I missed Ted Cruz so much

Where do you get the insane idea that 30% are going to sit it out? Because people voted for other candidates in the primary? We are talking a 1 on 1 against the most corrupt, lying, criminal bitch in American history...if THAT doesn't do it for them, then they DESERVE that C*unt!

I get that idea because when you count up the portion of GOP voters whom you are alienating that's how many are likely going to sit this one out. That's a conservative estimate, by the way.

Yes, you ARE in a 1 on 1 with Hillary.... you sure as hell don't act like that. You are behaving as if you're still in the primaries running against Ted Cruz. And guess fucking what? If you run the general election against Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton is going to absolutely clean that clock. You can go home losers on election night satisfied you really showed that old Lyin' Ted!

I would RATHER you and I join forces and defeat Hillary.... you don't seem to give a shit about that as long as you get to kick me and Ted Cruz around some more. That seems to be more important to you. So.... You keep on being hard headed and determined to put me in my place and tell me what's what... you go right ahead bashing and trashing old Lyin' Ted... and come election night, you can sit here and whine and moan about how Cruz cost you the election. And we'll both suffer through the Hillary Clinton administration together.
I am sorry, but, I have not said one word about Cruz in months, and only did tonight.......well you know what I said. If he had not been around I never would have said anything AND even if Pumpkin had not started her thread I would never have said anything, so I dunno what your talking about. Not like I started a Cruz bashing thread. I am not interested enough in him to do that.

Well I wasn't talking just to you. I'm talking to ALL Trump's supporters. IF you want the votes from the Cruz supporters, you've got to be a little bit nice to them.... does that not make sense to you? Is it not clear that you (Trump supporters) cannot continue this hateful vitriolic bashing and trashing of Cruz and his supporters and depend on their support in November?

Seems like this would be clear to even the most abject moron on the planet... if you want someone to do something to help you, it pays to be nice to them. It's usually not the greatest idea in the world to be nasty and mean to them.

Like I said before... the die-hard Hillary supporters... call them any name in the book... tee off on them with impunity! You're not going to ever win over their votes anyway so it doesn't matter. But Cruz supporters are people who you CAN win over... they WANT to support your guy. Why are you all acting like he is a bigger enemy than Hillary? :dunno:

????????? Ummm I have never begged, or even asked any person to vote for who I wanted them to vote for. Think about what you are saying.
"Be nice to me or I won't vote how (I THINK) you want me to vote. " Kinda like blackmail isn't it???

And btw I AM nice to you. I have never cussed you as you have me. But, I also have my own mind.

Uhmm... that's not what I said. First of all, I've told you once already, I am not simply speaking to YOU.... this isn't about YOU. I never said a word about begging anyone to vote for anyone... don't know where that comes from. I've not tried to blackmail anyone and that allegation is quite offensive to me. I didn't say you weren't nice to me. I didn't claim to have always been nice to you. I didn't say you didn't have or shouldn't have your own mind... so frankly dear, I don't have a clue what the fuck you're talking about.

I only pointed out, and I thought maybe you'd agree (guess you don't?)... that if you need or want someone to do something for you, it pays to be nice to them and not treat them like shit. Now, maybe you see things differently... apparently you do... in your view, perhaps you believe talking harshly to someone, insulting them repeatedly, bashing and trashing them and the person they supported, is somehow endearing and makes them want to rally around you? I guess we must disagree? :dunno:
So did Cruz just hand the keys to Hillary?

Hillary would have easily defeated either Cruz or Drumpf. There is no intellectual argument to be made in support of anything either proposed although Cruz's hysterical rantings supposedly were founded in some nebulous cloud of reasoned belief. Drumpf's out-of-nowhere policies are childlike and would be rejected out of hand by any Congress and the entire world. It is certainly telling that the same decisions that his VP selection and opponent share are excused in one breath and highlighted in the next one...the man is a joke and not a particularly good one.

If Conservatives had put up a good fight and still got Outplayed by The Donald, Outspent by the Donald, and Outlasted by the Donald, that would have been one thing. That they traded their traditional brown shirt for a more ill fitting garb makes this upcoming victory over them particularly sweet.
Missing Ted Cruz is like missing Aids or Polio. He can take his "Texas values" and shove them up his ass. After he made his NY values comment he campaigned here to small crowds, then was crushed by Trump with zero delegates. Go back to your steers and queers back in Texas Cruz.
Listening to his speech right now. Speaking out for the rights of all Americans, regardless of whether he agrees with their lifestyles or not, speaking out against the Establishment, asking voters not to stay home on election day, talking about a divided America that should be unified. I've never been more proud of a politician. A truly honest and patriotic man. I'm still waiting to see if he will endorse Trump.
Not all Americans.

If you’re a woman, gay, transgender, or Muslim he speaks out in opposition of your rights.
So did Cruz just hand the keys to Hillary?
Nope... I think the Trumpbots are.
Do you think a significant number of Cruz supporters will stay home?

I think that if his supporters don't learn to use some tact and finesse, and stop attacking Ted Cruz like we're still in the primaries... YES, I think a lot of them will throw up their hands and say... hey, I tried... they didn't want to play nice... fuck 'em!

Honestly... I am starting to wonder if this isn't about them setting up a convenient scapegoat because they fear not winning in November. I know that sounds odd... but I really do believe that may be the rationale at this point... because nothing else makes any sense. They want to be able to save face at the end of the day... if they win, they can say they did it their way, without Cruz, without conservatives. If they lose, which they probably will... they can blame it on Cruz and conservatives. This is turning into more of an anti-conservative movement than anti-establishment.
So did Cruz just hand the keys to Hillary?
Nope... I think the Trumpbots are.
Do you think a significant number of Cruz supporters will stay home?

I think that if his supporters don't learn to use some tact and finesse, and stop attacking Ted Cruz like we're still in the primaries... YES, I think a lot of them will throw up their hands and say... hey, I tried... they didn't want to play nice... fuck 'em!

Honestly... I am starting to wonder if this isn't about them setting up a convenient scapegoat because they fear not winning in November. I know that sounds odd... but I really do believe that may be the rationale at this point... because nothing else makes any sense. They want to be able to save face at the end of the day... if they win, they can say they did it their way, without Cruz, without conservatives. If they lose, which they probably will... they can blame it on Cruz and conservatives. This is turning into more of an anti-conservative movement than anti-establishment.
Cruz thinks he's the guy in 2020 and thinks he just set himself up for that. That's one helluva risk he just took.
That's one helluva risk he just took.

I don't understand how the speech he gave was taking a risk. You can read the transcript... what was risky? Where did he cross a line? What did he say that was controversial or objectionable in ANY way?

Is it because he didn't follow the Trumptopian Media narrative and give some glowing endorsement of Trump??? Okay.... Let's put on our objective reasoning hats and think about that.... Pretend that he gave THAT speech instead.... Tell me what you honestly think everyone would have said about it? Honestly now... what would they be saying about Cruz proudly endorsing Trump in no uncertain terms?
That's one helluva risk he just took.

I don't understand how the speech he gave was taking a risk. You can read the transcript... what was risky? Where did he cross a line? What did he say that was controversial or objectionable in ANY way?

Is it because he didn't follow the Trumptopian Media narrative and give some glowing endorsement of Trump??? Okay.... Let's put on our objective reasoning hats and think about that.... Pretend that he gave THAT speech instead.... Tell me what you honestly think everyone would have said about it? Honestly now... what would they be saying about Cruz proudly endorsing Trump in no uncertain terms?
Come on. He knew, everyone in the auditorium knew, the party knew, the pundits knew, ANYONE paying ANY attention knew, that a clear "I endorse Donald Trump" was what EVERYONE was waiting to hear.

He knew that, and he didn't say it.
Come on. He knew, everyone in the auditorium knew, the party knew, the pundits knew, ANYONE paying ANY attention knew, that a clear "I endorse Donald Trump" was what EVERYONE was waiting to hear.

He knew that, and he didn't say it.

I asked you a question... you didn't answer me.
Come on. He knew, everyone in the auditorium knew, the party knew, the pundits knew, ANYONE paying ANY attention knew, that a clear "I endorse Donald Trump" was what EVERYONE was waiting to hear.

He knew that, and he didn't say it.

I asked you a question... you didn't answer me.
If he had endorsed Trump, the place would have erupted. It would have created its own positive momentum instead of wrecking the evening for the GOP. Some of his supporters would have been pissed. I'm not sure what you're looking for.
If he had endorsed Trump, the place would have erupted. It would have created its own positive momentum instead of wrecking the evening for the GOP. Some of his supporters would have been pissed. I'm not sure what you're looking for.

I don't think so. He would have gotten cheers from the fired up majority of Trump delegates.... let's face it, a very pro-Trump crowd... but I am talking about the media and pundits. I think everyone would have viewed an outright endorsement as a sell out. The Trump sycophants would have mocked him for "sucking up" now that he lost... you know that's what they would have said. You're a smart guy, this isn't hard to figure out. Cruz wasn't going to ever be viewed as a winner by the Trumpkins.

So I posted the transcript and I assume you read it... nothing in there is negative toward Trump or his agenda, in fact, everything supports his agenda and ideas wholeheartedly. I think he did everything BUT give an absolute and outright endorsement. He is getting ZERO credit. Instead, he is being bashed and criticized yet again by the same people who smeared him and denigrated him through the primaries.

My question is this... If Ted Cruz is such a despicable and intolerable person... WHY was his endorsement SO important?
My question is this... If Ted Cruz is such a despicable and intolerable person... WHY was his endorsement SO important?
I think that's a fair question, and I guess the answer is "it's all about politics", and politics is image.

Maybe it's also about submission, where the vanquished hands it to the victor. Showbiz.

The fact remains, though, that he knew how important his endorsement would be in terms of image and momentum, and he chose to vote "present".

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