I just revealed incontrovertible evidence of false flag in National Radio


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
This story has been explained by Infowars (Alex Jones) themselves:
It is neither a software error or a conspiracy, it's intentionally bad programming to share/recycle old URLS to save server space. One wonders why these websites even bother with timeSTAMPS, if they are intentionally programmed to record faulty times.

54 hours ago


Your friendly USMB peer hits national radio again!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL0LxwHmY-k&feature=youtu.be]Alex Jones: Timestamps on google search reveal manufactured news - Washington DC Navy Shooting - YouTube[/ame]


How could they know a man named Aaron Alexis was the shooter 12 hours ago, when the shooting didn't even happen yet!

The Progressive media f**ked up good. Look at the google searches, they say "12 hours ago"

Looks their propaganda artists didn't see that it said to post it during the PM, instead of the AM.


EDIT---Additional observations by others regarding this event:

"(name withheld), assuming we have a discrepancy between 12- and 24-hour clocks, then one would expect to find a consistent 12-hour discrepancy in the listing... so, if we BACK UP to the 'consistent 12 hour discrepancy' and adjust accordingly (2 hours BACK from 5:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. EST), then FORGIVE "12 hours" as the consistent clock discrepancy - that still gives us a thread creation time which Google timestamp notes as being well ahead of the announced "ID" event (at time of this writing, "5 hours" - or as having been created at or about 2:30 p.m., which is still well ahead of the timestamp in the article itself, listed as "2:49").

Now I waited, checked, and refreshed this identical search regularly - and at 7:30 p.m. EST, all the Google search timestamps which had previously read "16 hours" switched over to "17 hours" simultaneously, while the story above now mysteriously listed as "5 hours".

This noted:
NOT adding "democratic Underground" to the Google search shows the OLDEST non-DU STORIES on the web currently time to "4 hours" (at approx 7:30 pm EST US), while Democratic Underground's columns are CONSISTENTLY timing at 17+ hours of web life - even subtracting 12 hours for stated "error" as you claim, this still means DU is fully ONE HOUR AHEAD of major media, perhaps even ahead of the very announcement itself.

That's still quite a discrepancy. And it only affects Democratic Underground. And it only affects DU stories with the "Navy Yard/Aaron Alexis" designations. No other media outlet stories were or have been affected in any similar way, throughout. Here's are some examples of DU's story timestamp anomalies:

This story is listed internally as originally published at 2:49 p.m., edited 4 times since, PREVIOUSLY showed 16 hours and is NOW showing a proper Google timestamp of approximately 5 hours (at 7:30 p.m. EST):
Aaron Alexis 34 identified as shooter at Navy Yard - Democratic Underground

However, NUMEROUS other stories posted at DU were posted at the same time or earlier/later, all found by search terms "democratic underground navy yard"

marked in story as 11:43 a.m. (currently Google stamps at 17 hours +):
There were 2 shooters at the Navy Yard. 1 is down - Democratic Underground

And all of the following DU stories Google stamp as 17 hours + -
marked in post at 5:06 p.m.:
Big Ed is discussing the Navy Yard shooter now on MSNBC. - Democratic Underground

marked in post at 11:20 a.m.:
This message was self-deleted by its author - Democratic Underground

marked in post at 10:00 a.m.
Shooting at the Naval Yard*edited@10:09am* - Democratic Underground

marked in post at 1:43 p.m.:
Per MSNBC 7 now dead in Navy Yard shooting - Democratic Underground

marked in post at 2:15 p.m.:
Multiple deaths in Navy Yard shooting rampage; suspects may be on loose - Democratic Underground

AND this one, as marked in post 5:01 p.m. (with no edit history), posted several hours LATER than the earlier anomalies, yet showing identical Google timestamps of 17 hours +:
Washington Navy Yard gunman identified as Aaron Alexis-From Queens NY - Democratic Underground

It is perhaps most interesting to note that this "anomaly" as you describe it seems ONLY to affect Democratic Underground stories, ONLY affect these Navy Yard/Aaron Alexis stories, and no other major news outlets that can be determined at this time.

These latest findings are accurate as of 7:30 p.m. EST US, as being synchronized with Google and World Time clocks.

At approximately 2:57 p.m. this afternoon, USA Today Tweeted that the Navy Yard suspect had been identified - this still leaves Democratic Underground article's STATED TIMES (as embedded within the post itself) a full 7 minutes ahead of a major media breaking news.

While this is possible, I don't see how it it likely.

Add this to the fact that even as of 7:30 p.m. this evening, all indication via Google timestamps point to the article being made "live" no later than 2:30 p.m. this afternoon (ahead of the announcement), and ... well,

"Lucy, you have some 'splainin' to do."

While initially it appeared that numerous Democratic Underground web articles had been written and posted hours before the Navy Yard attacks 'properly identifying' the shooter (initially Google search timestamped as happening at 3:15 a.m. Monday morning, well prior to any Navy yard events), it has now been discovered that MULTIPLE major news outlets published stories which are ALSO timestamped WELL prior to the Navy Yards shooting event.

Here's one from Kilowna, B.C. - and if one collates the Time Zone differences (3 hours behind EST), this article corresponds directly to Democratic Underground's INITIAL creation of web reports in a 3:15 a.m. Monday morning creation time:


Next up, we have an ABC News article, posted Sunday, September 15 (no time stamp, sourcing SAME AP produced story):


also, a quick websearch using the terms "erin alexis navy base shooter" (not even correct spelling!) on GOOGLE turns up the following from CNN news - note that Google shows videos in this category were uploaded "3 days ago" (as of Monday evening, 9:45 p.m. EST US):


Oh yeah - I'd say SOMEBODY has a problem with timestamps, and it isn't Google's webcrawler...
Last edited:
See where it says "Last edited, blah, blah, blah"?

That's means it can be edited.

Posts can be edited. Some sites even allow people to edit subject lines. And Mods can consolidate threads and change subject lines. This ain't rocket science.
Last edited:
See where it says "Last edited, blah, blah, blah"?

That's means it can be edited.

Shhh....... Don't ruin it for them. They've really got something this time! Really! Some day the OP may even get to see a live woman naked!
How about you, Alex Jones, and the rest of you drooling paranoid freaks go fuck yourselves.

You mad I revealed the false flag?

There's no way around it.

How could this Gun Grabbing Progressive propaganda website know who the shooter was, 12 hours prior to the actual shooting?

Crystal balls?

Now take a neg.

I don't see anywhere that DU said it happened twelve hours earlier. Go to the actual DU site. There's nothing of the sort there. It seems to be solely a Google glitch.
How about you, Alex Jones, and the rest of you drooling paranoid freaks go fuck yourselves.

You mad I revealed the false flag?

There's no way around it.

How could this Gun Grabbing Progressive propaganda website know who the shooter was, 12 hours prior to the actual shooting?

Crystal balls?

Now take a neg.

All you've revealed is that you're bat shit crazy, which isn't much of a revelation because we already knew this. The sad part is you actually believe this crap.
Your friendly USMB peer hits national radio again!

Alex Jones: Timestamps on google search reveal manufactured news - Washington DC Navy Shooting - YouTube


How could they know a man named Aaron Alexis was the shooter 12 hours ago, when the shooting didn't even happen yet!

The Progressive media f**ked up good. Look at the google searches, they say "12 hours ago"

Looks their propaganda artists didn't see that it said to post it during the PM, instead of the AM.


Wow! Great catch!

You are wasting your talents there in that catering hall, bro. You need to be in law enforcement. You are like a genius or something.

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