I missed Ted Cruz so much

game, set, match, Bo
You're either praising her ability to get away with breaking the law, or you're praising her extremely high level of incompetence. Either way, the only reason that crook isn't behind bars is because the Establishment loves criminals.

I was praising Bo’s takedown of a poser.
I'm replying to what you were praising, while ignoring the troll. Don't dodge my assertion.

No sir, you were replying to me congratulating Bo on bitch-slapping you.
I'm not a fan of the GOP or Cruz, but finally a conservative that's got principles and guts....and bold and brave enough to tell Trump and the party to kiss his ass. I will never understand this unity bs...you call me a liar, you diss my wife, you diss my family, my dad and because you win the nod, all should be forgotten???/ Fuck that shit, way to go Ted. Cause I can assure all the former candidates, if the shoe was on the other foot....Trump would be back in NY back to business and the hell with yaw and the party.
Lyin' Ted ruined a great evening at the RNC. What a buzzkill that douchebag is. He upset the entire crowd except the group of hillbillies that support him. IMO he damaged his future aspirations with that terrible speech. He did not show any support for The Donald.
He'll never run for President on the Republican ticket again after not endorsing Trump. Even Sanders bit the big one and Endorsed Hillary. Cruz just flushed his career down the toilet.

I can see Trump hiring Cruz....Trump likes hiring anybody that will work for pennies on the dollar...just ask the Mexicans that make his families clothing apparel.
Bye bye Ted, you phony hypocrite. Good riddance to your never ending story about the money stuffed into your dad's underwear.
game, set, match, Bo
You're either praising her ability to get away with breaking the law, or you're praising her extremely high level of incompetence. Either way, the only reason that crook isn't behind bars is because the Establishment loves criminals.

I was praising Bo’s takedown of a poser.
I'm replying to what you were praising, while ignoring the troll. Don't dodge my assertion.

No sir, you were replying to me congratulating Bo on bitch-slapping you.
I fail to see how it's a B-slap when you're either praising your candidate's incompetence, or the fact that she broke the law and got away with it. I'm also not a sir.
game, set, match, Bo
You're either praising her ability to get away with breaking the law, or you're praising her extremely high level of incompetence. Either way, the only reason that crook isn't behind bars is because the Establishment loves criminals.

I was praising Bo’s takedown of a poser.
I'm replying to what you were praising, while ignoring the troll. Don't dodge my assertion.

No sir, you were replying to me congratulating Bo on bitch-slapping you.
I fail to see how it's a B-slap when you're either praising your candidate's incompetence, or the fact that she broke the law and got away with it. I'm also not a sir.

Of course you fail to see it. Your bitch ass can't read.

I didn't mention presumptive President Clinton. I was congratulating Bo on bitch slapping you.
Lyin' Ted really needs to resign from the Senate or he should be forcibly removed due to the fact he has proven he is mentally ill. As folks have mentioned, we are so lucky he revealed how sick he is to the world last night.
Lyin' Ted really needs to resign from the Senate or he should be forcibly removed due to the fact he has proven he is mentally ill. As folks have mentioned, we are so lucky he revealed how sick he is to the world last night.
What does that say about republican voters? Dont forget Ted Cruz finished 2nd in the primaries. Thank you for finally admitting what us liberals knew all along.

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