 Nixon
Arthur Zucker Assistant United States Attorney 4.5 Bush I, Reagan
Mark Kolman Chief, Criminal Division, US Attorney’s Office, District of Maryland 4.5 Reagan, Carter
Jennifer Granholm Assistant U.S. Attorney 4.5 Clinton, Bush I
Lenese Herbert Assistant U.S. Attorney 4.5 Clinton
Monique Yingling Trial Attorney 4.5 Reagan, Carter
Spencer Waller Trial Attorney, Chicago Organized Crime Strike Force 4 Reagan
Hector Perez Assistant United States Attorney 4 Carter
Bill Baer Acting Associate Attorney General 4 Obama
Kenneth Bynum Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Donna Patterson Deputy Assistant Attorney General -Antitrust 4 Clinton
Louis Volz Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of Louisiana 4 Reagan;Carter
Richard Berne Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter, Ford
Frank Rothermel Fraud Prosecutor 4 Bush I, Reagan
Martin Himeles Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Bush I;Reagan
Gary Maveal Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Dennis Aftergut Assistant United States Attorney 4 Reagan, Carter
David Marlin Trial Attorney 4 Johnson;Kennedy
Mary Shannon Little Assistant U.S. Attorney, Public Corruption Unit 4 Reagan
James Kainen Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Sean Coffey Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Clinton, Bush I
Georgina Verdugo Deputy Assistant Attorney General-OLA 4 Obama;Bush II;Clinton
Samuel Simon Senior Appelate Attorney 4 Ford
Frederick Davis Assistant United States Attorney 4 Ford
Irvin Nathan Principal Associate Deputy Attorney Genetal 4 Clinton;Carter
David Dopsovic Trial Attorney 4 Reagan;Carter
David Montgomery Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Kennedy
Raja Chatterjee Trial Attorney 4 Bush II;Clinton
Bob Pennoyer Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York 4 Eisenhower
Amanda Metcalf Chief, Civil Rights Division, ND.Cal 4 Reagan, Carter
F. L. Peter Stone U. S. Attorney 4 Nixon
James Elkins Assistant United States Attorney 4 Nixon
Faith Gay Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions, EDNY 4 Bush I
Paul Butler Trial Attorney, Public Integrity Section 4 Clinton, Bush I
Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) US Attorney for District of Connecticut 4 Carter
S. Amanda Marshall US Attorney for the District of Oregon 4 Obama
Edward Borden Assistant US Attorney 4 Reagan, Carter
Richard Signorelli Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 4 Bush I
Sharon Frase Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 4 Obama, Bush II
Vivian Shevitz Chief, Appeals, US Attorney, EDNY 4 Reagan, Carter
Sydney Hoffmann Assistant United States Attorney 4 Bush I
David Wiechert Assistant United States Attorney, CDCA 4 Reagan
Thomas Rubin Assistant United States Attorney 4 Clinton
Christine Meding Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 4 Bush II
Marc Levey Special Atrorney to the Attorney General 4 Carter
David Leiwant Assistqnt US Attorney 4 Reagan
Allan Lapidus Assistant US Attorney Northern District of Illinois 4 Nixon
Robert Garcia Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York 4 Reagan
Victoria Liccione Asst. USA 4 Clinton, Bush I
Jeff Bogue Assistant US Attorney, District of Nebraska 4 Nixon
Alison Vander Vort Assistant United States Attorney 4 Clinton
Katherine Goldwasser Assistant United States Attorney, Criminal Division 4 Reagan, Carter
Thomas Sullivan US Attorney NDILL 4 Carter
R. Todd Luoma Trial Attorney, Tax Division 4 Reagan
Henri Sisneros AUSA 4 Bush II, Clinton
James McGinnis AUSA 4 Reagan
Jo Vanderlee Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, WDWA 4 Obama, Bush II
A. Douglas Melamed Acting Assistant Attorney General 4 Clinton
James Arisman Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 4 Clinton, Bush I
Michael Katz Assistant US Attorney 4 Ford, Nixon
Larry Gibson Associate Deputy Attorney General 4 Carter
Eric Chaffin Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Bush II, Clinton
Philip Kellogg Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 4 Nixon, Johnson
Stephen Martin Assistant United States Attorney 4 Clinton
William Shaheen US Attorney for the District of NH 4 Carter
Shelley Stump Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter
Kim Taylor-Cloud Trial Attorney 4 Bush I
George Blakey Special Attorney 4 Kennedy, Eisenhower
Steven Gordon Assistant US Attorney 4 Carter
Daniel Thornton Attorney, Criminal Fraud Section, USDOJ 4 Reagan, Carter
Michael Rauh Assistant US Attorney 4 Johnson, Kennedy
James Oakar Asst. U.S. Attorney, N. Distict of Ohio 4 Johnson
Douglas Richardson Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of PA 4 Carter
Jennifer Gachiri Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of New York 4 Trump, Obama
Debra Diener Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
Mahlon Brown US Attorney for Nevada -1977 to 1981 4 Carter
Joyce Fitzpatrick AUSA 4 Reagan
Beryl Jones-Woodin Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Reagan
James McGurk Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter, Ford
Palmer Mcgee AUSA 4 Reagan, Carter
George I. Gordon AUSA & Chief Appellate Attorney, SDNY 4 Kennedy, Eisenhower
James Montana, Jr. Assistant US Attorney, ND of illinois 4 Ford, Nixon
Theodore Margolis Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney-New Jersey 4 Nixon
Peter Herbert Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York 4 Nixon
Emily Loeb Senior Counselor to the AAG for Civil Rights 4 Obama
Sheila Markin Nielsen Assistant U S Attorney 4 Reagan
Stuart Gasner Assistant United States Attorney 4 Bush I
Gerald Caplan Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Kennedy
Steven Bauer Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Clinton, Bush I
Brian O'Neill Chief,Special Prosecutions 4 Ford, Nixon
Jerome Wiener Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia 4 Nixon
Stephen Kravit Assistant and Special Assistant U.S. Attorney 4 Carter, Ford
Thomas Brown First Assistant US Attorney Eastern District of Wisconsin 4 Carter, Ford
Anthony Glassman Special Assistant to US Attorney William Matthew Byrne 4 Johnson
Larry Patton United States Attorney, Western District of Oklahoma 3.5 Carter
Subodh Chandra Assistant U.S. Attorney 3.5 Bush II;Clinton
Susan Johnston Assistant United States Attorney, Civil Division 3.5 Reagan
Karen Ward Assistant U.S, Attorney, District of Columbia 3.5 Carter;Ford
Mark Goodman Assistant U.S. Attorney, SDNY 3.5 Clinton
Gabe Davis Trial Attorney 3.5 Trump, Obama
Bill Mathesius Asst U.S.Attorney, Office of USA of NJ 3.5 Johnson
Jennifer Whitfield Assistant U.S. Attorney 3.5 Trump, Obama
Alvin Bragg Assistant United States Attorney 3.5 Obama
Alan Weisberg Assistant United States Attorney 3.5 Reagan, Carter
Vicki Schultz Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights 3.5 Obama
Cormac Connor AUSA 3.5 Obama, Bush II
Stanley Greenbeerg Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Nixon
Veronica Platt Longstreth Civil Division Torts Branch, Trial Attorney 3 Reagan
Alan Weil Assistant U.S. Attorney Criminal Division, Los Angeles 3 Carter
Deborah Schmall Trial Attorney 3 Reagan;Carter
Terence Connor Trial Attorney 3 Ford;Nixon
Richard Medalie Assistant to the Solicitor General of the United States 3 Kennedy, Eisenhower
Paul Rosenzweig Senior Counsel, Office of Independent Counsel (In re: Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan) 3 Clinton
Jeff Blattner Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division 3 Clinton
Max Huffman Trial Attorney 3 Bush II;Clinton
Sarah Hawkins Assistant United States Attorney 3 Trump, Obama
Sheldon Krantz Trial Attorney 3 Johnson;Kennedy
James Ponsoldt Senior Trial Attorney 3 Carter;Ford
Eric Rosen Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Bush II;Clinton
A. Lee Fentress Assistant United States Attorney for District of Columbia 3 Johnson
Kevin McMunigal Assistant United States Attorney 3 Reagan
Nicholas Connor Trial Attorney 3 Trump, Obama
Kevin Techau United States Attorney Northern District of Iowa 3 Obama
Monica Groat Trial Attorney 3 Trump, Obama
Edwin Williams Assistant United States Attorney 3 Nixon
Duncan Levin Assistant US Attorney 3 Obama
Jonathan Mothner Assistant U.S. Attorney, EDNY 3 Clinton
Paul Renne Assistant US Attorney for the District of Columbia 3 Johnson, Kennedy
Ronald Shur Assistant United States Attorney 3 Reagan
David Muchow Special Assistant to Asst. Attorney General, Criminal Division 3 Ford, Nixon
Gabriel Mendlow Special Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of Michigan 3 Obama
J. William Elwin Jr. Trial Attorney 3 Carter, Ford
Lee Thompson U.S. Attorney, District of Kansas 3 Bush I
Brian Galle Attorney 3 Bush II
Peter Vincent Department of Justice Attachè, US embassy Bogotà 3 Obama, Bush II
James Maxeiner Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division 3 Carter
Darrell Panethiere Attorney/Adviser, Office of Legal Policy 3 Bush I, Reagan
Michael Tuteur AUSA 3 Clinton, Bush I
Allison Porter Trial Attorney; Criminal Division 3 Carter, Ford
Judith Olingy Trial Attorney 3 Reagan
U.S.Amb. (Ret) Douglas Kmiec Assistant Attorney General (OLC) 3 Obama, Bush I, Reagan
Hugh Culverhouse Assistant United States Attorney 3 Carter
Janet Nahirny Prosecuting Attorney, Antitrust Division 3 Bush II
Jeffrey Walker Special Assistant US Attorney & AF JAG 3 Clinton, Bush I
Cynthia Kouril Special Assistant United States Attorney, SDNY 3 Bush I, Reagan
Daniel Toomey Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia 3 Nixon, Johnson
Stephen Saltzburg Deputy Assistant Attorney General 3 Bush I, Reagan
Debra Carnahan AUSA E.D. Missouri 3 Clinton
David Payne Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Bush I
Julie O'Sullivan Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Clinton
David Reed Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Ford, Nixon
Adam Kurland Assistant US Attorney ED Cal 3 Reagan
Richard Reinish Trial Attorney 3 Nixon, Johnson
Richard Mezan Special Trial Attorney 3 Nixon, Johnson
James Fergal Assistant U.S. Attorney, ED of Wisconsin 3 Carter, Ford
Daniel Forman Assistant United States Attorney 3 Reagan, Carter
Anthony Farley AUSA 3 Bush I
Kathleen Sample Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Obama
Herbert Beigel Special Attorney 3 Nixon
Pamela Phillips Assistant U.S.Attorney 3 Carter
John Hanify Assistant U.S. Attorney 3 Carter
Bert Deixler Assistant United States Attorney 3 Carter
Richard Wiebusch United States Attorney 3 Reagan
Thomas Melsheimer Assistant United States Attorney 3 Clinton, Bush I
John Lundin Trial Lawyer, Civil Rights Division, AUSA, WD of Washington 3 Nixon
John Hughes Asst US Attorney 3 Carter, Ford
James Lyons Assistant United States Attorney 3 Nixon, Johnson
J (John) Michael Kelly Counselor and Chief of Staff to the Attorney General of the United States 3 Carter
Rick Flam Assistant United States Attorney, Central District of California 3 Reagan
John Aldock Assistant US Attorney 3 Nixon
Thomas Umberg ASSISTANT US ATTORNEY 3 Bush I, Reagan
Steven Kazan Assistant U.S. Attorney, Northern District of California 2.25 Nixon
Charles A. Intriago AUSA SDFL 2.8 Carter, Ford
Robert Goodman Trial Attorney, Environmental Enforcement Section 2.5 Bush I
Michael Berry Assistant U.S. Attorney 2.5 Trump, Obama
Michael Greenberger Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General 2 Clinton;Nixon
Marianne Wesson Assistant United States Attorney 2 Reagan, Carter
Robert Litan Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division 2 Clinton
Robert Weiner Associate Deputy Attorney General 2 Obama
Bertha Josephson Assistant US Attorney 2 Bush I
G. Daniel McCarthy Assistant US Attorney 2 Carter
Andrew Mackenzie Special Assistant United States Attorney 2 Clinton
Nick Pyati Trial Attorney 2 Obama
James McDonald Assistant U.S. Attorney 2 Carter, Ford
Gerald Norton Assistant to the Solicitor General 2 Nixon
C. Mitchell Hendy Assistant US Attorney 2 Trump, Obama
Christine Chenevert Assistant United States Attorney 2 Bush I
David Spring Special Assistant United States Attorney 2 Clinton
Marc Stickgold Assistant United States Attorney 2 Johnson
Michael Wolford Assistant U. S Attorney in charge of Rochester New York Office 2 Nixon
Michael Cannon Trial Attorney 2 Reagan, Carter
Ryan Malone Assistant United States Attorney 2 Trump, Obama
Thiru Vignarajah Assistant U.S. Attorney 2 Obama
Ann Ravel Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Torts and Consumer Litigation 2 Obama
Herbert Sturman Assistant United States Attorney 2 Johnson, Kennedy
Gregg Vance Fallick AUSA 2 Reagan
John Edwards United States Attorney for the Western District of Virginia 1.5 Reagan, Carter
Somil Trivedi Trial Attorney 1 Trump, Obama
Guy Knoller Trial Attorney 1 Nixon
Robert Martin Special Assistant United States Attorney 1 Reagan
Michael Prozan Special Assistant United States Attorney, DC 1 Bush I
Charles Carnese Assistant U.S. Attorney 1 Ford
Allen DeJonge Senior Trial Attorney 1 Obama
Gary Leuis Special Assistant United States Attorney 1 Trump
Albert Alschuler Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division 1 Johnson
Brandon Spurlock AUSA 1 Bush II
Jonathan Parnes Special Assistant United States Attorney 1 Obama
Joseph Turner Assistant United States attorney 1 Reagan
David Scott Senior Trial Attorney, Public Integrity Section 1 Carter, Ford
John Markey AUSA 1 Carter
Quit Spamming and Trolling The Forum with shit like this.

What are you going to do next, post the phone book?


One more reply.

I specifically posted all the names to demonstrate how meaningless the opinion of one lawyer is just because he happens to agree with you.
Nancy agrees with me, no impeachment

So asking about obstruction and obstruction are the same thing? He asked and was advised not to do what he thought he could do. I read The report.
Great you read the report and your opinion means less than nothing because the Democrats refuse to impeach. Nancy will not even hold a vote so you stomp your feet and hold your breath
No American nor anyone in The Trump Administration Colluded with Russia?

Collusion is a secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose.

With that said, the collusion, or deceitful cooperation, Mueller found between the Russians and the Trump campaign did not rise to the level of a provable illegal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
I'm concerned about Dershowitz very little actually. He is one voice, not THE voice.

How about all of these prosecutors who have stated on record that if it were not for Trump being president he would have been charged with multiple felonies.
Quit Spamming and Trolling The Forum with shit like this.

What are you going to do next, post the phone book?


One more reply.

I specifically posted all the names to demonstrate how meaningless the opinion of one lawyer is just because he happens to agree with you.
Nancy agrees with me, no impeachment

So asking about obstruction and obstruction are the same thing? He asked and was advised not to do what he thought he could do. I read The report.

You cannot have Obstruction if you have not committed a crime. Asserting your rights and exercising your Constitutional Powers is NEVER OBSTRUCTION.
Not true because Trump could have obstructed for others who were convicted
I'm concerned about Dershowitz very little actually. He is one voice, not THE voice.

How about all of these prosecutors who have stated on record that if it were not for Trump being president he would have been charged with multiple felonies.
Quit Spamming and Trolling The Forum with shit like this.

What are you going to do next, post the phone book?


One more reply.

I specifically posted all the names to demonstrate how meaningless the opinion of one lawyer is just because he happens to agree with you.
Nancy agrees with me, no impeachment

So asking about obstruction and obstruction are the same thing? He asked and was advised not to do what he thought he could do. I read The report.

You cannot have Obstruction if you have not committed a crime.

Asserting your rights and exercising your Constitutional Powers is NEVER OBSTRUCTION.

Right but at the time he was unsure what the SC would find. Either way someone needs to explain how he obstructed. People are dumb.
Are you concerned with Congress opinion not to impeach?

Yes. I'm on the fence as to whether Congress should impeach also but I think he's most likely guilty and in a perfect world he should be impeached. However we have an upcoming election and we saw what the impeachment of Clinton did to Republicans.

Then again Clinton was more popular than Trump is now (or at least not as unpopular) and I'm not so sure impeachment would hurt the Democrats here. Especially when you consider there are other on going investigations in other jurisdictions, Trumps taxes may come out shortly, Trump who can't keep his hand from the fire and won't for whatever reason stop talking about the Mueller report.

There is a lot up in the air and in the end I think the Democrats (or their leadership anyway) are playing it too safe, understandably so but they should probably just pull the trigger. So, I don't fault the Dems who are for or against impeachment, I just happen to marginally disagree with one side.
you base that off of what?

Which part, specifically?
that he most likely is guilty. you reached a conclusion that no one has. good for you!!! step on that island.

That's my opinion just as yours is that he is innocent and the report specifically does not exonerate him. Anyway, I'm sure lots of people have come to the same conclusion, doesn't mean there shouldn't be an impeachment (trial) to get to the bottom of it.

You think Clinton is guilty of something or other so fuck off.
mine is not an opinion, mine is fact. our laws state innocent until proven guilty. so, again, you're wrong
No American nor anyone in The Trump Administration Colluded with Russia?

Collusion is a secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose.

With that said, the collusion, or deceitful cooperation, Mueller found between the Russians and the Trump campaign did not rise to the level of a provable illegal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

There was No Collusion, and there is no such thing as a Crime of Collusion.
Otherwise, Clinton would be in jail for soliciting Russian Propaganda from The Kremlin and From Foreign Agents, like Steele and Skirpal.

Fusion GPS heads would be in jail for hiring a Russian Attorney and sending her as a Spy to Trump Tower under False Pretenses.

You are one stupid Motherfucker.

Are all you DemTwats this dumb?


Please Cite The CRIME President Trump was trying to Conceal or be Deceitful about.

Lord, I would like to take you on in court.

You'd get throttled.

I'd have your effeminate ass crying on the stand and confessing to crimes you did not commit you are such an intellectual midget.
Last edited:
Yes. I'm on the fence as to whether Congress should impeach also but I think he's most likely guilty and in a perfect world he should be impeached. However we have an upcoming election and we saw what the impeachment of Clinton did to Republicans.

Then again Clinton was more popular than Trump is now (or at least not as unpopular) and I'm not so sure impeachment would hurt the Democrats here. Especially when you consider there are other on going investigations in other jurisdictions, Trumps taxes may come out shortly, Trump who can't keep his hand from the fire and won't for whatever reason stop talking about the Mueller report.

There is a lot up in the air and in the end I think the Democrats (or their leadership anyway) are playing it too safe, understandably so but they should probably just pull the trigger. So, I don't fault the Dems who are for or against impeachment, I just happen to marginally disagree with one side.
you base that off of what?

Which part, specifically?
that he most likely is guilty. you reached a conclusion that no one has. good for you!!! step on that island.

That's my opinion just as yours is that he is innocent and the report specifically does not exonerate him. Anyway, I'm sure lots of people have come to the same conclusion, doesn't mean there shouldn't be an impeachment (trial) to get to the bottom of it.

You think Clinton is guilty of something or other so fuck off.
The report exonerates him learn how the law works
although, mueller claimed in his statement that the report doesn't exonerate trump, that wasn't its purpose, it was to find him guilty and it didn't. so he failed to provide evidence of guilt. INNOCENT
you base that off of what?

Which part, specifically?
that he most likely is guilty. you reached a conclusion that no one has. good for you!!! step on that island.

That's my opinion just as yours is that he is innocent and the report specifically does not exonerate him. Anyway, I'm sure lots of people have come to the same conclusion, doesn't mean there shouldn't be an impeachment (trial) to get to the bottom of it.

You think Clinton is guilty of something or other so fuck off.
The report exonerates him learn how the law works

I'm kind of getting tired of this and you are probably one of the reasons everyone has jumped from this thread. The report if you had read it specifically did not exonerate Trump.

it wasn't its intent to exonerate him. we don't have a justice system of exoneration, we have one of innocent until proven guilty and that wasn't accomplished. as such, exonerates trump!!! get it?

Mueller stated, he cannot say he did not commit a crime, and he can't say he did. again, in our justice system innocent until proven guilty. Mueller was to find evidence of interference collusion. he didn't. he stated so. did you read it? obstruction was not a requirement.
you base that off of what?

Which part, specifically?
that he most likely is guilty. you reached a conclusion that no one has. good for you!!! step on that island.

That's my opinion just as yours is that he is innocent and the report specifically does not exonerate him. Anyway, I'm sure lots of people have come to the same conclusion, doesn't mean there shouldn't be an impeachment (trial) to get to the bottom of it.

You think Clinton is guilty of something or other so fuck off.
The report exonerates him learn how the law works
although, mueller claimed in his statement that the report doesn't exonerate trump, that wasn't its purpose, it was to find him guilty and it didn't. so he failed to provide evidence of guilt. INNOCENT
No American nor anyone in The Trump Administration Colluded with Russia?

Collusion is a secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose.

With that said, the collusion, or deceitful cooperation, Mueller found between the Russians and the Trump campaign did not rise to the level of a provable illegal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
or, no collusion or conspiracy. he said it, why can't you? too fking funny, do you work for the DNC?

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