I may switch parties to vote in the lefts primary

Seriously I would settle for ANYONE over the brain dead addled buffoon in the oval office right now. ANYONE

Just remember, true blue democrats vote at least three times per election! Plus they belong to 2-3 shadow organizations who work 60 hours a week swaying voters, buying voters, paying them to vote democrat, then drive them to and from the election.

Being democrat is a major commitment. :smoke:
Just remember, true blue democrats vote at least three times per election! Plus they belong to 2-3 shadow organizations who work 60 hours a week swaying voters, buying voters, paying them to vote democrat, then drive them to and from the election.

Being democrat is a major commitment. :smoke:
That's funny but probably half true.

I donated a few times and even put signs in my yard & on my trucks.

Fuck all that now. It's just a magnet for psychos to vandalize. But the left will tell you free speech isn't under assault....
That's funny but probably half true.
I assure you its more than half true. I can name names.

I donated a few times and even put signs in my yard & on my trucks.
To err is human. I grew up in a deep blue city and my mother was an elected democrat. I used to work for the democrats when I was very young. I know them from the inside out. Of course, way back then, the democrat party wasn't all that bad compared to now, maybe some of it even good.

It's just a magnet for psychos to vandalize. But the left will tell you free speech isn't under assault....
The 1st amendment is alive and well just so long as you say and think what they want you to say and believe. :smoke:
You might not have to register for a party. In many places it's an open primary and dirty tricks are common.
Virginia is a open primary state and I can't claim that there is anything dirty going on. Folks vote for all kinds of different reasons.

A lot of it boils down to when your state has it's primary and if it will make a difference if you vote your preferred party or would your vote be better served by crossing-over and vote for say RFK Jr. instead of Tater.

Before Virginia was moved to "Super Tuesday" and in the thick of things it was usually a done deal before it got to us so I crossed-over a few times and voted for a dem I would rather see face the gop hopeful....It never really made any difference though.
If I were to change my party affiliation (on paper) to help the Dumbocraps select the worst possible candidate to be their nominee for President, would it be immoral to vote for Spudz McAlzheimers?

Maybe I can’t think of anyone else n the DNC who would be a worse candidate in terms of vote getting ability in the General Election. (Well, possibly our current Vice President HeelsUp Harris). But still, what a God-Awful way to use a vote, even in a Primary.

Worse yet, let’s be real. It is possible for even our dementia-ridden scumbag criminal “President” to win again.

On balance, it does seem immoral for anyone to ever vote for the Potato.
That's funny but probably half true.

I donated a few times and even put signs in my yard & on my trucks.

Fuck all that now. It's just a magnet for psychos to vandalize. But the left will tell you free speech isn't under assault....
As if anyone is going to vote different because people litter places up with simple candidate signs. Such a waste.

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