I just voted

Do you have the first clue as to how insecure on-line transactions are?
Almost all of our databases are maintained in China and India.
I can deal with my credit card company stopping an unusual transaction and sending me a new card but I will not tolerate anyone knowing or changing my vote.
And yes, I know scum from both parties, but mainly Democrats, who would change my vote if they had access to a database.
Do you have the first clue as to how insecure on-line transactions are?

Then why do you do online banking?

You are worried more about so-called vote changing ( which doesn't happen) than you are about credit card fraud, (which actually does happen.)
Early voting started and I took two others with me, a friend who has never voted and his wife. We are sick of the things the democrats are doing and we three voted against every democrat on the ticket! I bet that's being repeated in droves!

Hasta la Vista dems.


I'll bet its not.
Early voting started and I took two others with me, a friend who has never voted and his wife. We are sick of the things the democrats are doing and we three voted against every democrat on the ticket! I bet that's being repeated in droves!

Hasta la Vista dems.

good for you retardican, I also voted, I used to consider myself an independent and would vote from candidates from both parties, but with the rise of trump and his army of morons, I decided to never again vote for a republican candidate...

vaya con Dios retardican!

good for you retardican, I also voted, I used to consider myself an independent and would vote from candidates from both parties, but with the rise of trump and his army of morons, I decided to never again vote for a republican candidate...

vaya con Dios retardican!

View attachment 715006
Your desperation is clear. You're toast.
Keep this in mind folks

This is what we have to overcome.

Get out and vote. From dog catcher to Senate to Governor.

Vote Dem or we live with right wing extremism

You won’t like the result

Yeah! Low energy costs low inflation low crime low food costs full shelves lower taxes booming economy and 401 K
All that sucks!
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The red wave this website warned was coming is a red dribble. The fact that the party out of power won’t pick up the senate and barely sweep by in the house is a disaster for pubs. Shows the shambles they are in.

It’s the economy stupid!
The truth is Democrats made the mistake in this election to not lead with Economy and Crime first out...

Basically blow the issue open. The GOP has no solutions to inflation except bitching about Democrats... Democrats have initiatives and can should they are fighting and say the GOP is stopping them fight it.. They should have been on offence...

As for Crime, GOP led cities have less cops per captia than Dem ones... The GOP policy to crime is badly targeted, they want to make felons out of minor drug crime possession while letting white collar crime run rampant. Dems should have been out showing how the middle class is getting robbed by fat cats...

Dem are just avoiding instead of tackling it first and early...


Kids, what we have here is an excellent example of a leftist lying to itself. Rational Americans can see with their own eyes and feel with their checkbook just about everything in the post above is the exact opposite of what’s really happening. Make no mistake, this poster truly believes every word it has posted. The vast majority of dem voters are the exact same.
Poor poor loser wont be able to stand it much longer, will you? You gonna beat some old ladies on the subway?
I shouldn't laugh.. can't help it..

I'm a bad Christian

But hey... at least I don't believe in murdering helpless children sleeping in the womb..
My bet you’re voting in some back woods location which will go red regardless. Unless you live in a few places you have nothing to decide. Your vote means nothing.

Me on the other hand. I live in a purple state and a purple county in NC gerrymandered but the minority republicans to carve out a piece of liberal charlotte suburbs with country folk up to 200 miles away. My vote matters. I’ll be driving my wife and I up to early vote today.
Absolutely pathetic post. But hey, thats leftism.
Do you have the first clue as to how insecure on-line transactions are?

Then why do you do online banking?

You are worried more about so-called vote changing ( which doesn't happen) than you are about credit card fraud, (which actually does happen.)
Try reading my post again using your brain, not your arteries.
Keep this in mind folks

This is what we have to overcome.

Get out and vote. From dog catcher to Senate to Governor.

Vote Dem or we live with right wing extremism

You won’t like the result
Here's the problem. It is becoming increasingly clear that the left is striving to lead us down the path towards a neo-Marxist, Globalist, WEF led, One-Party only government. There has never been a One-Party only government that wasn't, authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and massively murderous. They make it a point to control all of its citizens lives, including determining where you live and what occupation you can have. If you demand free speech and freedom, you are hauled away to re-education camps, if that fails, you are sent to gulags where you disappear. The same thing happens to political opponents, whether it's Military Juntas, Theocracies, Old-Style Monarchies, Oligarchies or, Marxist nations. The US Constitution and its Bill of Rights, sets us apart from other nations. Over seven million people fled Marxist nations to our shores to live free and secure the type of work they desired. People don't flock to Marxist nations; they flee from them.
The Conservative Republicans would prefer a smaller federal government, "not" a massive overreaching one. I agree with some aspects of their platform, just not all, but the way the left has conducted itself since 2016, I could no longer side with it.
The truth is Democrats made the mistake in this election to not lead with Economy and Crime first out...

Basically blow the issue open. The GOP has no solutions to inflation except bitching about Democrats... Democrats have initiatives and can should they are fighting and say the GOP is stopping them fight it.. They should have been on offence...

As for Crime, GOP led cities have less cops per captia than Dem ones... The GOP policy to crime is badly targeted, they want to make felons out of minor drug crime possession while letting white collar crime run rampant. Dems should have been out showing how the middle class is getting robbed by fat cats...

Dem are just avoiding instead of tackling it first and early...

I dont think campaigning using the economy and crime would be very smart for dems since they're the ones who fucked it up in the first place and they know it.

Here we go,another dem saying the left didnt want to defund the police.
And did you stop and think about why we dont need as many cops?

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