I Need To Ask This Question To All Biden Supporters Before I Go Mad

There was no distribution of the vaccines under Trump.
Why would you expect there would be?
Oh, you're now changing your position? I wasn't deflecting when I called out Yidnar's lie?

Good to know.

Idiot LIAR. I changed no position. Go take your fucking medicine.
See BS Filter ? You're not the first.
Why on earth do you support him!?! You do realize that the Biden/Harris administration is letting people into this country that want us dead and want to take away our rights and make America a communist country right? I just can't seem to understand why you want that as that's not what America is supposed to be or what it's supposed to represent!! Sure, Trump isn't perfect,.. but everything that he said he was going to do he got done, and even though he's not the sitting president anymore, he went to the border anyways because the spawn of Satan Kamala Harris refused to and she hasn't done anything since becoming VP and neither has Biden come to think of it.

It's just the people controlling him that are destroying this country, but since he wants to make it look like he's the mastermind behind it, of course he's not going to take a bloody cognition test. I mean just please help me to understand your reasonings. Do you just not understand all this or are you just all asleep!?

For those of you who don't know, I have special needs and I am mentally challenged and I understand all this. I even have enough understanding to know this election was stolen, because how on earth does basically the whole fucking country go from red to blue overnight and how on earth did a man who didn't do anything get so many votes!? Plus, there were more votes than the voters themselves. It was the biggest election fraud in US history and all of the evidence doesn't just go away because somebody refuses to look at it or says that it isn't there. What's going on America!?

Why does anyone support the US political system at all? It least to corruption, is hardly democratic and leads to partisan bullshit politics.

It's incredible.

People could choose a much better system like Proportional Representation, but they don't. Why?
If Trump was a dictator he'd still be in office. Duh
We voted him out of office before he could become the dictator he spent 4 years laying the groundwork for.

But you wingnuts will continue to play dumb.
He was the Commander of the military and didn't use them. That's what dictators do. Read some history books. You're believing your own propaganda.
The military isn't a mindless follower of madmen. They would not have obeyed his order in 2020. But if re-elected? He would have had another 4 years in which to replace Generals and other command with his yes-men and flunkies, like Rick Grenell. Four years wasn't enough time for him to accomplish his goal of dictatorship, and he was too stupid and narcissistic to be moderate enough and competent enough to get re-elected.
Then he obviously wasn't a dictator if he couldn't get re-elected. Duh!
Nobody claimed that Trump was a dictator. Dumbass.
You clearly aren't paying attention. The left around here have been claiming Trump was a wanna be dictator. Stupid shithead.
You don't know the difference between a dictator and a wannabe dictator?
You're a stupid liar.
If Trump was a dictator he'd still be in office. Duh
Then he obviously wasn't a dictator if he couldn't get re-elected. Duh!
Nobody claimed that Trump was a dictator. Dumbass.

EXCEPT YOU, Fuckwit. :1peleas:

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You were asked why you support Biden. You answered because he was the alternative. That you wanted to continue to live in America, not Trump's dictatorship. There it is in BLACK AND WHITE.

You called Trump a dictator, you said he was building a dictatorship. Well, you know what? Maybe Biddum's a dictator! He's done far more dictatorial things in his 6 months! We need to stop him now before he cements his hold over our democracy! I want to continue to live in America too!

You're a filthy fucking LIAR.
Because re-electing Trump would have been installing him for life. I didn't want that.

Why are you so fucking dense?
Did you see that in your crystal ball?
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
That's a long and complex story. I'm more interested in first hearing about where this "dictatorship" of Trump's was. Why don't you ask Synth to embellish this. I really want to know what Trump took from me that Joe has given back considering that Trump got ZERO cooperation on anything from the democrats and only limited support from his own party often.

So just how did Trump run his dictatorship, from the roof of the White House alone with a Thompson machine gun? :auiqs.jpg:
Come on, that is a cop out.

C'mon, Coyote, quit evading. Ask Synthabolic first about how Trump was a dictator! Why aren't you curious? First things first. Why do so many get a free pass to make such absurd claims (like the election fraud was debunked) yet NEVER answer any questions or provide evidence supporting their claims! We call that MUD-SLINGING. Synth is an EXPERT in cop outs. Besides, as Synth just pointed out, I'm not smart enough to answer questions. I'm really a very dull boy, not the perspicacious individual that folks on the Left are.

Let me know when Synthaholic has given his/her erudite explanation complete with examples of Trump's "dictatorship," then I'll be glad to sit down and waste my valuable time detailing the hundreds of ways the Harriden Admin has already diminished my life that you won't believe, understand or agree with, and he/she/it/them just got into office.
Dictators refuse to be held accountable. That expresses itself in myriad ways.

  • Not complying with Congressional oversight
  • Ignoring subpoenas
  • Not putting forth nominees to be confirmed by the Senate, as required by the Constitution
  • Installing puppets as "Acting" in crucial positions
  • Firing inspector generals without cause
  • Taking money illegally from DoD to build his failed wall
  • Refusing to concede an election that even his own administration said was not stolen
  • Starting an insurrection
If Trump was a dictator he'd still be in office. Duh!
You don't think he tried???
If he would have tried, he would have used the military. DUH!

He tried. He instructed the Military to protect the "Protesters" at the Capital and to use force. They refused. Rump ceased to be a Commander in Charge as of that moment.
WTF are you talking about? What is a Commander in Charge?

That's about as close as I can stomach mentioning Rump and what CIC really means. Of course, I don't expect you to understand and it confuses the hell out of you that the Military not only said "NO" to Rump but NO a few times.
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
That's a long and complex story. I'm more interested in first hearing about where this "dictatorship" of Trump's was. Why don't you ask Synth to embellish this. I really want to know what Trump took from me that Joe has given back considering that Trump got ZERO cooperation on anything from the democrats and only limited support from his own party often.

So just how did Trump run his dictatorship, from the roof of the White House alone with a Thompson machine gun? :auiqs.jpg:
Come on, that is a cop out.

C'mon, Coyote, quit evading. Ask Synthabolic first about how Trump was a dictator! Why aren't you curious? First things first. Why do so many get a free pass to make such absurd claims (like the election fraud was debunked) yet NEVER answer any questions or provide evidence supporting their claims! We call that MUD-SLINGING. Synth is an EXPERT in cop outs. Besides, as Synth just pointed out, I'm not smart enough to answer questions. I'm really a very dull boy, not the perspicacious individual that folks on the Left are.

Let me know when Synthaholic has given his/her erudite explanation complete with examples of Trump's "dictatorship," then I'll be glad to sit down and waste my valuable time detailing the hundreds of ways the Harriden Admin has already diminished my life that you won't believe, understand or agree with, and he/she/it/them just got into office.
Dictators refuse to be held accountable. That expresses itself in myriad ways.

  • Not complying with Congressional oversight
  • Ignoring subpoenas
  • Not putting forth nominees to be confirmed by the Senate, as required by the Constitution
  • Installing puppets as "Acting" in crucial positions
  • Firing inspector generals without cause
  • Taking money illegally from DoD to build his failed wall
  • Refusing to concede an election that even his own administration said was not stolen
  • Starting an insurrection
If Trump was a dictator he'd still be in office. Duh!
You don't think he tried???
If he would have tried, he would have used the military. DUH!

He tried. He instructed the Military to protect the "Protesters" at the Capital and to use force. They refused. Rump ceased to be a Commander in Charge as of that moment.
WTF are you talking about? What is a Commander in Charge?

That's about as close as I can stomach mentioning Rump and what CIC really means. Of course, I don't expect you to understand and it confuses the hell out of you that the Military not only said "NO" to Rump but NO a few times.

You are so full of shit. He never did anything of the sort, so you are simply a lying libtard.
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
That's a long and complex story. I'm more interested in first hearing about where this "dictatorship" of Trump's was. Why don't you ask Synth to embellish this. I really want to know what Trump took from me that Joe has given back considering that Trump got ZERO cooperation on anything from the democrats and only limited support from his own party often.

So just how did Trump run his dictatorship, from the roof of the White House alone with a Thompson machine gun? :auiqs.jpg:
Come on, that is a cop out.

C'mon, Coyote, quit evading. Ask Synthabolic first about how Trump was a dictator! Why aren't you curious? First things first. Why do so many get a free pass to make such absurd claims (like the election fraud was debunked) yet NEVER answer any questions or provide evidence supporting their claims! We call that MUD-SLINGING. Synth is an EXPERT in cop outs. Besides, as Synth just pointed out, I'm not smart enough to answer questions. I'm really a very dull boy, not the perspicacious individual that folks on the Left are.

Let me know when Synthaholic has given his/her erudite explanation complete with examples of Trump's "dictatorship," then I'll be glad to sit down and waste my valuable time detailing the hundreds of ways the Harriden Admin has already diminished my life that you won't believe, understand or agree with, and he/she/it/them just got into office.
Dictators refuse to be held accountable. That expresses itself in myriad ways.

  • Not complying with Congressional oversight
  • Ignoring subpoenas
  • Not putting forth nominees to be confirmed by the Senate, as required by the Constitution
  • Installing puppets as "Acting" in crucial positions
  • Firing inspector generals without cause
  • Taking money illegally from DoD to build his failed wall
  • Refusing to concede an election that even his own administration said was not stolen
  • Starting an insurrection
If Trump was a dictator he'd still be in office. Duh!
You don't think he tried???
If he would have tried, he would have used the military. DUH!

He tried. He instructed the Military to protect the "Protesters" at the Capital and to use force. They refused. Rump ceased to be a Commander in Charge as of that moment.
WTF are you talking about? What is a Commander in Charge?

That's about as close as I can stomach mentioning Rump and what CIC really means. Of course, I don't expect you to understand and it confuses the hell out of you that the Military not only said "NO" to Rump but NO a few times.

You are so full of shit. He never did anything of the sort, so you are simply a lying libtard.

And Rump really won the 2020 election in both EC and Total Votes, right. It's all part of the "Big Lie". But in order to make the "Big Lie" work, the Military must be in on it and the Military told your bunch and your "Leader" to take a hike. But you keep repeating that "Big Lie" over and over. We'll keep laughing at you.
You snowflakes are all such victims.
Among the many character flaws of liberals I consider plagiarism one of the most annoying

“Snowflake” as a positive term began in lib la la land to describe children in a well meaning but easy to make fin of manner

Conservatives noticed this and began to mock woke lib teenagers with the term

But now the left has been forced to steal the insult for their own use because they lack the imagination to come up with something original
Why on earth do you support him!?! You do realize that the Biden/Harris administration is letting people into this country that want us dead and want to take away our rights and make America a communist country right? I just can't seem to understand why you want that as that's not what America is supposed to be or what it's supposed to represent!! Sure, Trump isn't perfect,.. but everything that he said he was going to do he got done, and even though he's not the sitting president anymore, he went to the border anyways because the spawn of Satan Kamala Harris refused to and she hasn't done anything since becoming VP and neither has Biden come to think of it.

It's just the people controlling him that are destroying this country, but since he wants to make it look like he's the mastermind behind it, of course he's not going to take a bloody cognition test. I mean just please help me to understand your reasonings. Do you just not understand all this or are you just all asleep!?

For those of you who don't know, I have special needs and I am mentally challenged and I understand all this. I even have enough understanding to know this election was stolen, because how on earth does basically the whole fucking country go from red to blue overnight and how on earth did a man who didn't do anything get so many votes!? Plus, there were more votes than the voters themselves. It was the biggest election fraud in US history and all of the evidence doesn't just go away because somebody refuses to look at it or says that it isn't there. What's going on America!?
Perhaps if you were more familiar with the life experiences, perspectives, priorities and opinions of others, this wouldn't be such a mystery to you.

The fact that people don't agree with you on the above doesn't mean that they're stupid or evil, or that they hate you or America. It simply means that they disagree with you.

This is something most people learn before they reach adulthood.
No, they are stupid or evil, and they hate America.
So you didn't grow out of that, either.
Mac, I consider you to be one of the most vile human beings I have encountered on this message board. You are terminally stupid and incapable of debating on any topic. You need psychiatric help to cure your TDS for Trump and obvious homosexual attraction to Biden.

What a disgusting thing to say.. Is that your best arguement?
Is that a rhetorical question? :laugh:
The fact that people don't agree with you on the above doesn't mean that they're stupid or evil, or that they hate you or America. It simply means that they disagree with you.
People who support Trump believe anyone who doesn't follow Don the Con is stupid and evil, and a sizeable percentage believe violence is permissible if election results don't turn out in their favor.

Authoritarianism Among Trump Voters | Monmouth University Polling Institute

“Research on authoritarianism suggests that a fairly consistent proportion of the public has anti-democratic inclinations.

"The extent to which we see these authoritarian tendencies play out in public life depends on whether those views are given credibility by the society, particularly by its leaders."
how many cities did conservatives loot and burn in the recent months ?
Here we go again.
Same old diatribe of lies and stupity by an intellectual vacuum.
Not one fact or link attached to it.
And you call yourself a patriot. You're a bigoted hate filled brain dead Republican piece of shit.
being on the bad side of leftwing killers of the unborn is a good thing ....being disliked by evil is a sign of decency .
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Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
that makes no sense since you're an antirights fascist
You just...say words, don'tcha?

Please tell the class in what way am I anti-rights or Fascistic. This should be good. :)
silencing censoring and doxing political enemies for starters ... if you support those actions like your leaders do then you are a fascist ... by the way Hitler would agree with your avatars racist comments and views about the Jewish people.
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Well I will agree with you that we need to maintain our economic independence from China.
Not only do they cheat, but they are taking our jobs and technology.
We also cheat. As does every nation that can get away with it. And American politicians - more Republicans than Democrats, but both - have SENT those jobs to China. Don't blame China for accepting them.
If Trump was a dictator he'd still be in office. Duh
Then he obviously wasn't a dictator if he couldn't get re-elected. Duh!
Nobody claimed that Trump was a dictator. Dumbass.

EXCEPT YOU, Fuckwit. :1peleas:

View attachment 509300

You were asked why you support Biden. You answered because he was the alternative. That you wanted to continue to live in America, not Trump's dictatorship. There it is in BLACK AND WHITE.

You called Trump a dictator, you said he was building a dictatorship. Well, you know what? Maybe Biddum's a dictator! He's done far more dictatorial things in his 6 months! We need to stop him now before he cements his hold over our democracy! I want to continue to live in America too!

You're a filthy fucking LIAR.
Because re-electing Trump would have been installing him for life. I didn't want that.

Why are you so fucking dense?
that is the dumbest statement i have heard on this message board in the nearly 10 yrs i've been here .here ya go ...
Left wing killers now. Because you godbotherers wanted to force your filthy religion into the wombs of others, now the democrats are killers. You hypocrites.

How about when religious women have abortions then practice contraception whilst attending church? Believe me. That's what happens.
How does that fit with your silly God?

You people have the principles of alley cats to preach what others should do.
Do something about those kiddy fiddling priests you all support by attending church. Never thought of that did you?
You don't think much at all really.
You hypocrite.
There was no distribution of the vaccines under Trump. It was all slapdash improvisation, with no plan, no idea how to get it done, and no will to even do it, especially after he lost the election.

Trump lost interest in COVID once he started campaigning.
He never had a centralized COVID strategy, he just pitted one state against the others and politicized the pandemic.
You snowflakes are all such victims.
Among the many character flaws of liberals I consider plagiarism one of the most annoying

“Snowflake” as a positive term began in lib la la land to describe children in a well meaning but easy to make fin of manner

Conservatives noticed this and began to mock woke lib teenagers with the term

But now the left has been forced to steal the insult for their own use because they lack the imagination to come up with something original
Snowflake Conservative whimpering about who gets to use the term

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