I missed Ted Cruz so much

I think that's a fair question, and I guess the answer is "it's all about politics", and politics is image.

Maybe it's also about submission, where the vanquished hands it to the victor. Showbiz.

The fact remains, though, that he knew how important his endorsement would be in terms of image and momentum, and he chose to vote "present".

No, he actually did what any principled person should have done. He gave a brilliant speech that focused on the key aspects of the party and platform. He made his case for why people should vote their conscience and support who they think will best uphold our constitutional values.... is that now seen as "anti-Trump" and what does that say about Trump?

He did exactly the same as Ronald Reagan did in 1976 and threw his support to the Republican party without officially endorsing the nominee. I have absolutely no problem with his speech or how he handled it, and I think history will show that he did the right thing. I fully believe, had he slobbered all over Trump like Christie and some of the others, he would have come across as "sucking up" and his critics would be pointing that out for all to see today.
I think that's a fair question, and I guess the answer is "it's all about politics", and politics is image.

Maybe it's also about submission, where the vanquished hands it to the victor. Showbiz.

The fact remains, though, that he knew how important his endorsement would be in terms of image and momentum, and he chose to vote "present".

No, he actually did what any principled person should have done. He gave a brilliant speech that focused on the key aspects of the party and platform. He made his case for why people should vote their conscience and support who they think will best uphold our constitutional values.... is that now seen as "anti-Trump" and what does that say about Trump?

He did exactly the same as Ronald Reagan did in 1976 and threw his support to the Republican party without officially endorsing the nominee. I have absolutely no problem with his speech or how he handled it, and I think history will show that he did the right thing. I fully believe, had he slobbered all over Trump like Christie and some of the others, he would have come across as "sucking up" and his critics would be pointing that out for all to see today.
I'm not arguing with any of that. Trump has put the party, including Cruz, in an untenable position. And while I don't have a dog in this hunt, I don't blame Cruz in the least for his opinion of Trump. It's bad enough that Trump is nowhere near the conservative Cruz is, but the level of Trump's personal attacks during the primaries, holy crap.

Another way to put it would be that Cruz refused to be a party guy over a conservative, and it'll be interesting to see how the dust settles.
I'm not arguing with any of that. Trump has put the party, including Cruz, in an untenable position.

You know, I am actually not a Never-Trumper and I don't think Cruz is either. I have plenty of posts here where I have passionately defended Trump against the liberal left. I was telling people he could win the nomination when everyone thought that was a joke. I like is position on the wall and immigration, national security and even some aspects of economic policy... I differ with him on tariffs but that's about it. I don't like his changing positions on taxes or ethanol subsidies or federal land grabs.... but those are all policy issues he'll need to deal with congress over. And really... I don't mind his brash bulldog personality... aside from his personal attacks on Cruz, Carson and others.. I think it's refreshing to have someone with some balls leading instead of following.

The one thing that keeps me from being "all in" for Trump are his supporters. They are just nasty, obnoxious and hateful people. And they don't really seem to give a shit. They continue to push me away from supporting Trump... and I am one of the easiest people to bring over!

Trump needs to snatch these people in line if he wants to win. He is trying hard to broaden his appeal and appear more presidential.. he is doing things to attract conservatives like picking Mike Pence and inviting Cruz to speak at the convention. He approved one of the most conservative GOP platforms in years. If he can win over the majority of Cruz supporters, I think he beats the living dog shit out of Hillary... if he doesn't.. or he allows these intolerable little asswipes who support him to continue what they are doing, which is alienating more people than their winning, then he will lose in a landslide.
The crowd didn't seem too thrilled with Ted. I heard some jeers and chants of 'we want Trump' in the crowd.
From the New York delegation. They never forgot how Lying Ted insulted "New York values."
New York values insult themselves, really didn't need help.
That's why your candidate lost and only losers supported him. I saw "New York values" on display on 9/11 and I will always admire them for what I saw.
Wasn't this place all abuzz for Sanders selling out with his endorsement of Hillary? Cruz stands by his principles and yet he gets put on blast for it. lol

Most conservatives are so stupid that they couldn't pour piss out of a boot; even if the instructions were on the heel.
Says the one who can't tell Hillary broke the law, despite my having laid it out for her. I bet you just insult Conservatives in an attempt to justify your following of a hive mind of government worshippers, who want life handed to them on a silver platter, while the middle class has their money stolen and handed to said government worshippers by said government. You're in no position to insult anyone's intelligence.
How's that indictment coming?
The GOP loudly booed Cruz asking them to vote their conscience...We all saw that clearly.....lol

The largely-Trump convention crowd booed because they wanted him to say he endorsed Trump and he didn't. What he said was... vote your conscience on who you think will best uphold our constitutional values. Now.... is that Trump or Hillary Clinton? If it's not Trump, what does that say about Trump?
Wasn't this place all abuzz for Sanders selling out with his endorsement of Hillary? Cruz stands by his principles and yet he gets put on blast for it. lol

Most conservatives are so stupid that they couldn't pour piss out of a boot; even if the instructions were on the heel.
Says the one who can't tell Hillary broke the law, despite my having laid it out for her. I bet you just insult Conservatives in an attempt to justify your following of a hive mind of government worshippers, who want life handed to them on a silver platter, while the middle class has their money stolen and handed to said government worshippers by said government. You're in no position to insult anyone's intelligence.
How's that indictment coming?

game, set, match, Bo
Didn't he support Kim Davis? Yeah, he doesn't give a shit about rights for anyone but the Christians.
Listening to his speech right now. Speaking out for the rights of all Americans, regardless of whether he agrees with their lifestyles or not, speaking out against the Establishment, asking voters not to stay home on election day, talking about a divided America that should be unified. I've never been more proud of a politician. A truly honest and patriotic man. I'm still waiting to see if he will endorse Trump.
Not all Americans.

If you’re a woman, gay, transgender, or Muslim he speaks out in opposition of your rights.
Maybe you should have watched the speech, because he specified that he supports their rights, and specifically stated that he they have constitutional rights to live how they want. Go back under your bridge.
The crowd didn't seem too thrilled with Ted. I heard some jeers and chants of 'we want Trump' in the crowd.
From the New York delegation. They never forgot how Lying Ted insulted "New York values."
New York values insult themselves, really didn't need help.
That's why your candidate lost and only losers supported him. I saw "New York values" on display on 9/11 and I will always admire them for what I saw.
You see New York values every other day, too. They tend to overshadow the one day that they stood for anything other than a lack of values.
game, set, match, Bo
You're either praising her ability to get away with breaking the law, or you're praising her extremely high level of incompetence. Either way, the only reason that crook isn't behind bars is because the Establishment loves criminals.
I missed Ted Cruz so much

His was an excellent speech for sure. But he was born in Canada, was issued a Canadian birth certificate, and only revoked his citizenship there in 2014. So it's illegal for him to be a US President. But yeah, his words were "good words" as Trump would say...if he wasn't so personally pissed off that Cruz didn't lay offerings at his altar in uncompromising worship of "The Donald"..

Cruz fraudulently took campaign funding. But that's the subject of another thread.. If you want to miss anyone, miss Kasich. He was the best man for the job. And he was born here.
I missed Ted Cruz so much

His was an excellent speech for sure. But he was born in Canada, was issued a Canadian birth certificate, and only revoked his citizenship there in 2014. So it's illegal for him to be a US President. But yeah, his words were "good words" as Trump would say...if he wasn't so personally pissed off that Cruz didn't lay offerings at his altar in uncompromising worship of "The Donald"..

Cruz fraudulently took campaign funding. But that's the subject of another thread.. If you want to miss anyone, miss Kasich. He was the best man for the job. And he was born here.
Kasich breaks his promises three times, is a pompous, arrogant, mean spirited, vindictive, selfish, liar, and is so far left that his policies bring all the Democrats to the yard. I would support Trump long before I'd support Kasich.
Lyin' Ted ruined a great evening at the RNC. What a buzzkill that douchebag is. He upset the entire crowd except the group of hillbillies that support him. IMO he damaged his future aspirations with that terrible speech. He did not show any support for The Donald.
He'll never run for President on the Republican ticket again after not endorsing Trump. Even Sanders bit the big one and Endorsed Hillary. Cruz just flushed his career down the toilet.

game, set, match, Bo
You're either praising her ability to get away with breaking the law, or you're praising her extremely high level of incompetence. Either way, the only reason that crook isn't behind bars is because the Establishment loves criminals.

I was praising Bo’s takedown of a poser.
I'm replying to what you were praising, while ignoring the troll. Don't dodge my assertion.

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