I have ZERO interest in unity with the left


I get some silly fake news babble and a flag as a response for serious questions?

Am I talking with retarded 6 year old or what?
If you have to ask why someone would feel the way I do you have not been paying attention and should not be in this conversation

Yeah, I'm new here, that's why I'm asking.

But you respond with totally uncalled for antagonism. It's not easy to like you, really.
You being new here has nothing to do with what has turned off many over the last few months.
And I am not here to be liked. I'm here to kill time.

What has turned me off in the past one and a half month, was a sore loser pissing on the American Constitution by ignoring the will of the people and clinging to power despite losing an election, a full-fledged putsch or coup d'état, like some disgusting former east Bloc dictator or some Banana republic leader.

Disgusting what has become of the country that once was a shining example and "leader of the free world".
And there is an example of why my op exists.

He isn't clinging to power. The power is his alone until 11:59 am January 20th.

And taking issues to court is an example of our constitution in action not a violation of it.

You REALLY don't belong on this board. Too stupid

It's obviously you who is "too stupid" when you don't understand I'm not talking about Trump still being President until Biden's inauguration ... but a very different problem.

I get some silly fake news babble and a flag as a response for serious questions?

Am I talking with retarded 6 year old or what?
If you have to ask why someone would feel the way I do you have not been paying attention and should not be in this conversation

Yeah, I'm new here, that's why I'm asking.

But you respond with totally uncalled for antagonism. It's not easy to like you, really.
You being new here has nothing to do with what has turned off many over the last few months.
And I am not here to be liked. I'm here to kill time.

What has turned me off in the past one and a half month, was a sore loser pissing on the American Constitution by ignoring the will of the people and clinging to power despite losing an election, a full-fledged putsch or coup d'état, like some disgusting former east Bloc dictator or some Banana republic leader.

Disgusting what has become of the country that once was a shining example and "leader of the free world".

"a sore loser pissing on the American Constitution by ignoring the will of the people"

So, you don't think the widespread allegations of election/voter fraud should be investigated? That's not ignoring the will of the people, that's making sure the will of the people was in fact validated. And tell me how that is "pissing on the Constitution".

"clinging to power despite losing an election"

President Trump IS the president up to Jan 20, 2021. That's not clinging to power.

"a full-fledged putsch or coup d'état, like some disgusting former east Bloc dictator or some Banana republic leader"

Absolute, total bullshit. Aren't you kinda jumping the shark a little bit? Maybe I missed it, when did Trump say he wouldn't leave office in January?

I get some silly fake news babble and a flag as a response for serious questions?

Am I talking with retarded 6 year old or what?
If you have to ask why someone would feel the way I do you have not been paying attention and should not be in this conversation

Yeah, I'm new here, that's why I'm asking.

But you respond with totally uncalled for antagonism. It's not easy to like you, really.
You being new here has nothing to do with what has turned off many over the last few months.
And I am not here to be liked. I'm here to kill time.

What has turned me off in the past one and a half month, was a sore loser pissing on the American Constitution by ignoring the will of the people and clinging to power despite losing an election, a full-fledged putsch or coup d'état, like some disgusting former east Bloc dictator or some Banana republic leader.

Disgusting what has become of the country that once was a shining example and "leader of the free world".
And there is an example of why my op exists.

He isn't clinging to power. The power is his alone until 11:59 am January 20th.

And taking issues to court is an example of our constitution in action not a violation of it.

You REALLY don't belong on this board. Too stupid

It's obviously you who is "too stupid" when you don't understand I'm not talking about Trump still being President until Biden's inauguration ... but a very different problem.
Your imagination is only a problem for you lol
As far as I'm concerned we'd be far better off if the democrat party ceased to exist. Thankfully we have people like the squad helping make others feel this way too.
I feel the same way. Have for several years. Democrats are mentally ill authoritarians. No thanks.
Truth be told this should serve as a wake up call for all of america to see what a bad idea all political parties are for this nation. They only serve to divide our nation and to work against our very own interests. We need to begin electing the best and best qualified for our leaders instead of the very worst and most corrupt. I'll remind you that there is no mention of political parties in our constitution nor are they codified into our laws. We've been bamboozled for far long enough. Just because we've been stupid before is no reason to continue being stupid and played for the suckers we all have been so far.
Ultimately, whatever degree of "unity" we are able to re-discover will be a process, not an event.

Those who refuse to be a part of it will be last, or not at all. That's up to them.
TRANSLATION: You will conform or go to the salt mines.
Wow, okay, I believe that is your translation.
Okay, say it in a way that doesn't sound like "conform or die."

I'll wait.
I already did. Your mind just twisted it into something that sounded the way you wanted it to.

I don't know how to fix that. I'm still learning how to translate words into Trumpster reality.

I get some silly fake news babble and a flag as a response for serious questions?

Am I talking with retarded 6 year old or what?
If you have to ask why someone would feel the way I do you have not been paying attention and should not be in this conversation

Yeah, I'm new here, that's why I'm asking.

But you respond with totally uncalled for antagonism. It's not easy to like you, really.
You being new here has nothing to do with what has turned off many over the last few months.
And I am not here to be liked. I'm here to kill time.

What has turned me off in the past one and a half month, was a sore loser pissing on the American Constitution by ignoring the will of the people and clinging to power despite losing an election, a full-fledged putsch or coup d'état, like some disgusting former east Bloc dictator or some Banana republic leader.

Disgusting what has become of the country that once was a shining example and "leader of the free world".

"a sore loser pissing on the American Constitution by ignoring the will of the people"

So, you don't think the widespread allegations of election/voter fraud should be investigated? That's not ignoring the will of the people, that's making sure the will of the people was in fact validated. And tell me how that is "pissing on the Constitution".

"clinging to power despite losing an election"

President Trump IS the president up to Jan 20, 2021. That's not clinging to power.

"a full-fledged putsch or coup d'état, like some disgusting former east Bloc dictator or some Banana republic leader"

Absolute, total bullshit. Aren't you kinda jumping the shark a little bit? Maybe I missed it, when did Trump say he wouldn't leave office in January?

That has been done! Recounts were done where recounting was legally required. Courts dealt with Trump's allegiations of fraud. None of them found any evidence. Legal routes were taken to make sure the election was legit? Fair enough.

But all this has been done and over. Yet Trump has still not acknowledged that he lost and keeps spewing lies about "fraud" without any evidence, without any basis in reality whatsoever.

He has broken the tradition of American transitions and refused to congratulate the winner. He'll most likely not be present at the inauguration, either. He'll continue to lull his fanboys into the fantasy of "fraud" for months to come.

This is damaging for a free republic. A leader should have enough responsibility not to erode the trust in the constitutional institutions of the free republic he's sworn to protect.

I get some silly fake news babble and a flag as a response for serious questions?

Am I talking with retarded 6 year old or what?
If you have to ask why someone would feel the way I do you have not been paying attention and should not be in this conversation

Yeah, I'm new here, that's why I'm asking.

But you respond with totally uncalled for antagonism. It's not easy to like you, really.
You being new here has nothing to do with what has turned off many over the last few months.
And I am not here to be liked. I'm here to kill time.

What has turned me off in the past one and a half month, was a sore loser pissing on the American Constitution by ignoring the will of the people and clinging to power despite losing an election, a full-fledged putsch or coup d'état, like some disgusting former east Bloc dictator or some Banana republic leader.

Disgusting what has become of the country that once was a shining example and "leader of the free world".

"a sore loser pissing on the American Constitution by ignoring the will of the people"

So, you don't think the widespread allegations of election/voter fraud should be investigated? That's not ignoring the will of the people, that's making sure the will of the people was in fact validated. And tell me how that is "pissing on the Constitution".

"clinging to power despite losing an election"

President Trump IS the president up to Jan 20, 2021. That's not clinging to power.

"a full-fledged putsch or coup d'état, like some disgusting former east Bloc dictator or some Banana republic leader"

Absolute, total bullshit. Aren't you kinda jumping the shark a little bit? Maybe I missed it, when did Trump say he wouldn't leave office in January?

You've had the DOJ along with the FBI looking into the voter fraud allegations. Even though there was none. And they've found nothing...just ask Billy Barr. You've had almost 60 lower court cases and two SC cases dismissed for lack of evidence of voter fraud.
How long you wanna continue the snipe hunt here? Righties took one user error (not a machine error) in one Michigan county and managed to create an entire nationwide conspiracy theory about a rigged election...where there were none
We should all be unified in doing what is best for the country, no matter whose idea it was. BUT - just because Biden or the democrats want something doesn't make it the best thing for the country. I believe we should not oppose something just because the Left wants it, we should oppose it if it is a bad idea.

Much as I despise the Democratic Party, I do not believe that party should cease to exist. An opposing viewpoint or idea is I think essential, even if it is wrong.

That's a neat, noble sentiment, makes me all warm and fuzzy inside....BUT you couldn't be more wrong.
Ask yourself these two simple questions....
Is the Democrat Party OWNED by Leftists and Leftist ideology?
Would this nation be better without one single Lefty residing within it?

Conservatives (who conserve nothing) must stop with all the pussified "golly gee, lets all be friends" bunch of bullshit....IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK WITH LEFTIST PIECES OF WORTHLESS SHIT.
Conservatives have had their asses handed to them for decades...the Left has owned them, told them how and what to think, what to say by way of PC programming and they've rolled over and complied with a smile....The nutless fucks didn't have the balls to keep God, white man and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded by, funded by and run by Christian, white, heterosexual men.
As far as I'm concerned we'd be far better off if the democrat party ceased to exist. Thankfully we have people like the squad helping make others feel this way too.

Oh nice, at least one rightie who no longer pretends he cares for the Constitution.

What babbling nonsense is this?

Well, the Constitution implies that there are different candidates for office, and those who win in a free election shall govern. That's what America is about, as I understand.

You want to make those who win just disappear, when you lose.

There are historical examples of people in power making those disappear who disagree.

Free elections being the key words here.
They were anything but.

According to you because your man lost.
The other guy won..and you're mad. :)
Ultimately, whatever degree of "unity" we are able to re-discover will be a process, not an event.

Those who refuse to be a part of it will be last, or not at all. That's up to them.
TRANSLATION: You will conform or go to the salt mines.
Wow, okay, I believe that is your translation.
Okay, say it in a way that doesn't sound like "conform or die."

I'll wait.
I already did. Your mind just twisted it into something that sounded the way you wanted it to.

I don't know how to fix that. I'm still learning how to translate words into Trumpster reality.
Okay. Let's parse out what you stated:

Ultimately, whatever degree of "unity" we are able to re-discover will be a process, not an event.

Those who refuse to be a part of it will be last, or not at all. That's up to them.
"Unity" will be a process.

Those who refuse will be last or not at all.

What does that mean, Mac?
Ultimately, whatever degree of "unity" we are able to re-discover will be a process, not an event.

Those who refuse to be a part of it will be last, or not at all. That's up to them.
TRANSLATION: You will conform or go to the salt mines.
Wow, okay, I believe that is your translation.
Okay, say it in a way that doesn't sound like "conform or die."

I'll wait.
I already did. Your mind just twisted it into something that sounded the way you wanted it to.

I don't know how to fix that. I'm still learning how to translate words into Trumpster reality.
Okay. Let's parse out what you stated:

Ultimately, whatever degree of "unity" we are able to re-discover will be a process, not an event.

Those who refuse to be a part of it will be last, or not at all. That's up to them.
"Unity" will be a process.

Those who refuse will be last or not at all.

What does that mean, Mac?
Good gawd, my posts are too important to you people.

Process: It won't happen overnight. It will take a while. Step by step.

Last or not at all: If you ever do choose to participate in some type of unifying behaviors, you'll probably be last, and others will do it before you. If you choose not to, then you won't.

Holy crap.
Ultimately, whatever degree of "unity" we are able to re-discover will be a process, not an event.

Those who refuse to be a part of it will be last, or not at all. That's up to them.
TRANSLATION: You will conform or go to the salt mines.
Wow, okay, I believe that is your translation.
Okay, say it in a way that doesn't sound like "conform or die."

I'll wait.
I already did. Your mind just twisted it into something that sounded the way you wanted it to.

I don't know how to fix that. I'm still learning how to translate words into Trumpster reality.
Okay. Let's parse out what you stated:

Ultimately, whatever degree of "unity" we are able to re-discover will be a process, not an event.

Those who refuse to be a part of it will be last, or not at all. That's up to them.
"Unity" will be a process.

Those who refuse will be last or not at all.

What does that mean, Mac?
Good gawd, my posts are too important to you people.

Process: It won't happen overnight. It will take a while. Step by step.

Last or not at all: If you ever do choose to participate in some type of unifying behaviors, you'll probably be last, and others will do it before you. If you choose not to, then you won't.

Holy crap.

If we choose not to participate, we can leave....as in....The State of Texas can leave? No war necessary?
Ultimately, whatever degree of "unity" we are able to re-discover will be a process, not an event.

Those who refuse to be a part of it will be last, or not at all. That's up to them.
TRANSLATION: You will conform or go to the salt mines.
Wow, okay, I believe that is your translation.
Okay, say it in a way that doesn't sound like "conform or die."

I'll wait.
I already did. Your mind just twisted it into something that sounded the way you wanted it to.

I don't know how to fix that. I'm still learning how to translate words into Trumpster reality.
Okay. Let's parse out what you stated:

Ultimately, whatever degree of "unity" we are able to re-discover will be a process, not an event.

Those who refuse to be a part of it will be last, or not at all. That's up to them.
"Unity" will be a process.

Those who refuse will be last or not at all.

What does that mean, Mac?
Good gawd, my posts are too important to you people.

Process: It won't happen overnight. It will take a while. Step by step.

Last or not at all: If you ever do choose to participate in some type of unifying behaviors, you'll probably be last, and others will do it before you. If you choose not to, then you won't.

Holy crap.

If we choose not to participate, we can leave....as in....The State of Texas can leave? No war necessary?
That's up to you. Give it a shot. I know it won't happen, but give it a shot.
Those who refuse to be a part of it will be last, or not at all. That's up to them.
When did you begin the process of not fighting the president every step of the way?

or have you ever stopped opposing trump?
As far as I'm concerned we'd be far better off if the democrat party ceased to exist. Thankfully we have people like the squad helping make others feel this way too.

Oh nice, at least one rightie who no longer pretends he cares for the Constitution.

What babbling nonsense is this?

Well, the Constitution implies that there are different candidates for office, and those who win in a free election shall govern. That's what America is about, as I understand.

You want to make those who win just disappear, when you lose.

There are historical examples of people in power making those disappear who disagree.

Free elections being the key words here.
They were anything but.

According to you because your man lost.
The other guy won..and you're mad. :)

No...according to the evidence.
Which you're ignoring because it proves you cheated.
Ultimately, whatever degree of "unity" we are able to re-discover will be a process, not an event.

Those who refuse to be a part of it will be last, or not at all. That's up to them.
TRANSLATION: You will conform or go to the salt mines.
Wow, okay, I believe that is your translation.
Okay, say it in a way that doesn't sound like "conform or die."

I'll wait.
I already did. Your mind just twisted it into something that sounded the way you wanted it to.

I don't know how to fix that. I'm still learning how to translate words into Trumpster reality.
Okay. Let's parse out what you stated:

Ultimately, whatever degree of "unity" we are able to re-discover will be a process, not an event.

Those who refuse to be a part of it will be last, or not at all. That's up to them.
"Unity" will be a process.

Those who refuse will be last or not at all.

What does that mean, Mac?

What Mac1958 is saying is....good, real, core Americans must learn to comply and align their belief systems with those who make up the populous in ALL of Americas big city shitholes full of foreigners, faggots and all other unAmerican filth.

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