I just voted

I'm not a Republican.

I've no stake in it.

Republicans will predictably proceed to throw their base under the bus as soon as they get power back. They're really no different than democrats in terms of meaningful policy.

You have the Massie and Paul types, but they're extremely rare. They're products of the sane movement and as such not surprising that they're the best in the Senate/Congress.
I have no love for the GOP as they are loaded with cronies and lifers just like the Democrats. But in these last few years Democrats are actively working at undermining and dividing the country. I see the GOP as the only viable option.
COVID was not a good reason.
I waited on line for over an hour outside the library with hundreds of other people.
So because YOU waited in line, others, who didn't want to take a risk, had to as well?

Pure nonsense. Allowing mail-in voting during a deadly a pandemic is completely reasonable.
But in these last few years Democrats are actively working at undermining and dividing the country.
Complete BullShit.
Trump was the biggest divider our Nation has EVER known.

You and your ilk HATED Obama because he was an articulate Black Man.
You LOVE HW, although nowhere near articulate, he says what you want him to say.

trumps put down everyone that doesn't KISS his ass.
How many times have you heard trump say,
"I like him, because he says nice things about me."

NOT a leader^^^^^^, useless KKKult leader counts.
Early voting started and I took two others with me, a friend who has never voted and his wife. We are sick of the things the democrats are doing and we three voted against every democrat on the ticket! I bet that's being repeated in droves!

Hasta la Vista dems.

It is happening in my household.

The Republicans ain't perfect by any means but we have to get rid of the damn Democrats.

I really don't want to vote for that RINO Rubio but between him and that dingbat affirmative action far Left shithead Democrat bitch it is a no brainer.
Complete BullShit.
Trump was the biggest divider our Nation has EVER known.

You and your ilk HATED Obama because he was an articulate Black Man.
You LOVE HW, although nowhere near articulate, he says what you want him to say.

trumps put down everyone that doesn't KISS his ass.
How many times have you heard trump say,
"I like him, because he says nice things about me."

NOT a leader^^^^^^, useless KKKult leader counts.
As usual, I get a personal attack from a Leftist. It's all you guys do, I posted nothing but my opinion on the state of this country and why the GOP is not an ideal choice but a better option. The Democrats are damaging our country with the Green Energy/Fossil Fuel insanity, the border insanity, coddling the Mexican President who is facilitating an attack on our country and allowing violent criminals back out into the streets where they murder innocent citizens on a daily basis. So tell me what I'm getting wrong Winco, anyone can just spew hate let's hear a cogent defense of the Democratic Party.
Regaining the House (if not Senate also) will be a disaster for Republicans?
Do tell.
The expectation was a blowout loss in the senate and House as all midterms have been for 40 years. However the Republicans are so devoid of ideas and decency that they screwed the pooch. They have zero momentum and will get blown out again in 2024 when the tide swings back.
Complete BullShit.
Trump was the biggest divider our Nation has EVER known.

You and your ilk HATED Obama because he was an articulate Black Man.
You LOVE HW, although nowhere near articulate, he says what you want him to say.

trumps put down everyone that doesn't KISS his ass.
How many times have you heard trump say,
"I like him, because he says nice things about me."

NOT a leader^^^^^^, useless KKKult leader counts.
Communist lying shill sez what? Racism? No noes, not again!

giphy (3).gif
So because YOU waited in line, others, who didn't want to take a risk, had to as well?

Pure nonsense. Allowing mail-in voting during a deadly a pandemic is completely reasonable.
Minorities who fuck everyone in sight and commit the most murders are afraid of COVID?
By the way, at least 1/3rd of those on line were Black, you fucking racist.
Then why, simply WHY, wait in line for hours to cast a vote, when there are alternative choices?

Do you have mail in voting in your State?
Why? So we can catch you monsters stealing the vote.
Then why, simply WHY, wait in line for hours to cast a vote, when there are alternative choices?

Do you have mail in voting in your State?
Do you have the first clue as to how insecure on-line transactions are?
Almost all of our databases are maintained in China and India.
I can deal with my credit card company stopping an unusual transaction and sending me a new card but I will not tolerate anyone knowing or changing my vote.
And yes, I know scum from both parties, but mainly Democrats, who would change my vote if they had access to a database.
Why the two commies?
The repubs campaign commercials didn't jive with their records. The two Dems were more honest on their records .I don't agree with all their stands but enough to sway my vote. I will keep track if they are elected to see how much work they do on the issues I agree with them on.

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