I Miss The 'Good Ol' Days'...

...when politicians campaigned, after it was all over everyone rallied around the winner, no matter who it was or what party they were from. People realized that 'So goes the Presidency / Congress, so goes the NATION'. Everyone wanted what was best for the NATION, so they worked hard to ensure the person taking office was as successful as possible FOR THE GOOD OF THE NATION.

Party loyalty, back then though, did not surpass one's loyalty to his nation. I have never seen in my lifetime a nation so divided with loyalty for Party 1st and pure hatred for the other party that Americans a party would seditiously call for military coups and assassinations of the newly elected politician before he / she ever took office. I have never seen political 'leaders' declare they would oppose ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING - no matter what it was the newly elected politician sought to do based on pure partisan hatred, for the good of the party instead of uniting as a nation for the good of the nation.

I read today where one 'journalist' stated his opinion that this has become the 'new norm'. If it has, this nation is lost.

...will the last American out please bring the flag...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my growing up was excellent , I sure wouldn't want to be a 10 year old that is aware of things today .
They're not aware, and neither are the "adults".
Someday, these will be the good old days
Will anyone be alive to remember them?
We're bringing back the good ole days with The Wall; it is to stop time and human evolution in its tracks, although to be fair, Nieto's check has not arrived yet.
---------------------------------------------------- I have told you many times that ' nietos ' check doesn't ever need to arrive . Trump has your taxpayer bucks Fenton .
So Mexico is not paying for The Wall, you are, figures.
I don't care WHO pays for the Wall , I just hope that its built . We should start labeling and taxing mexican goods to the hilt if the 'mexs' don't write the check Fenton !!
Every thing with a grain of salt, take a pass on every thing spewed from radical left or right.
I'm not sure when those good old days were? I recall going into work the day after the 1976 election and the guy in opposing cubicle was protesting the results by wearing a black arm band.

I remember the Nixon days and the frenzy to find out the truth Easy..

Some people hated JFK , Martin Luther, and Robert Kennedy enough to murder them...
...when politicians campaigned, after it was all over everyone rallied around the winner, no matter who it was or what party they were from. People realized that 'So goes the Presidency / Congress, so goes the NATION'. Everyone wanted what was best for the NATION, so they worked hard to ensure the person taking office was as successful as possible FOR THE GOOD OF THE NATION.

Party loyalty, back then though, did not surpass one's loyalty to his nation. I have never seen in my lifetime a nation so divided with loyalty for Party 1st and pure hatred for the other party that Americans a party would seditiously call for military coups and assassinations of the newly elected politician before he / she ever took office. I have never seen political 'leaders' declare they would oppose ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING - no matter what it was the newly elected politician sought to do based on pure partisan hatred, for the good of the party instead of uniting as a nation for the good of the nation.

I read today where one 'journalist' stated his opinion that this has become the 'new norm'. If it has, this nation is lost.

...will the last American out please bring the flag...

I remember the Nixon days and the frenzy to find out the truth Easy..

Some people hated JFK , Martin Luther, and Robert Kennedy enough to murder them...

Lincoln had many haters who ended up killing him..

We have the internet now, so you are seeing what some people really think , some do just troll that is true ..

Also Easy Trump keeps throwing in his dividing nasty tweets so that doesn't help..
Eagle, I agree Trump continues to throw divisive 'digs' at libs using Twitter, a childish act designed to 'get back' at what the libs are doing / saying - tit-for-tat'. It's a vicious growing circle... 'The KIDS' are in charge of government, and the 'grown ups' are no where to be found.

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