I hope Biden picks Dr. Susan Rice for VP

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Isn’t she the asshole that went on Sunday TV and lied about Benghazi? Yeah Joe, Pick her.
She didn't lie but I don't think lying is high on the republican agenda if you are voting for trump.
She lied like a dog!
You smell like a dog.

And you, lackey, and im2 are proof that stupid people shouldn't be allowed to breed, but the world has to put up with you anyway.
View attachment 338470

She is brilliant and highly qualified - and only 55 years old. What do you think?

Susan Rice says she would 'certainly say yes' to be Biden's VP

Susan Rice - Wikipedia

Great qualifications do not translate into being a great politician. I would prefer someone who knows just how ugly the GOP is going to get. These are the people who run over others in their cars and mail bombs to people. Someone who hasn't been in that battle before probably shouldn't be going through it for the #2 job in the nation.

As for delivering the only states that matter; PA, WI, and MI...it's unclear how much she helps there. Energizing the black vote is it's own bonus but there are others who can do it more effectively (I'm looking at you Harris).

Not a bad pick; I think there are better ones though.
There is no way people will vote for stupid Joe over Trump.
Here's what the Moron-in-Chief had to say when asked about IG Linick being fired.

"Never heard of him. But they asked me to terminate him" -- Trump says he was asked to fire the State Department inspector general by Mike Pompeo. He then confused what he's talking about and says, "I did suggest in pretty much all cases you get rid of the attorney generals"

So, he claims he fired an IG he knew nothing about because "he had lost confidence" (that was the official reason given to Congress) in Linick. WTF??! BTW, it's illegal to fire an IG without cause.

Then he threw Pompeo, who claimed he didn't recommend Linick be fired, under the bus.

He caps it off by confusing Attorney Generals (he probably meant US attorneys) with Inspector Generals.

You voted for an imbecile.
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There is no way people will vote for stupid Joe over Trump.
Here's what the Moron-in-Chief had to say when asked about IG Linick being fired.

"Never heard of him. But they asked me to terminate him" -- Trump says he was asked to fire the State Department inspector general by Mike Pompeo. He then confused what he's talking about and says, "I did suggest in pretty much all cases you get rid of the attorney generals"

So, he claims he fired an IG he knew nothing about because "he had lost confidence" (that was the official reason given to Congress) in Linick. WTF??! BTW, it's illegal to fire an IG without cause.

Then he threw Pompeo, who claimed he didn't recommend Linick be fired, under the bus.

He caps it off by confusing Attorney Generals (he probably meant US attorneys) with Inspector Generals.

You voted for an imbecile.
I don't care.jpg
View attachment 338470

She is brilliant and highly qualified - and only 55 years old. What do you think?

Susan Rice says she would 'certainly say yes' to be Biden's VP

Susan Rice - Wikipedia

Yeah he won’t pick her, besides we know nothing about her feelings regarding policies, so why do u think she’d be an excellent choice?
/----/ "so why do u think she’d be an excellent choice? "
Identity Politics rule the democRATs.
Rice is Black, female, a libtard, and is down for the cause. Nothing else matters.
View attachment 338470

She is brilliant and highly qualified - and only 55 years old. What do you think?

Susan Rice says she would 'certainly say yes' to be Biden's VP

Susan Rice - Wikipedia
Well we know she will lie to cover up for Biden. That's a qualification for a liberal.

True, but there may be a rare occasion where the truth would better serve their marxist agenda, and this shitstain would have a meltdown if you trotted her out with instructions to "just tell the truth".

Huh? WTF is that?!?!? I didn't sign up for this shit!!!

She'd completely vapor lock.
View attachment 338470

She is brilliant and highly qualified - and only 55 years old. What do you think?

Susan Rice says she would 'certainly say yes' to be Biden's VP

Susan Rice - Wikipedia

Isn't that the lying scoundrel who ignorantly volunteered, or at the very least, airheadedly and stupidly acquiesced, to her handlers, to lie her ass off to the whole fucking WORLD on TV regarding the Benghazi attack?

Yes sir, you have properly identified said pathological liar.
Susan Rice was sent out to lie knowing she was lying and then made the SCAPEGOAT. Then she was pissed when Obama and Hillary hung her out to dry when it all came out that it WAS A LIE.

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