I Know When Donald Trump is Mocking Someone

look, the usual liars are here again. I saw the whole video, and I could care less if he mocked that lying bitch or not. I'm just counting the days until the lib round up starts.
Just a few days ago a strangely subdued Trump said Ford was beliveable .

Now he’s bashing her?
He limited the scope of the FBI investigation so now he can say what he really wanted to initially.

Yes! Exactly! IF ONLY Trump had allowed the investigation to run ENDLESSLY and hopefully beyond the election to where the Dems might gain more seats to defeat the GOP, they would have found out so much more! :eek:

How bout this -- -- -- -- had Feinstein turned over her allegations when she first got them, they could have run an EIGHT WEEK investigation and still been done now! o_O
I said the scope not the time you moron. :laugh:

Greater scope = greater time, Junior. Same difference. Really basic arithmetic. Admit you're a lying hack that just wants to prevent a conservative appointment. You couldn't give a shit less about Ford's charges just as all the other hacks on this forum.
look, the usual liars are here again. I saw the whole video, and I could care less if he mocked that lying bitch or not. I'm just counting the days until the lib round up starts.
Tell us all the day so I can mark it on my calendar. I want to hold you accountable.
Beats me. If you aren't in prison, and if the nets up, I'll post it when it happens. See, unlike lying liberals, I don't claim to know everything.
Ford's false claims and testimony resembled a Saturday Night Live skit!

No idea WHERE it happened.

No idea WHEN it happened - not even the YEAR it happened.

No idea how she got there.

No idea how she got home.

No witnesses - the 4 she identified said it never happened.

She never told her family.

She never told her ex.

Her therapist's notes contradict her story, but Ford swears the THERAPIST has it wrong.

She never reported it.

She never pressed charges - still won't.

She didn't want to come forward.

She said the '2 doors' issue was in 2012, but permits / papers show that was in 2008.

She FORGOT she really isn't afraid of flying.

Her ex says she committed perjury about the polygraph questions asked of her during the hearing.

Ford says the polygraph test was 'really long' but the administrator of the test said he asked her 2 (TWO) questions...

She had no idea who paid for the polygraph test ... Which she really couldn't remember.

She could not remember is she handed over transcripts of the therapist's notes or if she paraphrased ... Until she was forced to admit she paraphrased ... And admitted the notes contradict her story...

The expert prosecutor says her case is WORSE than ' She said - He said' because she has zero evidence and a faulty memory. She said she would never bring this case to criminal court.












The big lie is the witnesses “said it didn’t happen “. Lie! They said they don’t remember. Big difference.
Just like when Ford said her therapist got it wrong because the therapist's notes contradicted her story...

...The 4 witness - all 4 - Ford claims witnessed the whole thing ALL say it never happened, but THEY are all wrong, not Ford ... according to YOU and Ford.

Bwuhahahaha ...

You ... and Ford ... need serious psychiatric help. :p
look, the usual liars are here again. I saw the whole video, and I could care less if he mocked that lying bitch or not. I'm just counting the days until the lib round up starts.
Tell us all the day so I can mark it on my calendar. I want to hold you accountable.
Beats me. If you aren't in prison, and if the nets up, I'll post it when it happens. See, unlike lying liberals, I don't claim to know everything.

Oh no, Mike, they don't claim to know everything, they really think they do! That's why every post, half their words are to tell you how stupid you are even as they make total ASSES out of themselves. They really don't want you to AGREE with them, they'd rather you merely SHUT UP entirely and not challenge their brain at all because they really don't have any INTELLIGENT retort prepared.
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

She is a nut and charges are a joke. She should be laughed at.
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

Rookie Are you shocked too?
I'm shocked, shocked I say, to learn that the #EntryLevelPresident is (not only a serial abuser of women, a chisler to his contractors, a compulsive liar, a coward, an obstructor of justice, .... but also) a tax cheat
poor lil' RW's - its just not right when the dems do it to you like you do it to them is it.


stfu , grow the f up, and deal with it.
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

When t-Rump mocked the disabled journalist, Trumpettes created threads, just like this one, defending him, saying he wasn't mocking the journalist, just as you are.

No there is a difference. That time he was definitely mocking the disabled journalist. This time I didn't see him mocking. Let's just keep it honest.
Is Trumps ass grass?
Senators Jeff Flake, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski criticized President Trump’s derisive comments about Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused his Supreme Court pick, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, of sexual assault.Published OnOct. 3, 2018CreditCreditImage by Damon Winter/The New York Times

By Nicholas Fandos and Sheryl Gay Stolberg

  • Oct. 3, 2018
WASHINGTON — Three influential Republicans, who together could decide whether Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh will sit on the Supreme Court, condemned on Wednesday comments by President Trump that mocked one of the women who has accused his nominee of sexual assault.

The president’s mockery of the woman, Christine Blasey Ford, at a Mississippi campaign rally on Tuesday injected still more uncertainty into the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh and only served to heighten tensions as senators prepared for the F.B.I. to deliver as soon as Wednesday afternoon transcripts of interviews from a brief supplemental background investigation into accusations against the nominee.

Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, told reporters, “I am taking everything into account. The president’s comments yesterday mocking Dr. Ford were wholly inappropriate and in my view unacceptable.”

On NBC’s “Today,” Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said, “There is no time and no place for remarks like that, but to discuss something this sensitive at a political rally is just not right.”
Is Trumps ass grass?
Senators Jeff Flake, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski criticized President Trump’s derisive comments about Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused his Supreme Court pick, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, of sexual assault.Published OnOct. 3, 2018CreditCreditImage by Damon Winter/The New York Times

By Nicholas Fandos and Sheryl Gay Stolberg

  • Oct. 3, 2018
WASHINGTON — Three influential Republicans, who together could decide whether Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh will sit on the Supreme Court, condemned on Wednesday comments by President Trump that mocked one of the women who has accused his nominee of sexual assault.

The president’s mockery of the woman, Christine Blasey Ford, at a Mississippi campaign rally on Tuesday injected still more uncertainty into the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh and only served to heighten tensions as senators prepared for the F.B.I. to deliver as soon as Wednesday afternoon transcripts of interviews from a brief supplemental background investigation into accusations against the nominee.

Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, told reporters, “I am taking everything into account. The president’s comments yesterday mocking Dr. Ford were wholly inappropriate and in my view unacceptable.”

On NBC’s “Today,” Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said, “There is no time and no place for remarks like that, but to discuss something this sensitive at a political rally is just not right.”

Trumps ass has been grass ever since he had Obamacare shoved up his butt.

after the mid terms he might as well buy himself a Lawnboy mower.
The talking point that he was just laying out the facts is laughable yet I’ve heard several use it today. Come on people!

He was laying out the facts.....he named everything she says she can't remember......

Now it seems that she was getting information on Kavanaugh from feinstein as she questioned Kavanaugh and fed it to Ford's lawyers and team...
What about the things she did remember? If he was laying out facts he would have said it all. Instead he mocked the things she didn’t remember to a laughing crowd. Stop playing games, let be grown ups and speak honestly here.
Well he lied and said she didnt remember if it was upstairs or not. Theres no way he could have been laying out the facts.
The talking point that he was just laying out the facts is laughable yet I’ve heard several use it today. Come on people!

He was laying out the facts.....he named everything she says she can't remember......

Now it seems that she was getting information on Kavanaugh from feinstein as she questioned Kavanaugh and fed it to Ford's lawyers and team...
What about the things she did remember? If he was laying out facts he would have said it all. Instead he mocked the things she didn’t remember to a laughing crowd. Stop playing games, let be grown ups and speak honestly here.
Well he lied and said she didnt remember if it was upstairs or not. Theres no way he could have been laying out the facts.
The talking point that he was just laying out the facts is laughable yet I’ve heard several use it today. Come on people!

He was laying out the facts.....he named everything she says she can't remember......

Now it seems that she was getting information on Kavanaugh from feinstein as she questioned Kavanaugh and fed it to Ford's lawyers and team...
What about the things she did remember? If he was laying out facts he would have said it all. Instead he mocked the things she didn’t remember to a laughing crowd. Stop playing games, let be grown ups and speak honestly here.
Well he lied and said she didnt remember if it was upstairs or not. Theres no way he could have been laying out the facts.

No he said upstairs, downstairs.
It happened upstairs and she heard them laughing as they went downstairs.
Just a few days ago a strangely subdued Trump said Ford was beliveable .

Now he’s bashing her?

Timmy obviously doesnt understand politics.
Apparently neither does Trump.

Trump voters are Trump voters.
Middle of the road America could go either way most times. This unnecessary ignorant bullshit will get him no voters that weren't already securely his. It can only serve to give the middle a reason to turn away.


Pure smart.
Do you expect Trump to come out and say she's full of shit before the investigation is over?
I expect Trimp to keep his juvenile insults to himself.

This shit he said was 100% unnecessary and yet another self inflicted wound.

He seems to be doing just fine without your advice.
sexual assault aside -

In 2002, Manuel Miranda, a Republican staff member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, stole thousands of documents belonging to committee Democrats…In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 5, 2018 and September 6, 2018 related to his confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States, Kavanaugh falsely testified under oath that he had no knowledge that Miranda had infiltrated Democratic files, concealed the fact that he knowingly received and read information about the stolen documents and concealed his prior false testimony to the Senate in 2004 and 2006. The July 28, 2002 email from Miranda to Kavanaugh and other emails recently released to the public establish that Kavanaugh gave false testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee…

Kaviboi lied under oath ... HE'S OUT !
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

No, he mocked her. No two ways about it. One of the dumbest things hes done so far. The left is sinking their own ship with this stupidity and what does trump do? One up them with his own stupidity.


You are wrong Grandpa. Trust me, you need to look up WHO they interviewed in Delaware, lol. Look up what her job USED to be, and how long they interviewed her!

You will then understand by using a little logic, that the LEFTIST party is over, period, done-)

I implore you to look it up, and I got a buck 3.80 that says, "you will figure it out quickly."

Judge K is in, or the me too movement is toast along with the Democrats, lol. You can take that check to the bank and cash it!
sexual assault aside -

In 2002, Manuel Miranda, a Republican staff member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, stole thousands of documents belonging to committee Democrats…In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 5, 2018 and September 6, 2018 related to his confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States, Kavanaugh falsely testified under oath that he had no knowledge that Miranda had infiltrated Democratic files, concealed the fact that he knowingly received and read information about the stolen documents and concealed his prior false testimony to the Senate in 2004 and 2006. The July 28, 2002 email from Miranda to Kavanaugh and other emails recently released to the public establish that Kavanaugh gave false testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee…

Kaviboi lied under oath ... HE'S OUT !
Funny, no proof, just more of your false claims.
(Note: sorry for the typo in the title, cannot seem to fix it.)

At the White House press briefing today, several news correspondents repeated a media meme that the president "mocked" Dr. Ford at a campaign rally last night in Mississippi. Of course one of them was from CNN and he repeated it afterword when Wolf Blitzer cut to his commentary. CNN obviously banks on their viewers not bothering to watch the actual footage from the rally.

Trump has odiously mocked people in the past, but not this time. He spoke seriously at the rally about someone being convicted on an allegation alone, without corroboration. He was not laughing. He was not making funny faces. His supporters cheered his statements, but that's what happens at campaign rallies. Democrats have time and time again mocked and accused Trump supporters of racism without question or reproach from the media. The Fairness Doctrine lives only in shadowy memory today.

Here is the actual footage:

Rookie Are you shocked too?
I'm shocked, shocked I say, to learn that the #EntryLevelPresident is (not only a serial abuser of women, a chisler to his contractors, a compulsive liar, a coward, an obstructor of justice, .... but also) a tax cheat

More accusations and no proof. You criminals never learn that you have to prove it.
sexual assault aside -

In 2002, Manuel Miranda, a Republican staff member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, stole thousands of documents belonging to committee Democrats…In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 5, 2018 and September 6, 2018 related to his confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States, Kavanaugh falsely testified under oath that he had no knowledge that Miranda had infiltrated Democratic files, concealed the fact that he knowingly received and read information about the stolen documents and concealed his prior false testimony to the Senate in 2004 and 2006. The July 28, 2002 email from Miranda to Kavanaugh and other emails recently released to the public establish that Kavanaugh gave false testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee…

Kaviboi lied under oath ... HE'S OUT !
Funny, no proof, just more of your false claims.


sexual assault aside -

In 2002, Manuel Miranda, a Republican staff member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, stole thousands of documents belonging to committee Democrats…In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 5, 2018 and September 6, 2018 related to his confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States, Kavanaugh falsely testified under oath that he had no knowledge that Miranda had infiltrated Democratic files, concealed the fact that he knowingly received and read information about the stolen documents and concealed his prior false testimony to the Senate in 2004 and 2006. The July 28, 2002 email from Miranda to Kavanaugh and other emails recently released to the public establish that Kavanaugh gave false testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee…

Kaviboi lied under oath ... HE'S OUT !
Funny, no proof, just more of your false claims.


Emails prove what exactly? Emails are easy to fake. Looks like an act of desperation to me. Calm down. Trump will fix it all. What about all of Hillary Clintons emails. What did they prove?

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