I hope they throw the book at her

She thought herself clever....now she finds herself in a world of hurt. A finished career at the very least

she would be a HYPOCRITE if she wanted to stay in the
Navy-----maybe she wants OUT

She may as well get out, she's finished. I'm a Navy brat I know how it will pan out. What a stupid bitch

sheeesh I knew you are a brat-----but had no idea a NAVY BRAT

Proud daughter of a US Naval MCPO.

gee----that was my daddy's rank ---during world war II-----before I was born----he was out before I was born----I ain't
no brat

I'm very proud of both my father's service and my grandfather's service, Rtd USAF Lt Col. SALUTE!!!!!!!
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.
No, She isn't dumb. Intelligence specialists are among the smartest people in the Navy. She is a brave soul who is standing by a conviction no matter what…so FAR! While I wouldn't have advised her to do what she did, I can't help admiring her bravery.

BS------she is stupid and vulgar. I hope she gets over it-----admittedly she does have a modicum of potential
she would be a HYPOCRITE if she wanted to stay in the
Navy-----maybe she wants OUT

She may as well get out, she's finished. I'm a Navy brat I know how it will pan out. What a stupid bitch

sheeesh I knew you are a brat-----but had no idea a NAVY BRAT

Proud daughter of a US Naval MCPO.

gee----that was my daddy's rank ---during world war II-----before I was born----he was out before I was born----I ain't
no brat

I'm very proud of both my father's service and my grandfather's service, Rtd USAF Lt Col. SALUTE!!!!!!!

DAMN!!! a commissioned officer-------SHEEEESH (I always felt like giggling when I tried to salute
The more I think about it the more I like members of the racist BLM movement NOT STANDING for the national anthem. I don't consider them Americans anyway. KKK members can have a seat as well.

Actually no. That sounds like Hitler's military, which I suspect you were alway very proud of.

Me, personally, I would never sit during the National Anthem. But I'm not black. And if I were black and what seemed like every week, another unarmed black American was being shot and killed by police then I'm not sure what is "right". Here is a black American who knows that she could go home on leave, wear civilian clothes, walk around outside and be shot by the police simply for being black.

RDerp, if you were in the military, that was WWI - right?

You would have been shot for doing what she did.
The more I think about it the more I like members of the racist BLM movement NOT STANDING for the national anthem. I don't consider them Americans anyway. KKK members can have a seat as well.

KKK members imagine themselves to be PATRIOTS-----
you are very naïve about them-----read some into literature ---
like stuff on the STORMFRONT site
Ervin says she lost her security clearance and was threatened with jail by the Navy in response to her actions.

She may as well quit, she has zero future in the Navy now
She should finish this tour and separate with what honor she has remaining.

The threat of punishment should remind her of what could have been a promising career.
Navy Sailor Refuses to Stand During National Anthem

This one is dumb as shit. She should get maximum penalty.
The reason so many of us go into the military is to protect the constitutional rights of people to protest. It's sad you don't see it that way. One wonders if you ever actually were in the military or if you understood what the military means to America.
Bullshit. Literally not one person has ever joined the military for the purpose of protecting people's right to protest. What a silly thing to say. You're kinda dumb.
The more I think about it the more I like members of the racist BLM movement NOT STANDING for the national anthem. I don't consider them Americans anyway. KKK members can have a seat as well.

KKK members imagine themselves to be PATRIOTS-----
you are very naïve about them-----read some into literature ---
like stuff on the STORMFRONT site
There's nothing patriotic about racism. Blm and the KKK are scum.
If you don't feel pride in your country, then why would you even be a member of the military? Doesn't make sense to me.

Spot on!

I remember a time when a young lady who had enlisted in the military was crying and complaining that she should not be sent into a combat area. Her reasoning: “I joined the army for the educational benefits, not to put my life at risk.” I wonder how many others think the same way.

As for me, around half a century ago I tried to join the Marine Corps when I was sixteen but they caught me. I could have been arrested but instead was told to come back when I was seventeen and retake the “bend over and spread your cheeks” physical. I was seventeen on a Sunday, took the physical on Monday and was sworn in on Tuesday.

To all those who honorably served in the U.S. military or wanted to: Semper Fi!
How did that change my point?
Perhaps if you bothered to read the post above yours?
You don't find it ironic that someone that has volunteered her life to protect your ass can go to jail for refusing to stand? And stationed at Pearl Harbor at that. I find it extremely ironic.

If she wants to go to jail over it that is certainly her choice.

Maybe she's just mentally ill :lol:

"Navy rules state that troops must stand and face the flag when the National Anthem is played. Troops in uniform must salute, while troops not in uniform must stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart. Failure to obey these rules could be charged as a violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice -- failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation."

SOurce in last post
Yes, I know that. I still find it ironic that someone willing to die for the country can be jailed for refusing to stand.

If they refuse to obey orders and stand for the anthem, how can you be sure they will obey orders when it matters?
^^^ This ^^^

...is my major concern.
if one looks at social rituals as a method or means of forming stronger social bonds..then she is most definitely wrong..esp in a military unit...its called a unit for a reason

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