I missed Ted Cruz so much

Boss, we sort of been down this road before over Cruz, and I would really rather not do it again. (and I did bash,if that is what you want to call it) on others..you must have missed it)

Yes, we have been down this road before. There is ZERO chance that Ted Cruz is going to defeat Donald Trump.... NONE! Trump has secured the GOP nomination and is now poised to take on Hillary Clinton.

Now is the time to put the PAST to rest and UNIFY the party behind your candidate. You are never going to achieve that by bringing up the past and rehashing the primaries, denigrating and insulting the hell out of Cruz and his supporters.

It's like I said earlier... you want to invite a girl to the prom... you don't walk up to her and smack the shit out of her and say... Bitch, you better wise up and go to the prom with me or you'll be sorry! That strategy is a guaranteed loser for you every time.

It's sad because all this would take is a little tact and finesse and you can count on millions and millions of Cruz voters to turn out for your guy... but you people are just fucking hell-bent on making sure that doesn't happen! It's almost like you'd rather lose the election than to be cordial to Ted Cruz and his supporters. You don't have to change your policies... you don't have to kiss anyone's ass... no one expects you to... but this vitriolic hate and revile for Cruz has to end if you expect to have any chance of defeating Hillary.
Than it's ON CRUZ for fucking up...remember he was THE LOSER, he's done nothing to erase that image!

Well okay.. so you're fine with sticking to your guns and losing the election instead of trying to heal the wounds, bury the hatchet and bring aboard the Cruz supporters. That's fine.... you can do that and blame it all on Cruz.... enjoy 8 years of Hillary Clinton as your president, I guess? :dunno:
Boss, we sort of been down this road before over Cruz, and I would really rather not do it again. (and I did bash,if that is what you want to call it) on others..you must have missed it)

Yes, we have been down this road before. There is ZERO chance that Ted Cruz is going to defeat Donald Trump.... NONE! Trump has secured the GOP nomination and is now poised to take on Hillary Clinton.

Now is the time to put the PAST to rest and UNIFY the party behind your candidate. You are never going to achieve that by bringing up the past and rehashing the primaries, denigrating and insulting the hell out of Cruz and his supporters.

It's like I said earlier... you want to invite a girl to the prom... you don't walk up to her and smack the shit out of her and say... Bitch, you better wise up and go to the prom with me or you'll be sorry! That strategy is a guaranteed loser for you every time.

It's sad because all this would take is a little tact and finesse and you can count on millions and millions of Cruz voters to turn out for your guy... but you people are just fucking hell-bent on making sure that doesn't happen! It's almost like you'd rather lose the election than to be cordial to Ted Cruz and his supporters. You don't have to change your policies... you don't have to kiss anyone's ass... no one expects you to... but this vitriolic hate and revile for Cruz has to end if you expect to have any chance of defeating Hillary.

LOL HUH?? I am not rehashing anything except what happened tonight. And next time I go to a Prom with a girl, will be the first time.

I don't have a guy, but Trump is in, and he is it. So no need to lecture me please. :) Be nice!
Than it's ON CRUZ for fucking up...remember he was THE LOSER, he's done nothing to erase that image!

Well okay.. so you're fine with sticking to your guns and losing the election instead of trying to heal the wounds, bury the hatchet and bring aboard the Cruz supporters. That's fine.... you can do that and blame it all on Cruz.... enjoy 8 years of Hillary Clinton as your president, I guess? :dunno:

NOT MY WORDS, my friend....

Curious. Are you now behind Trump?

You know, I haven't decided at this point. I go back and forth. Honestly, it's not really about Trump and his policies at this point.... that's the crazy thing. I can deal with him not being the "perfect candidate" and not totally agreeing with all his policies. I've held my nose and voted for people before, I can do that without a problem, especially against someone I despise as much as Hillary... BUT....

Every single time I think I've convinced myself that I can vote for Trump... here comes some of his Fan Base with the smears and jeers against Cruz and Cruz supporters! They are making it literally impossible for me to vote for Trump... just because of their obnoxious and arrogant attitudes. I just want to tell you to go fuck yourselves and walk away.

I can tell you.... I am NOT going to be insulted, intimidated or ridiculed into voting for your candidate. None of us Cruz supporters are going to sell out our principles or abandon what we believe in to worship Trump like you do.... we may be able to reluctantly vote for him.... If you would simply BACK OFF that shit and focus on what we have in common, areas we agree on and can work together on... stop the "Lyin' Ted" bullshit.... I think you'd go a long way in unifying the party, at least as much as it could be unified. But that's not what we're getting... we're trying to get on the Trump Bandwagon and you're dumping buckets of shit in our face and calling us names!
Than it's ON CRUZ for fucking up...remember he was THE LOSER, he's done nothing to erase that image!

Well okay.. so you're fine with sticking to your guns and losing the election instead of trying to heal the wounds, bury the hatchet and bring aboard the Cruz supporters. That's fine.... you can do that and blame it all on Cruz.... enjoy 8 years of Hillary Clinton as your president, I guess? :dunno:

NOT MY WORDS, my friend....


You are literally walking away from 30-50 million votes you could easily obtain. LITERALLY!
Than it's ON CRUZ for fucking up...remember he was THE LOSER, he's done nothing to erase that image!

Well okay.. so you're fine with sticking to your guns and losing the election instead of trying to heal the wounds, bury the hatchet and bring aboard the Cruz supporters. That's fine.... you can do that and blame it all on Cruz.... enjoy 8 years of Hillary Clinton as your president, I guess? :dunno:

NOT MY WORDS, my friend....


You are literally walking away for 30-50 million votes you could easily obtain. LITERALLY!

Ah, NO.... YOU and people who think like you are costing us the SCOTUS and a fucked up economy for 4 and perhaps 8 years because you people are truly SELFISH and arrogant!
I am sorry, but, I have not said one word about Cruz in months, and only did tonight.......well you know what I said. If he had not been around I never would have said anything AND even if Pumpkin had not started her thread I would never have said anything, so I dunno what your talking about. Not like I started a Cruz bashing thread. I am not interested enough in him to do that.
Ah, NO.... YOU and people who think like you are costing us the SCOTUS and a fucked up economy for 4 and perhaps 8 years because you people are truly SELFISH and arrogant!

You can blame it on whatever you want to man... that's what you're going to do when you lose. The bottom line will be that you lost what should've been the easiest slam-dunk election in political history.

And guess how the history books will record it? Well, they won't say that Cruz lost the election to Hillary Clinton, will they? They probably aren't going to say Trump could've won if the Cruz supporters had backed him. So... while you and Trump may cast blame on whatever when you lose, you are still going to lose and you'll be forever remembered as the losers.

Personally, I want to WIN this election. I don't want to wake up to Hillary Clinton as president of the United States. I'm doing everything in my power to help you out here... I'm telling you how to ensure total victory in November... and you continue to stomp on my neck and try to be a bad ass.

Well... okay dude... you go for it! You don't respect my opinion, you don't want to heed my advice, you want to continue this smear campaign against me and Cruz even after winning the primary... okay! You'll get exactly what you deserve in November and you can blame it on whatever.
I am sorry, but, I have not said one word about Cruz in months, and only did tonight.......well you know what I said. If he had not been around I never would have said anything AND even if Pumpkin had not started her thread I would never have said anything, so I dunno what your talking about. Not like I started a Cruz bashing thread. I am not interested enough in him to do that.

Well I wasn't talking just to you. I'm talking to ALL Trump's supporters. IF you want the votes from the Cruz supporters, you've got to be a little bit nice to them.... does that not make sense to you? Is it not clear that you (Trump supporters) cannot continue this hateful vitriolic bashing and trashing of Cruz and his supporters and depend on their support in November?

Seems like this would be clear to even the most abject moron on the planet... if you want someone to do something to help you, it pays to be nice to them. It's usually not the greatest idea in the world to be nasty and mean to them.

Like I said before... the die-hard Hillary supporters... call them any name in the book... tee off on them with impunity! You're not going to ever win over their votes anyway so it doesn't matter. But Cruz supporters are people who you CAN win over... they WANT to support your guy. Why are you all acting like he is a bigger enemy than Hillary? :dunno:
Ah, NO.... YOU and people who think like you are costing us the SCOTUS and a fucked up economy for 4 and perhaps 8 years because you people are truly SELFISH and arrogant!

You can blame it on whatever you want to man... that's what you're going to do when you lose. The bottom line will be that you lost what should've been the easiest slam-dunk election in political history.

And guess how the history books will record it? Well, they won't say that Cruz lost the election to Hillary Clinton, will they? They probably aren't going to say Trump could've won if the Cruz supporters had backed him. So... while you and Trump may cast blame on whatever when you lose, you are still going to lose and you'll be forever remembered as the losers.

Personally, I want to WIN this election. I don't want to wake up to Hillary Clinton as president of the United States. I'm doing everything in my power to help you out here... I'm telling you how to ensure total victory in November... and you continue to stomp on my neck and try to be a bad ass.

Well... okay dude... you go for it! You don't respect my opinion, you don't want to heed my advice, you want to continue this smear campaign against me and Cruz even after winning the primary... okay! You'll get exactly what you deserve in November and you can blame it on whatever.

Are you trying to say that all Cruz supporters are brain dead?....I was a BIG Cruz supporter until I realized that he would never be able to draw in Independents the way Trump has.... It was logical!
Are you trying to say that all Cruz supporters are brain dead?....I was a BIG Cruz supporter until I realized that he would never be able to draw in Independents the way Trump has.... It was logical!

Independents aren't going to mean jack shit with 30% of the GOP sitting at home on election day. You can piss away the Kasich and Bush voters... you can even piss away the Rubio voters... you can't win this election without the Cruz voters. You might THINK you can but you're already telegraphing your excuse for losing and you're blaming it on Cruz supporters... so you intuitively KNOW this is the truth.

So now... WHAT is the big deal here? WHY is it so difficult for you to simply refrain from the negative comments toward Cruz and his supporters? He doesn't pose any threat to the nomination, you've won that battle. He can't change the platform, it has been established. He won't be the VP pick, that's been made.... So what is the reason for this incessant hatred and nastiness toward Ted Cruz? What possible purpose can it serve at this point?

Is is so that you can have a convenient scapegoat in case Trump loses? Is that it? Let's keep ol' "Lyin' Ted" on the hook and that way, if we lose this thing, we can blame it all on him? Seriously, I am asking in all honesty because it just doesn't make any sense to me. I can't figure out for the life of me why we continue to hear this bashing and trashing of Cruz every chance you get. It's not seeming to happen with Rubio, Bush or Kasich... not happening with Rand Paul or Scott Walker... it's just Cruz.... the guy who finished second to Trump. And it's not over policy disagreement... they have essentially the same take on things, both are anti-establishment, both strong on illegal immigration, national security, economy and trade... a lot of folks speculated they might even be running mates early on. So what is the deal??? :dunno:
Are you trying to say that all Cruz supporters are brain dead?....I was a BIG Cruz supporter until I realized that he would never be able to draw in Independents the way Trump has.... It was logical!

Independents aren't going to mean jack shit with 30% of the GOP sitting at home on election day. You can piss away the Kasich and Bush voters... you can even piss away the Rubio voters... you can't win this election without the Cruz voters. You might THINK you can but you're already telegraphing your excuse for losing and you're blaming it on Cruz supporters... so you intuitively KNOW this is the truth.

So now... WHAT is the big deal here? WHY is it so difficult for you to simply refrain from the negative comments toward Cruz and his supporters? He doesn't pose any threat to the nomination, you've won that battle. He can't change the platform, it has been established. He won't be the VP pick, that's been made.... So what is the reason for this incessant hatred and nastiness toward Ted Cruz? What possible purpose can it serve at this point?

Is is so that you can have a convenient scapegoat in case Trump loses? Is that it? Let's keep ol' "Lyin' Ted" on the hook and that way, if we lose this thing, we can blame it all on him? Seriously, I am asking in all honesty because it just doesn't make any sense to me. I can't figure out for the life of me why we continue to hear this bashing and trashing of Cruz every chance you get. It's not seeming to happen with Rubio, Bush or Kasich... not happening with Rand Paul or Scott Walker... it's just Cruz.... the guy who finished second to Trump. And it's not over policy disagreement... they have essentially the same take on things, both are anti-establishment, both strong on illegal immigration, national security, economy and trade... a lot of folks speculated they might even be running mates early on. So what is the deal??? :dunno:
Where do you get the insane idea that 30% are going to sit it out? Because people voted for other candidates in the primary? We are talking a 1 on 1 against the most corrupt, lying, criminal bitch in American history...if THAT doesn't do it for them, then they DESERVE that C*unt!
Wasn't this place all abuzz for Sanders selling out with his endorsement of Hillary? Cruz stands by his principles and yet he gets put on blast for it. lol

Most conservatives are so stupid that they couldn't pour piss out of a boot; even if the instructions were on the heel.
Wasn't this place all abuzz for Sanders selling out with his endorsement of Hillary? Cruz stands by his principles and yet he gets put on blast for it. lol

Most conservatives are so stupid that they couldn't pour piss out of a boot; even if the instructions were on the heel.

Most conservatives are smart enough not to run around with piss filled boots.........unlike some...ie YOU>
Wasn't this place all abuzz for Sanders selling out with his endorsement of Hillary? Cruz stands by his principles and yet he gets put on blast for it. lol

Most conservatives are so stupid that they couldn't pour piss out of a boot; even if the instructions were on the heel.
Says the one who can't tell Hillary broke the law, despite my having laid it out for her. I bet you just insult Conservatives in an attempt to justify your following of a hive mind of government worshippers, who want life handed to them on a silver platter, while the middle class has their money stolen and handed to said government worshippers by said government. You're in no position to insult anyone's intelligence.
I am sorry, but, I have not said one word about Cruz in months, and only did tonight.......well you know what I said. If he had not been around I never would have said anything AND even if Pumpkin had not started her thread I would never have said anything, so I dunno what your talking about. Not like I started a Cruz bashing thread. I am not interested enough in him to do that.

Well I wasn't talking just to you. I'm talking to ALL Trump's supporters. IF you want the votes from the Cruz supporters, you've got to be a little bit nice to them.... does that not make sense to you? Is it not clear that you (Trump supporters) cannot continue this hateful vitriolic bashing and trashing of Cruz and his supporters and depend on their support in November?

Seems like this would be clear to even the most abject moron on the planet... if you want someone to do something to help you, it pays to be nice to them. It's usually not the greatest idea in the world to be nasty and mean to them.

Like I said before... the die-hard Hillary supporters... call them any name in the book... tee off on them with impunity! You're not going to ever win over their votes anyway so it doesn't matter. But Cruz supporters are people who you CAN win over... they WANT to support your guy. Why are you all acting like he is a bigger enemy than Hillary? :dunno:

????????? Ummm I have never begged, or even asked any person to vote for who I wanted them to vote for. Think about what you are saying.
"Be nice to me or I won't vote how (I THINK) you want me to vote. " Kinda like blackmail isn't it???

And btw I AM nice to you. I have never cussed you as you have me. But, I also have my own mind.

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