I honestly want to know. Why do some of you intelligent, thoughtful and logical people support Biden?

It is a function of the 2 party system we have grown dependent on. Once the primaries are over, we are left with 2 candidates from which to choose.

I think the answer "Not Trump" is accurate as far as it goes. The size of the victory shows it was not just democrats voting for Biden, but independents and even some republicans too.

Much like I think Trump got a boost in 2016 from many people being adamantly against Hillary more than they were for Trump. So Trump was the "Not Hillary" candidate.
It is a function of the 2 party system we have grown dependent on. Once the primaries are over, we are left with 2 candidates from which to choose.

I think the answer "Not Trump" is accurate as far as it goes. The size of the victory shows it was not just democrats voting for Biden, but independents and even some republicans too.

Much like I think Trump got a boost in 2016 from many people being adamantly against Hillary more than they were for Trump. So Trump was the "Not Hillary" candidate.
I depend on the Republicans to not do anything to help US and prevent the perverts of the left from harming US also. But because of FDR and LBJ too many stupid people are now so dependent on the government that they have become slaves of that government.

Also about President Trump, his message "Make America Great again" did motivate a lot of people behind him, while crooked Hitlery had bought and paid for a Russian Dossier to slander President Trump and try to lie her way to the presidency. A typical tactic of the progressive party.

I truly would like to understand your thinking.
I have no argument with you regarding Trump being a braggart. A loud mouth. All those adjectives you come up with. But in my 60 years of working with bosses, the few that accomplished anything, i.e. got things done were like Trump! And Trump in 3 years because COVID devoured almost all of 2020 news, lives, etc. got things done!
Attached is a list of things Obama wanted and Biden wanted and some are happening now.
So I'm asking those few of you that look beyond the peccadilloes of Trump. Beyond his bragging, etc. and tell me how has Biden with 47 years of political experiences helped the country?
1) Look at today's gas prices: A year ago nationally $2.152... Today nationally $3.321 a $1.169 increase on 54%!

View attachment 553451
Why? look at the attached chart: Obama stopped for all purposes signing and Trump was increasing!
And these are just two charts showing the affect of Obama/Biden on our economy after Trump had done something that hadn't been done for 62 years by other presidents!
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
So gas prices affect EVERYONE here but the attached sheet shows MORE ways Obama now Biden want to shut down our economy!
Why would any president want companies to go bankrupt? Obama did.
Why would any president want 500,000 people let go from 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes?
Why would any president want 34 million barrels of oil per month floating on the open ocean?
Truly those of you that I mentioned earlier that have some intelligence. Can't you look beyond the petty foibles of Trump and see HE GOT THINGS done in just 3 years! And by the way... some of you that are vaccinated... it was Trump's Operation Warp speed that got the FDA going to start in late 2020 vaccinations. Totally done by Trump!
View attachment 553453

View attachment 553454

How many times does it need be explained that nobody wants that cheap cheap cheap MIDDLE OF FUCKING RECESSION gas?

You don't understand because you are pretty dumb yourself. If you weren't you'd see quite clearly that any vanilla politician is preferable to an embarrassing, amoral, unprincipled, snake oil salesman like Trump.
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I honestly want to know. Why do some of you intelligent, thoughtful and logical people support Biden?​

OK, I’ll give it a shot

Primarily because Biden offered a return to normalcy in the Presidency. Calm leadership without the daily drama.

Biden would listen to experts in science, medicine, economics, foreign policy rather than relying on his instincts

Biden was the best available Democrat who would keep the liberal wing in check and had a long history as a moderate
Yep, that was why Joe Biteme stopped the work on the Keystone pipeline day one, thus killing 10s of thousands of well paid union guys jobs, and all those working to support those guys, stopped allowing drilling in the US on public land, then begged OPEC to produce more oil, nope, Joe Biteme has "ALMOST" nothing to do with high gasoline prices. Again i point to the intelligence chart.

View attachment 553464
Oil prices are determined by world markets. How much opec and other producers decide to produce vs global demand for oil. Keystone pipeline oil would have gone to global market, not stay in USA.

The keystone jobs are just temporary construction jobs. There are a few remaining pipeline maintenance jobs, no more than 50 and they are split between canada and usa. Those jobs instead can just goto transporting the oil from canada to their coast ports. The actual jobs would be oil spill cleanup workers.
I truly would like to understand your thinking.
I have no argument with you regarding Trump being a braggart. A loud mouth. All those adjectives you come up with. But in my 60 years of working with bosses, the few that accomplished anything, i.e. got things done were like Trump! And Trump in 3 years because COVID devoured almost all of 2020 news, lives, etc. got things done!
Attached is a list of things Obama wanted and Biden wanted and some are happening now.
So I'm asking those few of you that look beyond the peccadilloes of Trump. Beyond his bragging, etc. and tell me how has Biden with 47 years of political experiences helped the country?
1) Look at today's gas prices: A year ago nationally $2.152... Today nationally $3.321 a $1.169 increase on 54%!

View attachment 553451
Why? look at the attached chart: Obama stopped for all purposes signing and Trump was increasing!
And these are just two charts showing the affect of Obama/Biden on our economy after Trump had done something that hadn't been done for 62 years by other presidents!
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
So gas prices affect EVERYONE here but the attached sheet shows MORE ways Obama now Biden want to shut down our economy!
Why would any president want companies to go bankrupt? Obama did.
Why would any president want 500,000 people let go from 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes?
Why would any president want 34 million barrels of oil per month floating on the open ocean?
Truly those of you that I mentioned earlier that have some intelligence. Can't you look beyond the petty foibles of Trump and see HE GOT THINGS done in just 3 years! And by the way... some of you that are vaccinated... it was Trump's Operation Warp speed that got the FDA going to start in late 2020 vaccinations. Totally done by Trump!
View attachment 553453

View attachment 553454

It is far more than Trump being a braggart. Trump is becoming a fascist dictator. He refused to accept the checks and balances that the Constitution placed on a President. He appointed judges who ignore the Constitution to allow him to bypass Congress. Now he is trying to rig the elections by making it harder for people who might oppose him to vote. They are attacking free speech rights in this country.

The fact is that Biden is trying to help people but Republicans are blocking everything. They are trying to take this country over a financial cliff just for a 30 second ad.

A President does not control gas prices. The reason prices dropped was because of the pandemic. Oil prices were dropping when Trump brokered a deal with OPEC+ which includes Russia to cut production. That is when oil prices and gas prices started rising. Americans are being hammered thanks to 2 cartels. The first is OPEC which supposedly is composed of countries Trump supposedly made treaties with these countries. Americans are also being hammered by shale oil producers who have formed a cartel to control production. The winners are the rich shareholders who have become big winners during the pandemic.

The US has never been energy independent. We still imported oil. The rise in oil production started under Obama.

Trump constantly downplayed the coronavirus even though he knew it was far more serious than he let on. He appointed quacks like Scott Atlas who lied to Americans about the coronavirus. Even though the vaccine was developed under Trump, he didn't buy enough so there were severe shortages. When Biden took over, he bought all the dosed the companies had. That is when the vaccine became widely available.

Obama was 100% right on coal. No one wants coal plants in their backyard. Even Trump was unable to save coal because of this.

US oil production rose under Obama. However shale oil producers have formed a cartel to keep prices high.

Under cap and trade that is not necessarily thrue.

Obama may have wanted single payer but what he put together was a hybrid. Republicans wanted to do nothing at all.

Manufacturing jobs started coming back under Obama. Companies started onshoringtheir facilities to maintain tighter control. Neither Obama nor Trump are responsible for this.

Essentially the rich had to pay a little more in taxes. The rich are getting richer thanks to the Republican tax cuts. Yet when we talk about a childcare tax credit and a child tax credit which would lift many families out of poverty, big business and Republicans say hell no.

Republicans tried to do away with all regulation. They wanted to allow companies to pollute the air and water just to save a few bucks. Those few buc ks went directly into the pockets of rich investors.

There were valid reasons for not allowing the Keystone pipeline. Those jobs would have been temporary.

Thesd rich are profiting mightily from the coronavirus. Yet when workers ask for their share, the rich say hell no. The top 1% own 27% of the nation's wealth while the middle 60% control 26.7% of the wealth which is unprecedented. The tax increases that are being contemplated are very small. The top tax rate would go back to 39.6%. Business tax rates would go up to 26% which would still be well below the 35% it was originally. The capital gains rate would go up by a small amount.
He was an inept leader who was too proud to admit he was wrong and too anti-intellectual to learn the critical issues and listen to advice of others

His worst quality was his disdain for the truth and willingness to create false narratives
Yet you had your head shoved up his predecessor's ass, even though he had these exact traits.

I honestly want to know. Why do some of you intelligent, thoughtful and logical people support Biden?​

OK, I’ll give it a shot

Primarily because Biden offered a return to normalcy in the Presidency. Calm leadership without the daily drama.

Biden would listen to experts in science, medicine, economics, foreign policy rather than relying on his instincts

Biden was the best available Democrat who would keep the liberal wing in check and had a long history as a moderate
The premise is intelligent, thoughtful, and logical people.

You are NOTA.
It is far more than Trump being a braggart. Trump is becoming a fascist dictator. He refused to accept the checks and balances that the Constitution placed on a President. He appointed judges who ignore the Constitution to allow him to bypass Congress. Now he is trying to rig the elections by making it harder for people who might oppose him to vote. They are attacking free speech rights in this country.

The fact is that Biden is trying to help people but Republicans are blocking everything. They are trying to take this country over a financial cliff just for a 30 second ad.

A President does not control gas prices. The reason prices dropped was because of the pandemic. Oil prices were dropping when Trump brokered a deal with OPEC+ which includes Russia to cut production. That is when oil prices and gas prices started rising. Americans are being hammered thanks to 2 cartels. The first is OPEC which supposedly is composed of countries Trump supposedly made treaties with these countries. Americans are also being hammered by shale oil producers who have formed a cartel to control production. The winners are the rich shareholders who have become big winners during the pandemic.

The US has never been energy independent. We still imported oil. The rise in oil production started under Obama.

Trump constantly downplayed the coronavirus even though he knew it was far more serious than he let on. He appointed quacks like Scott Atlas who lied to Americans about the coronavirus. Even though the vaccine was developed under Trump, he didn't buy enough so there were severe shortages. When Biden took over, he bought all the dosed the companies had. That is when the vaccine became widely available.

Obama was 100% right on coal. No one wants coal plants in their backyard. Even Trump was unable to save coal because of this.

US oil production rose under Obama. However shale oil producers have formed a cartel to keep prices high.

Under cap and trade that is not necessarily thrue.

Obama may have wanted single payer but what he put together was a hybrid. Republicans wanted to do nothing at all.

Manufacturing jobs started coming back under Obama. Companies started onshoringtheir facilities to maintain tighter control. Neither Obama nor Trump are responsible for this.

Essentially the rich had to pay a little more in taxes. The rich are getting richer thanks to the Republican tax cuts. Yet when we talk about a childcare tax credit and a child tax credit which would lift many families out of poverty, big business and Republicans say hell no.

Republicans tried to do away with all regulation. They wanted to allow companies to pollute the air and water just to save a few bucks. Those few buc ks went directly into the pockets of rich investors.

There were valid reasons for not allowing the Keystone pipeline. Those jobs would have been temporary.

Thesd rich are profiting mightily from the coronavirus. Yet when workers ask for their share, the rich say hell no. The top 1% own 27% of the nation's wealth while the middle 60% control 26.7% of the wealth which is unprecedented. The tax increases that are being contemplated are very small. The top tax rate would go back to 39.6%. Business tax rates would go up to 26% which would still be well below the 35% it was originally. The capital gains rate would go up by a small amount.
NOT one single line of proof! I provided links. YOU zero. That's the problem. Your type take the BIASED MSM that donated 96% to Hillary and 90% to Biden and you believe their truly biased news!
FACTS! I provide LINKS YOU zero!
It is far more than Trump being a braggart. Trump is becoming a fascist dictator. He refused to accept the checks and balances that the Constitution placed on a President. He appointed judges who ignore the Constitution to allow him to bypass Congress. Now he is trying to rig the elections by making it harder for people who might oppose him to vote. They are attacking free speech rights in this country.

The fact is that Biden is trying to help people but Republicans are blocking everything. They are trying to take this country over a financial cliff just for a 30 second ad.

A President does not control gas prices. The reason prices dropped was because of the pandemic. Oil prices were dropping when Trump brokered a deal with OPEC+ which includes Russia to cut production. That is when oil prices and gas prices started rising. Americans are being hammered thanks to 2 cartels. The first is OPEC which supposedly is composed of countries Trump supposedly made treaties with these countries. Americans are also being hammered by shale oil producers who have formed a cartel to control production. The winners are the rich shareholders who have become big winners during the pandemic.

Great list of lies. Would you like me to post the chart of gasoline prices by month? Of course not. You're a liar.

How is Trump trying to rig elections? Our entire federal government is under Communist control now. Trump has zero power.

Attacking speech rights in this country? Care to give us just one example? Of course not because you don't have any. Sheep can only repeat, not backup their claims.

How is Dementia trying to help people, by inflation that's going to make everybody broke? By increasing natural gas prices by over 50%? By inviting invaders into our country to the tune of over 2 million by the end of the year to work jobs Americans should be doing? By pressuring now nice safe suburbs to adopt his policies of bringing in lowlifes that will not only increase crime dramatically, but reduce their property value by more than half? By instituting a tobacco tax that will mostly affect the poor and middle-class? By having people fired and not able to even get unemployment because they made their own health decisions? By increasing gasoline prices by over 30% because he closed down the Keystone, stopped new oil explorations and drilling on public land, and then saying after the attack on our largest gasoline pipeline, it's a private matter and not a government one? By busing or flying untested and un-vaccinated invaders across the country coast to coast?

With friends like that, who needs enemies?
Biden would listen to experts in science, medicine, economics, foreign policy rather than relying on his instincts

Like when he said vaccinated people can't catch Covid? Like when he pulled out of Afghanistan against the wishes of every General in his cabinet? Did his experts in science tell him it's okay to allow weirdos in dresses to compete against girls in school athletics because they are basically the same?

Biden was the best available Democrat who would keep the liberal wing in check and had a long history as a moderate

He hasn't done one moderate thing since invading the White House. His policy is party first--country second. Saying he was the best available Democrat candidate is pretty pathetic for the Democrat party.
You don't understand because you are pretty dumb yourself. If you weren't you'd see quite clearly that any vanilla politician is preferable to an embarrassing, amoral, unprincipled, snake oil salesman like Trump.

The more people like you that use the same criteria for choosing representatives as you did your favorite American Idol contestant, the more trouble our country is in.
It is far more than Trump being a braggart. Trump is becoming a fascist dictator. He refused to accept the checks and balances that the Constitution placed on a President. He appointed judges who ignore the Constitution to allow him to bypass Congress. Now he is trying to rig the elections by making it harder for people who might oppose him to vote. They are attacking free speech rights in this country.

The fact is that Biden is trying to help people but Republicans are blocking everything. They are trying to take this country over a financial cliff just for a 30 second ad.

A President does not control gas prices. The reason prices dropped was because of the pandemic. Oil prices were dropping when Trump brokered a deal with OPEC+ which includes Russia to cut production. That is when oil prices and gas prices started rising. Americans are being hammered thanks to 2 cartels. The first is OPEC which supposedly is composed of countries Trump supposedly made treaties with these countries. Americans are also being hammered by shale oil producers who have formed a cartel to control production. The winners are the rich shareholders who have become big winners during the pandemic.

The US has never been energy independent. We still imported oil. The rise in oil production started under Obama.

Trump constantly downplayed the coronavirus even though he knew it was far more serious than he let on. He appointed quacks like Scott Atlas who lied to Americans about the coronavirus. Even though the vaccine was developed under Trump, he didn't buy enough so there were severe shortages. When Biden took over, he bought all the dosed the companies had. That is when the vaccine became widely available.

Obama was 100% right on coal. No one wants coal plants in their backyard. Even Trump was unable to save coal because of this.

US oil production rose under Obama. However shale oil producers have formed a cartel to keep prices high.

Under cap and trade that is not necessarily thrue.

Obama may have wanted single payer but what he put together was a hybrid. Republicans wanted to do nothing at all.

Manufacturing jobs started coming back under Obama. Companies started onshoringtheir facilities to maintain tighter control. Neither Obama nor Trump are responsible for this.

Essentially the rich had to pay a little more in taxes. The rich are getting richer thanks to the Republican tax cuts. Yet when we talk about a childcare tax credit and a child tax credit which would lift many families out of poverty, big business and Republicans say hell no.

Republicans tried to do away with all regulation. They wanted to allow companies to pollute the air and water just to save a few bucks. Those few buc ks went directly into the pockets of rich investors.

There were valid reasons for not allowing the Keystone pipeline. Those jobs would have been temporary.

Thesd rich are profiting mightily from the coronavirus. Yet when workers ask for their share, the rich say hell no. The top 1% own 27% of the nation's wealth while the middle 60% control 26.7% of the wealth which is unprecedented. The tax increases that are being contemplated are very small. The top tax rate would go back to 39.6%. Business tax rates would go up to 26% which would still be well below the 35% it was originally. The capital gains rate would go up by a small amount.
There's your answer.

Nothing else needs to be said
What did Trump do OP?

Low fuel prices. Best economy in 50 years. Record low unemployment rates women and every minority group since records were kept. New high in median household income. Brought the border under control. Signed 8 contracts with potential vaccine makers in July of 2020 guaranteeing that the US citizens are first in line to get those vaccines. Pressured the FDA into allowing the vaccines to be used in this country. Stopped NK from shooting off rockets. Got rid of Commie Care fines that hurt the most financially vulnerable in our country. Lowered taxes on our job producers which helped to create more than a million jobs than Americans who could work them. Also got rid of job killing regulations, and instituted a policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in their place. Got rid of the phony Iran deal and the bullshit Paris Accord. Would you like more of what Trump accomplished?
Not Trump
You don't like the fact that Trump got things done? You don't like the fact that he was keeping head severing, neck stabbing Muslims out ? Muslims like to randomly run over non Muslims. Muslims lie about no compulsion of religon. Jamies 1:26 - 27 clearly shows that the verses are not talking about what Muslims are saying, making them to be compulsive liars. It is bad that Trump worked on keeping random murderous liars out of the USA?
Because we are intelligent, thoughtful and logical.

You mean logical like de-funding the police is the way to fight crime? Logical like when Whorris asked her followers to donate money to a Go Fund Me account to bail out rioters to start more trouble and destroy more things? Logical like wanting to disarm law abiding citizens to stop criminals from using guns? Logical like the way to create jobs is to greatly tax our job producers? Logical like paying people to stay home instead of work creating inflation never seen in 20 years and a huge supply chain problem? Logical like in a covid crisis when we need healthcare workers the most, get many of them fired and not allow them to collect unemployment? Logical like trying to fight the worst virus in our lifetime by allowing un-tested and un-vaccinated people in this country, and then busing or flying them coast to coast?

If that's what you call intelligent and logical, I hope most Americans are stupid in the coming elections.
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I depend on the Republicans to not do anything to help US and prevent the perverts of the left from harming US also. But because of FDR and LBJ too many stupid people are now so dependent on the government that they have become slaves of that government.

Also about President Trump, his message "Make America Great again" did motivate a lot of people behind him, while crooked Hitlery had bought and paid for a Russian Dossier to slander President Trump and try to lie her way to the presidency. A typical tactic of the progressive party.

View attachment 553483 I thought Democrat voters were dead people, in the 1900s and `1800 hundreds? That is who voted. Dems used their names, and only their names.

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